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Debate rages as girl needs 100 stitches after savage dog attack in Bangkok estate


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are you telling me the dog has not been euthanized??? and the owner get's away because he pays? it's a disgusting indictment of 'Thainess'

In all fairness of the "system" the dog was not put down and the charges not laid because the father accepted the money as sufficient compensation.

If the father denied the money and persued this case to fullest legal extent I'm sure someone would be spending time in jail.

The father did accept the money but perhaps otherwise he could not have afforded the hospital treatment, rather a rock and a hard place.

It is up to the police to protect the public from what is obviously a dangerous animal.... perhaps the owner who didn't like losing the money will muzzle it or keep it restrained for a while. That will be temporary, and in the future the same dangerous dog that dislikes children will be on the street.

I thought government hospital treatment was free for Thai nationals?

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are you telling me the dog has not been euthanized??? and the owner get's away because he pays? it's a disgusting indictment of 'Thainess'

In all fairness of the "system" the dog was not put down and the charges not laid because the father accepted the money as sufficient compensation.

If the father denied the money and persued this case to fullest legal extent I'm sure someone would be spending time in jail.

The father did accept the money but perhaps otherwise he could not have afforded the hospital treatment, rather a rock and a hard place.

It is up to the police to protect the public from what is obviously a dangerous animal.... perhaps the owner who didn't like losing the money will muzzle it or keep it restrained for a while. That will be temporary, and in the future the same dangerous dog that dislikes children will be on the street.

I thought government hospital treatment was free for Thai nationals?

I don't know that it is completely free, but in the OP it said she was treated at several hospitals. I think the father would prefer the best treatment to reduce facial scarring for his daughter.

Edited by jacko45k
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'Father Surapong Jinawong ... said that he had asked the owner for 300,000 baht but they had settled on half that ...' Well, going immediately to the owner and negotiating a settlement doesn't help address the overriding problem of dangerous and uncontrolled dogs, never mind having the dog in question properly dealt with.

Well, again, this is another example of the kind of fundamental mistakes that some societies make, and keep on making. If I assaulted you in the UK the offence is against the crown, because the state has an authority of lawful violence, but the tort or (in Scotland) delict is the harm I do you. So there are criminal proceedings for my offence against the state, and you also sue me for the civil wrong that I've done you. If a people can't understand that then it, together with an awful lot of other similar things, will make them poor.

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Soi dogs do not equal wild dogs...

I will speculate that most TV readers have never seen a wild dog let alone a wild elephant in Thailand...

Dasterly....dogs have a keen sense humans do not have...they are very perceptive when humans show fear or afraid of them...that will spark their interest and attention to check things out...dogs strive to be in a dominant position in most scenarios and if other dogs or people show fear. Dogs will take advantage of the situation

Best never to react or show a reaction to them and most of the time they lose interest and leave you alone...submissiveness action is much better than being scared...it's a struggle for dominance and only if one is sure they can achieve that position should one pursue it...uncertainty brings attention for dominance...

Edited by cardinalblue
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Thai singer Joe Nuvo was one person who commented online saying that this kind of attack should be prosecuted as a criminal case. He said that people who attack dogs are getting severe sentences while owners who let their animals attack others are just let off.

Earlier this month a chicken rice vendor in Ramkhamhaeng, Bangkok, who attacked and killed a dog that he said had bitten his child was jailed for four months reduced to two months on his admission.

Thai Singer Joe Nuvo makes a very valid point... Irresponsible owners should face criminal charges by allowing such attacks.... For such attacks to occur the dog is free to roam the streets where children play, the owner is responsible for this.

I'm not a dog lover, but neither am I a dog hater - I'd like to see a pragmatic approach that can prevent such attacks.

The first step is for owners to be held accountable...

Actually enforcing accountability is the first step in fixing many things that slip through the legal net in Thailand often leading to tragic consequences.

Ultimately it shows how little people care, especially those in positions of decision making power, unless / until it directly affects them.

Unfortunately, too often the dog faces the ultimate penalty for having an irresponsible owner. Look after your dog(s), treat them as family pets and you will not get this sort of behaviour from them. My dogs were all homeless but I treat them as loving family pets (as they are). The only person they ever bite is me but only in play.

