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What time does your that wife or gf get out of bed?

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Believe it or not.. my wife gets up at 3:10 AM to go to the market to get supplies for the day for her food stall at a local high school.. her choice.. she wants to make 'her own money' and she enjoys the social contact with the other stall workers.. on her days off she rarely sleeps past 6:30.. I often get up with her and we have a coffee together before she leaves.. I go for my morning walk at 5 or 5:30.. best time of the day.. cool and quiet... many Thais out walking the walking track before me... lots of 'swadee khraps'.. a nice way to start the day.. she sleeps for an hour or so when she gets home.. I usually have an afternoon nap too.. that is our life and we both enjoy it..

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My wife watches her gaddawful Thai soaps until near 11 then goes to bed and gets up about 6.

I fully understand why. There's a couple of hours in the morning where its actually OK to do things.

Thai people recognise the wisdom of this.

Me, stupid falang, sleep longer then try to do my stuff while bitching incessantly about how hot it is.

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I really can't tell you what time my wife gets up. I usually rise around noon-thirty, leave a whizz, brush my teeth and go down to my study where my wife greets me with coffee and juice, a smile and a kiss. After handling communication and getting the news, she brings up breakfast and we eat together--breakfast for me, late lunch for her--and discuss the events of the day.

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My wife watches her gaddawful Thai soaps until near 11 then goes to bed and gets up about 6.

I fully understand why. There's a couple of hours in the morning where its actually OK to do things.

Thai people recognise the wisdom of this.

Me, stupid falang, sleep longer then try to do my stuff while bitching incessantly about how hot it is.

Anything that cannot be done in the cool; doesn't need to be done.

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My new girlfriend,sleeps a lot later than my ex wife,because she is working hard in the bed at night,but then she is younger ,more beautiful and also not an ex bar girl,more middle class than my ex wife,in fact more classy all over,i don't care what time she gets up,but usually around 9am,i rise at around 8am,we have a very relaxed life,after my gold find in new Guinea,all is good,found a nugget the size of Kim Kardashians arse,hard,hot and dangerous work,fending off crocs and cannibals,lost a couple of chaps of course,natives,expect that on these type of forays,damned inconvenient,had to pour our own brandy one night!!!

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5am every day I am up work at 6am have to get breakfast ready for kids before I go. Wake kids and husband just before I go to shop for work. (Then ring him at 0630 to make sure LOL)

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For my wife it sort of depends on what time I go to bed as she doesn't like sitting up alone. Lately is has been quite early so we get up quite early. If there is some special Buddhist Holiday, and she goes to the Temple then, she is up and gone before 6 am. But by then I m up already anyway.

We are different as I am different and don't need much sleep. I generally don't need more than 4 hours of sleep at any one time, while she still likes and needs about 8 hours. So not unusual to see a light on in my house at 2 am. But I must admit that as I got older I now generally like to take a 2 or 3 hour nap. But more because I want to than need to. I can't remember the last time I slept 8 hours through the night. .

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For me it depends.

On week days she will wake up 15min after me at 7am...even though she has to reach the office at 9h30 but she needs at least 2 hours to get ready.

However on weekend, such as this morning, I came back home at 3am and was up at 9:30am. She slept around midnight and left the bed after midday (she was also frustrated that I had lunch without her). Then she needed about 2 hours to get ready so we could go somewhere around 2.30 pm.

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We both get up around 9.30 - 10 am unless we have a lie in. Saying that we never go to bed before midnight . In England I had to get up every week day to go to work , sometimes in the freezing cold ..... no more I get up when I want , that is retirement.

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Are you retired to live in Thailand, then you live a Hindu Priests lifestyle, you sleep when you are tired, you eat when you're hungry. if not, you live for others rules. Then you are not retired

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Don't worry about it. My wife has been staying at home for the last 3 years to look after our son and because I am the sole earner, I have been working 7 days a week.

In order for me to get some decent sleep, my wife has been doing all the feeds and nappy changes, day and night. This means that my wife goes to bed at 6am and wakes up at 3pm. She has tried to sleep when our son sleeps, but that didn't work. When he starts school, this will change.

It's not a problem unless it starts affecting your relationship.

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Don't worry about it. My wife has been staying at home for the last 3 years to look after our son and because I am the sole earner, I have been working 7 days a week.

In order for me to get some decent sleep, my wife has been doing all the feeds and nappy changes, day and night. This means that my wife goes to bed at 6am and wakes up at 3pm. She has tried to sleep when our son sleeps, but that didn't work. When he starts school, this will change.

It's not a problem unless it starts affecting your relationship.

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Don't worry about it. My wife has been staying at home for the last 3 years to look after our son and because I am the sole earner, I have been working 7 days a week.

In order for me to get some decent sleep, my wife has been doing all the feeds and nappy changes, day and night. This means that my wife goes to bed at 6am and wakes up at 3pm. She has tried to sleep when our son sleeps, but that didn't work. When he starts school, this will change.

It's not a problem unless it starts affecting your relationship.

X 2 ? - Sleep deprivation ?????

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My wife is usually up by 7 AM. The bar girls I used to hang with before I got married used to sleep till 11 AM or 12 noon . Maybe that's the reason the OP wife sleeps so late.

That's his baby's momma you are talking about. Calling her a bar girl is out of line.

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My wife is usually up by 7 AM. The bar girls I used to hang with before I got married used to sleep till 11 AM or 12 noon . Maybe that's the reason the OP wife sleeps so late.

That's his baby's momma you are talking about. Calling her a bar girl is out of line.

Then likely former bar girl who just hasn't broken the habit. Really, that's *usually* (though of course not always) the only reason a Thai woman would sleep so late (past 11 am).

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She,,, up at 6am

Me up about 10 or 11am,, like i've said a million times,

a.) i don't want to be the first human to wake up

b.) i don't have any chickens, pigs (the real ones) to feed

c.) i don't work

d.) i get up when i want to

Edited by ozyjon
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