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Bill Clinton Would Be 'In Charge of Revitalizing the Economy,' Hillary Clinton Says


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Good. People of a certain age know the facts, that Bill Clinton performed remarkably well on economic issues. Trump's low information followers long for the good old days of Henry Ford style fascist isolationism, minorities under the thumb of white men ... the real good old days are the ECONOMY under Bill Clinton.

People of a certain age know there's a 5-10 year lag between the implementation of an economic policy and seeing any results from that policy. That differs from Federal Reserve directed fiscal and monetary policy which has a 6-18 month lag. people also know bill Clinton was the beneficiary of an internet inspired stock market bubble, with the accompanying "wealth affect". People also know that the only budget surplus in many years was a direct result of increased capital gains tax revenues as a result of that stock market bubble. So, does this mean another stock market bubble and resultant crash is in the works?

People can come up with a million reasons that a success wasn't really a success. People of a certain age call it "sour grapes".

The real skill is to come up with the success that others can scoff at.

And I don't know about economic policy lagtime, but I'm pretty sure we started bleeding big money about 3 minutes after the trigger was pulled on Afghanistan (with no strategy, no goalpost, and no exit strategy), and hemorrhaging $$ billions even before they pulled the trigger on Iraq. And we still haven't stopped the bleeding- probably won't for another 50 years.

BTW- not a fan of the guy's morals or personal character, but I begrudge credit where it's due.

Edited by impulse
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Bill Clinton, along with his Republican allies, repealed Glass-Steagall. That enabled the the crash. Neither Clinton has said it was wrong or they would reinstate Glass-Steagall. That is really all one needs to know about their economic prowess and their allegiance to Wall Street criminals and banksters. The Clintons are nothing more than bought and sold Republican lite.

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Isn't that something Americans generally elect a President to do...or won't Hillary have the time between all the nail and hair-salon appointments?

Hillary will be plenty busy, fersure. She'll be a prez similar to Carter and Bill. They were quite active - showing up early for work, walking down halls in the Congressional buildings, knocking on and opening doors, checking in with legislators to gauge where they were at. Quite different than Duby'a, who would rather relax at the golf course. I can picture Trump camped in the Oval Office like King Midas. Half the things he says publicly would have to either be backed off/denied later (after his aides set him straight), or would be excuses for doing things differently than he promised earlier. An example, if Trump were still in office 10 months after inauguration:

Aide asks: "Mr. President, there's a group of pesky reporters who are curious when you're going to start building the wall you promised."

Prez: "Ha ha ha, Did they think I really meant to build that silly wall? That was just a campaign ploy to gain attention. Didn't they get that?"

Aide: "With all due respect sir, you did repeatedly use the word, 'I promise' And phrases like 'I guarantee that wall will be built., and......'"

Prez (cutting off his aide loudly): "Excuse me, Excuse me. Don't question me or what I plan to do. I can change whenever I want. Are you the president? No, I'm the president. Tell those reporters I still hate them, and they can take dry leaves out of the White House gutter and smoke 'em. Tell 'em to go stuff themselves."

Impluse excerpt: "and hemorrhaging $$ billions even before they pulled the trigger on Iraq."

Guess who had a bunch of contracts for servicing US forces going to war? Yup, Cheney. He had his fingers in many corporate pies. He created a money stream for himself that Trump would be jealous of. He was even heavily invested in fast food outlets which provided meals for the troops. He was happier than rat residing at a sausage factory.

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Hillary should be in jail

She is pretty much guilty of releasing classified information..while IN the capacity of high office. An abomination.

That's a fact. Right now, she is being protected by their corrupt, dirty, stinking, lying, Washington circles.

You know that.

I hope the FBI comes clean....

Hillary will...mark my words...in no uncertain terms....be dropped as a candidate.

The dirty clintons are hopefully out forever.

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Isn't that something Americans generally elect a President to do...or won't Hillary have the time between all the nail and hair-salon appointments?

