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Just come in from a nice round of caddying,in delightfull company,good golf good banter and see this,2 pages of lets kick the sh.t out of Chelsea.

I do like the way you went back to the terraces of 80,s Carmine,very nostalgic,i can hear those players voices now aaaghhhhhhhhh and of course that was probably the last time you won there. laugh.png Rafa,s team selections,his plans and substitutions are for want of better words,piss poor and even last night his last 2 subs invited Boro back into the game,when they were totally out of it,ive got no sympathy for him.

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Just come in from a nice round of caddying,in delightfull company,good golf good banter and see this,2 pages of lets kick the sh.t out of Chelsea.

I do like the way you went back to the terraces of 80,s Carmine,very nostalgic,i can hear those players voices now aaaghhhhhhhhh and of course that was probably the last time you won there. laugh.png Rafa,s team selections,his plans and substitutions are for want of better words,piss poor and even last night his last 2 subs invited Boro back into the game,when they were totally out of it,ive got no sympathy for him.

We've every love for your club an all Keith. smile.png

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I suppose it about time a Chelsea boy stepped in.

Firstly, Chelsea fans do get annoyed at Roman, just not to the extent of wanting him out. This is purely economical logic, yes?

The fans that sing and chant Rafa Out at the matches are in the minority and most on the Cheslea forums find it rather tiresome. Personally I didn't want Rafa, not just because he slagged of us fans, primarily because I don't think he is very good. Yes he was successful in Spain, but at Inter he won 12 out of 25, and at Chelsea he is 14 from 27. Not great stats are they.

Even at Liverpool I remember watching a match where he took off Torres and both Torres and Gerrard looked at each other and shook their heads in disbelief.

On the point about slating the fans, how many other managers have done it from without provocation? None? Isn't it just a professional courtesy no-no?

After the shock of him being made manager I said I would give him a chance and he was spot on when he said if he wins matches the fans will accept him. The problem is he doesn't win those matches.

In the interview the question he was asked had nothing to do with the fans or his tenure at Chelsea, yet he thought it a good idea to slag off some fans and the management again. Questionable professionalism and ethics IMO.

Complaining about the 'Interim' tag. Well he signed the bloody thing and i've done a little search and when he was appointed the term interim was in place from the off.

Rafa KNEW what Chelsea fans thought of him and the mountain he had to climb, yet he still signed.

Honestly, what does he expect? Things are not going well for him, so why would the fans support him. If he was lighting up the team week in week out and was getting abuse I would feel sympathy and anger for him and the fans.

As for the influence of JT. Yes he is an influence and so he should be after his time and success at the club, but to suggest he can influence results and players to play bad when he has been out injured is just ridiculous.

Bottom line is the RDM should never have been sacked and Rafa should never have been appointed. The only reason I can think of the Rafa was appointed is because Roman felt he could get Torres firing on all cylinders. Trouble is, he hasn't been able to.

I think the real point is Villas-Boas should never have been sacked and RDM and Benitez should never have been appopinted.

I remeber the instance of taking Torres off and yes, i agree it was bizarre. Rafa settled for a draw and europa league seemingly at that moment. What also followed was one of the most limp disinterested displays at anfield against chelsea. Chelsea were very strong but Liverpool and their manager gave the appearance atleast of not being interested.

Regards Terry, no one is saying he tells players to play badly but he mantains his position of influence in the dressing room over and above the coach. He was pivitol in the ousting of AVB because he knew that as a center back that is slow, can't turn and a stain on the arse of english sport his days were numbered. The manager was instructed to make a transition and whilst he didn't handle aspects well he came up against a brick wall in the three stooges that run the dressing room. Terry decided it was him or them.

As to what role he's taken in the departures of Mourinho and the others or the impending departure of Benitez theres much speculation but surely you must agree that he's totally divisive towards a new young manager with new ideas and a new younger squad. If not you're deluded mate.

I'm sure you are right about the booing being the minority but the problem is that the minority tends to be the loud minority. And this clapping that contues on 16 mins is just purile. Its certainly not helping your players either

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Next manager? Wouldn't be suprised is Avram gets drafted in for the remainder of the season. If we qualify for cl I really believe it will be Jose next season.

