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Debate rages as girl needs 100 stitches after savage dog attack in Bangkok estate


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Well, I wonder how the stupid dog defenders are gonna spin this one. It's time to have a National get rid of a soi dog day in Thailand. I only wish the dog lovers could get bitten up this bad and then listen to their crap here. A friend of mine just last week got bit and because it broke his skin he had to get rabbies shots.

Nobody gives a spit about the dogs biting people or making noise all night long or shitting on your bike or car or chasing people. Time to get rid of the BAD ones.

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thais are really bad letting their dogs roam loose. I live in high-end housing estate with expensive homes and even these seemingly succesful and educated neighbors still let their dogs roam loose like they are living in the sticks.

One dog attacked my dog one time and I had to track down the owner and threaten him to get him to pay for the vet bill. Told him if he wanted to see his dog he'd better keep behind his fence. he was a Thai Airways pilot!

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I feel terrible for the poor girl, who (from the video) was just sitting by herself, minding her own business, when she was attacked, unprovoked, in a public place.

The father, unfortunately, settled too soon.

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anything that comes with responsibility. cars driving, dog ownership or just doing the right thing will never be done in thailand because they take what they call ,THE EASY WAY to them the easy way is = smart way , no effort way in their mind the correct way but what westerners call the lazy way, not taking responsibility is the easy way to them.

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The dog should have been put down, it's a killer, singer was quite right owner should be prosecuted. Dog lovers will be along in a minute to tell us all how their dogs never harmed anyone etc whistling.gif

I love dogs. Have 3. But I agree with you 100%.

Owners must take responsibility for their dogs and dogs that do start biting people need to be put down quickly.

I remember in Ibiza, in the mid 70's when it was still a quiet place, seeing a dog from a moored yacht snarling, barking and making agitated moves towards people passing. A Spanish police officer came and the first thing he did was draw his pistol. No messing. The previously unconcerned owner moved like lightning to get the dog under control. And then listened whilst the officer told him what might have happened.

There is a dog near us that is left out in the yard a lot. Labrador size. Goes mad if you walk by the house. If that dog gets out and goes near my kids I will do whatever I consider necessary to prevent any harm to my kids.

On a lighter note, some Indian guy I lived near in Leicester bought a "ferocious" German Shepard dog and kept it chained up in his yard to protect his big corner property. The local wags went in and nicked the chain but left the dog with a big bone!

Dogs have different personalities and require training and control. Owners who can't be bothered should be held accountable.

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I was bitten by a neighbors dog while riding my bicycle down the street three weeks ago, I told the owner they need to keep their gate closed or tie the dog up, never happened and probably never will... In another case I know of a dog has bitten five people and neither the dog's owner nor the authorities have done anything.

What a terrible thing to happen to the girl, she will never be the same and no amount of money will fix that.

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are you telling me the dog has not been euthanized??? and the owner get's away because he pays? it's a disgusting indictment of 'Thainess'

In all fairness of the "system" the dog was not put down and the charges not laid because the father accepted the money as sufficient compensation.

If the father denied the money and persued this case to fullest legal extent I'm sure someone would be spending time in jail.

But then the father would have to go to loan sharks to pay the hospital bills, while waiting for the process to grind on.

Family ruined and daughter unable to get proper care because they don't have the money.

This undoubtedly lies at the core of his accepting lower payment.

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One of the problems is that "owned" dogs are allowed to roam free on public streets, and the other problem is that there is nothing we can resort to if there is an aggressive dog/pack in a street.

There should be a public service to collect stray dogs and take them to a shelter. If someone claims the dog, the first time it would be ok, but if the dog is captured again (because of being on the loose) then they would have to "bail" the dog and the amount would increase significantly every time.

My Soi has 5 dogs that wander freely all day and night. They can get aggressive at night to people they don't know, I never interact with the dogs but they don't attack me. But what if I was a new resident, or just a visitor? I can not even dream of taking action about these dogs because there are some people in the Soi that would kill me if I did. I'm not saying these dogs should be put down, but it's just wrong that they can "own" the Soi like that. I've seen people trying to walk past them but were chased away and had to retreat.

