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Foreign ladies sunbathing in undies not happy to have to cover up - but police say it was for their


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in Croatia without problem, women on beach without a top (!). unripened emotional and dangerous Thais should be separated from the real world...sick.gif

I know that pedophiles from western world and perverts, the current situation in Thailand very like......sick.gif corruption, law enforcement, harassment of normal tourists -that western rich money make from thailand . now you see in th every day

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

But, no one told me at the border that I could be robbed, ass kicked, pissed tested, roll overs in quick mini vans and buses all in one night , should not the locals have behavior rules to avoid the previous question?

When you came to Thailand, was you expecting to escape from World realities ?

Was you expecting some kind of Disneyland like place ?

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

"Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?". I try to avoid using the word "Why", when it relates to the action of others.

I keep my side of the street clean and others can do what they like.

Live and Let Live.

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...undies or bathing suits....what difference...

...confirmed that foreigners are being stalked wherever they go...

...no matter how discreet they try to be...

...pay a fortune to come here....then be allowed to do 'only as you are told'....

....and of course....pay.pay.pay....


...thank the policeman for informing them they might be molested....raped...or worse.....???

...utter insanity....

Yes, often difficult to tell the difference.

I could understand if they were wearing peep hole bras or crotchless panties, but to be fair I bet they would have had the same attention had they been wearing bikinis, should really keep the bikinis for the beach or pool.

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Let's be fair for a change??this is Thailand, it is not normal to sunbathe in your bikini in a public park.Girls may do that at home but this is not home.You must accept their rules and respect the culture too.If you don't like it lump it

You call what they were wearing a "bikini"? You need to go get your eyes checked out dude.

Of course it is perfectly alright for the Thai girls to wear their shorts up to their navels walking around the malls for all to see. God forbid that would stop or 90% of all the foreign men would to leave Thailand. LOL

And the *real* difference between underwear and bikini is what exactly?

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Young (western) women today seem to think they can do what they want where they want in whatever clothes they want.

No....you can't.

Then they complain of sexual harassment.....and wonder why they attract the wrong attention.

Just stupid.

So if i don't like the shirt you have on in Thailand i can kick your teeth in?

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Typical official Thai reaction - cover up for your own safety and blame the victim or potential victim.

In my home town, it's illegal to leave your car running unattended when you're in the mall shopping. I suppose that's just as wrong?

Some people need to be protected from their own poor judgement.

OK I'll bite.....what has leaving your car running unattended in a shopping mall area in any way connected to women sunbathing in their undies? If someone leaves their car unattended and running in a shopping mall I can assure you the officials who slap a ticket on it won't have the opportunity to get a ticket on the car as opportunity knocks and that car will be gone (well mine was when I left it running and popped into a shop to get a newspaper many years ago..lol )

Edited by eastendanto
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And this is coming from a country with hundreds of thousand of half naked bar girls and street walkers...

did any one said double standards here?......

Hundreds of thousands? Gimme a break.

Anyway, there would've been quite a storm if something had happened to those girls.

After being here three years and loving Thais, with all their faults, I now realize that plenty of Westerners are trapped here, mainly for financial reasons. Of course, they are the most vocal Thai-bashers, and I used to think, Why don't these geezers just leave? Now I realize they can't.

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

They probably heard that Thai women walked around topless within the last century. whistling.gif

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

Absolutely correct. I studied fine Art at a recognised university in Australia 58 years ago.The class had nude models, male and female, for the students to engage in drawing the most difficult subject in art. The human body. Men and women models posed for the class, not all at once I hasten to add but human anatomy is a subject that must be understood by any budding fine artist. Recently I have continued my interest in Life Art but the response I get from many, when looking for suitable models, including foreigners, is one of horror. Michelangelo and Leonardo di Vinci were artists who led the art world in this art subject 400-500 years ago, plus many others in proceeding centuries. Recently in a discussion with a few Thai woman with their spouse's I posed a question, 'had they not ever seen a nude woman other than themselves? No, No, most almost reeled back in horror. Never. Never! they shook her heads.

