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Chelsea Fc Thread


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This is the manager that slated chelsea fans about the plastic flags. I'm not defending the flags, but he mocked the fans. Are you telling me he should not get any flak? Really?

At football matches you hear banter, in fact the whole of football has more rival banter in it than any other sport, just look at these threads! If Rafa thinks he can dish it and not get any in return he can go back under the rock where he came from. And that goes for any person in football. Man up, take it on the chin and see the funny side.

And Carmine, I thought we were having an adult conversation. Bring the classless fans, THAT EVERY CLUB HAS, into to it is dumb.

so you agree that benitez was correct about the flags, they are naff. but because he pointed that out when manager of liverpool chelsea fans are now going to give their own manager a load of stick?

i really hope they do, because it will be very, very funny to hear supporters booing their own new manager as he sits down in the home dugout for his first match. a proper embarrassment with the whole world watching.



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awkward how? those are on sale on stands outside the ground <deleted>, not left on every seat in the stadium by the club to try and generate some degree of atmosphere!

see this is what support looks like:


this is what three men spent their sunday mornings doing:


chelsea fans don't get any credit until the first 'stop fannying about roman you mad bastard' banners start appearing at stamford bridge.

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So just to make sure I've got this right.

Flags you buy = good.

Free flags = bad.

Is that right?

well, you're getting there.

flags you make at home with love and devotion = good

flags you buy from lads outside the ground trying to make a living = fair enough

flags the club gets produced and leaves on seats to try and generate some degree of atmosphere that should come naturally = laughable corporate-inspired nonsense

do you agree about the 'abramovich out' banners by the way? that if chelsea fans do really loathe the benitez appointment as much as they claim to they should start calling for abramovich's head or stop going the match?

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First and foremost people generally follow a team. For me that is chelsea. Now, I will always support chelsea regardless of you manages them or owns them and I think that goes for the majority of fans.

Do I think appointing Rafa was a touch insensitive? Yes. Would I rather someone else? Yes. Are here many other options? No. The club comes first and it's almost irrelevant who is in charge.

Chelsea get a lot of stick about changing managers, but there is continuity at the club. The ownership has stayed the same, so has the board and so has the back bone of the team until recently. Only the managers have changed and chelsea haven't done that bad because of it. If Ranieri had stayed would chelsea have achieved more?

As a side note AVB is the only manager I wanted to get the sack. Not because he is bad at his job, but because he caused too much divide in the club.

For those fans that feel then need to take banners to the game to have their say I feel a bit sorry for them. The club is successful, they are not in the sh1t like Portsmouth were. Rafa is just one cog in the works, and probably not that much of a big one at that, so why get so wound up?? The team comes first.

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They are booing and jeering a man, not the club. Those fans will still be going to games long after all the current players have gone and manager has gone.

I agree that Liverpool has a fantastic atmosphere, that chelsea will probably never have and there is a reason for that..........

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First and foremost people generally follow a team. For me that is chelsea. Now, I will always support chelsea regardless of you manages them or owns them and I think that goes for the majority of fans.

Do I think appointing Rafa was a touch insensitive? Yes. Would I rather someone else? Yes. Are here many other options? No. The club comes first and it's almost irrelevant who is in charge.

Chelsea get a lot of stick about changing managers, but there is continuity at the club. The ownership has stayed the same, so has the board and so has the back bone of the team until recently. Only the managers have changed and chelsea haven't done that bad because of it. If Ranieri had stayed would chelsea have achieved more?

As a side note AVB is the only manager I wanted to get the sack. Not because he is bad at his job, but because he caused too much divide in the club.

For those fans that feel then need to take banners to the game to have their say I feel a bit sorry for them. The club is successful, they are not in the sh1t like Portsmouth were. Rafa is just one cog in the works, and probably not that much of a big one at that, so why get so wound up?? The team comes first.

What! Insensitive because he correctly stated your plastic flags were crap? If that hits the sensitivies of the home crowd then they should man up and stop being such pussies. A better example of insensitive is Chelsea supporters jeering and booing the minutes silence for the Hillsborough anniversary not a bunch of fickle supporters crying about a plastic flag.

Another thing, it wasn't AVB who caused the divide at your club at all, it was Terry Cole and Lampard. They chose to put themselves and their agenda over that of your club and owner.

