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UN sounds alarm over record-breaking temperature rise


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Air conditioners, cars, trucks, lights, microwaves, houses, dishwashers, machinery, buses, ships, are not the problem.

You are correct. Overpopulation is, but no one is talking about that.

Never mind, Gaia is gearing up to solve the problem. The first completely untreatable disease has appeared- the coming epidemic will make Spanish flue seem like a cold in comparison.

Actually not untreatable. Untreatable by current antibiotics. Not only are some new antibiotics in the works, but there is also phage therapy which is still widely used in some parts of the old soviet union. It is a bit more cumbersome to use since it depends on targeting the right viruses (phages) at the bacteria in question but its eminently doable. Phage therapy used to be a think in the United States too until antibiotics came along. In fact, there's a Sinclair Lewis novel, Arrowsmith, which features an heroic doctor battling against the medical establishment to use phages to cure infections.

Ah, it is but the first of the many to come. Faced with 100 million people infected, how is your phage therapy going to do?

They'd better hurry up with the cure.

Also, let's not forget that new disease transmitted by mosquitoes that produces brain defective babies ( Zika ). That is also untreatable at present.

What does the number of diseased people have to do with the effectiveness of phage therapy?

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The Oceans both absorb atmospheric CO2 (338Gtns) and release CO2 (332GTns) into the atmosphere each year

Vegetation and Land both absorb atmospheric CO2 (450Gtns) and release CO2 (439Gtns) into the atmosphere each year.

This is the Natural Carbon Cycle

The burning of Fossil Fuels releases 29GTns of excess CO2 per year into the atmosphere absorbing none. Fossil Fuel CO2 is easily identified as it contains a signature isotope than natural occurring CO2

If the Natural Progression of CO2 collects in the atmosphere for the atmospheric concentration of CO2 to register an increase of 100ppm that would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years.

With the burning of Fossil Fuels the release of an extra 29GTns compounding year on year of CO2 an increase of atmospheric CO2 by 100ppm has only taken 120 years to achieve.

So is the CO2 released during the course of the Natural Ocean Carbon Cycle causing the pollution of the atmosphere with CO2?

Answer: No

ipso facto or otherwise

I just had the conversation with my daughter about spending a week this summer in the Florida keys and getting her PADI scuba diving certification. I want her to experience the coral reefs before they are gone.

" Our oceans absorb about a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans produce by burning fossil fuels each year, and that's changing their basic chemistry. This is particularly bad for creatures with calcium carbonate in their shells or skeletons, like mollusks, crabs, and corals. Acidic water makes it harder for them to grow those shells, so many of them are going to have a hard time surviving as our seas change. "


If we dont reverse what is happening I foresee a near future where we will describe to our grandchildren how wondrous coral reefs used to be.

And seafood would be Tilapia.

If we dont reverse what is happening

Given that they have been twittering on about this for many years, but have actually done ZERO to change it, what chance do you think they are ever going to?

I don't know how long we have, but the end of humanity is inevitable, just as happened to dinosaurs and the life forms before them. Whether we caused it or not is irrelevant as they aren't even trying to do anything that would make a difference.

NB flying a lot of people to conferences in exotic places does not constitute "doing something".

I dont know about the end of humanity, but i do know about a compromised humanity for the foreseeable future.

all the projections are based on an environment based on today technology. Let's hope that technological advances will not only slow down the damage we are causing, halt it, and reverse it's affects.

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I just had the conversation with my daughter about spending a week this summer in the Florida keys and getting her PADI scuba diving certification. I want her to experience the coral reefs before they are gone.

" Our oceans absorb about a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans produce by burning fossil fuels each year, and that's changing their basic chemistry. This is particularly bad for creatures with calcium carbonate in their shells or skeletons, like mollusks, crabs, and corals. Acidic water makes it harder for them to grow those shells, so many of them are going to have a hard time surviving as our seas change. "


If we dont reverse what is happening I foresee a near future where we will describe to our grandchildren how wondrous coral reefs used to be.

And seafood would be Tilapia.

You don't have to be in much of a hurry. Coral is going to be around for a long.... long.... time...

Coral first appeared about 550 million years ago or so..... when atmospheric CO2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

For most of the history of coral.....CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than now... . Coral survived it.. and spread around the world with the higher CO2 levels..

Coral has survived ice ages, times so cold the continents were almost totally covered in ice. Coral has survived periods when it was so warm there was no ice at all on the planet..

Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age...

Coral survived the very fast sea level rise of about 35mm - 60mm per year... beginning about 22,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago following the last Glacial Period. Sea level rise today is nothing like that.... now it's only about 3mm per year.

But now.. for some reason... some people want to scare us into believing that 400ppm CO2, and 0.85 C increase over a 132 year period (1880 - 2012 I.P.C.C.), as we come out of the Little Ice Age represents some kind of threat to coral.

If our little 400ppm CO2 level and 0.85 degree increase over 132 years is some kind of threat to coral... then all those previous times would have killed it all off already and there wouldn't be any coral today. The fact is.... it can let a whole lot warmer.. or a whole lot colder.... at fast or slow rates with a lot higher CO2... and coral will still be around....

Just thirty miles from where I live.. you can break various types of fossil coral out of the quarry rock from when my area was a shallow tropical sea.. 350 million years ago.

Coral ain't about to go extinct... And Global (Gore Bull) Warming/Climate Change Alarmists are suffering from delusional paranoia...

Edited by Catoni
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Willie Soon gets his funding from Exxon to the tune of $1.2M. Here is Jim Lakley from the Heartland Institute running protection for Wee Willie.

So at this point you are batting a big fat duck egg zero.

Gets a little boring for me after a while.

Why shouldn't Willie Soon get paid for his work ? He probably has expenses to cover just like the rest of us. I bet you get paid also. Who are YOU a shill for ?