I'm lost for words. Thailand is a nation of contradictions. Sex opportunities for the erotic minded are boundless but narrow mindedness regarding the beauty of the art world for the majority is endemic. Thailand is still living in the dark ages.

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And this is coming from a country with hundreds of thousand of half naked bar girls and street walkers...

did any one said double standards here?......

So why not take the sunbath in that area? Why go to a secluded area with trees? It may happen the same action to them as might happen in Europe...

Nothing Thai at all...

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And this is coming from a country with hundreds of thousand of half naked bar girls and street walkers...

did any one said double standards here?......

Hundreds of thousands? Gimme a break.

Anyway, there would've been quite a storm if something had happened to those girls.

After being here three years and loving Thais, with all their faults, I now realize that plenty of Westerners are trapped here, mainly for financial reasons. Of course, they are the most vocal Thai-bashers, and I used to think, Why don't these geezers just leave? Now I realize they can't.

A new candidate for the most facile post on the thread?

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

Absolutely correct. I studied fine Art at a recognised university in Australia 58 years ago.The class had nude models, male and female, for the students to engage in drawing the most difficult subject in art. The human body. Men and women models posed for the class, not all at once I hasten to add but human anatomy is a subject that must be understood by any budding fine artist. Recently I have continued my interest in Life Art but the response I get from many, when looking for suitable models, including foreigners, is one of horror. Michelangelo and Leonardo di Vinci were artists who led the art world in this art subject 400-500 years ago, plus many others in proceeding centuries. Recently in a discussion with a few Thai woman with their spouse's I posed a question, 'had they not ever seen a nude woman other than themselves? No, No, most almost reeled back in horror. Never. Never! they shook her heads.

I'm lost for words. Thailand is a nation of contradictions. Sex opportunities for the erotic minded are boundless but narrow mindedness regarding the beauty of the art world for the majority is endemic. Thailand is still living in the dark ages.

" I studied fine Art at a recognised university in Australia 58 years ago" - now there's an oxymoron, if ever I saw one!
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western women cause trouble with their arrogant sense of feminist entitlement in Asia.

Imagine that... nowadays it's "feminist entitlement" to demand to not get raped.

not just that but: "I am a woman so I can do anything I want without regard on other people feelings, laws and traditions, and if I will be raped - it will be the fault of these people. not mine"

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guests, visitors, and tourists can stay in Thailand as long as they benefit Thai citizens. and should be deported if they are useless for Thai society
Matt96, you are either a:

1. troll

2. uber-Thai

3. More Thai than the locals

4. All of the above.

By your reasoning, all tourist help in Thailand should be disbanded, since it is there to help tourists first. Disband immigration as well. Wouldn't want people entering who don't grovel to the master race. Hell, let's copy Trump's idea and wall off Thailand. Should be heaven for you then.

it's an old demagogic trick - to turn an opponent's idea into absurd.

I wrote before that Thai government protects guests interests as long as they don't contradict with interests of Thai citizens. but when they contradict - interests of Thai citizens are (and should be) more important

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guests, visitors, and tourists can stay in Thailand as long as they benefit Thai citizens. and should be deported if they are useless for Thai society
Matt96, you are either a:

1. troll

2. uber-Thai

3. More Thai than the locals

4. All of the above.

By your reasoning, all tourist help in Thailand should be disbanded, since it is there to help tourists first. Disband immigration as well. Wouldn't want people entering who don't grovel to the master race. Hell, let's copy Trump's idea and wall off Thailand. Should be heaven for you then.

By his reasoning all tourism should be disbanded, tourists don't come here to help Thais. They come here to have a holiday and be helped by Thais.

tourists indeed help Thais - they pay for hotels, restaurants etc... or you think Thais do there best to attract tourists to make them happy?


