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Clinton grapples with Trump's ability to stay in spotlight


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Hillary hasn't even finished off the lame old socialist Bernie yet. That's how weak she is. She can't even get the Dems behind her.

She is certainly weak now, and that is in spite of having every credential, every deep pocket, and every democratic party resource at his disposal. <deleted>, she even has Henry Kissinger, Mr. Republican foreign policy icon at her side as bff singing her praises. Yet, she is having trouble closing the deal, just as she had against Obama.

Everyone knows she would lose badly in any nomination battle against Obama again, or against her Husband, which would be a landslide. Both Bill or Barrack would clean the floor with Trump.

She is horribly flawed in terms of character, and that is the conflict. It all boils down to competence for me. I'd rather have someone even-tempered driving the bus who has experience, than a new driver with an unstable disposition.

Old Kissinger- that has to be the most unwelcome endorsement ever. Many of us that lived during the Vietnam war won't forget, or forgive, what he did.

Regardless, her handlers have a huge and hopefully insurmountable obstacle to a Clinton victory- herself.

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Then when you become President reform media laws to make it illegal to not present balanced reporting on political matters and issues of public concern but you wont will you. The last thing Republicans or Democrats want is a balanced and informed public. Best keep them dumb and ignorant right. Much easier to manipulate.

Actual news died in the 70's when Saint Raw Knee killed the "Fairness Doctrine." News networks realized there was money to be made catering to core viewers and their corporate sponsors.


Absolutely correct. It spawned Roger Ailes / Fox, Limbaugh and Brietbart all extremist Right Wing propagandist media that should have been immediately drowned in a bucket upon their 'birth'. Just step back and watch the Right Wingers regurgitate their misinformation word for word. Obama was born in Kenya, Obama is buying up all the ammunition in America and people actually believed this idiotic drivel. 'Trickle Down Economics' Tax cuts for the wealthy and Corporate America creates Jobs and Growth. Is as fanciful as an entire pig farm taking flight. They just put it into their pockets ship it offshore into Tax Havens never to be seen again.

And yet, some people on here seem to actually believe that Trump could nuke any country he didn't like if he became POTUS. Methinks the misinformation propaganda is on BOTH sides.

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Don't get too excited about anything under after BOTH conventions, both V.P. picks and then the debates. Not until then will we really know anything about the dynamics of the Clinton-vile monster match up.

There is no doubt that the vile monster is a tough nutcase to crack. He is the strangest candidate to run for president ever. He changes policies every 5 minutes and he adopts the mode of the most insane, most offensive INTERNET TROLL.

Clinton, on the other, is indeed normal and old school. Indeed, and even her allies admit it ... BORING.

The contrast is remarkable.

As Kasich used to say, fasten your seat belts, because this indeed will be the DIRTIEST presidential campaign in U.S. history. May the woman win and the vile monster be sent back to the TOWER.


For, like all tyrants, he is utterly lacking in self-control. Sleeping a handful of hours a night, impulsively tweeting in the early hours, improvising madly on subjects he knows nothing about, Trump rants and raves as he surfs an entirely reactive media landscape. Once again, Plato had his temperament down: A tyrant is a man “not having control of himself [who] attempts to rule others”; a man flooded with fear and love and passion, while having little or no ability to restrain or moderate them; a “real slave to the greatest fawning,” a man who “throughout his entire life ... is full of fear, overflowing with convulsions and pains.” Sound familiar? Trump is as mercurial and as unpredictable and as emotional as the daily Twitter stream. And we are contemplating giving him access to the nuclear codes.
Edited by Jingthing
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Only the foolish and dimwitted hold onto any hope that Hillary will become President.

She just flounders around now...lying about or ignoring her own criminal involvements.

She expects fools to believe that Bill can help her run her government. What is she going to do?

Go shopping while Bill sits at her desk?

Has not a chance in hades, matching Trump's Campaign. He has spent less money, and been more productive. A true business executive. Hillary is just a fading, sorry excuse..for a "has been" Obama fairy tale. Eight years sleeping at the desk.

Edited by slipperylobster
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SL, that post was all about pumping up vile beast delusions of invincibility that don't exist. In real life the vile beast has been a LOSER many times ... and the actual odds still favor Hillary Clinton.


Hillary is stagnant

Trump is on the March. As of today...any poll taken shows Trump tied, or slightly higher than Clinton. That is a 15 point surge in just a few weeks..

It hasn't stopped...it's just beginning. Hillary will not acquire any more voters....Trump just keeps on gaining.

The Orange guy is unbeatable....as much as I know you do not like it.

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SL, that post was all about pumping up vile beast delusions of invincibility that don't exist. In real life the vile beast has been a LOSER many times ... and the actual odds still favor Hillary Clinton.


Hillary is stagnant

Trump is on the March. As of today...any poll taken shows Trump tied, or slightly higher than Clinton. That is a 15 point surge in just a few weeks..

It hasn't stopped...it's just beginning. Hillary will not acquire any more voters....Trump just keeps on gaining.