I don't want Sven, Harry or Hughes.

I wouldn't mind Roberto Martinez. He started the footballing revolution at Swansea and he's full of ideas,still being the only manager in the Premier League to use a 3-4-3 system.

for next interim manager i think roman will go way beyond bookies' faves. avram, martinez, laudrup. maybe spaletti. pellegrini perhaps.

I think 'Arry Redsnapps is the man for the job. Perfect man for the job and he'd take it in a heart beat!!

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Just come in from a nice round of caddying,in delightfull company,good golf good banter and see this,2 pages of lets kick the sh.t out of Chelsea.

I do like the way you went back to the terraces of 80,s Carmine,very nostalgic,i can hear those players voices now aaaghhhhhhhhh and of course that was probably the last time you won there. laugh.png Rafa,s team selections,his plans and substitutions are for want of better words,piss poor and even last night his last 2 subs invited Boro back into the game,when they were totally out of it,ive got no sympathy for him.

Nostalgia!! Not something normally associated with Chavski fc is it mate!! Anyway moving on.... 'Arry for manager...lets get the chirpy cockneys band wagon rolling

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Next manager? Wouldn't be suprised is Avram gets drafted in for the remainder of the season. If we qualify for cl I really believe it will be Jose next season.

I don't want Sven, Harry or Hughes.

I wouldn't mind Roberto Martinez. He started the footballing revolution at Swansea and he's full of ideas,still being the only manager in the Premier League to use a 3-4-3 system.

for next interim manager i think roman will go way beyond bookies' faves. avram, martinez, laudrup. maybe spaletti. pellegrini perhaps.

I think 'Arry Redsnapps is the man for the job. Perfect man for the job and he'd take it in a heart beat!!

He won't retire until he has managed every london team even Arsenal so he is nail on the next Chelsea manager.

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Yes Nev its very possible. Age doesn't matter because no ones there for the long haul. One year and he'll be sacked and he'll get a huge pay out. Chelsea will play fluent attacking football which we all know wobbly chops promotes. he's got little nephew Frank there as his adoring disciple who will get his new contract. This will bring Captain Fantastic and Cashly on board. He's a top man manager anyway and will massage the other ego's in their dressing room and he can make a fortune in under the table back handers with his agent mates. Sandra will give it the thumbs up becuse its London and he can get home to sandbanks in a reasonable time to walk the dogs. No brainer.. They are a perfect fit.

How would you all feel about him signing 3meterPeter from Stoke?

Edited by carmine
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Carmine, for some reason AVB was shocking for Chelsea but he's doing well for you guys. I don't know if its just paranoia or not, but when AVB was in charge of Chelsea there seemed to be an awful lot of stories bad mouthing him in the press that he doesn't get now. Stories of fining players for being 1 minute late, his obsession with DVD's, etc. has he changed his ways at Spurs or were they just dig at Chelsea stories.

I must point out though the the sacking of AVB was one I agreed with. His win ratio was below 50% and first any foremost a managers job is to man manage, regardless of profession. What went on at Chelsea, we really have no idea, was it a players revolt, was AVB being too aggressive, I don't know.

It's not to say I think he is a bad manager per se, it's just he got it wrong at Chelsea.

Regarding JT, he lives and breathes Chelsea, so again the stories might be true, but considering how much the press like to dig at Chelsea it wouldn't suprise me if they are taken out of context or overblown.

The booing and clapping aspect I couldn't agree more, helps no one and stops us moving forward.

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i don't think he's using the job description as an excuse for anything, i think he's using it to point out what a shambles of a club it is and what a shambolic appointment he was and how shambolically it was done. he was on a hiding to nothing from day one when they gave him that absurd title which basically translated as 'we know the fans don't like you so we're going to stick you with this nonsense to reassure them that whatever happens you're only here until the summer'. it's embarrassing. at least the mad club owners in serie a who hire and fire managers on a monthly basis don't resort to that kind of pathetic crap.

