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Buddha-issara asks DSI to impound Dhammachayo’s assets


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Buddha-issara asks DSI to impound Dhammachayo’s assets


BANGKOK: -- Activist abbot of Wat Or-noi in Nakhon Pathom, Phra Buddha-issara, today asked the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to impound the assets of Phra Dhammachayo, abbot of Wat Dhammakaya in Pathum Thani reasoning they might derive from his conspiracy in money laundering and theft.

The activist abbot said he believed his assets were obtained from his conspiracy in the case which is relevant to the Klongchan Credit Union Cooperatives frauds.

After filing request to the DSI, the abbot also went to Pathum Thani police station to urge the police to speed up another case in which Phra Dhammachayo was accused of imitating Buddhist monk’s robe.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/164321

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-24

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I saw this sect destroy many people's lives as the gullible & brainwashed virtually gave away all their money in the belief of a better afterlife. Since when does monetary wealth guarantee a place in heaven or whatever you wish to call it if that is your belief. Surely living an honest, moral, ethical life, helping others & so on is what religion should be teaching, not gouging every last Baht from those who can least afford it. As for those who are extremely wealthy & give vast sums thinking to ensure a place at the head of the queue perhaps they will be shoved to the back or out of the queue altogether if they are using ill gotten gains.

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Not this evil mad monk again.

Seems to be more than enough non-Buddhist monks to go around here and the Supreme Patriarch's job is still up for grabs.

Grabs possibly being one of the most operative words.

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An activist monk - already an oxymoron, Now add he's a monk who fights for the power of the ultra rich and you have a huge contradiction which proves most of Thailand is blind or fatally apathetic.

There is not much Thais won't tolerate from the establishment.

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The way I see this is they are all corrupt, all. If some monk in your local tiny temple has 200-500,000 baht in the bank which they do as we can see by the news why would this monk with a huge temple that brings in people and money from around the globe have so little. The joke is Buddhism today. Dammachayo is 'successful' and his bank account reflects that as do every bank account of every monk across the nation. If you haven't seen the complex in Klong Luang district Prathumthani, you should. It's massive. You can find it easily on google earth as well. They are all loaded considering that none of them should have any personal wealth. Buddha Issara seems to have loads of money for travelling here and there. He probably spends more daily than the monk he is criticizing. They are all frauds in my view.

I see Dammachayo targeted for the same reasons I see Thaksin targeted. It isn't the money but the fame, the followers and the potential power they hold. Some don't believe in more than one pyramid in Thailand. All the attacks really are about selfish interests. It's one cult leader rising threatening another. That's my take.

Finally, I am one who saw Buddhism as being about giving up desires and wealth for inner peace etc. Thailand's Buddhists have never been that way from what I have seen. Money is always there. The followers are giving at all temples and the monks are accountants mumbling 'one for the temple and one for me, one for the temple and one for me...'

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I saw this sect destroy many people's lives as the gullible & brainwashed virtually gave away all their money in the belief of a better afterlife. Since when does monetary wealth guarantee a place in heaven or whatever you wish to call it if that is your belief. Surely living an honest, moral, ethical life, helping others & so on is what religion should be teaching, not gouging every last Baht from those who can least afford it. As for those who are extremely wealthy & give vast sums thinking to ensure a place at the head of the queue perhaps they will be shoved to the back or out of the queue altogether if they are using ill gotten gains.

It pays to read the seven fold path to enlightenment by the Buddha .

Whenever the envelop comes out for temple donations I plead Budhhas teachings.

The caged birds another no no .

Merit I explain can't be derived from monetary donations or paying for something denied its freedom unless a Ransom is afforded .

I also refuse anything where money is required.

Says very clearly in the teachings Thais overlook that money is to be shunned.

Merit must be heart felt giving of service such as helping an elderly.

For that I pay for her to go see the folks while I run around town and watch sports

This Monk is actually of some use .

He is an agitator and hates westerners .

He might organise some protests and hence we get some reasons more to spotlight their hypocrisy.

Guns and Buddha ....gold and politics

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I don't understand why the DSI don't investigate this pelican? some of the stuff I have read about him and his attack dogs over the last 2/3 years why is he been let to loose on the country? Powerful and connected friends, and bucket loads of money, not anything like a monk should be IMO.

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I actually like something that the late Luang Phor Koon said, ruffly translated and adopterad to English it would be something like this: Teachers make merit every day when they teach their knowledge to their students.

