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New personal details form arrives at Phuket Immigration

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Bureaucrats,just love paper work,makes them feel important,

then they will just file away in some warehouse,where termites,

will eat the lot.

So the P.M. has just been to Russia,maybe got some good

ideas off Putin,Gulags in darkest Issan,for the political dissidents.

regards worgeordie

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There is nothing on that form I don`t mind answering, I have nothing to hide and I guess that anyone who hesitates to give the information or only part information or deliberately gives incorrect information will come under suspicion. In fact I am glad the police may have a quick reference about me in Thailand, it shows I am being a good boy, behaving myself a and decent resizen. It also makes things more difficult for wanted criminals and may be terrorists entering the country. In the end I think it`s more for the benefit of all then against us.

Absolutely, nothing wrong with that. There could not be anything sinister in their motives.

When they ask you to put a little star on your chest it will be to help identify you to get priority treatment at hospitals.

and the ambulances will come directly to your house to pick you up, and they can take you to a nice special

room just for farang which has special air con to keep you cooler for your stay. History has shown Governments only

do things like this to help their citizens.

We don`t need star badges to identify us in Thailand, this may be news to you but we stand out among the crowd, even from a mile away. So everyone knows we are Europeans anyway without the need to see our ID or wear pointy badges.

We already have to give up our detailed lifestyles and personal business information with the present immigration processes so what difference is this form going to make? And the reason I`m not bothered about it considering I`m not doing anything I should not be doing in Thailand. My only problem with this is where it all ends up. Would hate to think that my bank accounts details are going to be on the reverse side of someone`s 90 day receipt somewhere.


I will be very selective with given my information.

Both my father and mother are dead so i don't think that i have to provide this information .

Don't have home country address details as i live in Thailand.

Don't have to fill in social media details.

Car and bike are in my wife name so i don't own any of this

Frequent visited venues are Patong bars and i do home cooking or mom and pop restaurants from i don't know the names.

Contact person is my wife (which they know from my visa extension), don't have foreign contact details as i live alone in Thailand. (and don't give others information without prior consent)

They have my bank account number and contact details already for my visa extension so this is not a big issue for me.

So in the end they don't get really anymore extra information from me but is again a step back wards.

As the new boss in Phuket immigration is from the Bangkok immigration technologies division, this is probable the reason that Phuket is the first (but the last) province to introduce this form.


Asking for details like Bank Accounts and other Private details is an infringement of the Privacy laws as written in the Court of La Haye and many other instances to protect the individual for misbehavior.

This is showing the TRUE face of a country ruled by a Junta which has totally no power anymore.

Thailand is going the wrong path with their rules.

Bank account, they already know about the bank account from the letter you must submit from the bank with your application (each and every year)..

As for car(s) they already have that information from the letter you have to get from Immigration showing your permanent address when registering a car in your name.

Your email address, it is in the Domain, all they have to do is do a search. How in the hell do they think all the advertising outfits get your email address???

I spend 5-year under Nazi occupation and they with their IBM supplied equipment didn't get this repeat for-, repeat for-, repeat for-same information lunacy and now 2016 they even have more sophisticate electronic equipment, which it looks like they do not seem to know how to use to its fullest advantage to get the most out of it.

The way things are going the best advice to foreigners coming into the country is do not tie yourself down with brick and mortar and a Thai female. If you do, Thai immigration got you by the b@#&s like the thousands of foreigners now tied down with brick and mortar and a Thai female.


We are in Spain for the summer.

A grandson is due in November.

This might just be the reason not to return?

Time will tell.

When this is finally "thought through" and they see the potential loss of foreign exchange,

I guess it will change.


TiT !


Thai people advice:

Don't tink too mut!


Asking for details like Bank Accounts and other Private details is an infringement of the Privacy laws as written in the Court of La Haye and many other instances to protect the individual for misbehavior.

This is showing the TRUE face of a country ruled by a Junta which has totally no power anymore.

Thailand is going the wrong path with their rules.

Bank account, they already know about the bank account from the letter you must submit from the bank with your application (each and every year)..

As for car(s) they already have that information from the letter you have to get from Immigration showing your permanent address when registering a car in your name.

Your email address, it is in the Domain, all they have to do is do a search. How in the hell do they think all the advertising outfits get your email address???

