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Sex tourism: Thai trade boosted by 'repressed' tourists in Pattaya


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Yes Folks...everyone is welcome.....but some more so than others....lol

If the girls have their say....you wonder which type of pay for play tourist do they prefer ..I wonder ..I do, I do....

PS: Besides the ones that give them the most money......


Edited by gemguy
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I don't know about the Arab community in Pattaya but I visited there with my Thai wife for a few days as I had never been there. Even with my wife I lost count the number of times I was approached for sex and we cut short the visit when it happened while sitting eating evening meal. No problem with chaps who go there for the obvious but for me, no thanks.

Yes not so nice a night out.

Them Arab guys, just cant control themselves smile.png

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Who is repressed, the Arab men or the Arab women in their home countries who often have to cover up and arent even allowed to drive?

Not to bash Arab men but it's rather interesting they have no problem coming to Thailand to exploit Thais for sex while oppressing their own women back home.

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Interesting that a few people have commented on Bar girls etc not wanting to leave the game for "normal" paying jobs.

I had an acquaintance in the real estate business. He was fed up with employing University graduates with good English skills, basically they were lazy and their English was rubbish. He tried to recruit Bar girls etc because in general they were the opposite, incidentally he was offering very good wages.

It sort of worked for a while but all of them returned to the game, not because of the money but because they actually preferred the life, their words!

When they tell you it is all about sending money back home it is not strictly true in most cases, they do send some back but keep the majority for themselves.

I once listed my 18 reasons why women stay in sex work. In addition to the obvious ones, my list included ones like "as they get older this work affirms they are still sexy", "the hours offer great flexibility good for young mothers", and "there is no need for a resume and they get money in their hand as soon as they have their first customer.

Frankly I have the secret to explain all sex work in Thailand but, since I might do my PhD thesis on it and write a popular book too, I will keep it my secret.

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When I read stories like these, I am saddened by how I spend my time.

The topic is uncalled for if thai visa wants to be a leading neutral news agency. This is something that some drunks would describe in a pub or a closed group of similar interests at home....I hope the editorship maintains a high standard in content, privacy and journalistic ethics. Why highlight a Kuwaiti....even if it be true. What is the purpose to scorn ..... I am trying to understand the angle. I do in most of my posts try to hit home the need to educate locals and to bring them to being responsible. Thai visa should be a beacon light with the privilages of the platform it has in the eyes of locals and foreigners. I agree with Puukao... We the expat community is looking for authentic content where we can interact with one another to the betterment of our envioroment and society. Not the gossip column for those negatively inclined to get over a chip that they have on their shoulder.

Glad to see there is a (small) movement that questions the ethics of the "news" on here.

However criticism is not accepted on here, and, as usual these post will be labelled "troll" and disappear like a Pinochet dissident.

I need to get back to a book on Chile and Pinochet. This reference reminded me of Operation Condor.

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You try having a drink in Kuwait and see what happens. They should be banned from the country in an effort to help them be good Muslims

Not sure about Kuwait, but I lived in the UAE for 10 years and alcohol was available from state-owned shops and in hotels. Technically is was not to be consumed by Muslims, but that was never an insurmountable hurdle.

I lived in Abu Dhabi, which is far more conservative than Dubai. At that time, several years ago, there were 3 or 4 outlets where you could purchase alcohol. You had to buy a license from the police which allowed you to buy it, transport it, and store it in your home. The shops had no windows and no signs on the door. Your purchases were wrapped in very thick black plastic bags which has to be put straight in your boot and taken straight home. Muslims could not buy officially.

Reality - the shops were staffed by Indians who understood you sometimes forgot to bring your license - just show it next time or whenever. In one outlet in particular you could expect to queue behind locals. But, very expensive.

Prostitutes - 2 or 3 very well known pick up points for ladies of the night - Chinese, African, East European / Russian, Pinnay, Arabs and Indians, all there. Plus the on-line escorts mainly based in Dubai. Again expensive.

Last time I was there, last year, things were more liberal. Irish Pub tucked away not too far from the Cornish, plus all the hotel bars that were always able to sell alcohol and were some of which were noted pick up places.

Downside is very expensive so the lads can come here, they're relatively wealthy and things are tremendously cheaper and very easily available. Like kids in the proverbial candy shop!

Dubai is far more booze and whore orientated. I know of organizations in KSA and Qatar who will not allow staff to attend training or exhibitions in Dubai anymore.

