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Best andriod weather application for CM


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Like the Topic says. Just trying to find something useful in these days of rain waiting and consecutive 40 plus days and when will it break

I have two apps on my phone that work brilliantly and update every half hour or so in my home country. & day forecast, breaks down morning afternoon evening and night, humidity, wind direction, rain chance and timing etc etc.

In CM these apps often show massive differences, standard difference in temp is 4 degrees celcius (not in real feel), chance of rain today varies from 10 percent on one to 80% at this evening on another....and these often contrast with some web based sites like accuweather etc.

Thai media outlets online or in print seem no better.

Is there a reliable app for Thailand/CM that works off a Thai data feed...assuming that is reliable.

What have you found the best for CM android app wise or are they all equally useless for here.

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You have pretty well answered your own question,the chance of you finding any reliable,accurate weather forecast

is nigh on impossible.

As I reported on another thread there has been heavy rain for 3 nights in Petchabun and slightly north.

We can only hope its working its way northwards.

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try the bbc on a pc and then see if you can get the android app to give you the same info


I've found the interactive map at the bottom to be the most accurate for predicting rain, but I've often wondered if this area is just really difficult to predict for. Yesterday no rain on three apps. Today rain on all for many days out.

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I understand the request was for an Android weather ap. I use Amber. It has a choice of three different weatjer info sources. I tried all three and found using Forecase.io as the most accurate. Can send you it if you want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A belated thanks to all. Now have an opportunity to test. Killed off two that failed to note that it is a tad wet outside so Amber the clear winner in Android stakes (Thanks Rotweiler).

Honourable mention to Cloudhopper and windytv. They really are impressive graphics and options when viewed on big screen. Windytv app is good but takes a bit of time to drill down simply for graphics (still very good but four hour delay on Sat visual) and forecast where Amber gives forecast straight up

Hopefully get this post in before Gonzo blows another transformer and blames the rain.

Edited by mamborobert
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Camera. Just use it, make a picture of the sky, then analyse it with your friends on Facebook biggrin.png

No Facebook here i'm afraid (I do have friends (honest) but not 3482 Facebook friends and 112 followers) .....plus the trend in my household follows the Thai national being numerous selfies (pouts and peace signs and tilted head etc etc) and pictures of food with combination of both at Thapae Gate, Iron Bridge and Huay Tung Tao (stock images for CM youth it appears).

Edited by mamborobert
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