Still awaiting an explanation as to:

1) what is so terrible about being called an interim manager? It should have taken a lot of the pressure off of Rafa. If he was appointed "permanent" manager, whatever that means these days at Chelsea, it would mean that his head would of been on the chopping block much sooner. Being interim basically was a guarantee that, short of doing something really disastrous, he would, in his stop-gap capacity, be given until the end of the season to do whatever he could with the team. A chance to prove himself, at a time in his career, when he was rather desperate for that sort of opportunity A chance to put himself in the shop window and either continue things at Chelsea at the end of the season, or move on to another "big" club, and with a decent wedge of money in his back pocket whatever the outcome.

2) why is interim manager such an embarrassing term, but had it been caretaker manager, or temporary manager, that would have been ok? It's semantics. They all mean exactly the same thing.

3) if he didn't like the term, why not mention that on day one? Why wait until now? And nobody forced him to take the job, and if he didn't know the club was a shambles when he began his post, he must of been the only one in England. For it to have dawned on him just now, that he doesn't like the title and the club is a shambles, just all seems a tad convenient, and i have my doubts he would be saying any of this were he doing a good job with the team.

He was right when he took on the job, when he said that with regards not being popular with the fans, there was only one thing he could do, and that was to win games and prove himself to them. He has failed to do that and the idiots who booed him on day one and want him gone are winning in their own daft way. That is what he is angry about: his performance. All this title nonsense is just a diversion from that.

Edited by rixalex
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Carmine, for some reason AVB was shocking for Chelsea but he's doing well for you guys. I don't know if its just paranoia or not, but when AVB was in charge of Chelsea there seemed to be an awful lot of stories bad mouthing him in the press that he doesn't get now. Stories of fining players for being 1 minute late, his obsession with DVD's, etc. has he changed his ways at Spurs or were they just dig at Chelsea stories.

I must point out though the the sacking of AVB was one I agreed with. His win ratio was below 50% and first any foremost a managers job is to man manage, regardless of profession. What went on at Chelsea, we really have no idea, was it a players revolt, was AVB being too aggressive, I don't know.

It's not to say I think he is a bad manager per se, it's just he got it wrong at Chelsea.

Regarding JT, he lives and breathes Chelsea, so again the stories might be true, but considering how much the press like to dig at Chelsea it wouldn't suprise me if they are taken out of context or overblown.

The booing and clapping aspect I couldn't agree more, helps no one and stops us moving forward.

Well ok thats fair comment and i do think AVB has learnt a great deal from that experience. Not so sure the win percentage should be so relevent baring in mind his MO was to create a transition. My feelings are that certain senior players felt threatened and reacted to save their club careers.

Anyway, more relevent is Redknapp. Put his character aside, he'd do a good job for you. He's thick skinned but good around players. You would play attacking attractive football and he would rebuild the morale in the dressing room. Despite his flawed character he's a good manager

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As I said before I want Jose back. Of the three that I said I didn't want Harry is the least offensive to me. If it is Sven I will probably eat my face. Hughes just hasn't proven himself at all and will fail.

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As I said before I want Jose back. Of the three that I said I didn't want Harry is the least offensive to me. If it is Sven I will probably eat my face. Hughes just hasn't proven himself at all and will fail.

I would say Sven and Hughes are finished in terms of a top level appointment. i would hope so anyway. yes Mourinho would be a success but he's not a yes man, his ego is still massive and its very hard to see your owner putting up with him again.

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apparently not, no. and i agree. but i'm still waiting for examples of when liverpool fans booed hodgson or didn't give him time and support. he wasn't booed into the dugout at his first match, there weren't 'hodgson out' banners at his first match, he wasn't actively turned on by the crowd until we played blackburn when the 'hodgson for england' chant was started by a bunch of berks and the relationship was utterly done by then, 99% through his actions, tactics, comments about the fans and hicks and gillett, his blaming everyone but himself and us being in a relegation dogfight.

hodgson at liverpool and benitez at chelsea are not remotely comparable. sorry.

