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Neon lights left on all night seen as possible cause in Chiang Rai school fire that killed 17


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Neon lights left on all night seen as possible cause in Chiang Rai school fire that killed 17


Image: Thairath

CHIANG RAI: -- Investigators piecing together the tragedy of the Chiang Rai school dormitory fire say that the likely cause is heat from neon lighting left on all night.

The fire in the female dorm at the Pithakkaiat Witthaya School killed seventeen students aged 6 to 12 on Sunday night. Some five others were hospitalized with injuries one seriously with 23% burns to her back and arm.

It took fireman three hours to bring the blaze under control. The downstairs area was gutted. Some 38 students were in the building in separate rooms on the second floor. Some managed to escape with the help of a teacher fashioning makeshift ropes.

No definitive cause of the fire has yet been found but the most likely answer is that a plastic casing of a ground floor neon light in an activity room melted and dripped onto four piles of clothes below that then ignited.

Authorities said that five people had responsibilities at the dormitory that catered for children of Hmong and Lahu hilltribe families. One dormitory staff member was having a shower nearby when the fire took hold. Two maids had already gone home. Of two teaching assistants one was on holiday and another - Suchada Sase-mua. 23 - was sleeping with the children.

Some of the victims were burnt beyond all recognition. Five have been identified with the rest being identified using DNA evidence.

The kindergarten and primary aged children slept in five separate rooms. Two Hmong sisters were known to be among the dead.

Source: Thairath, Mcot

-- 2016-05-24

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Not possible, neon light, no matter how bright or how close to the light's cover, can not ignite

a fire as it doesn't omit and heat that can be hot enough to melt plastic and start a fire....

keep looking, or is it another cover up in the making going on there?......

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so they think it was caused be an electrical fault. having an earth leakage protection would of helped prevent it . also having smoke detectors would of alerted the occupants.

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Not possible, neon light, no matter how bright or how close to the light's cover, can not ignite

a fire as it doesn't omit and heat that can be hot enough to melt plastic and start a fire....

keep looking, or is it another cover up in the making going on there?......

I've measured 560V from a socket during a storm 20 kilometers away from our home - nothings surprises me with electrically instigated "failures" any more.

First wake up call for me was with our water heater in the shower room - zapping me after a storm from ~an arms length away, because of no proper grounding.

Edited by jabis
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Please for once could they not wait before rushing into speculation.

A simple statement that it's too early to comment and this will be done after a full and extensive investigation has been completed would be appropriate.

Unfortunately officialdom here has to rush into comment to prove they're on top of the situation when often nothing could be further from the truth.

There's always the horrible potential that having made a definitive statement far too early on the facts will then be made to fit the erroneous conclusion to save face.

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"No definitive cause of the fire has yet been found but the most likely answer is that a plastic casing of a ground floor neon light in an activity room melted and dripped onto four piles of clothes below that then ignited...One dormitory staff member was having a shower nearby when the fire took hold. Two maids had already gone home. Of two teaching assistants one was on holiday and another - Suchada Sase-mua. 23 - was sleeping with the children."

So typical. Divert the blame and responsibility away from the real culprits. Were the fire alarms and smoke detectors also on vacation? Did everyone forget what they were taught to do during fire drills? Did the fire retardant materials of which the building was constructed somehow fail? None of these safety measures were in place in the first place. So, how could they have the chance to fail.

This tragedy was a result of ignorance, stupidity and pure irresponsible neglect. The building was probably a tinder box waiting to be ignited. There was absolutely no fire or emergency warning systems in place. No sprinkler systems. No one was trained to act responsibly in such an emergency and I am sure that instead of holding fire drills which might have contributed to some more children surviving, they spent that time singing songs about how great everything is.

Yes. Thai authorities and most of the population will tell us not to try and force them to adopt western culture and mind our own business. In fact, in this case, what they are saying is that in Thailand life is a cheap commodity and doesn't deserve the attention to develop proven ways to save those lives in emergencies such as this tragedy.

Unfortunately, so many innocent young lives were sacrificed due a nation of adults who are too stubborn and ethnocentric to adopt responsible behaviors which would benefit the society as a whole. This isn't a case of cultural values. This is a case of how little value is placed on life.

Edited by jaltsc
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I wonder how many schools/dormitories in Thailand have fire detectors installed? Probably not many!!! Thais are reactive, not proactive, they cannot, or choose not to, see any dangers, ignorance is bliss here in Thailand..whistling.gif

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Not possible, neon light, no matter how bright or how close to the light's cover, can not ignite

a fire as it doesn't omit and heat that can be hot enough to melt plastic and start a fire....

keep looking, or is it another cover up in the making going on there?......

The light's themselves,, no,, however the transformers could easily get hot enough,, if they were faulty,,,

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This country comes up with some of the most creative excuses for death and destruction in modern times...it is always interesting to see what completely lame possible causes they can come up with...

