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Guitarist stabbed to death in street in Bangkok after gig


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Agreed, but how can you justify giving someone a death sentence, because he made you loose face, especially when you are supposed to be a nation of Buddhists.

"Supposed to be" is the key phrase.

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Senseless violence like this and these types of vicious assaults and murder, for no apparent,or petty reasons, is hard for me to comprehend, are these people filled with so much hate towards other people to be able to do these evil acts as a matter of fact?

Unfortunately, quite often these events are caused by nothing more than a "loss of face" - something we Westerners find hard to understand.

Yep, no senseless violence, vicious assaults or murder without reason in the West no jealous husbands or boyfriends either. We are so lucky not to have these Thai problems anywhere else.

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Was musician's last drink the reason for his death?


Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: -- A Bangkok musician was stabbed to death after befriending two girls at the pub where he worked.

Manat Leerunreuang was found in the street with 17 stab wounds just minutes after he had finished sharing a beer with the women who he had never met before reported Daily News.

Now the hunt is on as Bang Pong Pang police seek two men who stopped Manat as he drove his motorcycle near the end of Sathupradit Soi 31 in downtown Bangkok and attacked him.

Manat, 26, was a musician at the Diss Pub and Restaurant. A friend Weerasak Janpa, 24, said that around ten pm Wednesday as Manat was finishing his work two women they had never met before came up to them and bought them a beer. They chatted but Weerasak said that he warned his friend at one point not to leave with the woman he was talking to.

The women apparently left thereafter by taxi while Manat is believed to have left alone.

Police were called to the end of Sathupradit Soi 31 when they heard news of a violent attack. Witnesses at the scene told officers that two men on a bike had stopped the victim. A man on the back had got off and stabbed the victim in a frenzy.

He had multiple stab wounds to his right ear and right side of the body. He was dead at the scene outside the Nakorn Thai housing estate with his red Honda MSX found parked nearby.

Police are as yet unsure of the motive for the attack but are working on the possibility of a personal conflict or a matter involving another woman. CCTV footage is being reviewed as police try to trail the getaway route of the men on the motorcycle.

Source: Daily News


-- 2016-05-19

This country is unbelievable, murders here are either money related or jealousy.

An 99% drunk or drugged up.

What country doesn't this apply to, read an English daily newspaper,it's worse.

17 Stab Wounds. I reckon the Copper's would access that as not your normal type of street crime, as in a robbery, 17 Times! A little bit of rage there perhaps. Taking it a bit 'personally' wouldn't you say.

They had an English bloke on Oz TV (ABC Q&A) recently who was a top Prison Psych in England for 30 years or something. They were discussing Domestic Violence, where according to the figures, one female is killed/murdered per week in Aust. This lot is well within the same genre. He said, by far, the overwhelming factor in the vast majority of cases was Jealousy. Jealous uncontrollable rage. (of course Germaine Greer argued it was just all men being misogynists, but that was bulldust.) This bloke seemed to know his subject.

Have you ever had someone whisper in your ear, in a bar, a pub, or at social gathering, warning you off a certain girl you had just been trying to chat up, because she has an ex-boyfriend who is completely nuts. That she'll get you killed. I know I have. And I took steps!

At home they continually talk and whinge about needing more money for Mental Health care, that the situation is 'dire'.

I wouldn't have a clue about Mental Health Care in Thailand but I sure hope they are giving it some serious thought.

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he really should not have done that last Barry Manilow song

Absolutely hilarious! That's the funniest thing I've seen about this murder yet! Did you not read that he was a guitarist and not a singer, and Barry Manilow plays piano, not guitar. Get back under your rock until you learn some proper jokes that don't make fun of murder victims..

Edited by sambum
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Senseless violence like this and these types of vicious assaults and murder, for no apparent,or petty reasons, is hard for me to comprehend, are these people filled with so much hate towards other people to be able to do these evil acts as a matter of fact?