Hillary will be plenty busy, fersure. She'll be a prez similar to Carter and Bill. They were quite active - showing up early for work, walking down halls in the Congressional buildings, knocking on and opening doors, checking in with legislators to gauge where they were at. Quite different than Duby'a, who would rather relax at the golf course. I can picture Trump camped in the Oval Office like King Midas. Half the things he says publicly would have to either be backed off/denied later (after his aides set him straight), or would be excuses for doing things differently than he promised earlier. An example, if Trump were still in office 10 months after inauguration:

Aide asks: "Mr. President, there's a group of pesky reporters who are curious when you're going to start building the wall you promised."

Prez: "Ha ha ha, Did they think I really meant to build that silly wall? That was just a campaign ploy to gain attention. Didn't they get that?"

Aide: "With all due respect sir, you did repeatedly use the word, 'I promise' And phrases like 'I guarantee that wall will be built., and......'"

Prez (cutting off his aide loudly): "Excuse me, Excuse me. Don't question me or what I plan to do. I can change whenever I want. Are you the president? No, I'm the president. Tell those reporters I still hate them, and they can take dry leaves out of the White House gutter and smoke 'em. Tell 'em to go stuff themselves."

Impluse excerpt: "and hemorrhaging $$ billions even before they pulled the trigger on Iraq."

Guess who had a bunch of contracts for servicing US forces going to war? Yup, Cheney. He had his fingers in many corporate pies. He created a money stream for himself that Trump would be jealous of. He was even heavily invested in fast food outlets which provided meals for the troops. He was happier than rat residing at a sausage factory.

"Quite different than Duby'a, who would rather relax at the golf course."

Bush stopped playing golf in August 2003 saying in an interview with Politico....

" "in solidarity" with the families of soldiers who were dying in Iraq, concluding that it was "just not worth it anymore" to play the sport in a time of war.

"I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,"
Then we have this little bit...
"Guess who had a bunch of contracts for servicing US forces going to war? Yup, Cheney. He had his fingers in many corporate pies. He created a money stream for himself that Trump would be jealous of. He was even heavily invested in fast food outlets which provided meals for the troops."
​How about providing a link to support this allegation.
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Isn't that something Americans generally elect a President to do...or won't Hillary have the time between all the nail and hair-salon appointments?

Hillary will be plenty busy, fersure. She'll be a prez similar to Carter and Bill. They were quite active - showing up early for work, walking down halls in the Congressional buildings, knocking on and opening doors, checking in with legislators to gauge where they were at. Quite different than Duby'a, who would rather relax at the golf course. I can picture Trump camped in the Oval Office like King Midas. Half the things he says publicly would have to either be backed off/denied later (after his aides set him straight), or would be excuses for doing things differently than he promised earlier. An example, if Trump were still in office 10 months after inauguration:

Aide asks: "Mr. President, there's a group of pesky reporters who are curious when you're going to start building the wall you promised."

Prez: "Ha ha ha, Did they think I really meant to build that silly wall? That was just a campaign ploy to gain attention. Didn't they get that?"

Aide: "With all due respect sir, you did repeatedly use the word, 'I promise' And phrases like 'I guarantee that wall will be built., and......'"

Prez (cutting off his aide loudly): "Excuse me, Excuse me. Don't question me or what I plan to do. I can change whenever I want. Are you the president? No, I'm the president. Tell those reporters I still hate them, and they can take dry leaves out of the White House gutter and smoke 'em. Tell 'em to go stuff themselves."

Impluse excerpt: "and hemorrhaging $$ billions even before they pulled the trigger on Iraq."

Guess who had a bunch of contracts for servicing US forces going to war? Yup, Cheney. He had his fingers in many corporate pies. He created a money stream for himself that Trump would be jealous of. He was even heavily invested in fast food outlets which provided meals for the troops. He was happier than rat residing at a sausage factory.

"Quite different than Duby'a, who would rather relax at the golf course."

Bush stopped playing golf in August 2003 saying in an interview with Politico....

" "in solidarity" with the families of soldiers who were dying in Iraq, concluding that it was "just not worth it anymore" to play the sport in a time of war.