I spend 5-year under Nazi occupation and they with their IBM supplied equipment didn't get this repeat for-, repeat for-, repeat for-same information lunacy and now 2016 they even have more sophisticate electronic equipment, which it looks like they do not seem to know how to use to its fullest advantage to get the most out of it.

The way things are going the best advice to foreigners coming into the country is do not tie yourself down with brick and mortar and a Thai female. If you do, Thai immigration got you by the b@#&s like the thousands of foreigners now tied down with brick and mortar and a Thai female.

I really can`t see why you have a problem with this? Just to let you know in case you`re not aware of it that many of us already have commitments in Thailand, Thai girlfriends, Thai wives, children and families, homes, pets and vehicles and have no intentions or not able to return from where we came from. So why not just show them what they want to see without all the fuss?

In England now, going through all the bureaucracy and excessive complicated administrative procedures when applying for anything, they want to know previous names, last 3 previous addresses, last 10 years of employment, parents names, earnings and income, references, email addresses and phone numbers, checks for criminal convictions and we used to have the census every 10 years and more. Filling out an application form was like writing an autobiography. This petty form is mild in comparison.

In the future you can expect the situation to become much worse. Once they have figured out how to master their computer technology and networked to connect with tracking agencies worldwide everything about us will be obtainable in seconds on a computer database to everywhere from anywhere. Watch out those who have criminal records from any country or have been telling porkies to immigration. I guess that they`ll get their act together in about 5 years or so by slowly implement more bureaucracy over us that even if we fart in public the whole world will know about it. People should be more concerned about what they put on facebook about themselves and other unsuspecting people instead this form.


Just enter minimal info. Enter info they have access to already, and one selected example for any other categories. You could even set up a funny email address, which forwards to your real address,vto catch any testing emails from them, but not use it for any other purpose. You have options. For places you frequent, quote one food superstore you use, your favourite restaurant, leave it at that. Take it easy folks. Play their game better than they do.

Give them K Bank it is safe now because withdrawal slip are no longer laying around by the stacks, it is now made out by the teller with her/his computer while you stand right there in front of them, all you have to do is sign the completed withdrawal form twice which she/he verifies with bankbook signature. Sure wish Bangkok Bank has this SAFETY system.


I don't see a penal code number on the form so it begs the question is there actually any penalty under the immigration laws that cover this or is it just a scare tactic

Is it in fact an "approved" form? We so so many little "dictators" in all provinces, that believe they can make up laws, and in this case maybe forms, that would not stand up in court, as there are not legislated.

You are correct. The new Licensing Facilitation act does makes a few issues here.

1) The only forms allowed are what is in the manual

2) The manual must be available for applicants to examine both at immigration centers AND ONLINE

3) I have looked a few times, and cannot find the online version of the manual.

Thus, the only forms that they should be allowed to use are what's listed online. Since the manual that is required by law to be posted online isn't online, then the fallback is whatever is available online. That is the old forms that we know. This general is acting illegally.

I wrote up a blog post about this law:



What about setting up a document as well to be signed by IO to be fully responsible to keep the information asked for secret and safe and only for the intention of the purpose requested ? Failure to do so will be punished not less than 100.000 USD.

The actual form says nothing that they would keep the information confidential

That's a great idea, except that farang 'don't understand Thai culture.' wai2.gif

Anything that would require accountability also could result in loss of face, thus it can never happen.facepalm.gif

If it's any consolation, all of us who believe in rule of law, fairness, and accountability really like your suggestion.thumbsup.gif


This is illegal!

The new Licensing Facilitation Act of 2015 makes a few issues here.

1) The only forms allowed are what is in the manual

2) The manual must be available for applicants to examine both at immigration centers AND ONLINE

3) I have looked a few times, and cannot find the online version of the manual. (If anyone else has found it, please correct me.)

Thus, the only forms that they should be allowed to use are what's listed online. Since the manual that is required by law to be posted online isn't online, then the fallback is whatever is available online. That is the old forms that we know. This general is treating this area as his personal fiefdom and is acting illegally.

I wrote up a blog post about this law here. I hope this helps.



I have been providing my bank details for more than 10 years because it is part of the requirement when renewing my annual visa for extension of stay or retirement as some like to call it . What I will not do is provide my FB or other SM accounts. They know where I reside they even insist on a Google map , they have at least one of my telephone numbers , a copy of my passport so there is not much more I can give them in the way of information, it's all just another wasted paper trail where the hell do they store all this stuff because here on Samui / Phangan you

Cannot even do 90 day reporting on the PC as they still do not have the facility to do it whilst I believe the rest of the Kingdom offers this online service !!!!!

