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Ticket or receipt? Cop caught on camera urging driver to pay bribe (VIDEO)

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Well as long this society in Thailand and also the foreigners living here are dealing with the bribes as long there will be no way to stop it: getting cought is such a smal risk every police guy can take it easy!

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Yes, gross as it is, this is how they make their wage. Quietly accepted in Thai culture but can't be seen/acknowledged in such a fashion.

Here in LOS the people are born into corruption instituted by the top.Most Thais in either government or business would rather make a quick few hundred thousand baht then wait a bit and make more.To them legitimacy is not a path often taken.TIT as Barnard first quoted.


The taxi driver and the traffic cop clip - all above board, say police


Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: -- Bangkok police have moved quickly to deny social media claims they were caught on tape taking a traffic bribe.

The Bukkhalo station said that it was a misunderstanding and now they want to talk to the person who shared the clip as it presented them in a bad and erroneous light reported Daily News.

Bukkhalo police want to talk to the person who posted the clip and said they would be prepared to accept an apology. They said that people should think twice before posting material that could be construed as defaming others.

Source: Daily News


-- 2016-05-13

How magnanimous of them, prepared to accept an apology.

Time to shoot the messenger.


The taxi driver and the traffic cop clip - all above board, say police

Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: -- Bangkok police have moved quickly to deny social media claims they were caught on tape taking a traffic bribe.

Bukkhalo police want to talk to the person who posted the clip and said they would be prepared to accept an apology

"we are prepared to accept an apology... in an envelope" tongue.png


The poorly paid policeman must be doing something wrong. Three of my in-laws are in the police force in Thailand at different ranks and the lowest rank officer not only owns his 2,000,000 baht house outright but also bought his mother-in-law a new Honda City last month. admittedly not all his money comes from bribes as he uses that money to finance the local money lenders who charge phenomenal interest rates. Corruption is the way of life in Thailand. I agree that it is wrong but when you live in Thailand is does make your life easier if you have money to oil the wheels.


It happens all over the place. I was stopped on 3 different occasions while visiting.Yes I was driving without a local or international licence but each time I simply made a call to my mate who was in charge of traffic police and immediately am saluted and waved through?????.


Last time i tried to bribe the police the 1st two officers wouldnt accept it, but they conveniently turned their backs while the 3rd one kindly accepted it while trying his hardest to be discreet about it in an almost helerious fashion


It happens all over the place. I was stopped on 3 different occasions while visiting.Yes I was driving without a local or international licence but each time I simply made a call to my mate who was in charge of traffic police and immediately am saluted and waved through?????.

And a police escort open the way for you, right???


'Bukkhalo police want to talk to the person who posted the clip and said they would be prepared to accept an apology.' That's big of them. But the clip is evidence of the reputation that the RTP has engendered.


It happens all over the place. I was stopped on 3 different occasions while visiting.Yes I was driving without a local or international licence but each time I simply made a call to my mate who was in charge of traffic police and immediately am saluted and waved through?????.

Perhaps your mate should be out there doing his job, including putting a rocket under the a___s of the numerous BiBs sleeping on duty.


It happens all over the place. I was stopped on 3 different occasions while visiting.Yes I was driving without a local or international licence but each time I simply made a call to my mate who was in charge of traffic police and immediately am saluted and waved through?????.

And a police escort open the way for you, right???

Oh how I remember the golden days down in Phuket when you're too smashed, and pay phan baht for a police escort getting you back to your accommodation whistling.gifgigglem.gif

On a side note though, I've more than once gotten a ride with the cops down in Samui, from ferry port to my cottage - good neighbours are hard to come by ^^


"On a side note though, I've more than once gotten a ride with the cops down in Samui, from ferry port to my cottage..."

I don't think you know what that word means.




a small simple house, typically one near a lake or beach.

a dwelling forming part of a farm establishment, used by a worker.

"farm cottages"

synonyms: cabin, lodge;


"On a side note though, I've more than once gotten a ride with the cops down in Samui, from ferry port to my cottage..."

I don't think you know what that word means.




a small simple house, typically one near a lake or beach.

a dwelling forming part of a farm establishment, used by a worker.

"farm cottages"

synonyms: cabin, lodge;

Exactly what I meant :) Though lodge would've been my second option :> In finnish: mökki - google that :)


Ah come on, this has been going on since the 15th century and nothing new, hardly news worthy. If the woman broke a law then she could have paid the legal way, end of story. Why make a song and dance about it?


As the cops are now recording everything on helmet cams and sharing it on social media, I see no reason why the public cannot record and share on their handphones on social media. It is a powerful tool.


I just drive off, if they try to stop me, they can never be bothered to do anything about it as they

will lose money by going after me, there next victim is just around the corner.


The Thai police force is corrupt to the core and should be dismantled.

Instances of bribery should result in imprisonment for he policeman involved, AND the person paying the bribe.

See how quickly it stops after the first hundred people get banged up. But it won't happen because no Thai government is going to cut it;s own financial feeder tube. much less an Army government which will not submit its member's wealth to public scrutiny.



Seriously...can you imagine how prosperous Thailand would be if the public actually demanded and ensured that corruption was cut, say, 50%? It would only take a couple of decades before Thailand was on par with Hong Kong...there's so much opportunity here, but the dollars only find their way to the powerful and corrupt...I know that corruption is impossible to extinguish completely...but it is not too terribly difficult to fix the obvious...an honest leader could accomplish this quite quickly...it's one of the most frustrating aspects of living here as a farang...and I lose respect each day for the Thais who allow this to continue....

kudos to the driver...


Personally, I don't mind paying the 100 Baht, would rather do that than have to go to the station and pay 400 Baht, either way I am paying a fine for doing something wrong (a minor traffic offence), just by the road is cheaper and more convenient.

I will let the 'rule of law' posters rant and rave now smile.png

but then wouldnt it be easier and a bigger premium if they just issued roadside tickets at 400baht


Seriously...can you imagine how prosperous Thailand would be if the public actually demanded and ensured that corruption was cut, say, 50%? It would only take a couple of decades before Thailand was on par with Hong Kong...there's so much opportunity here, but the dollars only find their way to the powerful and corrupt...I know that corruption is impossible to extinguish completely...but it is not too terribly difficult to fix the obvious...an honest leader could accomplish this quite quickly...it's one of the most frustrating aspects of living here as a farang...and I lose respect each day for the Thais who allow this to continue....

kudos to the driver...

first an honest leader would never get in and second if he/she did asasination is highly likely


They want wn apology 55555. The cops at that station deserve nothing of the sort. Lazy indifferent and money hungry best describes how they police their area. Refusing to check cctv after kids have been eaten and robbed by local motorsai gangs. Refusing to make reports.

Set ups and planting drugs are known to happen. Beating up kids who won't sign forged confessions is known. Refusing them access to family or legal counsel until they sign is standard practice.

Joking when they think they're out of earshot about how they'd get their target bonus because they'd just stitched up another local kid on a fake drug charge. Seen it all, heard it all for years from the boys at Bukkhalo.

So excuse me if I say to them far queue.

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