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I once stood on the road for more than 10 minutes because a neighbor's dog will not allow me move to my home. Barking at me and threatening to bite me. I got a stone and stood still and the dog too will not go away. Many Thais sat watching and laughing at me. I was mad. I started moving slowly and slowly until entered my gate. I was more than frustrated. In a country where dogs are valued more than humans, it is really insane. A policeman was being prosecuted for shooting a Soi dog that he said threaten his pregnant wife. If the powers that be didn't see that pregnant woman as being fragile and at risk if she attempted to run as a result of the dog's attack and were prosecuting her husband then there is really something wrong here.

Reminds me of a friend who was visiting. He'd gone out on his own one day and I received a 'phone call (on his way back) saying that he couldn't get past some aggressive dogs. I went out to 'rescue' him, only to find the dogs had got bored and buggered off.... To be fair, I can understand his fear as he'd recently been bitten by a dog in Isaan (IIRC).

It was all a bit weird as I passed the dogs pretty much every day and had never had a problem.

Those dogs know you already and will not bark when they see you. But your friend was new and the dogs were not familiar with him so the attempted attack.

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Earlier this month a chicken rice vendor in Ramkhamhaeng, Bangkok, who attacked and killed a dog that he said had bitten his child was jailed for four months reduced to two months on his admission.

Which goes to show that in Thailand, the PTB will protect dogs which kill and main children against all sanctions. Dogs are more important than children to Thais.

What else can you come away with?

Edited by connda
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If I was the father of that girl I would kill the dog and the owner. My 3 yr. old son got bitten by a neighbor's dog that was chained to our clothes line, without permission. Finally got him stitched up (long story-they didn't like long haired Vietnam Vets back then), too close to eye for anesthetic and I had to help. A long drive to Galveston in the middle of the night to get necessary shot. I had to take the stitches out myself because the nurse was too shook up. Yea, I hunted. The dog was hidden and the neighbor had packed and left before I got home. He knew what was coming. I never found him or the dog, but I found his brother that hid the dog, left him laying on the bar room floor. We killed dogs like we did coyotes up in the mountains where I lived in New Mexico if they were more than a mile from a residence, many residences were 6 miles or more from the nearest. They packed and were as bad as coyotes in killing deer etc. I put many down. Screw the jail time, dog comes after me or my family it will die. I've been known to chase more than one down the road. BTW, I owned a German Shepherd that was trained to kill on command, kids would ride her, trained to protect kids. Slept with me many nights. I also raised Labs for duck/goose hunting. Great dogs. Not a damn one ever attacked anybody or anything that didn't provoke an attack. Lift a hand to me or my kids, with the German Shephard, you didn't get the hand back if you were still alive. Kill all soi dogs and those that the owners let run loose, period. Problem solved.

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They could at least clean up the wild soidogs without an owner.

No they can't or there would not be (as govt admits) millions of the pests. Religion, apathy and something else are the reasons

Kick a soi dog in the guts and you will soon find the 'owner' looking for compensation!!!

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I once stood on the road for more than 10 minutes because a neighbor's dog will not allow me move to my home. Barking at me and threatening to bite me. I got a stone and stood still and the dog too will not go away. Many Thais sat watching and laughing at me. I was mad. I started moving slowly and slowly until entered my gate. I was more than frustrated. In a country where dogs are valued more than humans, it is really insane. A policeman was being prosecuted for shooting a Soi dog that he said threaten his pregnant wife. If the powers that be didn't see that pregnant woman as being fragile and at risk if she attempted to run as a result of the dog's attack and were prosecuting her husband then there is really something wrong here.

Reminds me of a friend who was visiting. He'd gone out on his own one day and I received a 'phone call (on his way back) saying that he couldn't get past some aggressive dogs. I went out to 'rescue' him, only to find the dogs had got bored and buggered off.... To be fair, I can understand his fear as he'd recently been bitten by a dog in Isaan (IIRC).

It was all a bit weird as I passed the dogs pretty much every day and had never had a problem.

Those dogs know you already and will not bark when they see you. But your friend was new and the dogs were not familiar with him so the attempted attack.

That sounds a bit odd, my 12 dogs all bark with joy when they see me, they run up to strangers barking but don't bite.

If one of my dogs bites a child in the face (please God it never ever happens) it will be euthanized. A dog that bites someone seriously like this poor child has to be put down or locked-up for the rest of its life. Something that cannot be properly arranged in Thailand without the dog suffering badly as well. There are almost no facilities for proper dog training.