Please see my post above. They aren't allowed to do this. For more details, check out my article on the Licensing Facilitation Act.



There is nothing on that form I don`t mind answering, I have nothing to hide and I guess that anyone who hesitates to give the information or only part information or deliberately gives incorrect information will come under suspicion. In fact I am glad the police may have a quick reference about me in Thailand, it shows I am being a good boy, behaving myself a and decent resizen. It also makes things more difficult for wanted criminals and may be terrorists entering the country. In the end I think it`s more for the benefit of all then against us.

There are several reasons not to answer this form.

1) The Thai government is having major data security breaches every couple of months. I live in the south, and all of mine and my fellow farangs's data was left exposed for months.

2) There are suggestions that some of these questions are mere data mining to assist the Thai government when they want to crack into your online media.

3) The Thai junta has become severely repressive. It has said hitting 'like' on facebook can be enough to trigger criminal charges. It recently locked up a protester's mother! THEY WENT AFTER A GUY'S MOM! That is just despicable.

4) This form is illegal as it is not in compliance with the Licensing Facilitation Act of 2015. (I have an article that explains this law in links above.)

Complying doesn't show that you're a good boy, it shows that you're an easy mark. Who knows what they will suddenly decide is offensive or a threat to national security? If replying 'ja' (ok) on a private message within facebook is enough to get a protester's mom locked up, then none of us are safe. Our only saving grace is that the junta is really, really inconsistent and sporadic with who they crack down upon. That could change at any moment.

As for criminals and terrorists, do you really think they will just hand over all their info? They will have fake accounts at the ready, and the RTP will never know the difference.

Please wake up. This is only to benefit the junta.


Welcome to 1984. This is a most naive document that will do absolutely nothing to assist the authorities. I will not put in the names of my dead parents, only Mummy and Daddy. And in the bank account section I will use one of my accounts in another country as it does not stipulate it must be a local bank. And as for frequently visited places my local 7-11 and the noodle shop are all they will get. None of it is inaccurate, so what can they do.

No big deal here.They get your bank details at visa extension times. Plus your whereabouts at 90 day report times. Everyone I know has my email. I'm sure if they ask about where go it doesn't mean Joe's bar rather if you travel a lot. Far as I am concerned this is non issue. Try immigrating to Australia, The U S ,Canada. That is very hard by comparison.

Sorry, but your comparison is not valid. Yes it's more difficult to get in to those countries. That can be seen as a function of supply and demand -- many, may people want to emigrate to the US and Australia, but how many wish to actually emigrate to Thailand? (Most of us are expats - we have no intention of giving up our home country citizenship, so we aren't emigrees) The answer is very, very few.

I looked up the immigration regs in the US. We don't have 90 day reports, we don't have rules that vary from one office to the next, and we don't ask for bank account details unless you are immigrating on an investment visa. It's more difficult to get in to the US. It's more difficult to stay in Thailand, and all this extra hassle and changing rules, incidentally, opens up many opportunities for tea money extortion.


Next step, DNA sample and fingerprints, then ankle bracelet and tattoo on the forehead with the serial number.

Then gas chamber??

Only if you can't pay them off.


Another posted stated, turn wanting front and BACK of his amt card,,!? that REEEKS of nefarious purposes,, 1,, there's no need for the front,, let alone the security code on the back,,, years ago credit card companies told me never hand out your credit card to a waiter or such at a store, restaurant, etc,, as that was EXACTLY how your account would be compromised,, the waiter, etc would then sell that info,, they told me that was the most common way for your card to be compromised,, in fact they told me if a waiter or clerk ever turn your card over to look at the back to immediately contact their manager,, so with this new info they now know where Joe Farlang hangs out,, how much he has in his account etc, etc,, that's very very scary info for corrupt officials say a policeman to have, as they have been known to kidnap wealthy individuals and ransom them,, this pertinent info just narrows their field down to certain individuals,,, I mean why bother extorting someone who has little money, let's find someone who does,

That was my post, and I agree,

I pointed out why this was not a good idea (from my POV), but the 'rules' change so regularly (and depending on the person involved) - I quickly realised it was a pointless discussion. Far better to just provide the photocopies and cancel the card.