My all time favorite is still: Couple of farangs found decapitated and floating in the water around their yacht...officials suggested suicide...yep...no murder here folks...

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Why can't you people let the kids and their families have their services and give the Thai authorities a chance to prove that they are capable of determining what caused this tragedy.

Horrible fires happen everywhere, including your precious and perfect home countries yet you heap scorn on the investigation before they have even had a chance to begin.

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It's all a matter of stinginess and adults who should be responsible having kiddie brains that never see danger. If they would've spent a few baht on smoke detectors, a few fire extinguishers and proper emergency exits probably nobody would be dead. Instead the boss pocketed the money and bought himself a new flat screen and air-con. Scum

RIP kids

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Why can't you people let the kids and their families have their services and give the Thai authorities a chance to prove that they are capable of determining what caused this tragedy.

Horrible fires happen everywhere, including your precious and perfect home countries yet you heap scorn on the investigation before they have even had a chance to begin.

What makes you think this Tragedy will be any different from any similar ones, nobody will be to blame, just an Electrical Issue and that,s it Bloody Disgraceful, where were the Carers, gone home! so they will not be held accountable will they!

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Can someone tell me how the poor kids were identified by their DNA in less than 24 hours? People keep mentioning how we should wait for the investigations and not speculate.

If the idiots stopped leaking spouting their half baked stories, thenaybe we would shut up. They bring it on themselves, their stories are incredible.

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I wonder how many schools/dormitories in Thailand have fire detectors installed? Probably not many!!! Thais are reactive, not proactive, they cannot, or choose not to, see any dangers, ignorance is bliss here in Thailand..whistling.gif

If only someone could invent a smoke alarm app for a smart phone (that costs less than a cheap smoke alarm at Walmart but isn't normally as useful).

Hopefully one of the trained investigators is familiar with available resources.


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Electrical failures happens even in Europe and the Americas and in Thailand where electrical installations are not of the same standard I'm not surprised that electrical failures happens.
To add to the lover standard we are now in the rainy season and I could see the effect that a lightning storms can have on the electrical supply by my self last Saturday, A light that has been broken for 2 years (it's and outdoor fixture in the back of the house so I have no real need for it) turned on when the lightning storm started (I had forgot to flick the switch to off as the light was broken) during the lighting storm and it just shut itself off when the storm was moving away... I would guess that there was a "little" more than the usual 220V running true the cables.

For fire prevention there is one problem with the system here in Thailand. Most schools and public places have fire extinguishers but they are old and out of date:
One reason is that they gott funds from the central government to buy them but there is no money in the budgets to refill/replace them.
Another reason is the safety thinking, nothing has happen here before so noting will happen in the future. When I was teaching in Phichit provincial prison I found that more than 50% of the fire extinguishers they had was out of date and asked the wardens why: "There has not been any fire so they don't need to be replaced.".

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Not possible, neon light, no matter how bright or how close to the light's cover, can not ignite

a fire as it doesn't omit and heat that can be hot enough to melt plastic and start a fire....

keep looking, or is it another cover up in the making going on there?......

Agreed, neon lighting runs quite cool. I think there is simply a terminology error here on the part of the reporter. I doubt if a fluorescent tube or lamp would do it either. More than likely a security spot light or halogen lamp. I'm always a bit wary at home leaving security spot lights on overnight. There is also the issue of incorrect wiring that made the fixture run hot, the new fluorescent lamps can run hot if wiring is wrong. A cover-up ? ..... wait and see.

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Why can't you people let the kids and their families have their services and give the Thai authorities a chance to prove that they are capable of determining what caused this tragedy.

Horrible fires happen everywhere, including your precious and perfect home countries yet you heap scorn on the investigation before they have even had a chance to begin.

possibly due to their track record

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Why can't you people let the kids and their families have their services and give the Thai authorities a chance to prove that they are capable of determining what caused this tragedy.

Horrible fires happen everywhere, including your precious and perfect home countries yet you heap scorn on the investigation before they have even had a chance to begin.

Yes, horrible fires happen everywhere, that is why fire prevention tools such as smoke alarms and sprinkler systems were invented, not to mention simple fire exits.

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More likely that the plastic light casing melted as a result of the fire, and was not the cause. Clutching at straws as per normal. I hope I'm proved wrong and that the real cause is identified and rectified to stop such a tragedy happening again. I doubt it somehow.

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Makeshift ropes. Fire escape stairs perhaps? Sorry, not required or enforced in Thailand.

The fire escape door in my apartment in Pattaya has been locked with a massive padlock since I've moved in 18 months ago, despite numerous protests to the landlord. Just praying there won't be a fire!

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Makeshift ropes. Fire escape stairs perhaps? Sorry, not required or enforced in Thailand.

The fire escape door in my apartment in Pattaya has been locked with a massive padlock since I've moved in 18 months ago, despite numerous protests to the landlord. Just praying there won't be a fire!

