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Need To Buy A Gift For A Thai Woman. Suggestions Appreciated!


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There's a pub I frequent and a Thai woman (45-55?) with whom I always speak.

Upon hearing of my difficulty in selling my home in the U.S., she informs me that she is going back to her village for a couple days that coming weekend.

She insists that I write the address of my home, for her to give to her mother. She goes on to tell me that her mother visits a very old monk at an ancient temple, and that they will have my house sell.

I am Christian, yet didn't want to insult her, so I wrote it down, and kind of jokingly told her if it sold shortly, I would suprise her with a gift.

It sold 3 days later (though I accepted an offer 15g lower than I wanted to go...)

Needless to say, I will be buying her a gift.

Any recommendations?

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I would not tell her that you have managed to sell the house, infact i would tell her that you have now changed your mind and are no longer looking to sell your house in the US.

If you let her know that you have just sold your house in the US, she will in turn inform every girl working in the bar that you are a prime target for a major scam, you are crazy for letting these people know about things like this.

Watch out for the cops looking for a cut somehow too.

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Actually we already called her and have been promised a cut of the cut. Best leave town immediately! Boys in Brown have been alerted and yes if they find out your departure date the departure tax will climb dramatically. Seldom trust anyone in LOS, least of all yourself! :o

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Maybe you are stupid....you promised you would give her a present and now because someone posted some paranoid fantasy which includes you not being able to avoid being scammed it seems like you are going to go back on your promise!!!!!!

Get her a small present (cheap silk scarf?) and when you give it to her bemoan the fact that you had to lower the price so much that you could only afford a small present for her....and that you wonder if you will still be able to get by financially since you had to sell your house so cheaply....and ask her if in the future you need to borrow some money for awhile if you might be able to ask her. This way you will be honoring your promise and putting the brakes on her ideas that you are now rich.....if she asks how much you made on your house sale tell her you don't know and you are afraid to find out because you don't want to be sad if you lost money on the deal....if she insists just tell her that in your culture someone never talks about these things outside the family.


Edited by chownah
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I would not tell her that you have managed to sell the house, infact i would tell her that you have now changed your mind and are no longer looking to sell your house in the US.

If you let her know that you have just sold your house in the US, she will in turn inform every girl working in the bar that you are a prime target for a major scam, you are crazy for letting these people know about things like this.

Watch out for the cops looking for a cut somehow too.

This does seem just a touch over-paranoid. :o

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Well gift to a thai woman :

1) the funny one, a box of insect that you can find in some shop in Silom. Be careful it's expensive .

2) more serious, a scarf would be great. Gold can be, but it also will make the gift more psersonnal.

On the other hand, is that possible to know more bout the monk?

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I never go back on my word, so I will be getting her something

I greatly appreciate the comment regarding making sure she also knows how badly I got shafted on the sale....

I'm 25, and she's at least twice my age...there's no romance involved, but I'll pick something more out of thought than value/cost, and try to make it meaningful.

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I would not tell her that you have managed to sell the house, infact i would tell her that you have now changed your mind and are no longer looking to sell your house in the US.

If you let her know that you have just sold your house in the US, she will in turn inform every girl working in the bar that you are a prime target for a major scam, you are crazy for letting these people know about things like this.

Watch out for the cops looking for a cut somehow too.

This does seem just a touch over-paranoid. :o

Just a touch! :D

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I think chownah gave some good advice. and no stay away from gold as gift. another idea is to delay with the gift a little bit. you can still honour your word, but theres no rush in it really.

it is quite possible that she might ask you to visit the temple with her to show your gratitude, or alternatively to get help with other financial problem that you are thinking of telling her :o

you could simply leave it a few weeks (even a couple of months!), then get her a small gift. scarf is a good idea, but most thai women arent so keen to use them. alternatively you could get one of those bigger scarf that acts kinda like a shawl...and say something like hope she can use it during the colder season (whatever limited amount there is of that in thailand!) with the couple months wait...that would take you into Christmas/New year time. also a good reason/time to do it then :D

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I am more stupid than I thought....


I have discussed your situation closely with Ms C - she opines that the best present that you can give is MONEY.

Regardless of education, social class, or location - MONEY.

Bottom line really.

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