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EgyptAir flight MS804 disappears from radar on flight from Paris to Cairo


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EgyptAir flight MS804 disappears from radar on flight from Paris to Cairo
Megan Levy

CAIRO: -- An EgyptAir plane has disappeared from radar on a flight between France and Egypt, the airline has confirmed.

Flight MS804 took off from Paris at 11.09pm on Wednesday local time (7.09am AEDT), and was scheduled to land in Cairo at 3.15am on Thursday.

However EgyptAir said in a statement that it had "disappeared from radar". There are 59 passengers and 10 crew members on the flight, the airline said.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/world/egyptair-flight-ms804-disappears-from-radar-on-flight-from-paris-to-cairo-20160519-goyssg.html

-- Sydney Morning Herald 2016-05-19

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EgyptAir Flight MS804 from Paris to Cairo 'disappears from radar'

An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo has disappeared from radar, the Egyptian airline says.

It says there are 59 passengers and 10 crew members on board Flight MS804.

The aircraft was flying at 37,000ft (11,300m) when it went missing over the eastern Mediterranean. An official said the plane lost contact with radar at 02:45 Cairo time (00:45 GMT).

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36309492

-- BBC 2016-05-19

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EgyptAir says plane carrying 69 has disappeared from radar

CAIRO (AP) — An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo carrying 59 passengers and 10 crew disappeared from radar early Thursday morning, the airline said.

The Airbus A320 most likely crashed into the sea, Ihab Raslan, a spokesman for the Egyptian civil aviation agency, told SkyNews Arabia. He said the plane was about to enter Egyptian airspace when it disappeared from radar. The airline, however, said it had vanished 10 miles (16 kilometers) after it entered Egyptian airspace.

EgyptAir Flight 804 was lost from radar at 2:45 a.m. local time, the airline said. It was flying at 37,000 feet when it disappeared.

The Paris airport authority and the French civil aviation authority would not immediately comment.

An EgyptAir plane was hijacked and diverted to Cyprus in March. A man who admitted to the hijacking and is described by Cypriot authorities as "psychologically unstable" is in custody in Cyprus.

The incident renewed security concerns months after a Russian passenger plane was blown out of the sky over the Sinai Peninsula. The Russian plane crashed in Sinai on Oct. 31, killing all 224 people on board. Moscow said it was brought down by an explosive device, and a local branch of the extremist Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for planting it.

In 1999, EgyptAir Flight 1990 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near the Massachusetts island of Nantucket, killing all 217 people aboard, U.S. investigators filed a final report that concluded its co-pilot switched off the autopilot and pointed the Boeing 767 downward. But Egyptian officials rejected the notion of suicide altogether, insisting some mechanical reason caused the crash.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-19

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wouldn't be easy to get a bomb on Board in Paris

Wouldn't had been easy to carry out a major terror act in Paris too...

To be fair those terror acts didn't get screened. That type of terror is hard to detect.

In any case if they find the wreckage and how its scattered will tell the story

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Having flown Egyptair many times for business i am saddened to hear this news .... also not wishing to get into the "race" war , i would assume the majority of the passengers would be Muslim

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EgyptAir says plane carrying 66 has disappeared from radar

CAIRO (AP) — An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo carrying 66 people disappeared from radar early Thursday morning, the airline said.

The plane most likely crashed into the sea, Ihab Raslan, a spokesman for the Egyptian civil aviation authority, told SkyNews Arabia. He said the plane was about to enter Egyptian airspace when it disappeared from radar. The airline, however, said the Airbus A320 had vanished 10 miles (16 kilometers) after it entered Egyptian airspace.

EgyptAir Flight 804 was lost from radar at 2:45 a.m. local time when it was flying at 37,000 feet, the airline said.

Egyptian armed forces were searching for the plane, which was carrying 56 passengers, including one child and two babies, and 10 crew. The pilot had 6,000 flight hours. Earlier, the airline said 69 people were on board.

The Paris airport authority and the French civil aviation authority would not immediately comment.

An EgyptAir plane was hijacked and diverted to Cyprus in March. A man who admitted to the hijacking and is described by Cypriot authorities as "psychologically unstable" is in custody in Cyprus.

The incident renewed security concerns months after a Russian passenger plane was blown out of the sky over the Sinai Peninsula. The Russian plane crashed in Sinai on Oct. 31, killing all 224 people on board. Moscow said it was brought down by an explosive device, and a local branch of the extremist Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for planting it.

In 1999, EgyptAir Flight 1990 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near the Massachusetts island of Nantucket, killing all 217 people aboard, U.S. investigators filed a final report that concluded its co-pilot switched off the autopilot and pointed the Boeing 767 downward. But Egyptian officials rejected the notion of suicide altogether, insisting some mechanical reason caused the crash.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-19

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Security screening is pretty tight at CDG these days indeed. I've experienced it lately.

But this does not eliminate any possibility.