They aren't allowed to ask for all this info anymore. Please see my posts above and check out my article on the Licensing Facilitation act.


There is nothing on that form I don`t mind answering, I have nothing to hide and I guess that anyone who hesitates to give the information or only part information or deliberately gives incorrect information will come under suspicion. In fact I am glad the police may have a quick reference about me in Thailand, it shows I am being a good boy, behaving myself a and decent resizen. It also makes things more difficult for wanted criminals and may be terrorists entering the country. In the end I think it`s more for the benefit of all then against us.

There are several reasons not to answer this form.

1) The Thai government is having major data security breaches every couple of months. I live in the south, and all of mine and my fellow farangs's data was left exposed for months.

2) There are suggestions that some of these questions are mere data mining to assist the Thai government when they want to crack into your online media.

3) The Thai junta has become severely repressive. It has said hitting 'like' on facebook can be enough to trigger criminal charges. It recently locked up a protester's mother! THEY WENT AFTER A GUY'S MOM! That is just despicable.

4) This form is illegal as it is not in compliance with the Licensing Facilitation Act of 2015. (I have an article that explains this law in links above.)

Complying doesn't show that you're a good boy, it shows that you're an easy mark. Who knows what they will suddenly decide is offensive or a threat to national security? If replying 'ja' (ok) on a private message within facebook is enough to get a protester's mom locked up, then none of us are safe. Our only saving grace is that the junta is really, really inconsistent and sporadic with who they crack down upon. That could change at any moment.

As for criminals and terrorists, do you really think they will just hand over all their info? They will have fake accounts at the ready, and the RTP will never know the difference.

Please wake up. This is only to benefit the junta.

So what should we do at our next visits to immigration, quote this law and chuck the form in their faces? They make the laws as they go along, they say fill out this form and then it`s the law. And while you`re at it, you may just as well refuse to hand over your details during your visa extension application process, because I bet there is a law against that as well. Good luck with explaining the law to them and let us know how you get on.


This sounds very fishy. A form like this should need to be approved by the Ministry of the Interior and/or Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I've lost track of who the Immigration Department is responsible to. Back in 2000 it was responsible to the Minister of the Interior, same as the Police Department. Legally, is it a division of the Royal Thai Police? Does the form have an official form number on it? Why has this not been explained by the regular public relations spokesman from Immigration? Why is this General announcing it? Where did he come from? Is he just involved in office politics and empire building? I have so many questions about this I hardly know where to start. I don't particularly mind giving my bank account details -- heck, I had to give them copies of the bank book for about ten years after 1997. I think they were trying to force foreigners to keep money in Thai banks for some reason. Then they just stopped. No explanation, just, "You don't have to give us this any more."

Does the Immigration Department have an ombudsman or public relations office where inquiries can be submitted?

Yes, there is. It's the Public Sector Development Office. I refer to it in my article about the Licensing Facilitation Act.



All these changes have led me to making the decision of selling my condo. Don't want to have any assets of decent value in this country anymore. I'll just come and go in between visiting Cambodia and Vietnam.

Signed up to TV on 30-07-2014.

This is your first post.

whats your normal TV username ?

Very clever. The Generalissimo will be sure to give you a promotion!


There is nothing on that form I don`t mind answering, I have nothing to hide and I guess that anyone who hesitates to give the information or only part information or deliberately gives incorrect information will come under suspicion. In fact I am glad the police may have a quick reference about me in Thailand, it shows I am being a good boy, behaving myself a and decent resizen. It also makes things more difficult for wanted criminals and may be terrorists entering the country. In the end I think it`s more for the benefit of all then against us.

There are several reasons not to answer this form.

1) The Thai government is having major data security breaches every couple of months. I live in the south, and all of mine and my fellow farangs's data was left exposed for months.

2) There are suggestions that some of these questions are mere data mining to assist the Thai government when they want to crack into your online media.

3) The Thai junta has become severely repressive. It has said hitting 'like' on facebook can be enough to trigger criminal charges. It recently locked up a protester's mother! THEY WENT AFTER A GUY'S MOM! That is just despicable.

4) This form is illegal as it is not in compliance with the Licensing Facilitation Act of 2015. (I have an article that explains this law in links above.)

Complying doesn't show that you're a good boy, it shows that you're an easy mark. Who knows what they will suddenly decide is offensive or a threat to national security? If replying 'ja' (ok) on a private message within facebook is enough to get a protester's mom locked up, then none of us are safe. Our only saving grace is that the junta is really, really inconsistent and sporadic with who they crack down upon. That could change at any moment.

