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Over 100 Locals Demand Release of Illegal Land Users in Sa Mueng Wildlife Sanctuary


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Over 100 Locals Demand Release of Illegal Land Users in Sa Mueng Wildlife Sanctuary
by CityNews


CityNews – Officers were overwhelmed last night as they took four people into custody over illegal deforestation in the Sa Mueng Wildlife Sanctuary, with over 100 villagers and family members storming the police station and refusing to leave until the four were released.

On May 12, The head of Sa-Muang District Police and the head of Sa Mueng Wildlife Sanctuary joined together with a large team to claim back 97 rai of land in the Sa Mueng Wildlife Sanctuary from Kawin Sengjao, who had used the land for strawberry and corn plantations and had built several buildings on the land too.

In addition, he was also arrested for using chemicals on his farms that had contaminated the local water supply, affecting villagers downstream.

The land was cleared of trees in place of farms, seriously affecting the endangered wildlife protected in the wildlife sanctuary.

Full story: http://www.chiangmaicitylife.com/news/100-locals-demand-release-illegal-land-users-sa-mueng-wildlife-sanctuary/

-- Chiang City News 2016-05-16

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I find it interesting that villagers are so often the ones to defend the corrupt bigger guys.

Even Thailand's richest and most corrupt self-imposed exile is afforded this by the Kingdom's poorest.

Edited by andrew55
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Poor people arrested for illegaly using land.

Rich people /hi-so people, the authorities will look into the matter.

Again 1 law for the rich 1 for the poor.

Were the people arrested poor?

I do accept that the law is often enforced subjectively depending on status and wealth.

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Poor people arrested for illegaly using land.

Rich people /hi-so people, the authorities will look into the matter.

Again 1 law for the rich 1 for the poor.

Growing strawberries and corn with several buildings on the land? Doesn't sound too poor to me. Plus, it is a wildlife sanctuary. Rich or poor, this isn't right.

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Sengjao is most likely a Mong family name. Sounds like a large group of his clansmen got together to protest his arrest for encroachment. Not really a conflict with a hi-so, just a local who over stepped a bit.

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Sounds like the situation was handled well by all. Hard to achieve as all parties must be permitted to retain 'face'. Well done.

A stand-off like that could have gone badly.

"With the help of the military, officials finally dispersed the people around 1am by agreeing to temporally release the four people."

Yeah a good climb down by the Police, saved everyones face.

To hell with the rule of law.

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Poor people arrested for illegaly using land.

Rich people /hi-so people, the authorities will look into the matter.

Again 1 law for the rich 1 for the poor.

Presumably there are wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in your country of origin. back there, what would happen if hundreds of people decided to move in, cut the trees down, kill off the wildlife, build shacks and grow crops?

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We must be looking at encroachment over many months if not years here.

Seems to me that if the Heads of these sanctuaries and national parks

A patrolled their areas, in particulr the vulnerable perimeters and track access points.

B used Google Earth and GIS technology

They would pick up encroachment well before it got to the stage of strawberry fields and buildings, hopefully before the deforestation took place. They would see roads being bulldozed to give vehicle access and notice the gaps in the tree cover.

Unless they are being paid to look the other way of course.

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Sengjao is most likely a Mong family name. Sounds like a large group of his clansmen got together to protest his arrest for encroachment. Not really a conflict with a hi-so, just a local who over stepped a bit.

97 Rai of land, "overstepped a bit", he certainly did. I would hate to imagine how flora and fauna would suffer if he really decided to go for it big time.

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What if the sanctuary over stepped their land by 97 rai,there would be some fighting going on then.in fact I should look at buying some land next to a goverment owned land and help myself to a couple of dozen rai.they only kick you off if caught.

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A lot of the land being encroached upon for farming purposes, is not to be held or utilized by the private sector and the incline (angle) of the land is greater than allowed by Thai law for ag purposes of any kind. This disregard for both of these rules of law has contributed to massive top soil loss due to erosion following each rain, whose run off is not restricted, thus flooding occurs. The top soil loss ends up restricting stream /river flow thus more flooding , etc. Soil fertility is degraded thus natural vegatation is lost to undesirable plants.

The next time you travel north on 105 from Chiang Mai thru the mountians look at how the natural jungle/forest has been decimated by those trying to get something for nothing. I have watched this area go from beautiful jungle to being invaded by ill placed farming attempts for orchards to veggies at the expense of national land that should be protected. The people involved are committing a crime against Thai law as well as nature and should be brought to task on it. Jail time and cost to return land to orginal condition should be mandentory for everyone involved in these scams. Government employees included, first.

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