"I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,"
Then we have this little bit...
"Guess who had a bunch of contracts for servicing US forces going to war? Yup, Cheney. He had his fingers in many corporate pies. He created a money stream for himself that Trump would be jealous of. He was even heavily invested in fast food outlets which provided meals for the troops."
​How about providing a link to support this allegation.
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The fact that the US economy happened to be in good shape during his presidency has zero to fo with his economic prowess. Bill Clinton is a great brand name to throw around during the election but I have zero confidence that he has a prescription for the big down turn that is heading our way.

So, do you think "a big (economic) down turn" is inevitable? Maybe so, but if Mr. Clinton wants to devote his time and smarts to trying to improve the US economy and to try to assist the downtrodden, then more power to him. I admired him before, and I admire him now. Usually men who have had great careers and are graying, are apt to downshift and relax in their senior years. Carter is another example of an energized former prez who is active every day, trying to do what he can to improve the lives of disadvantaged. Carter is involved with Habitat For Humanity, and he's actually out there hammering nails and rubbing shoulders with Latinos and others, ......sweating, sharing laughs, swapping stories. What did Bush Sr do when retired? Skydived. What did Bush Jr do when retired? I honestly don't know.

I'm in my 60's. I was never famous or rich, but I like to stay active each day - outdoors if possible. Yesterday and today I transplanted 9 trees which happen to be a type of palm which are the largest and among the oldest family of palms in the world. They existed for 15 million years, side by side with dinosaurs. I admire people like Carter and Clinton who choose to stay active in their senior years - to do what they can to try and improve the country they love.

Don't normally agree with you mostly as you know Boomer but I do agree with your thoughts on Pres Carter, a man to be admired throughout his life with a prayer for him in his ill health too

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Hillary should be in jail

She is pretty much guilty of releasing classified information..while IN the capacity of high office. An abomination.

That's a fact. Right now, she is being protected by their corrupt, dirty, stinking, lying, Washington circles.

You know that.

I hope the FBI comes clean....

Hillary will...mark my words...in no uncertain terms....be dropped as a candidate.

The dirty clintons are hopefully out forever.

Was there anything even remotely classified or 'eyes only' in H's emails? Thus far you and I and the American people don't know. FBI are looking but they haven't announced anything for sure yet. Republicans are ever-hopeful FBI will find something, but Reps are going to be disappointed. Even when FBI comes up with nothing, Trump fans are going to keep screaming for blood.

If you want to get all twisted in a tizzy about classified material, just take a look at some videos on youtube. There are descriptions and detailed photos of state-of-the-art weapons and systems all over. Add to that, thousands of Chinese PLA and other workers - whose every day jobs are full time glued to computers prying to gauge what the US and others are up to. If Republicans are so worried about leaked secrets, they would do well to probe where leaks are really coming from. They're not coming from Hillary's emails which talk about things like what color pant suit to wear to a dinner.

I can picture China's inner circle of military brass looking at H's emails, with the following commentary:

"Here's one! She is wearing tan pants suit to dinner with Finland president's wife. That must indicate that the US 5th Fleet has capability at traveling 41 knots on choppy seas. Here's another one! Hillary is giving away a coupon for foot massage. That must mean that stealth fighter can carry 167 kilos of precision missiles."

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Hillary should be in jail

She is pretty much guilty of releasing classified information..while IN the capacity of high office. An abomination.

That's a fact. Right now, she is being protected by their corrupt, dirty, stinking, lying, Washington circles.

You know that.

I hope the FBI comes clean....

Hillary will...mark my words...in no uncertain terms....be dropped as a candidate.

The dirty clintons are hopefully out forever.

It strikes me that most Americans are basing their voting on personal attacks and slander of the Candidates instead of studying the policies they have to offer.

Surely it is far more important to study their plans for the future of the US whether it be building the great wall of Mexico or getting Mr Clinton to take care of the economy. I know that this is far more important to the world at large than all the character assassination going on here on TV and in the US.

I am just really happy that I do not live and never will live in the US. The arguments against both candidates is verging on the moronic.

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The real headline should be:

Hillary Admits Obama "Recovery" Is a Hoax

""My husband, who I'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, cause you know he knows how to do it," Clinton told the crowd at an outdoor organizing rally. "

otherwise the economy wouldn't need to be revitalized, would it?