Edited by carmine
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Nope. Any chelsea fan will list all the good roman has done for chelsea. Rafa has mocked the fans and done no good for the club.


If you don't want to be mocked then Roman and Chelsea should stop behaving like the exploding clown car of football

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I'm a bit lost here. Can someone remind me why Di Matteo got the boot?

It was a random mood swing from a boris with bipolar disorder

So its all the fat waiter's fault then.

I wrote on here earlier that none of them would have the balls to criticise their soviet sheikh and they have proven me dsgustingly correct.

Two bob bunch of wannabies.

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You realise at most clubs winning the CL would make the manager a legend in the fans eyes.


Have a think about it.

Don't need to think about, you won't find a post where I agreed with it. In fact look back a couple of pages and you will see how much it angered me.

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First and foremost people generally follow a team. For me that is chelsea. Now, I will always support chelsea regardless of you manages them or owns them and I think that goes for the majority of fans.

Do I think appointing Rafa was a touch insensitive? Yes. Would I rather someone else? Yes. Are here many other options? No. The club comes first and it's almost irrelevant who is in charge.

Chelsea get a lot of stick about changing managers, but there is continuity at the club. The ownership has stayed the same, so has the board and so has the back bone of the team until recently. Only the managers have changed and chelsea haven't done that bad because of it. If Ranieri had stayed would chelsea have achieved more?

As a side note AVB is the only manager I wanted to get the sack. Not because he is bad at his job, but because he caused too much divide in the club.

For those fans that feel then need to take banners to the game to have their say I feel a bit sorry for them. The club is successful, they are not in the sh1t like Portsmouth were. Rafa is just one cog in the works, and probably not that much of a big one at that, so why get so wound up?? The team comes first.

What! Insensitive because he correctly stated your plastic flags were crap? If that hits the sensitivies of the home crowd then they should man up and stop being such pussies. A better example of insensitive is Chelsea supporters jeering and booing the minutes silence for the Hillsborough anniversary not a bunch of fickle supporters crying about a plastic flag.

Another thing, it wasn't AVB who caused the divide at your club at all, it was Terry Cole and Lampard. They chose to put themselves and their agenda over that of your club and owner.

A manager first task, in any job, it to get the best out of his staff. Did AVB do that? No. Getting rid of Lampard, Cole and terry (the backbone of chelsea for years) over some new guy would be ridiculous. Do you really think that if we had kept AVB we would have won the cl and FA cup?

You can mock Roman as much as you like, but he is effective. Whenever we change managers we win something.

StevieH, how many managers have Liverpool had since Rafa? Even your own players suggested they should have given Hodgson more respect! As for king Kenny, he was much more of a legend at Liverpool than di matteo is at chelsea, yet you sack him as we'll!

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Don't need to think about, you won't find a post where I agreed with it. In fact look back a couple of pages and you will see how much it angered me.

do you not feel any antipathy towards the owner though? or does his money and basically just buying trophies just fan feelings and the managers issue? it's pretty shallow to be honest.

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StevieH, how many managers have Liverpool had since Rafa? Even your own players suggested they should have given Hodgson more respect! As for king Kenny, he was much more of a legend at Liverpool than di matteo is at chelsea, yet you sack him as we'll!

i don't like our owners mate, and i don't trust them. i don't think they have a clue about football.

whichever players you read saying hodgson should have got more respect were lying by the way. ;)

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Don't need to think about, you won't find a post where I agreed with it. In fact look back a couple of pages and you will see how much it angered me.

do you not feel any antipathy towards the owner though? or does his money and basically just buying trophies just fan feelings and the managers issue? it's pretty shallow to be honest.

I would love Roman to pick his man to manage the club and stand by him, but it is just not his way. I said in an earlier post that the only sacking I agreed with was AVB. Personally, I think if we would have kept Mourinho, we would have more trophies than we currently have.

Ranieri, came second. No reason to sack him.

Mourinho, bought more trophies to Stamford Bridge than any other manager. No reason to sack him.

Avram, was one slip away from cl trophy, no reason to sack him.

Scolari, made chelsea play sexy football, then went through a dip, no reason to sack him.

Hiddink, left of his own free will.

Ancelotti, first chelsea double, no reason to sack him.