Buy or borrow some bolt cutters and cut it. On the other hand, the door my be locked because there is no staircase, or guard railing or it's just unsafe.

Now that you know you are in an unsafe premises, will you move? You have the legal right to do so if the building does not meet fire code and the landlord refuses to deal with it. In any case, does your life come with a price threshold? Why wait? Leave.

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This looks like the cover up has started....they appear to be setting up a smoke screen here - it isn't the CAUSE that is of primary significance here...it is the fact that SEVERAL CHILDREN DIED!!!! -

The crux of the matter is there was for whatever reason a fire and the CHILDREN DID NOT ESCAPE! - not what caused the fire

I'm sorry but I find this infuriating.........the institution should have fool-proof systems in place to enable their wards to escape should their be a fire WHATEVER THE CAUSE.

It seems by faffing around and tut-tutting about who should have been where and what started the fire these contemptible people are trying to cover their <deleted> -if this is the case it is an utter disgrace

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If my experiences are anything to go by I'm surprised there aren't more fires(or maybe there is eh?). On two occasions when living with my Thai (now ex) wife a cheap circuit breaker (a.c unit) started to overheat and I could smell the plastic. Electrician solution (talking to wife), put two pieces of wood behind the unit to allow air flow behind. My solution, NO WAY, replace with new top grade unit. Second was due to some animal (rat?) in the loft chewing cables. Electrician solution, electrical tape around chewed areas. My solution, examine for rodents etc. replace damage cables. Recently, very similar to the former but was the Mains circuit breaker. Electrician solution, similar to former. My solution, NO WAY, replace with new, 300 Baht. I am at a loss as to why electric components are given very little importance given their function. How many times have I seen, and still do see, completely unprotected appliances on the outside of dwellings and hanging lines that are likely to strangle you first before being electrocuted.

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"No definitive cause of the fire has yet been found but the most likely answer is that a plastic casing of a ground floor neon light in an activity room melted and dripped onto four piles of clothes below that then ignited...One dormitory staff member was having a shower nearby when the fire took hold. Two maids had already gone home. Of two teaching assistants one was on holiday and another - Suchada Sase-mua. 23 - was sleeping with the children."

So typical. Divert the blame and responsibility away from the real culprits. Were the fire alarms and smoke detectors also on vacation? Did everyone forget what they were taught to do during fire drills? Did the fire retardant materials of which the building was constructed somehow fail? None of these safety measures were in place in the first place. So, how could they have the chance to fail.

This tragedy was a result of ignorance, stupidity and pure irresponsible neglect. The building was probably a tinder box waiting to be ignited. There was absolutely no fire or emergency warning systems in place. No sprinkler systems. No one was trained to act responsibly in such an emergency and I am sure that instead of holding fire drills which might have contributed to some more children surviving, they spent that time singing songs about how great everything is.

Yes. Thai authorities and most of the population will tell us not to try and force them to adopt western culture and mind our own business. In fact, in this case, what they are saying is that in Thailand life is a cheap commodity and doesn't deserve the attention to develop proven ways to save those lives in emergencies such as this tragedy.

Unfortunately, so many innocent young lives were sacrificed due a nation of adults who are too stubborn and ethnocentric to adopt responsible behaviors which would benefit the society as a whole. This isn't a case of cultural values. This is a case of how little value is placed on life.

There are a number of cultural flaws in the western logic used by several posters to make comment on this situation.

1. Life IS cheap!! Everyone gets a "next' one and it may well be better than this one. If it isn't, then you probably wasted opportunities to make merit this time.

2. And, if something bad happens to you this time, then you are probably being punished for bad things you did in this life, or your last life. I have even heard this logic used to explain an injured dog. "He must have been someone bad in his last life."

3. Also, if someone is pre-ordained to die on a certain day then nothing you silly Farangs suggest are going to change things. This is the logic for not using seat belts, crash helmets and riding on the back of pickups. "Your number is either up or not up on any given day. Life if like a lottery, all down to luck. If you were due to die today then there is nothing you could do about it anyway, so why worry about it?" That's Alfred E, Newman logic. "What, me worry?"

4. If they come up quickly with a reason like "neon lights dripping plastic" then, as someone else suggested it looks like "they are onto it." AND, MORE IMPORTANTLY, no-on is going to be to blame! No one has to lose face and explain why there were no smoke alarms, fire drills, responsible staff awake on duty, fire escapes, fire extinguishers. See? Simple, isn't it? It was no-one's fault!!! It was like it was pre-ordained to happen. Just bad luck!

If it was not so desperately tragic, it would be laughable. Where they are allowed to,Thai values (safety standards and forward planning) trump modern western values, every time. I say "modern western values" because we mustn't be too smug. Times eventually change everywhere. In the 60's in my home country when I wanted to install seatbelts in my parents' car, a number of adults told me that seatbelts were just the hall mark of the self-confessed bad driver.

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