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Good. People of a certain age know the facts, that Bill Clinton performed remarkably well on economic issues. Trump's low information followers long for the good old days of Henry Ford style fascist isolationism, minorities under the thumb of white men ... the real good old days are the ECONOMY under Bill Clinton.

How is Hillary going to keep Bill off Jeffrey Epstein's private jet and his trips to the Caribbean for sex. Maybe she will help Bill bring in the underage girls to the White House.

That comment is just too much of a flame and too stupid.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Waaw 2 people on you ignore list in 2 days time! Would it not be easier if all of us put you on the ignore list? Do you have a life besides TV?
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It strikes me that most Americans are basing their voting on personal attacks and slander of the Candidates instead of studying the policies they have to offer.

Surely it is far more important to study their plans for the future of the US whether it be building the great wall of Mexico or getting Mr Clinton to take care of the economy. I know that this is far more important to the world at large than all the character assassination going on here on TV and in the US.

I am just really happy that I do not live and never will live in the US. The arguments against both candidates is verging on the moronic.

You're mostly right. A lot of Americans, myself included, are caught up in the absurdity of having a candidate like Trump heading one of the two major political parties. However, if you chance to speak with any thoughtful Americans, most likely you'll hear they can laugh at the histrionics and even a bit at themselves, getting sucked into it. I get a kick out of watching talk show hosts. Without exception they shred Trump. It can't be avoided. He's like the guy dressed in a gorilla suit who shows up at a black tie party and goes around the room humping all the women while gulping down their drinks. He eats and breathes publicity. Enjoy the circus, but don't forget to get away at least once per day, to try and regain some sanity.

The real headline should be:

Hillary Admits Obama "Recovery" Is a Hoax

""My husband, who I'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, cause you know he knows how to do it," Clinton told the crowd at an outdoor organizing rally. "

otherwise the economy wouldn't need to be revitalized, would it?

Whether or not the economy appears to be doing well, you're saying there's no room for improvement?!

You might agree with Ken Olsen, an engineer who co-founded Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) , in 1977 opined; "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home."

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Hillary should be in jail

She is pretty much guilty of releasing classified information..while IN the capacity of high office. An abomination.

That's a fact. Right now, she is being protected by their corrupt, dirty, stinking, lying, Washington circles.

You know that.

I hope the FBI comes clean....

Hillary will...mark my words...in no uncertain terms....be dropped as a candidate.

The dirty clintons are hopefully out forever.

Was there anything even remotely classified or 'eyes only' in H's emails? Thus far you and I and the American people don't know. FBI are looking but they haven't announced anything for sure yet. Republicans are ever-hopeful FBI will find something, but Reps are going to be disappointed. Even when FBI comes up with nothing, Trump fans are going to keep screaming for blood.

<<nonsense snipped>>

When are you going to start researching your own questions rather than insisting on proving how out of touch you really are?

"Was there anything even remotely classified or 'eyes only' in H's emails?"

The following article took me about three minutes to locate. Read it and then com back with your questions. At least then you will have enough rudimentary knowledge to ask intelligent questions.


Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President
03/07/2016 10:42 am ET | Updated Mar 07, 2016
H. A. Goodman
Columnist published in The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Baltimore Sun, The Hill, Salon, The Jerusalem Post www.hagoodman.com
Hillary Clinton is the only Secretary of State to delete 31,830 emails, from her own private server and without government oversight. Thus, we haven’t seen all her emails yet. In fact, there are over 30,000 emails that the FBI or Bryan Pagliano might have been able to access, but none of us will see these emails. Tim Black offers a brilliant analysis of the Pagliano breakthrough, from an IT perspective, in this segment of Tim Black TV.
Last count I heard over 2,000 contained classified information with over 100 listed as Secret and 22 listed as Top Secret.
And that's just from those emails Hillary and her phalanx of defense attorneys decided not to delete.
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Hillary should be in jail

She is pretty much guilty of releasing classified information..while IN the capacity of high office. An abomination.

That's a fact. Right now, she is being protected by their corrupt, dirty, stinking, lying, Washington circles.