AVB, divided the team. Sack him.

Di Matteo, cl and FA cup. Should have beat Man U, if not for a ref. should have beat QPR, but for penalties not being given. This would leave chelsea top of the league and he is bedding in a new team.

Rafa, don't know yet.

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I'm a bit lost here. Can someone remind me why Di Matteo got the boot?

It was a random mood swing from a boris with bipolar disorder

So its all the fat waiter's fault then.

I wrote on here earlier that none of them would have the balls to criticise their soviet sheikh and they have proven me dsgustingly correct.

Two bob bunch of wannabies.

Why would i wan,t to criticise the owner,with all the success has has brought us?
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Don't need to think about, you won't find a post where I agreed with it. In fact look back a couple of pages and you will see how much it angered me.

do you not feel any antipathy towards the owner though? or does his money and basically just buying trophies just fan feelings and the managers issue? it's pretty shallow to be honest.

I would love Roman to pick his man to manage the club and stand by him, but it is just not his way. I said in an earlier post that the only sacking I agreed with was AVB. Personally, I think if we would have kept Mourinho, we would have more trophies than we currently have.

Ranieri, came second. No reason to sack him.

Mourinho, bought more trophies to Stamford Bridge than any other manager. No reason to sack him.

Avram, was one slip away from cl trophy, no reason to sack him.

Scolari, made chelsea play sexy football, then went through a dip, no reason to sack him.

Hiddink, left of his own free will.

Ancelotti, first chelsea double, no reason to sack him.

AVB, divided the team. Sack him.

Di Matteo, cl and FA cup. Should have beat Man U, if not for a ref. should have beat QPR, but for penalties not being given. This would leave chelsea top of the league and he is bedding in a new team.

Rafa, don't know yet.

Some managers you have got through there isn't it! clap2.gif or should i say Roman has.

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You realise at most clubs winning the CL would make the manager a legend in the fans eyes.


Have a think about it.

No one is a legend at this club imho,they are either good at there job or not. I liked Dave Webb as a player,great respect for him and Ron Harris and many others. Eddie Mc Creadie and Ron Neal as managers plus the late Dave Sexton and a few others.I don,t care who wears the shirt,race colour or creed so long as they give 100% (oh and aren,t arrogant)wink.png
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Eight managers to win what he always wanted and then the one who does it he sacks! within a few months after.

whatever your allegiance it is not right is it? especially when 3rd in the league.... Club world championship coming up in all the Cups still!!

For what 6 months with Benitez,you can't be happy at that why just give RDM until the end of the season ?

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You realise at most clubs winning the CL would make the manager a legend in the fans eyes.


Have a think about it.

No one is a legend at this club imho,they are either good at there job or not. I liked Dave Webb as a player,great respect for him and Ron Harris and many others. Eddie Mc Creadie and Ron Neal as managers plus the late Dave Sexton and a few others.I don,t care who wears the shirt,race colour or creed so long as they give 100% (oh and aren,t arrogant)wink.png

That counts out your club captain then doesn't it.

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Eight managers to win what he always wanted and then the one who does it he sacks! within a few months after.

whatever your allegiance it is not right is it? especially when 3rd in the league.... Club world championship coming up in all the Cups still!!

For what 6 months with Benitez,you can't be happy at that why just give RDM until the end of the season ?

Giving Rdm till the end of the season only suits every other club,not ours. His substitutions and tactics were coming unstuck,and he could be easily criticised in the last 7 matches,we were bleeding and hopefully the bleeding will stop. We will see. I don,t care who is in charge wether it,s Rafa Benetiz or Rafa Nadal,a change was needed and as usual Roman had the balls to make the change before it was too late. Edited by keithsimmonds
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What happens to the next manager that has a few below par games?.....not forgetting how everyone was raving about you the first couple o month of the season under RDM.

Roman hasn't got balls he has money,if he had balls he would stand by his choice for leader.

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Liverpool football club is a family. We make managers feel part of the family when they come no matter where they arrived from.

At Chelsea you are an outsider unless fans take an instant liking to you.

Call it whatever you want but that's the truth and from a fans perspective it must be embarrassing. If you fans had any sense of ambition for your club to truly become great you would be voicing your concern to Abramovich, not a manager who was offered the job.

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