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you are just a guest here. the law of this country prohibits this kid of behavior. you can have two simple choices

1) obey the law

2) leave Thailand

as simple as that...

Drop this 'We are a guest in this country"

By no stretch of the imagination are we guests.

  • Guests are invited
  • Guests are welcomed
  • Guests are not subjected to dual pricing
  • Guests don't have to jump through hoops just to stay here
  • Guests don't get coerced into paying bribes
  • Guests are not subjected to rules made up to suit the authorities
  • Guests would not be kicked out of the country on a whim
  • Guests would not have to pay taxes and immigration fees etc.

Would you treat your guests in such a way?

Here here, am so tired of hearing the whole we are guests speech by those who overlook all what is wrong with Thailand at the moment. If the women are in a public area or on hallowed ground, then yes they should show manners and good taste. At the same time, if they are not, they should just be left alone. It was good that the police were worried about their safety, but they should skip the judgment speech if it is not necessary.

who you think you are to tell Royal Thai Police what they should do? lol what a white supremacy impudence!

Thai police considered those actions as law violation. and nobody cares if you agree with that or not. you are a guest here and have absolutely no right to impose your point of view.

Edited by Matt96
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again, according to the law, if the law is broken in some cases policeman can just give a warning. if he just gave a working it does not mean that the law was not broken.

Again, according to him he did not give a warning for indecent exposure....he gave a waring that they could be in danger.

Again, you are the only one who has mentioned indecent exposure, nobody else has suggested the girls committed a crime. Are you now saying that they cop doesn't know what he is doing or saying because he doesn't agree with you?

he gave a warning for indecent exposure. and explained why it's dangerous. if they would not break any rule or law - policeman would not come. his job is law enforcement only. not giving personal advises.

Law enforcement only eh? LMAO! Law enforcement is the last thing most RTP idiots do, it's mostly self enrichment and mafia-like enforcement.

Go easy on Khun Matt people, besides the asteroid sized chip on his dainty little shoulders, try to remember that he is also (almost certainly) a product of the pathetic Thai education system and thus does not know how to properly form an argument or question authority with any confidence at all.coffee1.gif

so if you consider Royal Thai Police as "idiots" can you swear that if somebody rob you or clobber - you will not run to the closest police station, crying for help?

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"main goal" means that if there is a choice governments should follow this goal. if a decision can make citizens and visitors happier - ok, no problem. but if not - happiness of citizens is more important.

guests, visitors, and tourists can stay in Thailand as long as they benefit Thai citizens. and should be deported if they are useless for Thai society or if they make harm.

if you are not agree with that - it's just your personal wishful thinking. nobody in Thailand care of it.

Of course, so long as Thai's can make money off foreigners they can come(and be raped) but if not they are not welcome. So now we come to the actual opinion you hold on anyone not Thai(odd with an Anglo name like Matt) and that nobody cares for their opinion. If that is the case why are you talking to a foreigner?

Or what happens to a Thai who is useless for Thai society or makes harm? Maybe people like the ones lurking in the bushes.

"Of course, so long as Thai's can make money off foreigners they can come(and be raped) but if not they are not welcome."

exactly! foreigners can be let in only if they benefit Thai people. because Thai government works for Thai people benefit only. not yours

"So now we come to the actual opinion you hold on anyone not Thai(odd with an Anglo name like Matt) and that nobody cares for their opinion."

I respect all people from all over the world. but "respect" does not mean that Thai society should work for them. they should work for Thai society if they want to come to Thailand. same as if I want to come to Australia, for example - I should make myself useful for Aussie society

why it's so hard to understand? because if left-wing "entitlement" ideas. I know.

nobody owes you anything in Thailand. accept it.

"Or what happens to a Thai who is useless for Thai society or makes harm?" citizens of Thailand have a right to be useless. because they are citizens. and if they cause harm - there attitude should be adjusted. and if it's not possible - they should be isolated.

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