In any case..I bet Willie Soon gets paid a lot less than Al Gore, Michael Mann, James Hansen, David Suzuki and all the other Alarmists...

All those guys are shills for government and Global Warming income. What does Al Gore charge for a Global Warming speech these days ? How many homes does he have now. I know he loves jetting all over the world and love's his 100 foot "houseboat" .

How about Al Gore's Canadian pal ? The Gobal Warming Alarmist fruit fly doctor David Suzuki ? He has four homes... his main home in British Columbia, Canada worth $8 Million. He loves flying to places like Malaysia and Bhutan for vacation.... Suzuki charges between $35,000.00 - $75,000.00 to talk to your group for a couple of hours...

Leonardo DiCaprio loves to tell the rest of us to cut back our middle class lifestyles... while he lives like a king with several big homes and flies all over North American and Europe...

And you complain about Dr. Willie Soon..... .. . You're so funny...

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I just had the conversation with my daughter about spending a week this summer in the Florida keys and getting her PADI scuba diving certification. I want her to experience the coral reefs before they are gone.

" Our oceans absorb about a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans produce by burning fossil fuels each year, and that's changing their basic chemistry. This is particularly bad for creatures with calcium carbonate in their shells or skeletons, like mollusks, crabs, and corals. Acidic water makes it harder for them to grow those shells, so many of them are going to have a hard time surviving as our seas change. "


If we dont reverse what is happening I foresee a near future where we will describe to our grandchildren how wondrous coral reefs used to be.

And seafood would be Tilapia.

You don't have to be in much of a hurry. Coral is going to be around for a long.... long.... time...

Coral first appeared about 550 million years ago or so..... when atmospheric CO2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

For most of the history of coral.....CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than now... . Coral survived it.. and spread around the world with the higher CO2 levels..

Coral has survived ice ages, times so cold the continents were almost totally covered in ice. Coral has survived periods when it was so warm there was no ice at all on the planet..

Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age...

Coral survived the very fast sea level rise of about 35mm - 60mm per year... beginning about 22,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago following the last Glacial Period. Sea level rise today is nothing like that.... now it's only about 3mm per year.

But now.. for some reason... some people want to scare us into believing that 400ppm CO2, and 0.85 C increase over a 132 year period (1880 - 2012 I.P.C.C.), as we come out of the Little Ice Age represents some kind of threat to coral.

If our little 400ppm CO2 level and 0.85 degree increase over 132 years is some kind of threat to coral... then all those previous times would have killed it all off already and there wouldn't be any coral today. The fact is.... it can let a whole lot warmer.. or a whole lot colder.... at fast or slow rates with a lot higher CO2... and coral will still be around....

Just thirty miles from where I live.. you can break various types of fossil coral out of the quarry rock from when my area was a shallow tropical sea.. 350 million years ago.

Coral ain't about to go extinct... And Global (Gore Bull) Warming/Climate Change Alarmists are suffering from delusional paranoia...

The argument against this point is so obvious that I can't believe it needs to be stated. Yes, Coral first evolved in a time when CO2 levels were higher. But now it's adapted to much lover levels. A drastic change in CO2 levels means Corals don't have time to adapt. Oh, maybe a few will. And in 100,000 or a million years coral may make a comeback.But for the present, when it goes it won't go alone but take with it the millions of species that have adapted to life on it.

Ancient corals and other life forms were able to adapt to high carbon dioxide concentrations because they have had millions of years to react to slower, natural climate change. Monckton ignores the vast difference in the rate of these changes compared to the present rate; he incorrectly argues that the present rapid increase in carbon dioxide is harmless. http://www.skepticalscience.com/Monckton_Press_Release.pdf

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You don't have to be in much of a hurry. Coral is going to be around for a long.... long.... time...

Coral first appeared about 550 million years ago or so..... when atmospheric CO2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

For most of the history of coral.....CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than now... . Coral survived it.. and spread around the world with the higher CO2 levels..

Coral has survived ice ages, times so cold the continents were almost totally covered in ice. Coral has survived periods when it was so warm there was no ice at all on the planet..

Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age...

Coral survived the very fast sea level rise of about 35mm - 60mm per year... beginning about 22,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago following the last Glacial Period. Sea level rise today is nothing like that.... now it's only about 3mm per year.

But now.. for some reason... some people want to scare us into believing that 400ppm CO2, and 0.85 C increase over a 132 year period (1880 - 2012 I.P.C.C.), as we come out of the Little Ice Age represents some kind of threat to coral.

If our little 400ppm CO2 level and 0.85 degree increase over 132 years is some kind of threat to coral... then all those previous times would have killed it all off already and there wouldn't be any coral today. The fact is.... it can let a whole lot warmer.. or a whole lot colder.... at fast or slow rates with a lot higher CO2... and coral will still be around....

Just thirty miles from where I live.. you can break various types of fossil coral out of the quarry rock from when my area was a shallow tropical sea.. 350 million years ago.

Coral ain't about to go extinct... And Global (Gore Bull) Warming/Climate Change Alarmists are suffering from delusional paranoia...

The argument against this point is so obvious that I can't believe it needs to be stated. Yes, Coral first evolved in a time when CO2 levels were higher. But now it's adapted to much lover levels. A drastic change in CO2 levels means Corals don't have time to adapt. Oh, maybe a few will. And in 100,000 or a million years coral may make a comeback.But for the present, when it goes it won't go alone but take with it the millions of species that have adapted to life on it.

Ancient corals and other life forms were able to adapt to high carbon dioxide concentrations because they have had millions of years to react to slower, natural climate change. Monckton ignores the vast difference in the rate of these changes compared to the present rate; he incorrectly argues that the present rapid increase in carbon dioxide is harmless. http://www.skepticalscience.com/Monckton_Press_Release.pdf

Did you bother reading my whole post? Refresher for you...

"Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age..."

How fast of a change do you figure the Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event was? ? Literally over night... "Global firestorms likely resulted from the heat pulse. Recent research indicates that the global debris layer deposited by the impact contained enough soot to suggest that the entire terrestrial biosphere had burned.

-Robertson, D.S., Lewis, W.M., Sheehan, P.M. & Toon, O.B. (2013). "K/Pg extinction: re-evaluation of the heat/fire hypothesis". Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

The planet wide fire would have raised atmospheric CO2 levels to a much higher level in just days or weeks...

The impact would have inhibited photosynthesis by creating a dust cloud that blocked sunlight for up to a year. Further, the asteroid struck a region of sulfur-rich carbonate rock, much of which was vaporized, thereby injecting sulfuric acid aerosols into the stratosphere, which might have reduced sunlight reaching the Earth's surface by more than 50%, and would have caused rain and ocean water to become acidic."

Pope KO, D'Hondt SL, Marshall CR (1998). "Meteorite impact and the mass extinction of species at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary". PNAS 95 (19): 11028–11029. Bibcode:1998PNAS...9511028P. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.19.11028

Ohno, S.; et al. (2014). "Production of sulphate-rich vapour during the Chicxulub impact and implications for ocean acidification". Nature Geoscience 7: 279–282. doi:10.1038/ngeo2095

Coral is able to adapt much faster than you think...... as Japanese and other scientists are now finding out... and as the history of coral on this planet demonstrates...

This of course is no surprise to those who know something about the history of the Earth... and no surprise to people with common sense..

If there is a threat to coral.... it is not atmospheric CO2 of 400 - 600ppm ..or a gradual rise in temperature to more comfortable climate. There are many other things that are harmful to coral.

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You don't have to be in much of a hurry. Coral is going to be around for a long.... long.... time...

Coral first appeared about 550 million years ago or so..... when atmospheric CO2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

For most of the history of coral.....CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than now... . Coral survived it.. and spread around the world with the higher CO2 levels..

Coral has survived ice ages, times so cold the continents were almost totally covered in ice. Coral has survived periods when it was so warm there was no ice at all on the planet..

Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age...

Coral survived the very fast sea level rise of about 35mm - 60mm per year... beginning about 22,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago following the last Glacial Period. Sea level rise today is nothing like that.... now it's only about 3mm per year.

But now.. for some reason... some people want to scare us into believing that 400ppm CO2, and 0.85 C increase over a 132 year period (1880 - 2012 I.P.C.C.), as we come out of the Little Ice Age represents some kind of threat to coral.

If our little 400ppm CO2 level and 0.85 degree increase over 132 years is some kind of threat to coral... then all those previous times would have killed it all off already and there wouldn't be any coral today. The fact is.... it can let a whole lot warmer.. or a whole lot colder.... at fast or slow rates with a lot higher CO2... and coral will still be around....

Just thirty miles from where I live.. you can break various types of fossil coral out of the quarry rock from when my area was a shallow tropical sea.. 350 million years ago.

Coral ain't about to go extinct... And Global (Gore Bull) Warming/Climate Change Alarmists are suffering from delusional paranoia...

The argument against this point is so obvious that I can't believe it needs to be stated. Yes, Coral first evolved in a time when CO2 levels were higher. But now it's adapted to much lover levels. A drastic change in CO2 levels means Corals don't have time to adapt. Oh, maybe a few will. And in 100,000 or a million years coral may make a comeback.But for the present, when it goes it won't go alone but take with it the millions of species that have adapted to life on it.

Ancient corals and other life forms were able to adapt to high carbon dioxide concentrations because they have had millions of years to react to slower, natural climate change. Monckton ignores the vast difference in the rate of these changes compared to the present rate; he incorrectly argues that the present rapid increase in carbon dioxide is harmless. http://www.skepticalscience.com/Monckton_Press_Release.pdf

Did you bother reading my whole post? Refresher for you...

"Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age..."

How fast of a change do you figure the Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event was? ? Literally over night... "Global firestorms likely resulted from the heat pulse. Recent research indicates that the global debris layer deposited by the impact contained enough soot to suggest that the entire terrestrial biosphere had burned.

-Robertson, D.S., Lewis, W.M., Sheehan, P.M. & Toon, O.B. (2013). "K/Pg extinction: re-evaluation of the heat/fire hypothesis". Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

The planet wide fire would have raised atmospheric CO2 levels to a much higher level in just days or weeks...

The impact would have inhibited photosynthesis by creating a dust cloud that blocked sunlight for up to a year. Further, the asteroid struck a region of sulfur-rich carbonate rock, much of which was vaporized, thereby injecting sulfuric acid aerosols into the stratosphere, which might have reduced sunlight reaching the Earth's surface by more than 50%, and would have caused rain and ocean water to become acidic."

Pope KO, D'Hondt SL, Marshall CR (1998). "Meteorite impact and the mass extinction of species at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary". PNAS 95 (19): 11028–11029. Bibcode:1998PNAS...9511028P. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.19.11028

Ohno, S.; et al. (2014). "Production of sulphate-rich vapour during the Chicxulub impact and implications for ocean acidification". Nature Geoscience 7: 279–282. doi:10.1038/ngeo2095

Coral is able to adapt much faster than you think...... as Japanese and other scientists are now finding out... and as the history of coral on this planet demonstrates...

This of course is no surprise to those who know something about the history of the Earth... and no surprise to people with common sense..

If there is a threat to coral.... it is not atmospheric CO2 of 400 - 600ppm ..or a gradual rise in temperature to more comfortable climate. There are many other things that are harmful to coral.