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The dog should have been put down, it's a killer, singer was quite right owner should be prosecuted. Dog lovers will be along in a minute to tell us all how their dogs never harmed anyone etc whistling.gif

I'm a dog lover... My dog was a liability when we inherited him (Thai Bangkeaw) so I always kept him indoors or on a leash. We managed to slowly re habilitate him and now he is fine but I still keep him on a leash.

Owners of dogs that attack should be prosecuted. Dogs that attack should be re habilitated at the owners expense.. Do we put down humans that attack others ? No, we don't.

Rehabilitate a dog? Are you educated beyond grade one? You have to be almost brain dead to make that statement. Of course a civilized society penalizes someone who assaults another person (I did say civilized society). It's called jail. The dog owner should go to jail and the dog should be put to sleep humanly. When the dog does it again I hope it is to you or your kids.

You sound like a nice guy !!

I guess you never owned a dog ?

Of course dogs can be re habilitated, most bad dogs are just a product of their environment.

People are not humanely put to sleep for attacking another person, jail time does little to change violent people.

As for hoping it happens to my kids or me in future, like I said, you sound like a really nice guy :)

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Where are the cute doggies defenders now? They understand yet that dog is a filthy and dangerous animal? Bunch of morons!

Just like people, dogs have different personalities and different breeds have different natural tendencies.

Some people are also narrow minded, bigoted, anti social, opinionated, lowly educated idiots. Totally beyond rehabilitation or ever likely to change. Normally they want to tell every one else what to think say and do. But we can't put them down. At least with a anti social dog action can be taken.

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If the dog is not put down, safe to assume it will still be living 3 doors down, as will the internally and externally scarred girl. Every day she will see that dog and relive that awful incident, and the dog see her. Who can say the dog won't attack her again? Put the dog down aka kill it. I would not object too much if the owner accompanied his pet.

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I have never met a Thai who has made any attempt to train a dog. They merely yell at the animal and assume it is the dog's responsibility to obey. Thais never discipline dogs positively to teach them...only ignore them and kill them when they become bothersome or do something like this...

Thai men get about the same amount of constructive discipline from parents...

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Any mongrel dog ever bites my wife or anyone dear to me then a couple nights later the owner will find his bastard mongrel shaking on the floor and vomiting up its stomach lining.

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I have 6 soi dogs - all rescued & fabulous pets. They are not all dangerous but they are often abused which makes them aggressive. I have worked with many dogs who have been rehabilitated. However even as a dog lover & as someone who has a lot of experience with dogs I agree that the situation with dogs here is out of control. The big problem is that almost 99% of Thais never neuter their animals which is appalling. Mix abuse with all that testosterone & you so often get aggression. That dog should be euthanized but under the hypocrisy of Buddhism this never happens. Also not neutering creates who knows how many stray dogs / not to mention the dogs who are kicked out when surplus to requirements. It' s mostly not the dogs' fault, they have terrible lives here but apathy prevents a solution. The only way to stop this nightmare is a mandatory spay/neuter program. No use sending stray dogs to Vietnam, there's a never ending supply which should tackled as a priority. But I have no hope that things will prove. Feel so sorry for this little girl. What a terrible experience

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Typical Thai, they don't give 2 hoots about their dogs treat them like garbage, next to our house there are about 10 dogs not one is looked after or trained, this one & any other like it should be put down immediately.

In Australia & I suppose most western countries if dogs or any animal were treated like this they'd by taken by RSCPA or the like & the owner charged.

When is Thailand going to step up a bit & get in line with most of the world.

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My wife had to have rabies shots about a year ago. Fortunately she did not have a bad reaction. When school started one of my M2 students showed up with a bandaged ankle. She had been bit by a soi dog on her ankle and hip and will be getting rabies shots for the next few weeks.

Stray or vicious dogs should be rounded up and humanely executed. There are just too many of them that will attack people.