As for Kuwait - no idea but from what others say, far more like KSA than Dubai or Bahrain.

What was your choice? ( Joking..)

Many years ago, I flew to Thailand via Dubai and mostly Arabs surrounded me that i didn't feel well. One of them was as fat as three Thai elephants and i had no space at all.

Once the service began i ordered a bottle of French wine and enjoyed the taste.The Arab next to me who had given me a weird story about his religion then ordered a whiskey, once the machine reached cruising altitude.

I politely asked him if that would be allowed in his religion because that was one of his points why Islam would be the "better religion."

His answer shocked me when he said: "When you fly so high, Allah can't see when you drink." He started laughing and I was really so annoyed of so much let's call it ignorance? ( Please fill in the blanks)

I made like I'd agree with him, asked for a new place to sit down as there're some empty places in the plane. two minutes later and i sat with a whitish also wine drinking guy and had a conversation about Muslims. Of course not really in favor of them.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Thailand and other countries of Asia have been a favorite part of the

world for all of us single and young men to go to for some relief

in our boring lives. We have all enjoyed going to the entertainment centers

to be very entertained in many ways, for many years. It does not matter what part

of the world that we come from, as we all escaped our own countries to enjoy

the hot climate, the great food, and the friendly people of Asia.

Getting our jollies off, while we visit is only one of the reasons we have

all went to which ever part of Asia to enjoy a part of our lives.

I have to admit that when I went to the M.E., my visit was completely different

and I had to behave my self and be careful of my vices.

I avoided eating some of the meats, and did not smoke or drink and found that

the visit I took to the M.E. was very boring, and I got very tired of the sand

and the deserts, as well. Riding camels became very tiring and seeing the

women all looking the same in their drab clothes, and face coverings has made me

stay away from the M.E. for years. So I say Thanks!, to Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia

and Indonesia, even Japan, and China, as my visits to those countries have been

so much more enjoyable.


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I don't know about the Arab community in Pattaya but I visited there with my Thai wife for a few days as I had never been there. Even with my wife I lost count the number of times I was approached for sex and we cut short the visit when it happened while sitting eating evening meal. No problem with chaps who go there for the obvious but for me, no thanks.

So no one fancied your wife, Just wanted you,? Funny people these Arabs

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OK...So it is agreed upon unanimously:

Sex tourism is alive and well here in Thailand and has developed into an integral part of the Thai economy.

Actually when you think about it, the sex aspect of Thailand is an important part as to why Thailand has become so successful.

If you had a choice of doing business in a country such as any of the countries in the Middle East where you can accomplish your business successfully ...but other than business there is nothing much more to do "after work" ..other than site seeing a little and just relaxing and dining and meeting with people you have met through business.

As compared to the environment here in Thailand where you accomplish your business and then "after work" you have all of what is on offer here in Thailand including the sex aspect of what already exist here and exists whether foreigners come here or not.

Seriously ...think about it in that respect as the majority of business persons and travelers coming to Thailand have always overwhelmingly been men and when they arrive here they soon find out that the women are very friendly and very available....regardless of how they are presented and made available.

I recall a Japanese business man that I had dealings with and I asked him how long ago did he come to Thailand while he explained he came in 1968 by way of his company choosing him to go to Thailand as their fact finder concerning setting up an office in Thailand

He explained he did not want to go at first because he knew nothing of Thailand and was apprehensive about leaving the only environment he had ever known.

However once he learned and understood ALL that was available to him if he stayed on and ran the companies office he gladly took on the role and never looked back.

We talked about the sex aspect of Thailand and he openly admitted that yes that was a big bonus while he eventually married with a Thai woman and had children ...but he talked about all the women, all the beautiful women and how he had great memories about all the women.

I said ..."You were a Japanese Playboy" and he laughed while we talked about that sex factor being one of the big reasons he quickly enjoyed being the "chosen one" while all his work associates back in Japan thought he was enduring some sort of hardship having to suffer while living in "backwards", 3rd world Thailand.

Just one example amongst hundreds of thousands...I surmise

Anyhow, I surmise the availability of the sex and all the avenues of entertainment that are based on sex is a big factor as to why the country is successful....although a large social stigma in some respects.


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Yes, the Kuwaiti's come for what is not allowed in their Islamist country, that being alcohol and sex on display everywhere and allowed whenever chosen.