"and no surprise to people with common sense.

You'll find none of that on the alarmists side, it's like a religion to them, they're fanatics, and like "god-botherers the world over they're oblivious to the lack of evidence for their argument and the masses of evidence which disproves it.

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You don't have to be in much of a hurry. Coral is going to be around for a long.... long.... time...

Coral first appeared about 550 million years ago or so..... when atmospheric CO2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

For most of the history of coral.....CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than now... . Coral survived it.. and spread around the world with the higher CO2 levels..

Coral has survived ice ages, times so cold the continents were almost totally covered in ice. Coral has survived periods when it was so warm there was no ice at all on the planet..

Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age...

Coral survived the very fast sea level rise of about 35mm - 60mm per year... beginning about 22,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago following the last Glacial Period. Sea level rise today is nothing like that.... now it's only about 3mm per year.

But now.. for some reason... some people want to scare us into believing that 400ppm CO2, and 0.85 C increase over a 132 year period (1880 - 2012 I.P.C.C.), as we come out of the Little Ice Age represents some kind of threat to coral.

If our little 400ppm CO2 level and 0.85 degree increase over 132 years is some kind of threat to coral... then all those previous times would have killed it all off already and there wouldn't be any coral today. The fact is.... it can let a whole lot warmer.. or a whole lot colder.... at fast or slow rates with a lot higher CO2... and coral will still be around....

Just thirty miles from where I live.. you can break various types of fossil coral out of the quarry rock from when my area was a shallow tropical sea.. 350 million years ago.

Coral ain't about to go extinct... And Global (Gore Bull) Warming/Climate Change Alarmists are suffering from delusional paranoia...

The argument against this point is so obvious that I can't believe it needs to be stated. Yes, Coral first evolved in a time when CO2 levels were higher. But now it's adapted to much lover levels. A drastic change in CO2 levels means Corals don't have time to adapt. Oh, maybe a few will. And in 100,000 or a million years coral may make a comeback.But for the present, when it goes it won't go alone but take with it the millions of species that have adapted to life on it.

Ancient corals and other life forms were able to adapt to high carbon dioxide concentrations because they have had millions of years to react to slower, natural climate change. Monckton ignores the vast difference in the rate of these changes compared to the present rate; he incorrectly argues that the present rapid increase in carbon dioxide is harmless. http://www.skepticalscience.com/Monckton_Press_Release.pdf

Did you bother reading my whole post? Refresher for you...

"Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age..."

How fast of a change do you figure the Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event was? ? Literally over night... "Global firestorms likely resulted from the heat pulse. Recent research indicates that the global debris layer deposited by the impact contained enough soot to suggest that the entire terrestrial biosphere had burned.

-Robertson, D.S., Lewis, W.M., Sheehan, P.M. & Toon, O.B. (2013). "K/Pg extinction: re-evaluation of the heat/fire hypothesis". Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

The planet wide fire would have raised atmospheric CO2 levels to a much higher level in just days or weeks...

The impact would have inhibited photosynthesis by creating a dust cloud that blocked sunlight for up to a year. Further, the asteroid struck a region of sulfur-rich carbonate rock, much of which was vaporized, thereby injecting sulfuric acid aerosols into the stratosphere, which might have reduced sunlight reaching the Earth's surface by more than 50%, and would have caused rain and ocean water to become acidic."

Pope KO, D'Hondt SL, Marshall CR (1998). "Meteorite impact and the mass extinction of species at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary". PNAS 95 (19): 11028–11029. Bibcode:1998PNAS...9511028P. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.19.11028

Ohno, S.; et al. (2014). "Production of sulphate-rich vapour during the Chicxulub impact and implications for ocean acidification". Nature Geoscience 7: 279–282. doi:10.1038/ngeo2095

Coral is able to adapt much faster than you think...... as Japanese and other scientists are now finding out... and as the history of coral on this planet demonstrates...

This of course is no surprise to those who know something about the history of the Earth... and no surprise to people with common sense..

If there is a threat to coral.... it is not atmospheric CO2 of 400 - 600ppm ..or a gradual rise in temperature to more comfortable climate. There are many other things that are harmful to coral.

"What Veron 2008 found was each mass extinction event [of coral] corresponded to periods of quickly changing atmospheric CO2. When CO2 changes slowly, the gradual increase allows mixing and buffering of surface layers by deep ocean sinks. Marine organisms also have time to adapt to the new environmental conditions. However, when CO2 increases abruptly, the acidification effects are intensified in shallow waters owing to a lack of mixing. It also gives marine life little time to adapt."


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Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

1) El Nino

2) Those predictions were based on flawed models. Everyone around the world not living in the Global Warming echo chamber knows that.

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Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

1) El Nino

2) Those predictions were based on flawed models. Everyone around the world not living in the Global Warming echo chamber knows that.

This shows the doublethink prevalent among global warming deniers. For years they were saying that global temperatures reached a high point in 1998 and was declining ever since. The thing is, winter of 1997-1998 was the time of a record breaking El Nino event. So apparently sometimes the El Nino phenomenon counts and sometimes it doesn't depending on whether it serves the purposes of global warmng deniers.

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I just had the conversation with my daughter about spending a week this summer in the Florida keys and getting her PADI scuba diving certification. I want her to experience the coral reefs before they are gone.

" Our oceans absorb about a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans produce by burning fossil fuels each year, and that's changing their basic chemistry. This is particularly bad for creatures with calcium carbonate in their shells or skeletons, like mollusks, crabs, and corals. Acidic water makes it harder for them to grow those shells, so many of them are going to have a hard time surviving as our seas change. "


If we dont reverse what is happening I foresee a near future where we will describe to our grandchildren how wondrous coral reefs used to be.

And seafood would be Tilapia.