The Orange guy is unbeatable....as much as I know you do not like it.

SL be a little careful of polling. Keep in mind Bernie is still splitting Hillary's vote for now. Once Bernie drops out and you have Trump running against Hillary then Hillary will gain support. No way Bernie supporters will move across to Trump.

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SL, that post was all about pumping up vile beast delusions of invincibility that don't exist. In real life the vile beast has been a LOSER many times ... and the actual odds still favor Hillary Clinton.


Hillary is stagnant

Trump is on the March. As of today...any poll taken shows Trump tied, or slightly higher than Clinton. That is a 15 point surge in just a few weeks..

It hasn't stopped...it's just beginning. Hillary will not acquire any more voters....Trump just keeps on gaining.

The Orange guy is unbeatable....as much as I know you do not like it.

Of course the vile beast is on the march. What would you expect of a fascist movement? The question is whether the vile beast will march off a cliff.
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SL, that post was all about pumping up vile beast delusions of invincibility that don't exist. In real life the vile beast has been a LOSER many times ... and the actual odds still favor Hillary Clinton.


Hillary is stagnant

Trump is on the March. As of today...any poll taken shows Trump tied, or slightly higher than Clinton. That is a 15 point surge in just a few weeks..

It hasn't stopped...it's just beginning. Hillary will not acquire any more voters....Trump just keeps on gaining.

The Orange guy is unbeatable....as much as I know you do not like it.

SL be a little careful of polling. Keep in mind Bernie is still splitting Hillary's vote for now. Once Bernie drops out and you have Trump running against Hillary then Hillary will gain support. No way Bernie supporters will move across to Trump.

Most will shift to Clinton. But there is work to do.
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I dont think the Don is as much a shoe-in as you guys think.

As others have posted, it seems a lot more people are included in the polls than will actually turn up on voting day.

I think a lot of people are amused by him in a perverse way, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty,

those who DO actually turn up to vote on the day, will look at him, consider his crazy, impossible to implement ideas, and realise he has been taking the Mickey out of everyone all along.

When it actually comes down to "do we really want this guy to be our leader and representative to the world?" ..

i think the sensible, on the day voters, will just have enough to tip the margins against.

But IMO, Shame if it does end up like that.

I really like to see him win just for the entertainment value.

And it will be interesting to see what his supporters on here will do when he messes with the pensions and benefits of expats living away from the US.

he reckons he can seize money that mexicans will wire over the border so theres nothing stopping him making the tax laws even worse for expats.

careful what you wish for y'all. LoL

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Most will likely not show up at the polls.

No worry though....once Bernie voluntarily helps her out by dropping out, Clinton can "focus" on Trump. Trump meanwhile, has bulldozed through 16 opponents, most of whom were considered more formidable than Bernie when this thing started

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Most will likely not show up at the polls.

No worry though....once Bernie voluntarily helps her out by dropping out, Clinton can "focus" on Trump. Trump meanwhile, has bulldozed through 16 opponents, most of whom were considered more formidable than Bernie when this thing started

He was 'preaching to the choir'. Campaigning for the Republican Nomination not the Presidency.

Trump has a 'negative attack ads' showreel long enough for 20 election cycles during the Republican Nomination process. Do 'negative attack ads' work? You bet your sweet bippy they do. The big orange beast is going to turn into the big red beast and explode like Fukushima Nuclear Power station after 24/7 'negative attack ads' are shown. Unlike Fukushima there is a distinct possibility the Trump will go into complete nuclear meltdown, hopefully it is on camera.

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I dont think the Don is as much a shoe-in as you guys think.

As others have posted, it seems a lot more people are included in the polls than will actually turn up on voting day.

I think a lot of people are amused by him in a perverse way, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty,

those who DO actually turn up to vote on the day, will look at him, consider his crazy, impossible to implement ideas, and realise he has been taking the Mickey out of everyone all along.

When it actually comes down to "do we really want this guy to be our leader and representative to the world?" ..

i think the sensible, on the day voters, will just have enough to tip the margins against.

But IMO, Shame if it does end up like that.

I really like to see him win just for the entertainment value.

And it will be interesting to see what his supporters on here will do when he messes with the pensions and benefits of expats living away from the US.

he reckons he can seize money that mexicans will wire over the border so theres nothing stopping him making the tax laws even worse for expats.

careful what you wish for y'all. LoL

Several presidents were elected without popular votes.

Our system does not utilize a direct vote from the people. (thought everyone knew this)

We use the Electoral College. Would you know the names of the people on the Electoral College for your state?

Just as in the primaries....there are loopholes.

I am wishing Hillary goes to jail....no danger in that...so no need to be careful.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I heard there is a new third party candidate, who will pacify both democrats and republicans.

Utilizing the best traits of each Candidate (let us suppose that both Hillary and Trump have at least one good trait).

This is what the third party candidate would look like.

post-163145-0-15724500-1464056461_thumb. + post-163145-0-89404800-1464056506_thumb.



The do have something in common, don't they?

Edited by slipperylobster
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