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Education reform to be done ahead of next election: PM Prayut


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Education reform to be done ahead of next election: PM


BANGKOK, 16 May 2016 (NNT) - Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha joined a meeting entitled "PM Meets Teacher Friends" with over 20,000 teachers and educational personnel from Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani provinces.

Although teachers and education professionals may try to make progress in the country's education, there has been no clear direction toward a policy to raise academic standards, he said.

He said the Education Ministry is directly in charge of ensuring that national education will meet quality standards and serve the people equally with programs initiated to support their lifetime learning.

The premier said the first phase of education reform must be completed ahead of the next general election, which might be held next year. "Educational problems cannot be solved by political means. It requires cooperation from all sectors," the premier said.

He added that teachers must encourage students to think and innovate. Students must be urged to embrace self-learning exercises, sharpen their analytical thinking and embrace new technology. Students must be able to find ways of solving problems with logic, he said.

-- NNT 2016-05-16 footer_n.gif

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Mmmm interesting...Educational problems can't be sorted by political means..the end product for sure is down to Education Ministry but the policy of teaching is driven by the political powers keeping the masses down.. The Government has to change and allow the very things there advocating to happen..I don't see in the present climate how this can happen...Sharpen there Analitical thinking is the stand out one !!! If students solved problems with logic all the authorities throughout the country would be out of a job as students would not put up with what's been offered now..

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hmmmmm.....let me ask my iphone Siri......Siri, how do i THINK? hold on, i have 234 tabs up and watching 22 shows...

siri says, "your gonna loose."

good ingaleshe

let me use logic to solve this puzzle, "how do i get off the internet and interact with the real world."

answer: buy better graphics card and do virtual reality!!!!! yes!!!!!

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"Although teachers and education professionals may try to make progress in the country's education, there has been no clear direction toward a policy to raise academic standards, he said."

Clear direction? Let's face it. There's no way to go but up.

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha joined a meeting entitled "PM Meets Teacher Friends"

He got a rock-star like reception at this event, most of which was scripted - the script was available on line but it was quickly withdrawn after causing so many to tear up.

"Now everyone shout "Fight on Prayut".

I honestly thought that 'Education reform' had been completed?


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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha joined a meeting entitled "PM Meets Teacher Friends"

He got a rock-star like reception at this event, most of which was scripted - the script was available on line but it was quickly withdrawn after causing so many to tear up.

"Now everyone shout "Fight on Prayut".

I honestly thought that 'Education reform' had been completed?

was this taken after his 2nd number 1 hit or during the Uncle Too comedy world tour? Yes it was announced some time ago when he released his list of achievements that it had been completed. It was somewhere below becoming a 2 time number 1 recording artist, a comedian and removing deck chairs. I think whilst reading the list most people threw themselves of balconies and didn't get down to education reform. Edited by Thechook
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Interesting phrase in the OP " must be completed ahead of the next general election, which MIGHT be held next year."

I hope that this is simply a "lost in translation" issue, but I have my doubts.

First thing that caught my eye too. So the election has gone from 2015, to beginning of 2016, middle of 2016, to end of 2016, first quarter of 2017, June 2017, 3rd quarter of 2017 and now ' might be held next year'.

Some might say a pattern is forming.

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He is just opening his mouth and excreting combinations of words that many have done before him on an annual basis as regards the improvement of the education system. Since I arrived in 2001 it has been a constant promise and an ever elusive ideal that frankly none of them have the remotest idea of how to implement, or probably the faintest intention of doing, lest the great unwashed become too enlightened.

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha joined a meeting entitled "PM Meets Teacher Friends"

He got a rock-star like reception at this event, most of which was scripted - the script was available on line but it was quickly withdrawn after causing so many to tear up.

"Now everyone shout "Fight on Prayut".

I honestly thought that 'Education reform' had been completed?

was this taken after his 2nd number 1 hit or during the Uncle Too comedy world tour? Yes it was announced some time ago when he released his list of achievements that it had been completed. It was somewhere below becoming a 2 time number 1 recording artist, a comedian and removing deck chairs. I think whilst reading the list most people threw themselves of balconies and didn't get down to education reform.
Is there no beginning to the man's talent?
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It is an impossible thin line to follow; having an intelligent populous that can be productive, controlled and subservient. Sadly, all governments want this. None like to be challenged and debated. This government has made that perfectly clear. Others are more subtle, like the Obama administration. They just sic the tax man on you.

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'Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Dont concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.'

The thai education system can be summed up in one sentence - you are not here to think you are here to learn what we tell you. Thinking leads to analysis, analysis will lead to critical thinking... and that opens up a whole can of problems for the entrenched.
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believe it when I see the changes and the end results such as improved logical thinking skills . Oh wait I dop not have that many years until I die, so the true story is I will never see that happen.

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha joined a meeting entitled "PM Meets Teacher Friends"

He got a rock-star like reception at this event, most of which was scripted - the script was available on line but it was quickly withdrawn after causing so many to tear up.

"Now everyone shout "Fight on Prayut".

I honestly thought that 'Education reform' had been completed?

"Now everyone shout "Fight on Prayut".

Interesting. It seems he thinks he is losing ground and wants to use the implication of being an underdog to get back in the race.

Personally I think he's probably right, In deep doo-doo and sinking, but making himself an underdog, bravely fighting against for the Thai people against reactionary influences in Dubai, (and at great personal cost) is not going to work with very many people, Thais may not be excessively smart but in my experience, they're not completely stupid either - especially where self-interest is concerned.

In general, turkeys don't vote for Christmas.


Edited by Winniedapu
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"...education reform must be completed ahead of the next general election, which might be held next year."

and I might win the lottery, although I buy no tickets. I guess "might" makes rite..... might be 5 years, 10 years.... 12th of never

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Expenditure on education as % of total government expenditure (%)

Australia 13.2%

Hong Kong 17.6%

New Zealand 19.4%

Thailand 21.4%

UK 13%

US 13.1%


Thailand spends more and gets less than any of these other countries.

Where does the money go? I think we know where a lot of it goes. Government policy, albeit the hidden agenda rather than the public one, to blame for

1. Acceptance of the rampant corruption in the education system

2. The refusal to adopt modern methods of teaching and teacher training

3. The over emphasis on Thai language (in particular) and Thai culture in the education system, both of which act as a brake on effective learning and analytical thought.

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Students should be allowed/urged to question teachers.

Teachers should have a lower IQ than the students. Learning by teaching should be the national teacher training policy. As agriculture is the main industry in Thailand a half day in the school and half day on the farm policy should be implemented. Perhaps a better solution would be to close rural school during peak seasons so the children can help bring in the harvest. A work sets you free campaign should be implemented. Children who worked long hours in the rice paddies get extra school holidays. Those children that attend city schools could be given half of the school day to help their moms and pops at their businesses or take part in extra curricular activities such as motorway landscaping, exterior bus shelter design, environmental compost engineer and leaf gathering scientist, etc..

Weekends could also be spent reciting the patriotic codes , conducts and core values down at the local Prayuth Youth camp. A badge can be gained for good reporting of dissident infractions on social media. A badge for inciting racial xenophobia. A badge for Thainess.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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Education Reform - a favorite Government hollow promise since 2010.

In 2010 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/411677-thailands-second-phase-of-education-reform/

...perhaps less time in your office and more time critical thinking would help...

Probably the same hollow promises go back to 1932 which means that NO government either wants the change or is not powerful enough to do so.

Remember that the Education budget is the largest in Thailand, even larger than the military budget and the "educators" don't really want to change the status quo downwards.

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