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Three inventions that can save children left in hot cars introduced to public


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It is technology...

Technology it is in the first place that created the problem.

technology works as good as the users it operates.

sleeping child not move much for long time and slowly slides away to passing away.

commns sencs, good car desing and responcilbity prevent tcases like this.

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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

Well I guess babies can't wind the windows down sad.png

Especially when they are automatic, with no key in the ignition.

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"These wireless devices have been invented three years ago."

....But we'll wait for another major tragedy before we say anything about it.

If they weren't serious, it would be funny.

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"The Office of the Vocational Education Commission yesterday introduced three inventions of vocational students that it says can save children accidentally locked inside hot school van..."

I suppose this will have to do, since trying to introduce common sense and personal responsibility to the general population have been monumental failures.

..and the pre-set phone number in the GPS would be...yes you guessed it...the van driver.

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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

Having been left in a locked car myself for a few hours I can assure you that you can't wind the power windows down when the car is locked.

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What is their point in announcing this? Do they really expect a Thai to purchase and install any of them in their vans? They won't even pay to fix car seats or buy a car seat for smaller children. Geez, you're lucky if they pay to replace a headlight or taillight bulb. Even if these gadgets worked no one would buy them.

Instead of finding things that take away the responsibility of the drivers they need to severely punish the ones who had already killed kids due to their negligence. Teach Thais to be responsible for their actions.

The idea is to prevent children from dying. Charging a van driver or having the school master / teachers taking responsibility after the death is pointless, as the kid is dead.

I agree the ideas need more work, but after all it was tech college students that have developed them for a tech competition.

As for some remarks about the motion detectors - most modern cars with security alarms are already fitted with this, and it only works with movement inside the car - even slight movement. My car registration sticker triggered the alarm a couple of times when it came off the windscreen due to the hit.

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sorry to say, a lot of the "Thai" inventions are not really inventions at all.....

A lot of Thai inventions? Name them, Red Bull and toilet paper on table in restaurants

Red Bull's recipe is adapted from Japan energy drinks ....tongue.png

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What is their point in announcing this? Do they really expect a Thai to purchase and install any of them in their vans? They won't even pay to fix car seats or buy a car seat for smaller children. Geez, you're lucky if they pay to replace a headlight or taillight bulb. Even if these gadgets worked no one would buy them.

Instead of finding things that take away the responsibility of the drivers they need to severely punish the ones who had already killed kids due to their negligence. Teach Thais to be responsible for their actions.

The idea is to prevent children from dying. Charging a van driver or having the school master / teachers taking responsibility after the death is pointless, as the kid is dead.

I agree the ideas need more work, but after all it was tech college students that have developed them for a tech competition.

As for some remarks about the motion detectors - most modern cars with security alarms are already fitted with this, and it only works with movement inside the car - even slight movement. My car registration sticker triggered the alarm a couple of times when it came off the windscreen due to the hit.

They are ultrasonic detectors not, PIR, the "new invention" uses a PIR detector, which will be slightly problematic, so yes cars have security alarms but the devil is in the detail..which you havent considered

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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

Having been left in a locked car myself for a few hours I can assure you that you can't wind the power windows down when the car is locked.

You have to concede, most of the members on TV are cost sensitive, so would never pay for the extravagant hiso options of electric windows, the height of luxury for many is a Honda wave, which as you are aware doesnt have windows to start with

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children accidentally locked inside hot school van...

Accidentally cheesy.gif

Please stop, I can't no mo'sad.png

A child dies and you are laughing? Sick.

Well then, let me help you reading that again so you can understand it properly, shall we?

I am laughing at, and most people here so far also pointing at it, the phrasing of "accidental". And just to get you on the same page with the first hit definition:

an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.

So, if that definition is in line with your greater understanding of how the world works and therefore children 'have to die', then you are "sick".

However, let me introduce you to the world of more rational thinkers and make you will take a liking to that.

We are faced with a situation, assuming we are referring to the news a few days ago with the girl dying and likely bunch of similiar cases, where children are under the care of adults and responsible for said kids. With that in mind, children have "no agency of their own" hence why they aren't held accountable to the same standards of adults, henche why they aren't allowed to vote, drive a car, buy a house, drink alcohol and all that other fancy schtick. Now, once you are an adult, by definition of age at least, take up a job, rent an aparment, drive a car (with other living beings) and all the other fancy schticks, you have responsibilities. Back to our situations, an adult driving kids can happen to forget a child in the car and as a result dies, we call this an accident? Surely not, the word we are looking for is neglect. And just so you don't need to go out of your way to google the definition:

fail to care for properly.

Other words that are closer to the actual situation than "accident" are forgotten, carelessness, disregarded, thoughtlessness and even inadvertence.

Bringing us to the "next issue". These college students are coming up with inventions (or not) to save said unlucky bastard having been neglected and on their own for the actual purpose of what? Here is the quote that you surely didn't miss:

I suppose this will have to do, since trying to introduce common sense and personal responsibility to the general population have been monumental failures.