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The dog owner should be made to pay 100% of the medical bills, plus at least one million baht in compensation for the emotional distress caused by the attack.

The dog should be put down and the owner banned from ever owning a dog again.

Of course you are correct. Anyone who contradicts your sentiments is barking up the wrong tree.

And I'm not being sarcastic!.

Soi dogs should be declared as being owned by the local authorities, and the 'laws' stated above should be applied to these authorities.

Reckon that would deal with the soi dog problem quick sticks.

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The only way to stop this nightmare is a mandatory spay/neuter program. No use sending stray dogs to Vietnam, there's a never ending supply which should tackled as a priority. But I have no hope that things will prove. Feel so sorry for this little girl. What a terrible experience

That's just a fantasy that will not happen as it's too expensive and time consuming, the only way to effectively deal with soi dogs is killing them, and the sooner the better

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In Australia/Tasmania, they have very tough dog control laws, you dog must be fenced and housed properly so the dog cannot get out.

If the dog gets out and is impounded by the local council it cost a great deal of money to get it back also the dog will be de sexed at owners cost, and your yard will be inspected before it's returned.

A dog that attacks and harms anyone, will most likely be destroyed and the owner charged.

I Thailand I own a German Shepard she is fend in and cannot get out, I walk her on a lead and she is never alowed off, why because of the other dogs that roam the streets that just want to fight ( these bloody dogs dogs are a menace and should be rounded up and distroyed, for the the safety of humans.

Ps I am a dog lover.

I hope the little girl has a good recovery.

The Government need to have good hard look at all there stupid laws.

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In Australia/Tasmania, they have very tough dog control laws, your dog must be fenced and housed properly so the dog cannot get out.

If the dog gets out and is impounded by the local council it cost a great deal of money to get it back also the dog will be de sexed at owners cost, and your yard will be inspected before it's returned.

A dog that attacks and harms anyone, will most likely be destroyed and the owner charged.

In Thailand I own a German Shepard she is fenced in and cannot get out, I walk her on a lead and she is never alowed off, why because of the other dogs that roam the streets that just want to fight ( these bloody dogs are a menace and should be rounded up and distroyed, for the the safety of humans.

Ps I am a dog lover.

I hope the little girl has a good recovery.

The Government need to have good hard look at all there stupid laws.

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Without laws and regulations it gets down to negotiating parties...it's irrational to talk About putting a dog down or how much compensation based on western standards...they don't apply here....

This is a dog eat dog society...this is survival of the fittest not what is just and fair or make whole.

This is Thailand and why you chose to live here...

As my professor used to say, stop your barking...

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The dog situation is ridiculous, and it doesn't seem to be mainly strays, it's dogs owned by irresponsible idiots who tolerate or encourage the dogs aggression, and leave it in front of their house or business premise to fly at everyone. If you lack confidence, self-control and the ability to be suddenly aggressive on demand you're going to get bitten. You might get bitten anyway. Walking around after dark and hearing the fear in people's voices when they suddenly realise that there's an uncontrolled dog makes it obvious that this is a serious social problem.

But, as I always say, Thailand has GDP one tenth of that of Japan, despite having more natural advantages. They should control the dogs, they should enforce the traffic laws, they should jail people who take bribes, they should use a Roman script (so should Japan).....but they won't. Norms, culture, rules and laws all produce "total factor productivity". To fail to will the means is to refuse to will the end. The Thais don't want to be rich. They think they do, but they don't. If they really wanted to be rich they'd look at the easy wins and take them. With the number of cops and solciers they're paying they could sort out the dog problem at zero cost, and it would yield a fortune......but they won't.

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The owner will say the dog was just playing, what about the other dogs, mines no worse, or the girl provoked the dog. Probably upset at the girl making him lose face.

She lost face first -literally.

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It is very gratifying to read that Thai Singer Joe Nuvo thinks the owners of the dag should be charged. It isnt often you hear a local voice commit to a statement such as that..

Joe Nuvo I salute you and agree totally with your sentiment

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