In kuwait "Allah" sees what these hypocrites do,as soon as they get on a plane he is blind. I lived and worked there for years and a more uptight stuck up group of people would be hard to find. I just hope I'm still alive when the place shuts down and all the slaves leave. The Kuwaitis won't even know how to get water for themselves it will be funny to watch the payback ?
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That Arab quarter in Pattaya is huge. It's like walking into another world. I use to go there for great kebabs!

I would think it is an area to avoid now as if ISIS are operating in Thailand it must be a prime target given it breaks all the rules of Islam. Unless, of course, their leaders holiday there themselves.

Won't doubt that a minute. The only Muslims I've met that strive to follow the rules are in Afghanistan and only the ones not in cities. That form of Islam is mob rules. Individuals might not agree but get two of them together they fear the other will inform on them and then it's stoning time!

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Who is repressed, the Arab men or the Arab women in their home countries who often have to cover up and arent even allowed to drive?

Not to bash Arab men but it's rather interesting they have no problem coming to Thailand to exploit Thais for sex while oppressing their own women back home.

That's called hypocrisy ☺

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The article seems primarily to be aimed at creating an image of the Arabs in Thailand - although it does give a nod to other aspects of prostitution , just to cover arse...as t were.

Truth remains that Thailand is a county that relies on prostitution for a substantial part of it's economy, both as a part of the tourist trade and as a larger part catering to the home market.

It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon

"It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon"

Seems like a little middle class moralising going on here (sex can't be recreational, sex can't be part of a business transaction, etc.). What leads you assume that a sex industry is synonymous with the exploitation of women? Certainly, there are women in the industry who are exploited and abused, and everything possible must be done to combat this. But some women have no qualms about 'selling sex' and some men have no qualms about purchasing it, and where such consent exists, we shouldn't patronisingly suggest that the activity is exploitative. A woman using her body to make money is nor more exploitative than an athlete, male model, or coal miner using his. People like yourself believe that you'd be doing women a favour by shutting down the sex industry (does sound patronising, right?), but I don't think you'd find much support among the women themselves ... and I doubt that many would consider themselves 'exploited'. [Of course, the retort would be that they need to be 'educated' or have their 'consciousness raised' .... more than a little insulting].

After reading your philosophical attempt to justify the male exploitation of prostitutes I wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. It seems that you tried your uttermost best to defend the usage of the oldest profession in the world. Good job in doing so btw but I think you were looking at it in a western way and through the eyes of a prostitute back home who decided to make some money on the side to buy a new car for example.I think it works a bit differently here. Most women here are forced into prostitution out of poverty or not having any other opportunity to make enough money to take care of her family. Of course there are plenty of girls who just want a new iPhone 6 or a nice condo but most are there out of desperation and not free will.

Your comparison between lying down to let some stranger take advantage of your body and a coal miner using his body power to make money is hilarious btw! 555

You've actually got it the wrong way around, my friend. I was not looking at it through the eyes of a 'prostitute back home' as my only exposure to them comes via the media... I have no idea of their motives or thinking. However, during my 16 years in Asia, I've met and become good friends with a number of women who work in the broader 'sex industry' (there's probably more sensitive language I could use, but I don't know what that is). These are girls who work in massage shops or pubs, for instance ... and it's probably beyond your imagination, but some girls just do the occasional 'gig' on the side when out at a bar for music with friends. The vast majority of the girls I've talked to enjoy life and don't consider their work demeaning or exploitative. It's not a career (for most of them) or something that defines them; rather it is a lucrative form of work that they plan on doing for a few years to make enough money to buy a house/land etc. Several of them have ended up with long term partners and have gone on to what you might consider more 'normal' lives. [i think you may be the one coming from the western perspective, where prostitution is more often a 'career' (I think) rather than something one does for a period of time or occasionally).

But perhaps this is not convincing to you... you will believe that I'm making this up... or that my sample is skewed. So let me do some math for you.

Where I spend a lot of time, in Singapore, a maid works 12 hour days, six days a week (some work every day). For that they are paid S$500-$600 a month. Now, if she's attractive enough, that girl could come to Singapore on a 30 day tourist pass and look for customers at a bar. With a single customer, she can make S$200-300. She chooses what customers to go back with. So, with most of her time spent sitting in a bar hanging out with friends, she can make more in one month than what the maid makes in a year. The actual figures would be different in Thailand, of course, but the mathematical principles would be the same. Sex work can be a rational and reasonable option for those who have suitable attributes (appearance, mindset, etc.). Why assume that a woman is unable to (or should not be allowed) to freely make such a choice?

