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Sorry if this is in the wrong section, i wasnt allowed to post in news clippings :o

The Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, also said on Tuesday that he would order a withdrawal if the situation in Iraq becomes too dangerous.

Full report, which reports Powell rallying support in Iraq can be found Here

(Scroll right to the bottom of the report for the quote)

Thaksin's message that he'll pull out Thai troops if it gets dangerous is more likely to get his troops hurt. He opens his mouth to change feet. :D

When I saw the dear CEO would do this if it got too dangerous my first thought was with this kind of public statement he is inviting the terrorists in Iraq to attack the Thai camp. Once again foot in mouth. :o

Thaksin's message that he'll pull out Thai troops if it gets dangerous is more likely to get his troops hurt. He opens his mouth to change feet. :o

It sure seems obvious after the Doctor points it out! :D

Thaksin's message that he'll pull out Thai troops if it gets dangerous is more likely to get his troops hurt. He opens his mouth to change feet.    :D

When I saw the dear CEO would do this if it got too dangerous my first thought was with this kind of public statement he is inviting the terrorists in Iraq to attack the Thai camp. Once again foot in mouth. :o

Sorry dr., I meant to put in my reply that "I too" thought what you pointed out. An open invitation for sure.

Sorry, Goat Roper

My comment was not directed at you. More at what the person (PM) who made the original statement should be feeling about now.

By the way, love your nick and your signature!

NP, I didn't think it was. Thanks for the kudos on my nic and sig.


Interesting peice of news in the News Clippings thats related to this, kinda...

The letter, sent from a group calling itself the "Yellow-Red Overseas Organization," said the group would launch terrorist attacks on major facilities in eight countries, including South Korea, between April 20 and 30, said Yonhap.

The other specified countries were Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Kuwait and Pakistan.

Lets just Pray and Hope we dont get the kind of retaliation that Spain recieved... that would be beyond destructive for Thailands tourist industry, not to mention the humanitarian implications... <sigh>

A friend of mine was stopped driving back from the airport in phuket at the weekend, apparently the police were checking vehichles for bombs and explosive devices... now that is worrying!

Maybe, just maybe, the Thai PM wants to pull the thai troops out before this happens... and i for one, would not blame him.

Sorry, Goat Roper

My comment was not directed at you. More at what the person (PM) who made the original statement should be feeling about now.

By the way, love your nick and your signature!

He tried to register as goat rooter but his clumsy fingers messed it all up :o

Maybe, just maybe, the Thai PM wants to pull the thai troops out before this happens... and i for one, would not blame him.

So now you just have to send a threatening letter to get a sovereign nation to do what you want, you don't even have to kill anybody.

Man, we are really making it easy for these people.:o


So now you just have to send a threatening letter to get a sovereign nation to do what you want, you don't even have to kill anybody.

Man, we are really making it easy for these people.:o


haha - if it was only that easy...

At the end of the day, its got nothing to do with me, i just come here, spout my opinions and then go do something else... i'll leave the running of the country to the elected officals.

Sorry, Goat Roper

My comment was not directed at you. More at what the person (PM) who made the original statement should be feeling about now.

By the way, love your nick and your signature!

He tried to register as goat rooter but his clumsy fingers messed it all up :D

Goat Rooter sounds a lot cooler than Georgie-Porgie. I wonder if he'd be pissed if I nicked his nick? I like 'em a little stubborn. :o

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