You don't have to be in much of a hurry. Coral is going to be around for a long.... long.... time...

Coral first appeared about 550 million years ago or so..... when atmospheric CO2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

For most of the history of coral.....CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than now... . Coral survived it.. and spread around the world with the higher CO2 levels..

Coral has survived ice ages, times so cold the continents were almost totally covered in ice. Coral has survived periods when it was so warm there was no ice at all on the planet..

Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age...

Coral survived the very fast sea level rise of about 35mm - 60mm per year... beginning about 22,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago following the last Glacial Period. Sea level rise today is nothing like that.... now it's only about 3mm per year.

But now.. for some reason... some people want to scare us into believing that 400ppm CO2, and 0.85 C increase over a 132 year period (1880 - 2012 I.P.C.C.), as we come out of the Little Ice Age represents some kind of threat to coral.

If our little 400ppm CO2 level and 0.85 degree increase over 132 years is some kind of threat to coral... then all those previous times would have killed it all off already and there wouldn't be any coral today. The fact is.... it can let a whole lot warmer.. or a whole lot colder.... at fast or slow rates with a lot higher CO2... and coral will still be around....

Just thirty miles from where I live.. you can break various types of fossil coral out of the quarry rock from when my area was a shallow tropical sea.. 350 million years ago.

Coral ain't about to go extinct... And Global (Gore Bull) Warming/Climate Change Alarmists are suffering from delusional paranoia...

I think you missed the point. sirineou's daughter would like to Scuba Dive and witness the beauty of a Coral Reef and the diversity of coral creatures and sea creatures that inhabit these reefs. If she would like to see the various components that are the building blocks of Coral Reefs she will indeed be able to view those under a microscope even though the Coral Reefs may not exist anywhere on Earth.

As an example if sirineou's daughter went scuba diving at the end of the Ordovician Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 60 million years till the Coral Reefs re-established themselves for a period during the Devonian Period. Now if she went scuba diving around the very late Devonian Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 100M years through the Carboniferous Period and pretty much all the Permian Period before the Coral Reefs re-established themselves the Permian - Triassic Period mass extinction knocked them into extinction again.

A good link that explains the history of Earth's Coral Reefs

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Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

1) El Nino

2) Those predictions were based on flawed models. Everyone around the world not living in the Global Warming echo chamber knows that.

El Nino (warming) and La Nina (cooling) effects are removed, also large Volcanic eruptions (cooling) from GW modelling. They have to be done after the events occur. Global Warming models predict the underlying warming / cooling trend anomaly.

So for a period your Global Warming model may look a little out of whack. In that current data is showing more cooling than you would expect but once you remove the cooling that occurred as a result of a volcanic event the underlying heating trend is consistent.

You cannot make a forecasting model that can predict an El Nino / La Niina / Volcanic event occurrence.

A good example is the recent El Nino. Heating is being detected in Global Surface temperature data. Although satellite data is not detecting any heating in the Upper Troposphere. Why is this so? The heating has a lag time of about 18 months before it reaches the Upper Troposphere. Once it works its way up there the satellites will start detecting it. So for a period the satellite data modelling will look a little out of whack to the Surface Temperature data modelling until everyone catches up and the effect of El Nino is subtracted from the data.

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I think you missed the point. sirineou's daughter would like to Scuba Dive and witness the beauty of a Coral Reef and the diversity of coral creatures and sea creatures that inhabit these reefs. If she would like to see the various components that are the building blocks of Coral Reefs she will indeed be able to view those under a microscope even though the Coral Reefs may not exist anywhere on Earth.

As an example if sirineou's daughter went scuba diving at the end of the Ordovician Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 60 million years till the Coral Reefs re-established themselves for a period during the Devonian Period. Now if she went scuba diving around the very late Devonian Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 100M years through the Carboniferous Period and pretty much all the Permian Period before the Coral Reefs re-established themselves the Permian - Triassic Period mass extinction knocked them into extinction again.

A good link that explains the history of Earth's Coral Reefs

You said: "Now if she went scuba diving around the very late Devonian Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 100M years through the Carboniferous Period and pretty much all the Permian Period before the Coral Reefs re-established themselves the Permian - Triassic Period mass extinction knocked them into extinction again."

So coral has gone extinct at least once before... and probably a few times at least? Really ?

Would you mind explaining how coral re-appeared after it became extinct ? ? That would be like the Dodo bird or T-Rex re-establishing themselves after going extinct...

I truly doubt that could happen. So did coral come back into existence due to some "miracle" ? ?

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This shows the doublethink prevalent among global warming deniers. For years they were saying that global temperatures reached a high point in 1998 and was declining ever since. The thing is, winter of 1997-1998 was the time of a record breaking El Nino event. So apparently sometimes the El Nino phenomenon counts and sometimes it doesn't depending on whether it serves the purposes of global warmng deniers.

"Global Warming "Deniers"" lol

Who is claiming there has been no global warming? No me. I know the globe has warmed a bit since the end of the L.I.A. about 1850.

The I.P.C.C. says we warmed 0.85 degree C between 1880 - 2012. (Third Assessment Report). And as history shows.... civilization has always done better during the warmer times...

That is certainly a nice bit of warming since that cooler bad time. And the little CO2 increase is helping to green the planet.... . Nice ! !

No... I don't "deny global warming" .

I'm also not one of those "Chicken Little/Henny Penny the sky is falling" Global Warming delusional paranoid Alarmists.

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I think you missed the point. sirineou's daughter would like to Scuba Dive and witness the beauty of a Coral Reef and the diversity of coral creatures and sea creatures that inhabit these reefs. If she would like to see the various components that are the building blocks of Coral Reefs she will indeed be able to view those under a microscope even though the Coral Reefs may not exist anywhere on Earth.