The situation in Thailand is not good for dogs and you cannot blame dogs for acting like dogs. But you most certainly can blame the owners.

Those people who advocate (and boast about) attacking or killing dogs are sick.

Certainly some times it is necessary, but it is not something to boast about.

Dogs in Thailand are definitely not valued more than humans, but thank God we finally have some (very flawed) animal protection laws.

I am glad the policeman was prosecuted for shooting the dog. All the facts need to be taken into consideration and not elevate one isolated incident into something that happens all the time.

NB I don't think there are any true wild dogs in left in Thailand (as apposed to feral dogs) but there are still a very few jackals and more than a few wild elephants.

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I once stood on the road for more than 10 minutes because a neighbor's dog will not allow me move to my home. Barking at me and threatening to bite me. I got a stone and stood still and the dog too will not go away. Many Thais sat watching and laughing at me. I was mad. I started moving slowly and slowly until entered my gate. I was more than frustrated. In a country where dogs are valued more than humans, it is really insane. A policeman was being prosecuted for shooting a Soi dog that he said threaten his pregnant wife. If the powers that be didn't see that pregnant woman as being fragile and at risk if she attempted to run as a result of the dog's attack and were prosecuting her husband then there is really something wrong here.

Reminds me of a friend who was visiting. He'd gone out on his own one day and I received a 'phone call (on his way back) saying that he couldn't get past some aggressive dogs. I went out to 'rescue' him, only to find the dogs had got bored and buggered off.... To be fair, I can understand his fear as he'd recently been bitten by a dog in Isaan (IIRC).

It was all a bit weird as I passed the dogs pretty much every day and had never had a problem.

Those dogs know you already and will not bark when they see you. But your friend was new and the dogs were not familiar with him so the attempted attack.

That sounds a bit odd, my 12 dogs all bark with joy when they see me, they run up to strangers barking but don't bite.

If one of my dogs bites a child in the face (please God it never ever happens) it will be euthanized. A dog that bites someone seriously like this poor child has to be put down or locked-up for the rest of its life. Something that cannot be properly arranged in Thailand without the dog suffering badly as well. There are almost no facilities for proper dog training.

The situation in Thailand is not good for dogs and you cannot blame dogs for acting like dogs. But you most certainly can blame the owners.

Those people who advocate (and boast about) attacking or killing dogs are sick.

Certainly some times it is necessary, but it is not something to boast about.

Dogs in Thailand are definitely not valued more than humans, but thank God we finally have some (very flawed) animal protection laws.

I am glad the policeman was prosecuted for shooting the dog. All the facts need to be taken into consideration and not elevate one isolated incident into something that happens all the time.

NB I don't think there are any true wild dogs in left in Thailand (as apposed to feral dogs) but there are still a very few jackals and more than a few wild elephants.

And herein lies the problem folks. 12 dogs in the city running up to people barking. What's wrong with that? Why would anyone not enjoy that? Why would anyone get upset having to listen to 12 dogs abarking all day and all night long? Foreign countries must send all their stooopids here to become one of the local stooopids.

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The owner will say the dog was just playing, what about the other dogs, mines no worse, or the girl provoked the dog. Probably upset at the girl making him lose face.

This is not the post for stupid jokes---- This young girl is branded for life------she will always be afraid of the most gentle dog------- think about living as a girl with scarred face for life,and forget stupid fun lines that are NOT funny.I am an avid Dog lover but I would gladly have my dog put down in this scenario if it was minebah.gif

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And herein lies the problem folks. 12 dogs in the city running up to people barking. What's wrong with that? Why would anyone not enjoy that? Why would anyone get upset having to listen to 12 dogs abarking all day and all night long? Foreign countries must send all their stooopids here to become one of the local stooopids.

Actually herein lies the problem with stoopid TV posters who simply kneejerk to any post folks.

Who said anything about the City?

Of course its ridiculous to keep 12 dogs in a city.

Mine are on our very large piece of land in the countryside.

The neighbours cows make more noise than my dogs and why on earth would we let our dogs bark all night?

Yes, we are happy they run up to strangers entering our property and bark, that's their job. But if they bit people it would be a different story.