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The article seems primarily to be aimed at creating an image of the Arabs in Thailand - although it does give a nod to other aspects of prostitution , just to cover arse...as t were.

Truth remains that Thailand is a county that relies on prostitution for a substantial part of it's economy, both as a part of the tourist trade and as a larger part catering to the home market.

It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon

"It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon"

Seems like a little middle class moralising going on here (sex can't be recreational, sex can't be part of a business transaction, etc.). What leads you assume that a sex industry is synonymous with the exploitation of women? Certainly, there are women in the industry who are exploited and abused, and everything possible must be done to combat this. But some women have no qualms about 'selling sex' and some men have no qualms about purchasing it, and where such consent exists, we shouldn't patronisingly suggest that the activity is exploitative. A woman using her body to make money is nor more exploitative than an athlete, male model, or coal miner using his. People like yourself believe that you'd be doing women a favour by shutting down the sex industry (does sound patronising, right?), but I don't think you'd find much support among the women themselves ... and I doubt that many would consider themselves 'exploited'. [Of course, the retort would be that they need to be 'educated' or have their 'consciousness raised' .... more than a little insulting].

After reading your philosophical attempt to justify the male exploitation of prostitutes I wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. It seems that you tried your uttermost best to defend the usage of the oldest profession in the world. Good job in doing so btw but I think you were looking at it in a western way and through the eyes of a prostitute back home who decided to make some money on the side to buy a new car for example.I think it works a bit differently here. Most women here are forced into prostitution out of poverty or not having any other opportunity to make enough money to take care of her family. Of course there are plenty of girls who just want a new iPhone 6 or a nice condo but most are there out of desperation and not free will.

Your comparison between lying down to let some stranger take advantage of your body and a coal miner using his body power to make money is hilarious btw! 555

"Your comparison between lying down to let some stranger take advantage of your body and a coal miner using his body power to make money is hilarious btw! 555" [my bolding]

That statement so clearly betrays the moralising that is clouding your thinking... please explain how, when a woman enters a mutually consenting transaction involving sex, she is letting someone "take advantage of her body" ... that she is being somehow forced to give up something. You probably view sex as something that is 'sacred' (in a non-religious sense) and something to be shared in the context of a loving/affectionate relationship. That's fine, and I have no problem with that. My problem is with the assumption that everyone else should have the same view of sex (and their bodies) as you. I'm sorry, but some people view sex more as simply an enjoyable activity or (even better than that) a way that one human can give joy to another. And that's fine for them also.

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This is Pattaya where for many, many years it has attracted men from everywhere because of it's sex trade. Some come for the boys and some come for the dark side and some come for the lovely young Thai girls and yes, some come for the ladyboys. Pattaya is the sin bin of Thailand and probably S.E.A. Either embrace the sleaze or stay away. It is an enormous money earner and corruption reigns supreme. Thailand would be a poorer place without it (literally).

The bars I see seem full of fat older women, but I guess to a new comer they may be less old and less fat than what he can get in his own country.

Isn't this an Arab preference though, fat women ?

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This is Pattaya where for many, many years it has attracted men from everywhere because of it's sex trade. Some come for the boys and some come for the dark side and some come for the lovely young Thai girls and yes, some come for the ladyboys. Pattaya is the sin bin of Thailand and probably S.E.A. Either embrace the sleaze or stay away. It is an enormous money earner and corruption reigns supreme. Thailand would be a poorer place without it (literally).

The bars I see seem full of fat older women, but I guess to a new comer they may be less old and less fat than what he can get in his own country.

Isn't this an Arab preference though, fat women ?

Early am On the v v drunken final day in pattaya in 1983 wandered into.an open aired arena ish where on a stage boys and girls ranging from i guess 5 to.10 ish were singing and dancing applauded by a very excited Arabic crowd,, didn't realise until i was told after they were on stage to be sold ,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by rijit
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Just like any other group of sexpats from any corner of the world.....not breaking news by any means.....just disgusting on so many different levels.....I try to avoid all this rubbish as best I can and try to lead a normal life......??

Probably no-one will believe it, but i've been living normally in Thailand for over 7 years, and never been to Pattaya, Patpong or Phuket's seamy side. I will leave LoS without doing so.

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This is Pattaya where for many, many years it has attracted men from everywhere because of it's sex trade. Some come for the boys and some come for the dark side and some come for the lovely young Thai girls and yes, some come for the ladyboys. Pattaya is the sin bin of Thailand and probably S.E.A. Either embrace the sleaze or stay away. It is an enormous money earner and corruption reigns supreme. Thailand would be a poorer place without it (literally).