If it turns out that an explosive device was brought on board at CDG, that would come as yet another big shock in France. And a major concern for frequent travellers as I.

But I'm speculating here...

Edited by Lannig
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Please keep the discussion civil and keep this rule in mind:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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wouldn't be easy to get a bomb on Board in Paris

Yes it would. As with Heathrow Airport in the UK hundreds of Muslims work at all levels in the Airport. It would be simple given guidance and support from returning ISIS terrorists disguised as refugees to smuggle in bomb parts, assemble them and then plant device in planes or luggage.
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EgyptAir says plane carrying 66 has disappeared from radar
MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press

CAIRO (AP) — An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo with 66 passengers and crew on board disappeared from radar early Thursday morning, the airline said.

EgyptAir Flight 804 was lost from radar at 2:45 a.m. local time when it was flying at 37,000 feet, the airline said. It said the Airbus A320 had vanished 10 miles (16 kilometers) after it entered Egyptian airspace.

The plane most likely crashed into the sea, said Ihab Raslan, a spokesman for the Egyptian civil aviation authority, according to a report by the Abu Dhabi-based SkyNews Arabia. However, Raslan later told The Associated Press that it was too early to tell if the plane had crashed.

Egyptian military aircraft were searching for the plane, which was carrying 56 passengers, including one child and two babies, and 10 crew members. The pilot had 6,000 flight hours. Earlier, the airline said 69 people were on board.

EgyptAir later said those on board included 15 French passengers, 30 Egyptians, one Briton, two Iraqis, one Kuwaiti, one Saudi, one Sudanese, one Chadian, one Portuguese, one Belgian, one Algerian and one Canadian.

Egypt's state-run newspaper Al-Ahram quoted an airport official as saying the pilot did not send a distress call, and that last contact with the plane was made 10 minutes before it disappeared from radar. It did not identify the official.

Airbus is aware of the disappearance, but "we have no official information at this stage of the certitude of an accident," the company's spokesman Jacques Rocca said.

The Paris airport authority and the French civil aviation authority would not immediately comment.

Queries about the missing plane sent out to the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency were not returned early Thursday.

French president Francois Hollande spoke with Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi on the phone and agreed to "closely cooperate to establish as soon as possible the circumstances" in which the EgyptAir flight disappeared, according to a statement issued in Paris.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said no scenario could be ruled out at the moment as for what caused the plane to disappear. France, he told RTL radio, was "ready" to join the search operation if Egyptian authorities requested his country's assistance.

Around 15 relatives of passengers on board the missing flight have arrived at Cairo airport. Airport authorities brought doctors to the scene after several distressed family members collapsed.

Neither France's Foreign Ministry nor Interior Ministry would comment on the disappearance or on whether it could have been an attack.

France remains under a state of emergency after Islamic extremist attacks killed 130 people in a spree of attacks in November claimed by the extremist Islamic State group.

Greece joined the search and rescue operation for the EgyptAir flight with two aircraft: one C-130 and one early warning aircraft, officials at the Hellenic National Defense General Staff said. They said one frigate was also heading to the area, and helicopters are on standby on the southern island of Karpathos for potential rescue or recovery operations.

An EgyptAir plane was hijacked and diverted to Cyprus in March. A man who admitted to the hijacking and is described by Cypriot authorities as "psychologically unstable" is in custody in Cyprus.

The incident renewed security concerns at Egyptian airports after a Russian passenger plane crashed in Sinai last October, killing all 224 people on board. Moscow said it was brought down by an explosive device, and a local branch of the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for planting it.

In 1999, EgyptAir Flight 990 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near the Massachusetts island of Nantucket, killing all 217 people aboard, U.S. investigators filed a final report that concluded its co-pilot switched off the autopilot and pointed the Boeing 767 downward. But Egyptian officials rejected the notion of suicide altogether, insisting some mechanical reason caused the crash.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-19

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MS804 is missing exact 804 days after MH370 got missed.

Mai 19. 2016 - 804 Days = March 7. 2014

Well spotted !

Couple that with the fact that al-Sisi has really p...ed off a particular neighbour very recently...

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It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

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It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

Awful news. I can only offer condolences at what is obviously an extremely distressing time for you.
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It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

It's a terrible time for you and your family, I do hope you have plenty of support at this difficult time. You can be certain that there will be no end of morons on the internet making wild claims, best to ignore.

My thoughts and prayers are with you & your family.

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It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

At about 07:40L (05:40Z) Egyptair updated their statement saying, that the contact with the aircraft was lost 280km (151nm) from the Coast of Egypt at 02:30L (00:30Z). The crew comprised the captain, first officer, 5 cabin crew and 3 sky marshals. Amongst the passengers there were 30 Egyptians, 15 French, 2 Iraqis, 1 British, 1 Belgian, 1 Kuwaiti, 1 Saudi, 1 Sudanese, 1 Chadian, 1 Portugese, 1 Algerian and 1 Canadian.

No mention of a Thai so are you just trolling for a reaction?.

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