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Bangkok professor wanted for killing two colleagues shoots self as nation watches drama unfold

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What an idiot

Jeez hey.......aren't you so intelligent.......YOU know nothing about him and make judgement on him.....

Look in the mirror pal!

Instant judgments about things we know nothing about.

That is what "we" do here!

That is what most forums are all about.

We are experts about everything,

Thai is why we are members here.

Does this surprise you?

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I believe I am correct, and so, I believe, are you. Rich Thais are emotionally similar to poor Thais (since they partake of the same cultural inheritance) except more so since they have (in their opinion) more face to lose by dint of the money, most of which, in one way or another they stole or otherwise did not earn honestly.

Oddly, I have much more time for poor Thais than I do for rich (especially hiso) Thais, who in my opinion, are a$$holes to a person. In this, they are similar, but for different reasons, to the hiso in many countries. It's one of the things that makes the 1% so offensive.

Self esteem drives Thais, imho, most of them are narcissists.


I am not so sure of that. I have a few friends in the states who are fabulously wealthy. Nine figure wealthy. They are kind, decent people, who give away some of their money to good causes, and have redeeming qualities. Other than amazing homes, and nice cars, they are not ostentatious people. I do not know many with this kind of wealth in Thailand, so I cannot speak to this. But, in general wealthy Thai people are famous the world over, for being very stingy with their wealth, when it comes to helping mankind. They definitely seem to be guilty of having alot of attitude, and feeling very superior to the masses. I have no problem with a little attitude, as long as you have alot to back it up. Wealth is not nearly enough.

Your experience in the USA reflects mine in the UK, but I wasn't talking about people in the USA or the UK, I was specifically referring to Thais. Where we differ is in our experience of rich Thais in Thailand, and I can tell you that I have found all of them - ALL OF THEM to be obnoxious, bigoted and invariably obsessed with their own status. I have also taught in an English-language program being delivered for the children of super-rich Thais. With the exception of less than 10%, I found them to be similarly dishonest, power-hungry and wretched. Not surprising really given the emotional state and level of honesty of most of their parents.

But enough of that, the lesson of the events which gave rise to this thread is that Thais are dangerously subject to uncontrolled and perhaps uncontrollable rage if they perceive their self-esteem to be injured - or even questioned. This is a very juvenile trait arising solely from what I believe is immersion from birth in a highly toxic culture.

I really don't think its up for a sensible debate given the frequency of violence from this cause in Thailand. Recently, the alleged murder by sons of policemen of a disabled man and the assault by a few young mental cases on an elderly UK couple in Hua Hin are pretty good examples. Thais are violent, they lack self-control, they are cowardly (they only ever fight if they have overwhelming numbers or superior weapons and the personal risk is therefore low).

The Thai police, whose job it is to ensure the law is applied are alleged to be corrupt from top to bottom, as are the armed forces, In my personal view, both are a complete joke being perpetrated upon the Thai people who assuredly deserve much better. I really can't see any sensible argument against these views - the only questions worth asking are why? and from where do these despicable traits arise.

I have a pretty good idea, but I'm not prepared to discuss that here.


When you say we have a differing experience when it comes to rich Thais, as I said, I have very little experience. So, I value your opinion, as you have worked directly with the class of people in question. Not sure class is the right word though. Maybe more like demographic. As I mentioned they do seem to be guilty of alot of character deficiencies. As many of us know, money is just one element, and does not define a person. When you are guilty of a lack of character development, and simply let your money do all of the talking, it can result in some very small and insignificant people, pretending that they are of great consequence. It is an amusing thing to witness.

My take on the whole face thing, is that I perceive it to be a combination of a lack of maturity, and a lack of self esteem, or self confidence. If you know who you are, it matters little what others think, say, or do. They matter little to someone who has a real sense of himself. So, the incredible over reaction that we see sometimes, I think stems from not knowing one's self too well, and thereby having very thin skin. Since the culture discourages any sort of introspection, it becomes quite difficult to get under the surface, and to get to know one's self really well. One who has, can work through his insecurities, his foibles, his lack of confidence, his extreme concern over how he is viewed by neighbors, friends, family, and the world at large. If you have done enough inner work, there comes a point where you realize how little all of that matters, and at that point, it takes an awful lot to get offended, embarrassed, and to be made to feel like you are being made to look bad. The whole concept of face is merely an excuse to engage in extreme cowardice, and total lack of introspection. Face is often the polar opposite of taking responsibility. It is the game of cowards. and weak individuals, and weak cultures.