But it's all about the money... even thou a monk should be poor and have no money he need money in today's society as he will need money to pay for medical bills and any travel by himself. In the past such things was free for monks but today they will have to pay, I even know about one temple where the temple charge the monks for the electricity used in their chamber...

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When your orange robes are a yellowish orange, you can really lord it over the monks whose robes have a reddish tint in the orange - as long as the Junta is in power anyway. Issara may need to pay the piper one day himself. I am sure Dammachayo never thought he would need to anser for his actions during the heady red days of the past. (and failure to use the monkish honorifics is deliberate as neither of these two behaves like a monk)

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I saw this sect destroy many people's lives as the gullible & brainwashed virtually gave away all their money in the belief of a better afterlife. Since when does monetary wealth guarantee a place in heaven or whatever you wish to call it if that is your belief. Surely living an honest, moral, ethical life, helping others & so on is what religion should be teaching, not gouging every last Baht from those who can least afford it. As for those who are extremely wealthy & give vast sums thinking to ensure a place at the head of the queue perhaps they will be shoved to the back or out of the queue altogether if they are using ill gotten gains.

Its a very old story, isn't it? From donating funds to build the grand Cathedrals of Europe and donating lands of the wealthy that ended up corrupting the monasteries. It does beg the question if, mankind just cannot handle great wealth without become corrupt.

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Impound his assets, OK.

First they will have to find them.

Most likely been quietly shifted abroad.

If he is a true Buddhist monk it won't take long to impound his robes and spare sets, his umbrella, toilet kit, sandals etc as that is all Buddhist monks are supposed to own.


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The way I see this is they are all corrupt, all. If some monk in your local tiny temple has 200-500,000 baht in the bank which they do as we can see by the news why would this monk with a huge temple that brings in people and money from around the globe have so little. The joke is Buddhism today. Dammachayo is 'successful' and his bank account reflects that as do every bank account of every monk across the nation. If you haven't seen the complex in Klong Luang district Prathumthani, you should. It's massive. You can find it easily on google earth as well. They are all loaded considering that none of them should have any personal wealth. Buddha Issara seems to have loads of money for travelling here and there. He probably spends more daily than the monk he is criticizing. They are all frauds in my view.

I see Dammachayo targeted for the same reasons I see Thaksin targeted. It isn't the money but the fame, the followers and the potential power they hold. Some don't believe in more than one pyramid in Thailand. All the attacks really are about selfish interests. It's one cult leader rising threatening another. That's my take.

Finally, I am one who saw Buddhism as being about giving up desires and wealth for inner peace etc. Thailand's Buddhists have never been that way from what I have seen. Money is always there. The followers are giving at all temples and the monks are accountants mumbling 'one for the temple and one for me, one for the temple and one for me...'

Here are a couple of the local temples here in rural Khampaeng Phet where I live.

Pretty snazzy and not a Benz in sight anywhere but these are forest monk temples who rely of the local population to help them out.

Not all temples and monks are rich.



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May 22, 2016 8:35 pm JST


Arnaud Dubus -- Under the veneer,

Thai Buddhism and the country's monastic community, the Sangha, have been in turmoil for months over the selection of a new supreme patriarch, or head of the Sangha.


An interesting article from the Nikkei Asian Review.

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May 22, 2016 8:35 pm JST


Arnaud Dubus -- Under the veneer,

Thai Buddhism and the country's monastic community, the Sangha, have been in turmoil for months over the selection of a new supreme patriarch, or head of the Sangha.


An interesting article from the Nikkei Asian Review.

Yes the Saffron Mafia is facing some tough decisions as the various families compete for territory and assets. The top job is still up for grabs, and the potential earnings are a big incentive for some risky turf wars.

Pity Mario Puzo is no longer with us to write the ending.....

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May 22, 2016 8:35 pm JST


Arnaud Dubus -- Under the veneer,

Thai Buddhism and the country's monastic community, the Sangha, have been in turmoil for months over the selection of a new supreme patriarch, or head of the Sangha.


An interesting article from the Nikkei Asian Review.

Yes the Saffron Mafia is facing some tough decisions as the various families compete for territory and assets. The top job is still up for grabs, and the potential earnings are a big incentive for some risky turf wars.

Pity Mario Puzo is no longer with us to write the ending.....

Meanwhile at the temple....


Edited by Wilsonandson
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