The bars I see seem full of fat older women, but I guess to a new comer they may be less old and less fat than what he can get in his own country.

Isn't this an Arab preference though, fat women ?

Early am On the v v drunken final day in pattaya in 1983 wandered into.an open aired arena ish where on a stage boys and girls ranging from i guess 5 to.10 ish were singing and dancing applauded by a very excited Arabic crowd,, didn't realise until i was told after they were on stage to be sold ,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If true, that's a very depressing scenario.

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This is Pattaya where for many, many years it has attracted men from everywhere because of it's sex trade. Some come for the boys and some come for the dark side and some come for the lovely young Thai girls and yes, some come for the ladyboys. Pattaya is the sin bin of Thailand and probably S.E.A. Either embrace the sleaze or stay away. It is an enormous money earner and corruption reigns supreme. Thailand would be a poorer place without it (literally).

The bars I see seem full of fat older women, but I guess to a new comer they may be less old and less fat than what he can get in his own country.

Isn't this an Arab preference though, fat women ?

Fat women and fat ladyboys is in huge demand. Edited by balo
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I don't know about the Arab community in Pattaya but I visited there with my Thai wife for a few days as I had never been there. Even with my wife I lost count the number of times I was approached for sex and we cut short the visit when it happened while sitting eating evening meal. No problem with chaps who go there for the obvious but for me, no thanks.

Either this person is dyscalculic or something to do with ignited trousers??

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The article seems primarily to be aimed at creating an image of the Arabs in Thailand - although it does give a nod to other aspects of prostitution , just to cover arse...as t were.

Truth remains that Thailand is a county that relies on prostitution for a substantial part of it's economy, both as a part of the tourist trade and as a larger part catering to the home market.

It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon

"It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon"

Seems like a little middle class moralising going on here (sex can't be recreational, sex can't be part of a business transaction, etc.). What leads you assume that a sex industry is synonymous with the exploitation of women? Certainly, there are women in the industry who are exploited and abused, and everything possible must be done to combat this. But some women have no qualms about 'selling sex' and some men have no qualms about purchasing it, and where such consent exists, we shouldn't patronisingly suggest that the activity is exploitative. A woman using her body to make money is nor more exploitative than an athlete, male model, or coal miner using his. People like yourself believe that you'd be doing women a favour by shutting down the sex industry (does sound patronising, right?), but I don't think you'd find much support among the women themselves ... and I doubt that many would consider themselves 'exploited'. [Of course, the retort would be that they need to be 'educated' or have their 'consciousness raised' .... more than a little insulting].

After reading your philosophical attempt to justify the male exploitation of prostitutes I wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. It seems that you tried your uttermost best to defend the usage of the oldest profession in the world. Good job in doing so btw but I think you were looking at it in a western way and through the eyes of a prostitute back home who decided to make some money on the side to buy a new car for example.I think it works a bit differently here. Most women here are forced into prostitution out of poverty or not having any other opportunity to make enough money to take care of her family. Of course there are plenty of girls who just want a new iPhone 6 or a nice condo but most are there out of desperation and not free will.

Your comparison between lying down to let some stranger take advantage of your body and a coal miner using his body power to make money is hilarious btw! 555

You've actually got it the wrong way around, my friend. I was not looking at it through the eyes of a 'prostitute back home' as my only exposure to them comes via the media... I have no idea of their motives or thinking. However, during my 16 years in Asia, I've met and become good friends with a number of women who work in the broader 'sex industry' (there's probably more sensitive language I could use, but I don't know what that is). These are girls who work in massage shops or pubs, for instance ... and it's probably beyond your imagination, but some girls just do the occasional 'gig' on the side when out at a bar for music with friends. The vast majority of the girls I've talked to enjoy life and don't consider their work demeaning or exploitative. It's not a career (for most of them) or something that defines them; rather it is a lucrative form of work that they plan on doing for a few years to make enough money to buy a house/land etc. Several of them have ended up with long term partners and have gone on to what you might consider more 'normal' lives. [i think you may be the one coming from the western perspective, where prostitution is more often a 'career' (I think) rather than something one does for a period of time or occasionally).

But perhaps this is not convincing to you... you will believe that I'm making this up... or that my sample is skewed. So let me do some math for you.