I realize some will defend the practice of face, by claiming it is cultural. Of course it is cultural. But a weakness is a weakness, whether it is personal, cultural, or otherwise. Get over it. Man up. Grow, evolve, and improve. Face is the polar opposite of Buddhism, which requires self analysis, if applied properly. Face is the opposite of self analysis and looking within. It is all about deflection. It is a horrific practice, no matter how you look at it, and the stunning degree of concern over saving face is a demonstration of an astonishing degree of inner weakness, and lack of control over one's self. Generally, the Thais I have met that have been the most impressive people, do not have much in the way of wealth. But, they do have substance, and come from good families that are hard working, honest, and possess integrity, and soul.

Edited by spidermike007
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What an idiot

Jeez hey.......aren't you so intelligent.......YOU know nothing about him and make judgement on him.....

Look in the mirror pal!

Instant judgments about things we know nothing about.

That is what "we" do here!

That is what most forums are all about.

We are experts about everything,

Thai is why we are members here.

Does this surprise you?

Point taken..........thankyou!........I stand not corrected....lol

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At bluespunk: The americanisation of Thailand started decades ago. Idiotic soaps. Billboards everywhere. Brainless consumerism. Pickup trucks. Unhealty fastfood. Obese kids. Diabetes. Live broadcasting of real life drama. Dr Phil?? No hope for the human race.

This guy is probably right, the Americans will rule the earth. No hope down that path but in the mean time it is great to be from the USA and not have all this pent up hatred inside.

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Police say all charges against lecturer are dropped


BANGKOK: Criminal charges against the Phra Nakhon Rajabhat university lecturer who committed suicide after killing his two colleagues will be dropped because the suspected killer was dead, said Pol Maj-Gen Charoen Srisalak, commander of the second division of Metropolitan Police Bureau, on Friday.

However, he said police would have gather all the relevant evidences and then to quickly wrap up the case and put it to rest.

The suspected killer, Dr Winai Danaimonut, 60, shot himself reportedly with the same weapon that he fatally shot his two colleagues, Dr Pichai Chaisongkram, 56, and Dr Natthapol Chumworathayee, 54, on the campus on Wednesday after attempts by police, his close friends, relatives and students to plead him to surrender to the police failed.

The real motive of the campus shooting was not known.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/164092

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-21

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BANGKOK: Criminal charges against the Phra Nakhon Rajabhat university lecturer who committed suicide after killing his two colleagues will be dropped because the suspected killer was dead, said Pol Maj-Gen Charoen Srisalak, commander of the second division of Metropolitan Police Bureau, on Friday.

Very hard to attend the police station for questioning in his current state. Would also have problems acknowledging the charges.

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Interesting to see the professional negotiators hard at work, all surrounded by BIB with loud haulers, a couple of relations, a couple of students and of course the media, all doomed to failure from the outset - what a joke.

Two civilians forward with loud-hailers at a range of about 2 metres away from the armed suspect. Given that he'd already killed 2 people with point-blank head-shots, I just cannot imagine which clown sent out 2 civilian women, with no kevlar, no headgear and armed only with a loud-hailer each, to negotiate witl a known killer. It truly does beggar belief, and even I, who already had an extremely dismal view of the Thai police, was shocked at their almost complete incompetence.

Every few seconds, the audience, including a few uniformed police, bravely standing in a position of relative safety well away from the two civilian women, would break into spontaneous applause - clapping hands for God's sake; presumably at something the civilians said.

From what I saw on the TV coverage, I cannot conceive of a more shambolic and unprofessional performance, it was embarrassing to watch, Keystone Cops would have been a significant improvement, it really was a complete shambles. My opinion.

The clean-up after the suicide was another complete melee. It was, from soup to nuts, a complete disgrace. If the government had any dignity at all, every police man involved would be unemployed tomorrow morning.

A truly disgraceful performance


This is Thailand!!

Suspect is dead.

Mission complete...

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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

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Interesting to see the professional negotiators hard at work, all surrounded by BIB with loud haulers, a couple of relations, a couple of students and of course the media, all doomed to failure from the outset - what a joke.

I'm sure they had a whole team of people to point as well.

And who was in charge of setting off the 'booooiiiiinnnnggggg' sound once he shot himself?

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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

I ain't no Bangkok lawyer, and judging from your above post, neither are you.

He was solely responsible for the two horrific deaths, and I am pretty sure, even in Thailand, that it would not be possible to drag his family into a civil case.

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Dropped the charges? Really? What a magnificent gesture!

This time there is a real logical reason for this obvious course of action. In the meantime, logic does not seem to exist when the authorities fail to arrest hiso for road traffic deaths. The mind boggles about how the justice system works.

But there is a glimmer of hope because it is reported that Border checkpoints have been tightened to prevent Dhammachayo from leaving the country. But I would think there is still a 50/50 chance that he will getaway.

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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

All charges are dropped well I would guess so the guy killed himself.
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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

I ain't no Bangkok lawyer, and judging from your above post, neither are you.