12 dogs barking all night! pathetic.

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Who on Earth keeps TWELVE dogs. Why so many. I'm glad I'm not your neighbour. A couple is fine but twelve is ridiculous. Have you any idea what the 'carbon footprint' of even one domestic animal is? If not I suggest you read the following.....http://www.salon.com/2014/11/20/the_surprisingly_large_carbon_paw_print_of_your_belo

You have obviously (and I don't blame you) never read any of my other posts on dogs.

One of our dogs had 8 puppies, do you think we should have drowned them all?

We gave some away which left 6.

4 were starving ill treated strays that our remaining 6 bought home and now we look after.

2 are tiny little Chihuahua's who we do take to the city and have the carbon footprint of a large mouse.

All our dogs are fully vaccinated every year and do a good job in keeping the Cobra's out of the houses.

It goes without saying that we don't let them bark all night.

Have you any idea of the carbon footprint of our neighbours cows?

I don't eat beef, how about you?

Anyway, with 2 billion beef eating Chinese next door, quite honestly I think it is your post that is........... ridiculous.

Beside which I planted 200 teak trees to offset my dogs carbon footprint. I should probably get a Nobel prize.

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Who on Earth keeps TWELVE dogs. Why so many. I'm glad I'm not your neighbour. A couple is fine but twelve is ridiculous. Have you any idea what the 'carbon footprint' of even one domestic animal is? If not I suggest you read the following.....http://www.salon.com/2014/11/20/the_surprisingly_large_carbon_paw_print_of_your_belo

You have obviously (and I don't blame you) never read any of my other posts on dogs.

One of our dogs had 8 puppies, do you think we should have drowned them all?

We gave some away which left 6.

4 were starving ill treated strays that our remaining 6 bought home and now we look after.

2 are tiny little Chihuahua's who we do take to the city and have the carbon footprint of a large mouse.

All our dogs are fully vaccinated every year and do a good job in keeping the Cobra's out of the houses.

It goes without saying that we don't let them bark all night.

Have you any idea of the carbon footprint of our neighbours cows?

I don't eat beef, how about you?

Anyway, with 2 billion beef eating Chinese next door, quite honestly I think it is your post that is........... ridiculous.

Beside which I planted 200 teak trees to offset my dogs carbon footprint. I should probably get a Nobel prize.

Well said!

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Who on Earth keeps TWELVE dogs. Why so many. I'm glad I'm not your neighbour. A couple is fine but twelve is ridiculous. Have you any idea what the 'carbon footprint' of even one domestic animal is? If not I suggest you read the following.....http://www.salon.com/2014/11/20/the_surprisingly_large_carbon_paw_print_of_your_belo

You have obviously (and I don't blame you) never read any of my other posts on dogs.

One of our dogs had 8 puppies, do you think we should have drowned them all?

We gave some away which left 6.

4 were starving ill treated strays that our remaining 6 bought home and now we look after.

2 are tiny little Chihuahua's who we do take to the city and have the carbon footprint of a large mouse.

All our dogs are fully vaccinated every year and do a good job in keeping the Cobra's out of the houses.

It goes without saying that we don't let them bark all night.

Have you any idea of the carbon footprint of our neighbours cows?

I don't eat beef, how about you?

Anyway, with 2 billion beef eating Chinese next door, quite honestly I think it is your post that is........... ridiculous.

Beside which I planted 200 teak trees to offset my dogs carbon footprint. I should probably get a Nobel prize.

I forgot to add that all our female and some of the male dogs are neutered so they can't breed and they most certainly do not eat tons of unhealthy tinned food like the average fat American.

Their waste is very soon gone.

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My TGF from Lamphun spent 3 weeks with me in the States in April. She asked me where are the soi dogs. I told her that we have effective animal control officers and laws that are strictly enforced by the authorities. She was surprised. In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time that I saw a stray dog in America. On the other hand, I was disgusted on my 14 visits to Thailand where packs of wild dogs roam freely and attack humans like this case. Is it <deleted> IMPOSSIBLE to improve this? Like most things in Thailand, there is only a lack of will to improve the situation on the ground. By the way....there will NOT be a 15th trip.

always baffles me as to why so many people on this forum don't even live in Thailand anymore and never plan on returning yet they continue to read it and post comments...