As an example if sirineou's daughter went scuba diving at the end of the Ordovician Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 60 million years till the Coral Reefs re-established themselves for a period during the Devonian Period. Now if she went scuba diving around the very late Devonian Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 100M years through the Carboniferous Period and pretty much all the Permian Period before the Coral Reefs re-established themselves the Permian - Triassic Period mass extinction knocked them into extinction again.

A good link that explains the history of Earth's Coral Reefs

You said: "Now if she went scuba diving around the very late Devonian Period when the mass extinction occurred she would have to wait 100M years through the Carboniferous Period and pretty much all the Permian Period before the Coral Reefs re-established themselves the Permian - Triassic Period mass extinction knocked them into extinction again."

So coral has gone extinct at least once before... and probably a few times at least? Really ?

Would you mind explaining how coral re-appeared after it became extinct ? ? That would be like the Dodo bird or T-Rex re-establishing themselves after going extinct...

I truly doubt that could happen. So did coral come back into existence due to some "miracle" ? ?

Are you being serious Catoni

A Coral Reef is constructed by free swimming Coral Larvae. They are little living creatures. The Carol Reefs become extinct but the Coral Larvae float about the Oceans.

The Great Barrier Reef began construction 500,000 years ago. The vast diversity of the current day Reef has been constructed and added to over the past 6,000 to 8,000 years.

Coral Bleaching occurs when the water becomes slightly warmer the Coral Larvae vacate the Reef. The Reef dies very quickly. The Reef becomes extinct.

There is no evidence of Coral Reefs for most of the 40M years of the Cambrian Period, Sulurian period 50M years, Carboniferous and Cambrian Periods 100M years, start of the Triassic Period 20M years, beginning of the Jurassic Period 10M years and mid Cretaceous Period 40M years there were no Coral Reefs on Earth. The Reefs were all rendered extinct from Mass Extinctions.

Did you get this 'Coral Reefs survived Mass Extinctions' from the dipshit Monkton? The man's a total lying deceitful fool.

Coral reefs are very much the 'canary in the coal mine'. If the Canary starts getting a little unsteady on the perch you know you have some serious problems going on.

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rapidly-warming planet triggered by human emissions.

What is the UN suggesting ? A cull ?

probably not a bad way to approach this. with 7+ billion people living on this planet we should at least stop research into live - prolonging methods as a way of reducing the burden.

two planets talk to each other:

#1: 'i am no good', i have "homo sapiens".

#2: 'don't worry', it will pass soon'.

edit: word duplication

Edited by manfredtillmann
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Coral reefs are very much the 'canary in the coal mine'.

Oh, not that silly analogy again. Unoriginality seems to be a feature of Green/Left discourse.

The Canary in the Coalmine: Australian Ski Resorts and their Response to Climate Change - Geographical Research – 30 October 2006
Gray wolves could emerge as a “canary in the coal mine” of global warming - USA Today – 30 May 2005
Scientists See the Southwest as First Major U.S. Climate Change Victim: “I consider them the first dying canary in the coal mine." - New York Times – December 14, 2010
“Black guillemot are like the proverbial canary in the coal mine”, says Dr Divoky. They and similar species “are an excellent indicator of climate change,… BBC – 9 November, 1998
Like a canary in a coal mine, the hyper-sensitive polar regions may well experience the full force of global warming before the rest of the planet does. - The Economist – Nov 11th 2004
In a telephone interview with CNN, Josberger called the unprecedented glacial melt the “canary in the coal mine". WCTV – Aug 08, 2009
...Turnbull calls Perth the “canary in the climate change coalmine,” a city scrambling to find other sources of water for a growing population. - NPR – 18 June 2007
The oysters—these from Yaquina Bay—could be the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” in indicating changes in ocean acidification, he says. The Register-Guard – 22 September 2013
Like the proverbial canary in the coal mine, penguins are sounding the alarm for potentially catastrophic changes in the world’s oceans,….. - Phys.Org – July 1, 2008
"Climate change, illnesses connected" - As she bicycles across the nation, California physician Wendy Ring sees herself as a canary in the coal mine. She’s sounding a warning,…. - Kearney Hub – September 10, 2013
The Olympic silver medallist from Canmore, Alta., says her sport is a canary in the coal mine for climate change… 680News.com – 9 Dec 2009
Organizers of a seven-year butterfly survey of Maine agree, wondering whether the scarcity of the monarchs could be “the canary in the coal mine”…..And climate change is likely a cause, Bangor Daily News – Sept. 15, 2013
Many observers regard the global ski industry as the canary in the coal mine for economies attempting to come to terms with the risks posed by climate change… businessGreen – 05 Aug 2008
Global warming kills old-growth forests at stunning rate: Dr. Nathan Stephenson, also of U.S. Geological Survey, described the most recent findings as “a canary in the coal mine.”… globeandmail.com – January 22, 2009
Lake Superior, a Huge Natural Climate Change Gauge, Is Running a Fever: “The Great Lakes in a lot of ways have always been a canary in the coal mine,” New York Times – July 19, 2010
I guess these nimrods think that if they repeat this ad nauseam, someone may eventually believe them.
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Yes there are there are thousands of indicators that confirm GW / CC.

All pointing in the same direction. Unfortunately.

Or, more obviously, there are thousands of witless media types getting hysterical about apocalyptic outcomes that never came to pass.

No wonder that more people worldwide are turning off the global warming scare with every passing day.

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Yes there are there are thousands of indicators that confirm GW / CC.

All pointing in the same direction. Unfortunately.

Or, more obviously, there are thousands of witless media types getting hysterical about apocalyptic outcomes that never came to pass.

No wonder that more people worldwide are turning off the global warming scare with every passing day.