Hodgson didn't help his cause much at times, said some silly things, and his performance wasn't that great, but i maintain that from day one, booing or no booing, a big section of the club really didn't want him and made no great secret of the fact. His face didn't fit was a big part of it all. Brendan's face does, and you can see that by the fact that he too has said some silly things, and his win ratio is pretty much the same as Roy's was, and Brendan has had even more time, but the club are being patient with him. Turning around a club and putting your stamp on it doesn't happen overnight. Managers need to be given time.

Anyway, the argument about which manager is being treated worse by fans, Rafa or Roy, is academic to my central point: fans don't boo their own team, no matter what. Perhaps we can agree on that and move on?

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I just hope that Abram doesn't have a sudden random fit of footballing genius and appoint Jurgen Klopp.

He's been popping up on UK TV a bit, so maybe the time is right for a crack at the EPL. I'm rather hoping he'll hang on to be Arsene's successor.

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I just hope that Abram doesn't have a sudden random fit of footballing genius and appoint Jurgen Klopp.

He's been popping up on UK TV a bit, so maybe the time is right for a crack at the EPL. I'm rather hoping he'll hang on to be Arsene's successor.

i think the word is that Klopp is staying put at Dortmund and is a bolt on to take over the national side when Joachim Lowe steps down.

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I just hope that Abram doesn't have a sudden random fit of footballing genius and appoint Jurgen Klopp.

He's been popping up on UK TV a bit, so maybe the time is right for a crack at the EPL. I'm rather hoping he'll hang on to be Arsene's successor.

i think the word is that Klopp is staying put at Dortmund and is a bolt on to take over the national side when Joachim Lowe steps down.

I think if Dortmund win the CL this year, which I fancy them to do, or come very close, then Klopp will become very hot property, certainly too big for a national manager.

Chelsea/Real Madrid/ possibly Barca will be actively looking for a new manager.

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I just hope that Abram doesn't have a sudden random fit of footballing genius and appoint Jurgen Klopp.

He's been popping up on UK TV a bit, so maybe the time is right for a crack at the EPL. I'm rather hoping he'll hang on to be Arsene's successor.

i think the word is that Klopp is staying put at Dortmund and is a bolt on to take over the national side when Joachim Lowe steps down.

I think if Dortmund win the CL this year, which I fancy them to do, or come very close, then Klopp will become very hot property, certainly too big for a national manager.

Chelsea/Real Madrid/ possibly Barca will be actively looking for a new manager.

Plus your own club...thumbsup.gif

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I just hope that Abram doesn't have a sudden random fit of footballing genius and appoint Jurgen Klopp.

He's been popping up on UK TV a bit, so maybe the time is right for a crack at the EPL. I'm rather hoping he'll hang on to be Arsene's successor.

i think the word is that Klopp is staying put at Dortmund and is a bolt on to take over the national side when Joachim Lowe steps down.

I think if Dortmund win the CL this year, which I fancy them to do, or come very close, then Klopp will become very hot property, certainly too big for a national manager.

Chelsea/Real Madrid/ possibly Barca will be actively looking for a new manager.

Plus your own club...thumbsup.gif


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Manchester City could well be the best management position in football.

1 Top salary and fairly much guaranteed champions league football. No doubt a huge severence package if you mess up as is the way in football

2 Owners that have shown willingness to stick by a manager and make longterm investment in the business!

3 Unlimited transfer budget if necessary

4 Worldclass players already there

5 State of the art training facities and academy on the way.

Where do i apply?

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Manchester City could well be the best management position in football.

1 Top salary and fairly much guaranteed champions league football. No doubt a huge severence package if you mess up as is the way in football

2 Owners that have shown willingness to stick by a manager and make longterm investment in the business!

3 Unlimited transfer budget if necessary

4 Worldclass players already there

5 State of the art training facities and academy on the way.

Where do i apply?

It rains....a lot. biggrin.png

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I was going to watch Swans Toon tomorrow but i think this Chelsea match will be more entertaining off and on the field. The Fans, The "Interim" boss and how the team react on the pitch. Fascinating implosion

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If Abram is running out of ideas then Neil Warnock has said hell be leaving Leeds when they don't get promoted (he said 'if', but it amounts to the same thing). He also added that he'll be looking to get taken on at a higher level than nPower. Failed dreamer with big plans - right up the Russki's street.wai.gif

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Manchester City could well be the best management position in football.