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My TGF from Lamphun spent 3 weeks with me in the States in April. She asked me where are the soi dogs. I told her that we have effective animal control officers and laws that are strictly enforced by the authorities. She was surprised. In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time that I saw a stray dog in America. On the other hand, I was disgusted on my 14 visits to Thailand where packs of wild dogs roam freely and attack humans like this case. Is it <deleted> IMPOSSIBLE to improve this? Like most things in Thailand, there is only a lack of will to improve the situation on the ground. By the way....there will NOT be a 15th trip.

Same old, same old, same old, same old cr.p,

there are no packs of wild dogs in Thailand, this poor girl was bitten by a badly owned dog that actually lived in someone's house.

How many people are actually are killed in Thailand by dogs each year. Very, very, very few. Quite a few people do get bitten in a year by badly owned dogs, but strangely enough, nowhere near as happens in your oh so tightly regulated, no strays (555) USofA.

Lets hear the really Disgusting truth now.

FATAL dog attacks in the US - Average 20 - 30 per year.

Dog bites - more than 4.5 MILLION. That's a hell of a lot more than in Thailand proportional to populations. Far more Rabies in the US than Thailand as well.

Why don't you tell the real facts to Ms Lamphun and see if she still wants to listen to your anti Thai rants.

But, very possibly the root cause of you bothering to post slurs in a country you don't live in and don't want to go back to, is that she has kicked you out already, so probably she will never know.

Unless she is daft enough to go back, when her chances of finding out the truth the hard way are pretty daunting.

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No way! Thai thinking! Not my problem...

This Thai style. You don't like it you can leave khab. Up to you... wai.gif

Oh yeah. Much better to stay stoooopid, uneducated and without any common sense so we can see more kids get attacked by out of control Soi dogs and maimed for life. I'm sure that if the Buddha came across a little girl being viciously attacked by a Soi dog he would just sit and watch her get mauled so as not to upset the dog. Because you know, never kill any animal even if it is killing your kid. "Stupid is what stupid does." Makes sense to me.

Up to you khabbb... You say all that but you still here na wai.gif

Edited by mesterm
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And herein lies the problem folks. 12 dogs in the city running up to people barking. What's wrong with that? Why would anyone not enjoy that? Why would anyone get upset having to listen to 12 dogs abarking all day and all night long? Foreign countries must send all their stooopids here to become one of the local stooopids.

Actually herein lies the problem with stoopid TV posters who simply kneejerk to any post folks.

Who said anything about the City?

Of course its ridiculous to keep 12 dogs in a city.

Mine are on our very large piece of land in the countryside.

The neighbours cows make more noise than my dogs and why on earth would we let our dogs bark all night?

Yes, we are happy they run up to strangers entering our property and bark, that's their job. But if they bit people it would be a different story.

12 dogs barking all night! pathetic.

Nice try to backtrack. The girl lived in the city. Why would you post such tripe unless you lived in the city? Why did you not mention you lived in the "country" in your original post? And how is it that all these strange people are constantly walking up to your secluded estate in the country in the first place? Are they all hikers getting lost? You fool no one here. And btw, how does one stop 12 dogs from barking all nite long? Ludicrous. And perhaps you can explain to this country boy how a cow makes more noise than 12 barking dogs at night? haha

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My TGF from Lamphun spent 3 weeks with me in the States in April. She asked me where are the soi dogs. I told her that we have effective animal control officers and laws that are strictly enforced by the authorities. She was surprised. In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time that I saw a stray dog in America. On the other hand, I was disgusted on my 14 visits to Thailand where packs of wild dogs roam freely and attack humans like this case. Is it <deleted> IMPOSSIBLE to improve this? Like most things in Thailand, there is only a lack of will to improve the situation on the ground. By the way....there will NOT be a 15th trip.

Same old, same old, same old, same old cr.p,

there are no packs of wild dogs in Thailand, this poor girl was bitten by a badly owned dog that actually lived in someone's house.

How many people are actually are killed in Thailand by dogs each year. Very, very, very few. Quite a few people do get bitten in a year by badly owned dogs, but strangely enough, nowhere near as happens in your oh so tightly regulated, no strays (555) USofA.

Lets hear the really Disgusting truth now.

FATAL dog attacks in the US - Average 20 - 30 per year.