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High http://www.gallup.com/poll/190010/concern-global-warming-eight-year-high.aspx
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Alarm? Of course alarm. From crisis comes solutions. From solutions comes agenda.

Never mind the temp has been rising steadily for many thousands of years. Never mind that the blink of an eye of recent recorded history is the exception to catatrophism, not the rule. Never mind the context that humans are on a rock in space, hurling through the Galaxy on an orbit that is best defined as cyclically cataclysmic. Our history... our recent post ice age history, is a long train of disasters and rising temps.

The facts are intentionally avoided because Climate Change is interested in the end, not the means. It's a political ideology couched in fear.

Alarm. Warning. Death. Fear. Suffering. Global. Destruction. Flee fir your lives. Ad infinitum. This defines the entire experience if life is earth but humans are at their most intellectually inferior today. If my buddies and I posted everyday that something bad is going to happen (pick a place), sooner or later it will happen. Then we can appear as prophets. Rubbish!


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Alarm? Of course alarm. From crisis comes solutions. From solutions comes agenda.

Never mind the temp has been rising steadily for many thousands of years. Never mind that the blink of an eye of recent recorded history is the exception to catatrophism, not the rule. Never mind the context that humans are on a rock in space, hurling through the Galaxy on an orbit that is best defined as cyclically cataclysmic. Our history... our recent post ice age history, is a long train of disasters and rising temps.

The facts are intentionally avoided because Climate Change is interested in the end, not the means. It's a political ideology couched in fear.

Alarm. Warning. Death. Fear. Suffering. Global. Destruction. Flee fir your lives. Ad infinitum. This defines the entire experience if life is earth but humans are at their most intellectually inferior today. If my buddies and I posted everyday that something bad is going to happen (pick a place), sooner or later it will happen. Then we can appear as prophets. Rubbish!


Well, so long as superpoweful hurricanes don't hit the United States, I guess that means that they don't exist. And I guess it's just plain foolish to be prepared for them. Because as everyone knows, when it comes to hurricanes, the past is prologue. If they haven't hit in 11 years, that means they're never going to.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Alarm? Of course alarm. From crisis comes solutions. From solutions comes agenda.

Never mind the temp has been rising steadily for many thousands of years. Never mind that the blink of an eye of recent recorded history is the exception to catatrophism, not the rule. Never mind the context that humans are on a rock in space, hurling through the Galaxy on an orbit that is best defined as cyclically cataclysmic. Our history... our recent post ice age history, is a long train of disasters and rising temps.

The facts are intentionally avoided because Climate Change is interested in the end, not the means. It's a political ideology couched in fear.

Alarm. Warning. Death. Fear. Suffering. Global. Destruction. Flee fir your lives. Ad infinitum. This defines the entire experience if life is earth but humans are at their most intellectually inferior today. If my buddies and I posted everyday that something bad is going to happen (pick a place), sooner or later it will happen. Then we can appear as prophets. Rubbish!


You cannot on one hand accept the science on Earth's historical past and then conveniently reject the science that warns of GW / CC. They are one and the same. The science on GW / CC is based on the past history of Earth. Your argument is based on, all this science is accurate but all this science is not. It is a pretty foolish position to take.

The solution to GW / CC is quite straight forward. Gradually transition from polluting Fossil Fuels to clean and renewable energy generation and storage. Nothing to be concerned about at all. Well, unless you are a Company that generates its profits from burning Fossil Fuels and polluting the environment. Then you would probably want to destabilise the transition for as long as possible to protect your profits.

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Alarm? Of course alarm. From crisis comes solutions. From solutions comes agenda.

Never mind the temp has been rising steadily for many thousands of years. Never mind that the blink of an eye of recent recorded history is the exception to catatrophism, not the rule. Never mind the context that humans are on a rock in space, hurling through the Galaxy on an orbit that is best defined as cyclically cataclysmic. Our history... our recent post ice age history, is a long train of disasters and rising temps.

The facts are intentionally avoided because Climate Change is interested in the end, not the means. It's a political ideology couched in fear.

Alarm. Warning. Death. Fear. Suffering. Global. Destruction. Flee fir your lives. Ad infinitum. This defines the entire experience if life is earth but humans are at their most intellectually inferior today. If my buddies and I posted everyday that something bad is going to happen (pick a place), sooner or later it will happen. Then we can appear as prophets. Rubbish!


You cannot on one hand accept the science on Earth's historical past and then conveniently reject the science that warns of GW / CC. They are one and the same. The science on GW / CC is based on the past history of Earth. Your argument is based on, all this science is accurate but all this science is not. It is a pretty foolish position to take.

The solution to GW / CC is quite straight forward. Gradually transition from polluting Fossil Fuels to clean and renewable energy generation and storage. Nothing to be concerned about at all. Well, unless you are a Company that generates its profits from burning Fossil Fuels and polluting the environment. Then you would probably want to destabilise the transition for as long as possible to protect your profits.

up2u2, I agree, and your post could be a contender for 'Best Post of the Day.' Let me add, the argument by DENIERS is so soggy as to be almost ludicrous. It would be like saying, "Why have a police force in a city? People have always robbed and harmed each other, and they will continue to do so. Do you think having a police force is going to make any difference? Do you think having firefighters will stop all fires? There's been crime and house fires for thousands of years. Why do anything to try and stem those problems now? It's all futile."

Wake up call to DENIERS: We're not debating whether there have been warming and cooling trends on Earth for the past 4 billion years. That's obvious. The debate is what to do about climate now and in the next 100 to 300 years. DENIERS will insist that humans don't have an impact on climate or mean temps, but they're entirely wrong. Perhaps they also say that human don't have an effect on the seas or upon the air quality of cities. It's just as ridiculous. Humans have a profound effect on climate - probably more so than volcanoes and bovine & whale farts. 7 billions tons of CO2/year is not insignificant. DENIERS will say, "ha ha ha, plants thrive on CO2. You gotta problem with plants thriving? ha ha ha."