Where I spend a lot of time, in Singapore, a maid works 12 hour days, six days a week (some work every day). For that they are paid S$500-$600 a month. Now, if she's attractive enough, that girl could come to Singapore on a 30 day tourist pass and look for customers at a bar. With a single customer, she can make S$200-300. She chooses what customers to go back with. So, with most of her time spent sitting in a bar hanging out with friends, she can make more in one month than what the maid makes in a year. The actual figures would be different in Thailand, of course, but the mathematical principles would be the same. Sex work can be a rational and reasonable option for those who have suitable attributes (appearance, mindset, etc.). Why assume that a woman is unable to (or should not be allowed) to freely make such a choice?

And you believe these 'good friends' from the sex industry? facepalm.gif Nothing is beyond my imagination, my friend. I am here a few years longer and was not always a married family man. Back in the day when I used to frequent the bars and gogo's I had a few 'good friends' there too who could speak quite good English and we'd talk about Cowboy and the girls and themselves and their lives, etc, etc. I did meet a few girls as you described that didn't mind the job and even a few that said they really enjoyed it but mostly they were girls who really didn't like what they were doing but they 'had' to do it to take care of their families. The only way to really find out what the exact figures are is to hold a survey under the girls. Let me ask my wife if she doesn't mind, lol. I actually lived with a hardcore chick from Long Gun (Soi Cowboy) back in 2006. She gave up the hard water, a few rich sugar daddies who were sending her a staggering 80k/month, and all that money she was making in the bar, just for me. For 2 months altogether. She really was too hardcore and eventually she did a runner to Pattaya or Phuket. Never saw her again. Some girls do indeed have a very easy life and make a lot of money with something that doesn't bother them morally and some even enjoy it, but don't forget about the girls that really hate it. There are a lot of them too

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The article seems primarily to be aimed at creating an image of the Arabs in Thailand - although it does give a nod to other aspects of prostitution , just to cover arse...as t were.

Truth remains that Thailand is a county that relies on prostitution for a substantial part of it's economy, both as a part of the tourist trade and as a larger part catering to the home market.

It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon

i see it as the icing on the cake

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Quality tourists from Kuwait. TAT must love them. Thailand is and remains the biggest brothel of the world. All other from TAT is a big lie.

i have a question and i dont attend talking about prostitution, price or location.

My question is, do you feel there is less or more prositutes in pattaya in these recent years?

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The article seems primarily to be aimed at creating an image of the Arabs in Thailand - although it does give a nod to other aspects of prostitution , just to cover arse...as t were.

Truth remains that Thailand is a county that relies on prostitution for a substantial part of it's economy, both as a part of the tourist trade and as a larger part catering to the home market.

It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon

I note that you just talk about "prostitution" and don't differentiate between the farang and the Thai scenes, but given that this thread is about Arabs in Pattaya any discussion should be about the farang scene.

Anyone that claims the women that work in the farang scene are "exploited" clearly does not know much about that scene at all.

NB. Any female working the farang scene is free to quit anytime and go to work in a sweat shop or the rice fields for 300

baht a day. Not surprisingly, few do so.

IMO there is little point saying that the prostitution scene is bad and they should end it without suggesting what would replace it as employment. It's not as though there is a shortage of hairdressers.

I will stop there as I think more specific discussion would be against forum rules.

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Quality tourists from Kuwait. TAT must love them. Thailand is and remains the biggest brothel of the world. All other from TAT is a big lie.

i have a question and i dont attend talking about prostitution, price or location.

My question is, do you feel there is less or more prositutes in pattaya in these recent years?

Without trawling through hundreds of bars from Naklua to Bali Hi that is impossible to answer. I doubt anyone knows, or has ever known how many there are.

An easier question would be as to whether there are more or less bars now, and I would say less, as the Beach Rd ones are pushed out to Buakhao.

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Quality tourists from Kuwait. TAT must love them. Thailand is and remains the biggest brothel of the world. All other from TAT is a big lie.

Check the definition of "brothel". Pattaya does not have many, if any that cater to farangs.

However, there are brothels in Australia, New Zealand and the US, plus many other countries. A google search will tell which.