That hit the nail on the head. However many ways you want to spin it and add exceptions and caveats to it, a (schoolbus) driver _has_ to be aware of all their passengers and needs to verify everyone having exited the vehicle before stopping and going out for lunch break etc. You know, things that come with the job and the responsibilities it carries with it.

With all of that out of the way, I'll give you some truth to your statement, albeit I wasn't laughing at the death, I'm not saddened by it either, being aware that something like that can and will happen as well, add in this being Thailand and people mai pen rai their and other lives away running red lights etc, this isn't something I'm shocked at but just shake my head in silence. And because we as (foreign) individuals won't be able to change anything of that, we can still take the piss out of situations like that and in many cases be able to point fingers at the obvious and if people like you who (intentionally) misread/interpret the actual statement and get offended by it, as it shows either being complacent with how things are going as a whole or actually being aware of the truth of the matter and being angry in the wrong direction for the sake of whatever, in Thailands case being saving face.

But please keep sitting on your moral high horse or narrow views the next time you are eating a burger while kids in africa die a wretched death of hunger.

Good day.

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Yes, sinking vehicles are so prevalent that all vehicle owners should buy the glass breaker immediately. And then secondary use of these batons will prevail as road rage combat dueling weapons.

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i got one. parents with a brain.

That's unfair.

In the most recent case the parents didn't do anything wrong.

You don't have a brain if you let your child drive with any of these maniac van drivers !!


Thank you very much for the insult.

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

My son has been travelling on school buses since he was 5 years old and there have been NO problems for him and hundreds of other school children in rural Khampaeng Phet.

I would like you to dive my son to school and back every day. After all it is only 65km each way and I am sure that you would take great care of him. You need to leave my house around 05.40 and you should be back by 18.00 x 5 days a week and I will pay you what I pay the bus driver. 2,000 baht per month.

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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

Tricky if you have electric windows and the ignition is switched off.

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When it comes to children left in hot cars, couldn't they have invented a parental IQ testing device, used to detect whether parents are really up to the task?

This was triggered by a three year old trapped in a school van after being neglected by the driver and attendant. Parents weren't there to help, they had placed their trust on the driver. Which in this country isn't anything you want to do unless you have to.

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What is their point in announcing this? Do they really expect a Thai to purchase and install any of them in their vans? They won't even pay to fix car seats or buy a car seat for smaller children. Geez, you're lucky if they pay to replace a headlight or taillight bulb. Even if these gadgets worked no one would buy them.

Instead of finding things that take away the responsibility of the drivers they need to severely punish the ones who had already killed kids due to their negligence. Teach Thais to be responsible for their actions.

The idea is to prevent children from dying. Charging a van driver or having the school master / teachers taking responsibility after the death is pointless, as the kid is dead.

I agree the ideas need more work, but after all it was tech college students that have developed them for a tech competition.

As for some remarks about the motion detectors - most modern cars with security alarms are already fitted with this, and it only works with movement inside the car - even slight movement. My car registration sticker triggered the alarm a couple of times when it came off the windscreen due to the hit.

They are ultrasonic detectors not, PIR, the "new invention" uses a PIR detector, which will be slightly problematic, so yes cars have security alarms but the devil is in the detail..which you havent considered
Also if the police and gov actually held some of these drivers accountant and issued some real punishments then others would take their jobs more seriously and be more careful with these kids.... If I recall another time this happened here with yet another child in Bangkok. The school paid off the family and no punishment was given other than a transfer of her job... They should be getting life in prison or the death sentence for their irresponsibility which ultimately caused the death of a child. Not a slap on their wrists. Fine examples which lead to other drivers not caring to follow through with procedures like head counting.
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sorry to say, a lot of the "Thai" inventions are not really inventions at all.....

A lot of Thai inventions? Name them, Red Bull and toilet paper on table in restaurants

Red Bull's recipe is adapted from Japan energy drinks ....tongue.png

Wrong Austria

D-Lipovitan(Japan)->Krating daeng(Thailand)->Red bull(Austria). You can still buy the original Lipo here.

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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

They haven't invented windows that wind down yet.

That's why no cars are "invented" by thais, they are all, designed and built, from overseas owned companies... Thais copy, not invent.

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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

Well I guess babies can't wind the windows down sad.png

Or know what a glass breaker is, or know how to use it :)... Did you even think of that, before posting.

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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

Having been left in a locked car myself for a few hours I can assure you that you can't wind the power windows down when the car is locked.

So, did you carry a glass breaker, or, if old enough to know what it is and could use it, then I guess you should be able to UNLOCK the bloody door. geez guys, please start to think, or is that so hard to do, go home, you've been in Thailand far too long.

Edited by MediaWatcher
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I bet they haven't invented this one yet.

Um, I believe these "inventions" are for inside the car, granted the glass breaker would work, but hey why not wind the bloody window down....

Tricky if you have electric windows and the ignition is switched off.

Dumb is as dumb does.... OPEN the BLOODY door.

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