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You tick all the boxes for fact-free Leftist drivel

a ) Ad hominem. In case you haven't realised, shouting out the word DENIERS doesn't help your argument. It is a silly and meaningless phrase which instantly alerts everyone to the fact that you have nothing of substance to talk about.

b ) Straw man. "DENIERS will insist that humans don't have an impact on climate or mean temps, but they're entirely wrong." That is absolutely not what mainstream skeptics believe. If you took the trouble to do some reading, you would find that skeptics disagree that the potential for dangerous warming is so imminent as to justify extreme and damaging action being taken now.

c ) Red Herring: "Perhaps they also say that human don't have an effect on the seas or upon the air quality of cities. It's just as ridiculous." There's something ridiculous in here, and it isn't the skeptics

d ) Infantile name calling: "DENIERS will say, "ha ha ha, plants thrive on CO2. You gotta problem with plants thriving? ha ha ha." Do you deny that plants thrive on CO2?

e ) Meaningless analogy: "Why have a police force in a city? <snip>" No comment required.

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The solution to GW / CC is quite straight forward. Gradually transition from polluting Fossil Fuels to clean and renewable energy generation and storage.

Not even the Warmest of the Warm buy into this sort of Peter Pan solution. People such as James Hansen, CRU director Tom Wigley and others have pointed out that there is no viable transition away from fossil fuels without a rapid expansion of nuclear power capacity, in the order of 60 new nuclear plants worldwide each year.

And guess who opposes nuclear power the loudest? The Green Blob, of course, enthusiastically led by Greenpeace.

It doesn't make any difference either way. The Paris Agreement gave China and India a free hand to keep burning as much coal as they want until 2030 at the earliest, and so the next 15 years is going to see more CO2 sent into the atmosphere than ever before. Game over.

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You tick all the boxes for fact-free RIGHTist drivel

There, fixed that for you

Meanwhile, back on planet earth:-

Australia had warmest autumn on record, BoM says


You got that right NN. Autumn is my favourite season. Cool temperate days with sunny skies. Not this year the continual heat was really pissing me off. Especially after the extreme Month after Month of heat waves and humidity throughout the Summer. Climate Change sucks. Anyone tried to get that footy of the Big Red? Good luck lol

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You tick all the boxes for fact-free RIGHTist drivel

There, fixed that for you

Meanwhile, back on planet earth:-

Australia had warmest autumn on record, BoM says


You got that right NN. Autumn is my favourite season. Cool temperate days with sunny skies. Not this year the continual heat was really pissing me off. Especially after the extreme Month after Month of heat waves and humidity throughout the Summer. Climate Change sucks. Anyone tried to get that footy of the Big Red? Good luck lol

Yeah Autumn's my favourite season too. Start of FOOTY SEASON mate!

Well Autumn used to be my favourite season before it became Summer Lite. The deniers on this thread, while being good laughs most of the time are all shills mate. They have to be; no normal person in control of their faculties can deny what happening to the planet. Unless you're in the pocket of Big Oil, or your oil stocks are about to come in, then I would understand their idiotic denier BS. I don't agree with it, but I can understand if there's biccies involved.

By the way, that's not a footy I'm holding, it's me knob mate. Just joking mods, don't delete me!

Nah, what my Big Red mate is holding is a Sherrin ball as they use in Aussie Rules. Had a good hunt for a piccie with a Steeden (NRL league ball) but I couldn't turn one up. I'm mostly a league/union man myself, a tragic Blues fan (don't mention last night, State of Origin JEEEZUS KRIST!!!) but I do enjoy a good competitive game of Rules too. I'm an all round sportsman up2, as in all round. Don't have a six pack any more, more like a keg. Got the body of a god, shame it's Buddha's and all that.

Yep I turn the TV on in my condo in Bangers, switch to True 125 and pick a team to win, that's it. Don't follow any team religiously except for maybe the Mighty South Sydney Rabbitohs. I usually go for the underdog in the game as I'm an Aussie. ALL Aussies back the underdogs unless you're a Young Liberal or something. Hey Young Liberals, that's an oxymoron eh... because they're all OLD... older then me grand dad, even if they're still in their twenties...

Anyways, have a good one up2, and go the Bunnies!

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The solution to GW / CC is quite straight forward. Gradually transition from polluting Fossil Fuels to clean and renewable energy generation and storage.

Not even the Warmest of the Warm buy into this sort of Peter Pan solution. People such as James Hansen, CRU director Tom Wigley and others have pointed out that there is no viable transition away from fossil fuels without a rapid expansion of nuclear power capacity, in the order of 60 new nuclear plants worldwide each year.

And guess who opposes nuclear power the loudest? The Green Blob, of course, enthusiastically led by Greenpeace.

It doesn't make any difference either way. The Paris Agreement gave China and India a free hand to keep burning as much coal as they want until 2030 at the earliest, and so the next 15 years is going to see more CO2 sent into the atmosphere than ever before. Game over.

I don't see any real drawbacks for using Nuclear Power in the short term (50 years) to reduce Carbon omissions and transition away from Fossil Fuels. It has inherent and far reaching dangers that have to be carefully managed. No reason why it cannot be considered as part of a balanced solution. I agree with Wigley and 'others' I wouldn't put all my eggs in the Nuclear option basket.

China and India have been explained to you 10 times so I wont waste any more time on that issue.

Recently India has and is suffering from extreme weather events caused in part by GW so it will be interesting to see if they adjust their Climate Change strategy. Looking at the cost of mitigating the impacts of Climate Change and the cost of investing and moving faster to clean and renewable energy sources. They have an extremely difficult balance to strike.

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