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"It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon"

Seems like a little middle class moralising going on here (sex can't be recreational, sex can't be part of a business transaction, etc.). What leads you assume that a sex industry is synonymous with the exploitation of women? Certainly, there are women in the industry who are exploited and abused, and everything possible must be done to combat this. But some women have no qualms about 'selling sex' and some men have no qualms about purchasing it, and where such consent exists, we shouldn't patronisingly suggest that the activity is exploitative. A woman using her body to make money is nor more exploitative than an athlete, male model, or coal miner using his. People like yourself believe that you'd be doing women a favour by shutting down the sex industry (does sound patronising, right?), but I don't think you'd find much support among the women themselves ... and I doubt that many would consider themselves 'exploited'. [Of course, the retort would be that they need to be 'educated' or have their 'consciousness raised' .... more than a little insulting].

After reading your philosophical attempt to justify the male exploitation of prostitutes I wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. It seems that you tried your uttermost best to defend the usage of the oldest profession in the world. Good job in doing so btw but I think you were looking at it in a western way and through the eyes of a prostitute back home who decided to make some money on the side to buy a new car for example.I think it works a bit differently here. Most women here are forced into prostitution out of poverty or not having any other opportunity to make enough money to take care of her family. Of course there are plenty of girls who just want a new iPhone 6 or a nice condo but most are there out of desperation and not free will.

Your comparison between lying down to let some stranger take advantage of your body and a coal miner using his body power to make money is hilarious btw! 555

You've actually got it the wrong way around, my friend. I was not looking at it through the eyes of a 'prostitute back home' as my only exposure to them comes via the media... I have no idea of their motives or thinking. However, during my 16 years in Asia, I've met and become good friends with a number of women who work in the broader 'sex industry' (there's probably more sensitive language I could use, but I don't know what that is). These are girls who work in massage shops or pubs, for instance ... and it's probably beyond your imagination, but some girls just do the occasional 'gig' on the side when out at a bar for music with friends. The vast majority of the girls I've talked to enjoy life and don't consider their work demeaning or exploitative. It's not a career (for most of them) or something that defines them; rather it is a lucrative form of work that they plan on doing for a few years to make enough money to buy a house/land etc. Several of them have ended up with long term partners and have gone on to what you might consider more 'normal' lives. [i think you may be the one coming from the western perspective, where prostitution is more often a 'career' (I think) rather than something one does for a period of time or occasionally).

But perhaps this is not convincing to you... you will believe that I'm making this up... or that my sample is skewed. So let me do some math for you.

Where I spend a lot of time, in Singapore, a maid works 12 hour days, six days a week (some work every day). For that they are paid S$500-$600 a month. Now, if she's attractive enough, that girl could come to Singapore on a 30 day tourist pass and look for customers at a bar. With a single customer, she can make S$200-300. She chooses what customers to go back with. So, with most of her time spent sitting in a bar hanging out with friends, she can make more in one month than what the maid makes in a year. The actual figures would be different in Thailand, of course, but the mathematical principles would be the same. Sex work can be a rational and reasonable option for those who have suitable attributes (appearance, mindset, etc.). Why assume that a woman is unable to (or should not be allowed) to freely make such a choice?

And you believe these 'good friends' from the sex industry? facepalm.gif Nothing is beyond my imagination, my friend. I am here a few years longer and was not always a married family man. Back in the day when I used to frequent the bars and gogo's I had a few 'good friends' there too who could speak quite good English and we'd talk about Cowboy and the girls and themselves and their lives, etc, etc. I did meet a few girls as you described that didn't mind the job and even a few that said they really enjoyed it but mostly they were girls who really didn't like what they were doing but they 'had' to do it to take care of their families. The only way to really find out what the exact figures are is to hold a survey under the girls. Let me ask my wife if she doesn't mind, lol. I actually lived with a hardcore chick from Long Gun (Soi Cowboy) back in 2006. She gave up the hard water, a few rich sugar daddies who were sending her a staggering 80k/month, and all that money she was making in the bar, just for me. For 2 months altogether. She really was too hardcore and eventually she did a runner to Pattaya or Phuket. Never saw her again. Some girls do indeed have a very easy life and make a lot of money with something that doesn't bother them morally and some even enjoy it, but don't forget about the girls that really hate it. There are a lot of them too

While I appreciate your point of view, I disagree that any of them "had" to be bargirls. Easily proven by the fact that there are MILLIONS of women in Thailand, many of whom are in the same "poverty", but choose NOT to become bar girls. Bar girls are a small minority of poor women in Thailand. They do it because it's easy money, and a party lifestyle. Most work at menial jobs, for little money.

I have known hundreds ( not in a relationship, but in the bars at which I was a regular ) that were DDG and could easily have found themselves a sugar daddy or a farang "boyfriend" and left the scene, but chose to stay and mint it while they were good looking enough. Few would be expecting to do it for more than a few years.