As for criminals and terrorists, do you really think they will just hand over all their info? They will have fake accounts at the ready, and the RTP will never know the difference.

Please wake up. This is only to benefit the junta.

So what should we do at our next visits to immigration, quote this law and chuck the form in their faces? They make the laws as they go along, they say fill out this form and then it`s the law. And while you`re at it, you may just as well refuse to hand over your details during your visa extension application process, because I bet there is a law against that as well. Good luck with explaining the law to them and let us know how you get on.

Read my article. That's pretty much exactly what I did. I refused to pay a fine that the shmucks from Kantang wanted to levy on me, and even presented my hands for cuffs and told them to arrest me. I walked out with my 90 day extension and no fine.

Seriously, people need to read the article. We have the legal authority to push back against this bullshit now. If they don't adhere to their own law, then they will lose major face. It also includes references to agencies for complaints.



I suppose that there's absolutely no way for the Thai authorities to check one's parents' names, or is there? Certainly not in the passport, unless some countries put this kind of information in the chip, which I doubt. So one can put whatever name they want.

The same goes for mail and social media accounts. I'm sure all of you have disposable e-mail addresses besides your usual one, and possibly inactive Facebook accounts. Use them.


Lol. 'Like another reason was needed to avoid Phuket... Get past it folks. If you're a "farang", your presence is simply no longer desired, not by the govt anyway. This obvious intrusion and other harassment p*****s you off? Hint: Nobody cares. It's all about the Chinese now. Unlike westerners, they don't hop on social media to voice discontent with the govt. They may be a pain to their fellow tourists and not big spenders for the most part, but they're conditioned not to mess with Big Brother or think too much, and have no expectations of free speech or personal privacy. If you're most any kind of official in Thailand (except possibly high-ranking TAT), that's all highly desirable in a foreigner. So, you might just as well accept it. The worm has turned.


As for the personal stuff about clubs, restaurants etc visited, I can only assume they would like this for market research purposes. I can't see anything sinister, let alone incriminating, in confessing that you shop regularly at 7\11 ....

If they are collecting the data for M.R. purposes, then that suggests that they will sell on the data (your name, email address, bank account # etc etc) to third parties.

Still want to give them your personal details???

This form was thought up by a single Immigration Officer who obviously thought it would be a good idea to keep track of foreigners, but had zero concept of Data Protection and Privacy laws. In civilised countries, an idea like this wouldn't get 5 metres outside the door of his office before being 'binned' and the IO would probably get sacked for wasting time on such baby ideas.

Frankly, I am amazed that anyone would even consider providing this data, or even 'humouring' the IO by providing dummy Donald Duck data on the form. You should refuse to provide the data and cite privacy and security concerns.


I take it the 'other' line under social media is where we put our Thai Visa user names?

hope you don't mind but I used yours, just don't answer the door and you should be fine.

As for the personal stuff about clubs, restaurants etc visited, I can only assume they would like this for market research purposes. I can't see anything sinister, let alone incriminating, in confessing that you shop regularly at 7\11 ....

If they are collecting the data for M.R. purposes, then that suggests that they will sell on the data (your name, email address, bank account # etc etc) to third parties.

Still want to give them your personal details???

This form was thought up by a single Immigration Officer who obviously thought it would be a good idea to keep track of foreigners, but had zero concept of Data Protection and Privacy laws. In civilised countries, an idea like this wouldn't get 5 metres outside the door of his office before being 'binned' and the IO would probably get sacked for wasting time on such baby ideas.

Frankly, I am amazed that anyone would even consider providing this data, or even 'humouring' the IO by providing dummy Donald Duck data on the form. You should refuse to provide the data and cite privacy and security concerns.

7/11 shoppers aren't what they are after they want the Robinson type so this is probably a filtering mechanism to weed out the cheap tourists from the quality.

did the general forget the form for reporting CORRUPT IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS.or is that private.

That form also needs you to provide your credit-card/debit-card PIN number coffee1.gif


No way will i provide such details , these guys want to track everything , while leaving your data in the incompetent hands of the Thai authorities..,what could go wrong


Oh dear, and here ai am with no bank account, no social media and I stay on the beach unde an umbrella most days.....could be the end of me......IF only ai was in Phuket......NOT!!!!????

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