1 Top salary and fairly much guaranteed champions league football. No doubt a huge severence package if you mess up as is the way in football

2 Owners that have shown willingness to stick by a manager and make longterm investment in the business!

3 Unlimited transfer budget if necessary

4 Worldclass players already there

5 State of the art training facities and academy on the way.

Where do i apply?

It rains....a lot. biggrin.png

And on top of all that you're still only the second biggest club in town.

But it still beats the hell out of managing Chelsea.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Manchester City could well be the best management position in football.

1 Top salary and fairly much guaranteed champions league football. No doubt a huge severence package if you mess up as is the way in football

2 Owners that have shown willingness to stick by a manager and make longterm investment in the business!

3 Unlimited transfer budget if necessary

4 Worldclass players already there

5 State of the art training facities and academy on the way.

Where do i apply?

Sorry carms no3 doesn't apply anymore, 10 year project with promoting youth only !!!

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I was going to watch Swans Toon tomorrow but i think this Chelsea match will be more entertaining off and on the field. The Fans, The "Interim" boss and how the team react on the pitch. Fascinating implosion

You ain,t seen nothing yet mate. He is going to cop it big time tomorow,and he bloody deserves it,the more i think about it,what a cheeky bastard coming out and blaming the fans. Fans that have travelled to Japan in the World Club Champs half way round the world and wednesday night in the freezing bloody cold over 2,000 having to take time off work to watch that shower of <deleted> he turned out. Last weekend givin it the big un before the city game saying we can finish in the top 2,top 2 my arse,not with his team selections rotations and substitutions. Worst of all is not once has he held his hands up and said its my fault not once. What a gutless spineless git he is. angry.png

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I was going to watch Swans Toon tomorrow but i think this Chelsea match will be more entertaining off and on the field. The Fans, The "Interim" boss and how the team react on the pitch. Fascinating implosion

You ain,t seen nothing yet mate. He is going to cop it big time tomorow,and he bloody deserves it,the more i think about it,what a cheeky bastard coming out and blaming the fans. Fans that have travelled to Japan in the World Club Champs half way round the world and wednesday night in the freezing bloody cold over 2,000 having to take time off work to watch that shower of <deleted> he turned out. Last weekend givin it the big un before the city game saying we can finish in the top 2,top 2 my arse,not with his team selections rotations and substitutions. Worst of all is not once has he held his hands up and said its my fault not once. What a gutless spineless git he is. angry.png

He didn't come out against those loyal fans that support the club did he?

He came out against the fans that continue to protest against him and make a poor atmosphere for home matches and said it affects the players as well.

He did it to let the fans know he will be out at the end of the season and since they've got their way, to now turn around and support the players. Not him. But the players. That was the point.

Wednesday. You're talking about the shower of <deleted> that you won 2-0? You doth protest too much, methinks.

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I was going to watch Swans Toon tomorrow but i think this Chelsea match will be more entertaining off and on the field. The Fans, The "Interim" boss and how the team react on the pitch. Fascinating implosion

You ain,t seen nothing yet mate. He is going to cop it big time tomorow,and he bloody deserves it,the more i think about it,what a cheeky bastard coming out and blaming the fans. Fans that have travelled to Japan in the World Club Champs half way round the world and wednesday night in the freezing bloody cold over 2,000 having to take time off work to watch that shower of <deleted> he turned out. Last weekend givin it the big un before the city game saying we can finish in the top 2,top 2 my arse,not with his team selections rotations and substitutions. Worst of all is not once has he held his hands up and said its my fault not once. What a gutless spineless git he is. angry.png

He didn't come out against those loyal fans that support the club did he?

He came out against the fans that continue to protest against him and make a poor atmosphere for home matches and said it affects the players as well.

He did it to let the fans know he will be out at the end of the season and since they've got their way, to now turn around and support the players. Not him. But the players. That was the point.

Wednesday. You're talking about the shower of <deleted> that you won 2-0? You doth protest too much, methinks.

Chelsea fans think Mensa is a tanning salon mate. rolleyes.gif

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