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The article seems primarily to be aimed at creating an image of the Arabs in Thailand - although it does give a nod to other aspects of prostitution , just to cover arse...as t were.

Truth remains that Thailand is a county that relies on prostitution for a substantial part of it's economy, both as a part of the tourist trade and as a larger part catering to the home market.

It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon

"It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon"

Seems like a little middle class moralising going on here (sex can't be recreational, sex can't be part of a business transaction, etc.). What leads you assume that a sex industry is synonymous with the exploitation of women? Certainly, there are women in the industry who are exploited and abused, and everything possible must be done to combat this. But some women have no qualms about 'selling sex' and some men have no qualms about purchasing it, and where such consent exists, we shouldn't patronisingly suggest that the activity is exploitative. A woman using her body to make money is nor more exploitative than an athlete, male model, or coal miner using his. People like yourself believe that you'd be doing women a favour by shutting down the sex industry (does sound patronising, right?), but I don't think you'd find much support among the women themselves ... and I doubt that many would consider themselves 'exploited'. [Of course, the retort would be that they need to be 'educated' or have their 'consciousness raised' .... more than a little insulting].

After reading your philosophical attempt to justify the male exploitation of prostitutes I wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. It seems that you tried your uttermost best to defend the usage of the oldest profession in the world. Good job in doing so btw but I think you were looking at it in a western way and through the eyes of a prostitute back home who decided to make some money on the side to buy a new car for example.I think it works a bit differently here. Most women here are forced into prostitution out of poverty or not having any other opportunity to make enough money to take care of her family. Of course there are plenty of girls who just want a new iPhone 6 or a nice condo but most are there out of desperation and not free will.

Your comparison between lying down to let some stranger take advantage of your body and a coal miner using his body power to make money is hilarious btw! 555

"Your comparison between lying down to let some stranger take advantage of your body and a coal miner using his body power to make money is hilarious btw! 555" [my bolding]

That statement so clearly betrays the moralising that is clouding your thinking... please explain how, when a woman enters a mutually consenting transaction involving sex, she is letting someone "take advantage of her body" ... that she is being somehow forced to give up something. You probably view sex as something that is 'sacred' (in a non-religious sense) and something to be shared in the context of a loving/affectionate relationship. That's fine, and I have no problem with that. My problem is with the assumption that everyone else should have the same view of sex (and their bodies) as you. I'm sorry, but some people view sex more as simply an enjoyable activity or (even better than that) a way that one human can give joy to another. And that's fine for them also.

I agree with you.

I was "exploited" my entire working life by nasty managers, and frankly, lying down and letting someone take advantage would have been an easier way of making money and a lot less stressful. Unfortunately I was never attractive enough biggrin.png .

Some people put sex on far too high a pedestal, when it is really no more than a pleasurable experience that can be shared by total strangers. Indeed, millions of young people around the world will be out in bars looking to have casual sex as one reads this.

I'm always amused that some seem to be outraged that prostitution exists in Thailand when it exists in their very own country as well. Also, does any sane person believe that young women actually have sex with old wrinklies like Mick Jagger and Hugh Heffner because they "love" them?

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The article seems primarily to be aimed at creating an image of the Arabs in Thailand - although it does give a nod to other aspects of prostitution , just to cover arse...as t were.

Truth remains that Thailand is a county that relies on prostitution for a substantial part of it's economy, both as a part of the tourist trade and as a larger part catering to the home market.

It seems that a country that sees of the exploitation of women as an integral part of its economy will continue to do so so long as those in power refuse to accept that their own use of women in this way is unacceptable. so long as leaders view women as "wrapped candy" I can't see a fundamental change happening soon

I note that you just talk about "prostitution" and don't differentiate between the farang and the Thai scenes, but given that this thread is about Arabs in Pattaya any discussion should be about the farang scene.

Anyone that claims the women that work in the farang scene are "exploited" clearly does not know much about that scene at all.

NB. Any female working the farang scene is free to quit anytime and go to work in a sweat shop or the rice fields for 300

baht a day. Not surprisingly, few do so.

IMO there is little point saying that the prostitution scene is bad and they should end it without suggesting what would replace it as employment. It's not as though there is a shortage of hairdressers.

I will stop there as I think more specific discussion would be against forum rules.

You say only a few are willing to forgo the stigma of being a prostitute by working in a sweat shop or in the rice rice fields. Would you not call that a bit of an exaggeration?

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