He was solely responsible for the two horrific deaths, and I am pretty sure, even in Thailand, that it would not be possible to drag his family into a civil case.

I think you will find in western law they can sue the "Estate".

I am no lawyer either so have no idea either about Thailand law.

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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

I ain't no Bangkok lawyer, and judging from your above post, neither are you.

He was solely responsible for the two horrific deaths, and I am pretty sure, even in Thailand, that it would not be possible to drag his family into a civil case.

I think you will find in western law they can sue the "Estate".

I am no lawyer either so have no idea either about Thailand law.

"...Thailand law." Seems to be an oxymoron by comparison to first world countries. whistling.gif

Two laws here cover anything and everything: Article 44 and les majeste. So simple and but so open to abuse.

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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

I ain't no Bangkok lawyer, and judging from your above post, neither are you.

He was solely responsible for the two horrific deaths, and I am pretty sure, even in Thailand, that it would not be possible to drag his family into a civil case.

I think you will find in western law they can sue the "Estate".

I am no lawyer either so have no idea either about Thailand law.

"....Thailand law." Sounds like an oxymoron to me compared to first world country's laws.

The simplicity of having only two effective laws: Article 44 and les majeste to cover anything and everything. But so open to "abuse" as history shows sad.png

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I think the Thai police handled this one well, reminding Mr Wanchai about the infamous Dr Wisut from Chulalongkorn University who is now a free man in spite of murdering and dismembering his wife. He obtained early release due to good behaviour inside, helping with medical cases!

Mr Wanchai could have lectured students on whatever subject he taught if they wanted to listen but having no family perhaps there was no incentive to live. In which case he should have shot himself right after he committed the murders.

Dr Wisut murdered his wife because she wouldn't grant him a divorce to marry a nurse, I wonder if he is with her now?

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And.......Channel67 have announced that they hold the rights to this story. Which will be a plot for a forthcoming lakorn series and have warned that anyone reposting the video will be subject to legal action.

Only if he is Thai-Chinese / has white skin though. You know, casting standards.

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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

Doesn't this make the culprit's relative pay for a crime they didn't commit? Punish the relatives of the criminal for his crime. Why not put the whole family into slavery or the salt mines.

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Absolutely shocking the way people are speaking on this site. A man was pushed to the breaking point. He felt he had know way out. 2 men lost their lives, with one being self righteous enough to ruin another's livelihood. The 2 men were shot in front 2 students, that will live with that for the rest of their lives, with no victim support. Finally, this poor man in desperation shot himself in front of family members and students, who will also never forget. Nobody had the magic words that might have saved him, albeit with a life in prison. There countless family members of the 3 victims that will suffer for many years because of this.

Joking is fine, even in death. But the heartlessness shown on here is beyond a joke.

Well, if the story is true?

The 2 self righteous, murder victims.... Made a grave mistake!

(Allegedly) - conspiring to ruin the "livelihood" of a guy, they mistakenly took as a punk..

Revenge is a bitch..

Not justifying or making an excuse..

That's life!

When it goes wrong for the decisions you act on..

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Absolutely shocking the way people are speaking on this site. A man was pushed to the breaking point. He felt he had know way out. 2 men lost their lives, with one being self righteous enough to ruin another's livelihood. The 2 men were shot in front 2 students, that will live with that for the rest of their lives, with no victim support. Finally, this poor man in desperation shot himself in front of family members and students, who will also never forget. Nobody had the magic words that might have saved him, albeit with a life in prison. There countless family members of the 3 victims that will suffer for many years because of this.

Joking is fine, even in death. But the heartlessness shown on here is beyond a joke.

As it would appear that he was 'pushed to the breaking point', as you phrase it, for losing face, is is hard to drum up any sympathy for him.

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Still, the relatives of the dead could and should sue the shooter in civil court for loss of income and

what ever else they can think of, just to show to would be future shooters that even after death

they're still culpable for their crimes.....

I ain't no Bangkok lawyer, and judging from your above post, neither are you.

He was solely responsible for the two horrific deaths, and I am pretty sure, even in Thailand, that it would not be possible to drag his family into a civil case.

I think you will find in western law they can sue the "Estate".

I am no lawyer either so have no idea either about Thailand law.

That's even assuming there's any "estate" worth being sued.

Illegals are famous for this in the U.S. They can get drivers licenses now (in CA, and some other states), and their vehicles must be insured by law, but of course they don't. So you get into an accident with one, and the police just let 'em go (a legal resident would be charged, and possibly arrested). You can sue 'em (maybe), but typically there's nothing to take. (And their being illegals, you're just suing a ghost anyway...) Just exactly as opponents of giving them D/Ls in the first place predicted. Similarly, this suicide-shooter might be liable under Thai law, but unless he had significant assets to his name, any victory in court might be purely pyrrhic.

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