You know that.

I hope the FBI comes clean....

Hillary will...mark my words...in no uncertain terms....be dropped as a candidate.

The dirty clintons are hopefully out forever.

It strikes me that most Americans are basing their voting on personal attacks and slander of the Candidates instead of studying the policies they have to offer.

Surely it is far more important to study their plans for the future of the US whether it be building the great wall of Mexico or getting Mr Clinton to take care of the economy. I know that this is far more important to the world at large than all the character assassination going on here on TV and in the US.

I am just really happy that I do not live and never will live in the US. The arguments against both candidates is verging on the moronic.

"I am just really happy that I do not live and never will live in the US."

I'm quite certain the combined US Chambers of Commerce will be crushed to hear this breaking news.

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So the fox will be guarding the hen house. While it was the Regan regime that set American on the road to ruin, it was Bill Clinton that enabled it. "Clinton had five major achievements as president: NAFTA, the Crime Bill of 1994, welfare reform, the deregulation of banks and telecoms, and the balanced budget. All of them -- every single one -- were longstanding Republican objectives." http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36035-thomas-frank-bill-clinton-s-five-major-achievements-were-longstanding-gop-objectives

I noticed that truth-out forgot to list the tax hike. You know the one that Republicans predicted would bring ruin to the American economy.

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Considering the Clinton's drug background maybe he and she should legalize coke and that would be a tremendous economic boost.


Apparently Chuck Norris is a respected political investigator over there. Clearly an unimpeachable source.


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Remember he was the start of the economic disaster!

Not quite. The big economic debate in Bush vs. Gore 2000 was how to spend the budget surplus left by 8 years of Clinton.

The budget surplus claimed by Bill Clinton was nothing but an accounting trick, which pushed current expenditures off into later years, after he was out of office.

And George Bush, being an impatient type, pushed it up way ahead of schedule. And on his way out the door, left us with the worst recession since the Great Depression just to keep the bad times rolling.

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So, is there one classified email which HRC sent unsecured? And if so, how important is it, and do you think the Russkies or Chinese really care about it, if they even intercepted it? Reps are trying soooooo hard to get some bad crap to stick to HRC, but instead they're falling on their faces in their own crap. Has it been one or two million more votes for HRC than Trump thus far? The majority of American voters are mature and aware enough to see bottom feeding for what it is: bottom feeding.

It's indicative of how little the Rep Attack Machine has, if they have to keep harping on their three mud-encrusted issues:

>>> HRC may have sent an unsecured email which may have had something important in its text. We don't know.
>>> She may have had some peripheral involvement with the 4 deaths at Benghazi, though news reporters interviewing at the scene (days before the FBI got there) found nothing untoward about HRC, and similarly, a Senate Hearing found she did nothing wrong.
>>> She should have publicly chastised her husband for messing around for a few minutes. And then she should have denounced him and dumped him, according to the Republican Attack Squad which knows all about how to quickly dump marital partners for any petty reason. Ask Newt or Trump. If she had done that, would Republicans feel better about her?

In sum, Republicans have zero re; issues, policies, experience, diplomatic skills, congressional savvy in their incessant put-downs of HRC. All they have are gossip-like maybe's that one might expect from some prissy immature jr. high school girls who are jealous of another girl. If there was anything tangible to denigrate HRC, Reps would dig it up. But thus far all they have are Twinkie wrappers.

Here's a suggestion: Try looking at issues instead of looking in cesspools. Compare the candidates' stances on issues, if you dare. If you do, with a modicum of objectivity, you'll see Trump is a flip-flopping clueless buffoon, and HRC is principled, knowledgeable, and knows how to get things done inside the Beltway. She also gets along well with foreign leaders. As for Trump, thus far he's interacted with six foreign leaders and clashed with five of them. He comes across as ok 16% of the time.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Well, there really are no words. Did she really tell voters to elect her because her husband knew how to do the job? I think senility is slowly setting in, and just in time for the FBI interview.

Heaven knows she'd be lost at sea trying to do it. I have to say that with this admission she's been more "transparent" than Obama ever was!

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