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What time does your that wife or gf get out of bed?

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My wife is usually up by 7 AM. The bar girls I used to hang with before I got married used to sleep till 11 AM or 12 noon . Maybe that's the reason the OP wife sleeps so late.

That's his baby's momma you are talking about. Calling her a bar girl is out of line.

Bar girls can be momma's, can't they?

Just listen to all these wet nappies. What gossipping nannies you all are.

Advice to OP...make sure your Mia Noi is out of the bed before 11am, and you'll be ok.

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My wife is usually up by 7 AM. The bar girls I used to hang with before I got married used to sleep till 11 AM or 12 noon . Maybe that's the reason the OP wife sleeps so late.

That's his baby's momma you are talking about. Calling her a bar girl is out of line.
Bar girls can be momma's, can't they?

Just listen to all these wet nappies. What gossipping nannies you all are.

Advice to OP...make sure your Mia Noi is out of the bed before 11am, and you'll be ok.

In thirty years of living here, I'd say more than 50% of women who had kids with a farang are ex prostitutes.
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The gf's get up around 5 am and try to sneak out so they can go home to whom ever.

This has been happening for 9 years, but I never ask questions and go with the flow.

Why try to swim upstream and fight the currents?

I pretend I'm sleeping not to create more lies!

Ha ha ha....sound familiar?

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The gf's get up around 5 am and try to sneak out so they can go home to whom ever.

This has been happening for 9 years, but I never ask questions and go with the flow.

Why try to swim upstream and fight the currents?

I pretend I'm sleeping not to create more lies!

Ha ha ha....sound familiar?

Not familiar to me. She's there when I go to sleep and she's there (with coffee and a biscuit) when I wake up.

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When the birds start tweeting....

Nowadays, you have to be more specific about which "birds", and whether the tweeting is online...

Because the converse statement is true.

Most birds start tweeting the minute they wake up.

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Just to the people who suggest that my wife is a bar girl becauase she sleeps in, id like to meet u one day and see u say that to my face and then id put a burning fist into your face. But u would never do that because u just hide behind your keyboards.

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Just to the people who suggest that my wife is a bar girl becauase she sleeps in, id like to meet u one day and see u say that to my face and then id put a burning fist into your face. But u would never do that because u just hide behind your keyboards.

Careful what you wish for, unless you are Mike Tyson.

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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

Amazes me as well.

Week days Iam up at 3.30am and at work by 5am. Home by 2pm and still have the afternoon to do what ever I desire.

Dinner at 6pm and then bed by 7pm.

The mornings are the best time of the day.

Weekends I try to wake a bit later but that rarely happens. The missus waking at 11.30/12.00 to find me already 3 parts drunk is always good for a laugh !!

To be fair on her though she likes to clean the house at night so most of the time she might not be in bed until after midnight.

Edited by Don Mega
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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

Amazes me as well.

Week days Iam up at 3.30am and at work by 5am. Home by 2pm and still have the afternoon to do what ever I desire.

Dinner at 6pm and then bed by 7pm.

The mornings are the best time of the day.

Weekends I try to wake a bit later but that rarely happens. The missus waking at 11.30/12.00 to find me already 3 parts drunk is always good for a laugh !!

To be fair on her though she likes to clean the house at night so most of the time she might not be in bed until after midnight.

So instead of wasting half the day, you're wasted half the day?

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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

Amazes me as well.

Week days Iam up at 3.30am and at work by 5am. Home by 2pm and still have the afternoon to do what ever I desire.

Dinner at 6pm and then bed by 7pm.

The mornings are the best time of the day.

Weekends I try to wake a bit later but that rarely happens. The missus waking at 11.30/12.00 to find me already 3 parts drunk is always good for a laugh !!

To be fair on her though she likes to clean the house at night so most of the time she might not be in bed until after midnight.

So instead of wasting half the day, you're wasted half the day?

nah not a half day, at best 4 hours.

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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

Perhaps you may understand when you retire...Us retirees do what we want....smile.png

I think we're mostly creatures of habit. I always got up early in my working life and now find it difficult to sleep late or stay in bed past 8 am.

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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

Perhaps you may understand when you retire...Us retirees do what we want....smile.png

Makes even less sense to waste a day when you don't have many left, though.

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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

Perhaps you may understand when you retire...Us retirees do what we want....smile.png

Makes even less sense to waste a day when you don't have many left, though.

When you get to retirement age you will find out what is important to you...smile.png

Like spending must your time speaking to strangers on an internet forum.??
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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

Perhaps you may understand when you retire...Us retirees do what we want....smile.png

Makes even less sense to waste a day when you don't have many left, though.

When you get to retirement age you will find out what is important to you...smile.png

Like spending must your time speaking to strangers on an internet forum.??
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My gf works almost 24 hours a day, never sleeps because that is lazy!!!! she is up earlier than anyone!!!! if you say 5 am, she is up at 4. if you say 4, she is up at 3.

i set my alarm for noon

then hit snooze


*remember, in Thailand all gf's love money....so surprise them with 1,000 baht notes all over the bed every morning. I tried it with 20 baht notes and slept on couch for 3 years while her farang husband visited. mai bpen rai....

Is there any topic that you don't troll on?
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I can't believe so many of you are wasting half the day in bed.

And I can't believe anyone thinks time spent in bed is wasted.

My job gets me up around 05:00 and any extra time in bed would be a luxurious treat.

Edited by impulse
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Sorry OP, you've married a bad one. Hate to be blunt but I guess that's what you want or you wouldn't have posted it here.

I've been here many years and the marriages I've seen fail often had one thing in common, she'd get lazy, stay in bed late, not do the housework etc.

Get out of it while you can as it will only get worse.

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