Unfortunately, quite often these events are caused by nothing more than a "loss of face" - something we Westerners find hard to understand.

Yep, no senseless violence, vicious assaults or murder without reason in the West no jealous husbands or boyfriends either. We are so lucky not to have these Thai problems anywhere else.

Did I say that it was exclusively a Thai problem?

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He could have owed money he could not repay.

Or a robbery.

I would bet on 'debt' before robbery. Two men on a bike wearing (full-faced) helmets.... 'the grim-reaper'

these heavies of the loan shark racket are a common sight as they drive around collecting enormously inflated interest payments from those who have fallen into the trap of permanent debt slavery .....pay or die.

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last night when I read this, I held my fist up as if I was a holding a knife. I went through the motions of furiously stabbing someone 17 times.

Try it.

The poor bloke was probably dead after the first half a dozen thrusts. I will go for the jealous psycho motive.

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Excellent detective work RTP. He spoke with a couple ladies so must be jealous husband or boyfriend who killed him. And why was the alleged wife or girlfriend partying without the husband boyfriend? RTP will blab anything to the media when they stick a microphone in front of them. And if course the news media broadcast or print everything or anything regardless of fact or fiction.

No reason to tell the police or whomever...

That the guitarist was basically warned to stay away from the 2 girls..

True, the supposed friend just made shit up, when it was time to make a statement..


Married women and women with jealous boyfriends do go out without the other...

Insecure people, would not allow their wife or GF to go out without them..

You obviously know that, since you thought to question, why the 2 women were out ho-ing alone..

So Dick Tracy!

Besides solving the crime by eliminating the boyfriend and or husband..

And dismissing the 2 women going out solo.. buying the now deceased guitarist a beer and chatting with him.. in a bar.. in front of potential friends of a jealous man..

What would Dick T. do now?

Updated my original response above slightly..

My number one priority.. My 5 year old son wanted to play video games.....

While I was out, supposedly doing some detective work on TV last night..

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obviously not one of his fans

Oh very clever! How long did that take you to think up? A guy is dead for *$%^%'s sake, and all you can come up with is an inane comment like that - W*****r!

or a publicity stunt gone wrong

Are you being deliberately provocative? Or just playing dumb? Publicity stunt - he had been stabbed

17 times <deleted>.!

my lawn mower has broken down so i've run out of empathy, especially since this happens virtually every day and i didn't know the guy. i find that 66 people have died due to an airplane crash more news worthy.

people get shot,stabbed, jump from balconies, get raped,beaten to death every day here, it's almost boring.

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Are you being deliberately provocative? Or just playing dumb? Publicity stunt - he had been stabbed

17 times <deleted>.!

my lawn mower has broken down so i've run out of empathy, especially since this happens virtually every day and i didn't know the guy. i find that 66 people have died due to an airplane crash more news worthy.

people get shot,stabbed, jump from balconies, get raped,beaten to death every day here, it's almost boring.

So why not just shut up and say nowt if it's of so little interest to you - I'm sure his friends and relations will bear that in mind at his funeral.

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obviously not one of his fans

Oh very clever! How long did that take you to think up? A guy is dead for *$%^%'s sake, and all you can come up with is an inane comment like that - W*****r!

He's hardly the one who you should be pissed at

I get "pissed at" people who make insensitive comments about murder victims - they can't reply for themselves can they?

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Are you being deliberately provocative? Or just playing dumb? Publicity stunt - he had been stabbed

17 times <deleted>.!

my lawn mower has broken down so i've run out of empathy, especially since this happens virtually every day and i didn't know the guy. i find that 66 people have died due to an airplane crash more news worthy.

people get shot,stabbed, jump from balconies, get raped,beaten to death every day here, it's almost boring.

So why not just shut up and say nowt if it's of so little interest to you - I'm sure his friends and relations will bear that in mind at his funeral.

i doubt that, from what i have seen at Thai funerals most play cards at the back. Why are you taking this so personally, no don't bother, that was purely rhetorical.

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