Dog bites - more than 4.5 MILLION. That's a hell of a lot more than in Thailand proportional to populations. Far more Rabies in the US than Thailand as well.

Why don't you tell the real facts to Ms Lamphun and see if she still wants to listen to your anti Thai rants.

But, very possibly the root cause of you bothering to post slurs in a country you don't live in and don't want to go back to, is that she has kicked you out already, so probably she will never know.

Unless she is daft enough to go back, when her chances of finding out the truth the hard way are pretty daunting.

These are not anti Thai rants. These are anti Soi dogs that bark and bite people rants. And your research is flawed as you site no link to your claim regarding Thai dog bites. Not the facts regarding US bites but you have no factual data to support your claims about Thailand records so you are either a fraud or a poor researcher. All dog bites in Thailand get reported do they? Who are they reported to? What department? How stupid do you think I am ; whereas in the US the hospitals do report the bites. Regardless, what is your point? The dogs are out of control and no agency gives a rat's ass here in Thailand to protect people. In the US there are severe penalties for dogs running around lose and biting people as well as the courts where the owners can get sued significantly. Your rant is pointless.

And while technically there are no "wild" dogs in Thailand there are thousands of wild "pack" dogs in Thailand. Your technical expertise is so noted but meaningless.

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My TGF from Lamphun spent 3 weeks with me in the States in April. She asked me where are the soi dogs. I told her that we have effective animal control officers and laws that are strictly enforced by the authorities. She was surprised. In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time that I saw a stray dog in America. On the other hand, I was disgusted on my 14 visits to Thailand where packs of wild dogs roam freely and attack humans like this case. Is it <deleted> IMPOSSIBLE to improve this? Like most things in Thailand, there is only a lack of will to improve the situation on the ground. By the way....there will NOT be a 15th trip.

Same old, same old, same old, same old cr.p,

there are no packs of wild dogs in Thailand, this poor girl was bitten by a badly owned dog that actually lived in someone's house.

How many people are actually are killed in Thailand by dogs each year. Very, very, very few. Quite a few people do get bitten in a year by badly owned dogs, but strangely enough, nowhere near as happens in your oh so tightly regulated, no strays (555) USofA.

Lets hear the really Disgusting truth now.

FATAL dog attacks in the US - Average 20 - 30 per year.

Dog bites - more than 4.5 MILLION. That's a hell of a lot more than in Thailand proportional to populations. Far more Rabies in the US than Thailand as well.

Why don't you tell the real facts to Ms Lamphun and see if she still wants to listen to your anti Thai rants.

But, very possibly the root cause of you bothering to post slurs in a country you don't live in and don't want to go back to, is that she has kicked you out already, so probably she will never know.

Unless she is daft enough to go back, when her chances of finding out the truth the hard way are pretty daunting.

These are not anti Thai rants. These are anti Soi dogs that bark and bite people rants. And your research is flawed as you site no link to your claim regarding Thai dog bites. Not the facts regarding US bites but you have no factual data to support your claims about Thailand records so you are either a fraud or a poor researcher. All dog bites in Thailand get reported do they? Who are they reported to? What department? How stupid do you think I am ; whereas in the US the hospitals do report the bites. Regardless, what is your point? The dogs are out of control and no agency gives a rat's ass here in Thailand to protect people. In the US there are severe penalties for dogs running around lose and biting people as well as the courts where the owners can get sued significantly. Your rant is pointless.

And while technically there are no "wild" dogs in Thailand there are thousands of wild "pack" dogs in Thailand. Your technical expertise is so noted but meaningless.

Mmm let me see now, I have lived in Thailand for more than 20 years and driven hundreds of thousands of k all around the country and you have visited here a few times.

So to answer your question, unfortunately TV rules prevent me from describing exactly how stupid I think you are, but I think you can get the point without graphic descriptions.

Where precisely did you count these "thousands of wild packs" ? Please elucidate. I most certainly want to protect my family and dogs from these rampaging menaces, so if you could let us know just a few locations, we will do it the good ol US way, form a posse and string a few of them up without a trial, that should learn em.

I claim no technical expertise on the number of dog bites in various countries around the world, but 2 minutes research soon shows that the US has by far the most recorded number of bites and deaths.

If there were comparable number of dog attack in Thailand it would be a very large number indeed and this is simply not the case.

Nor is it he case in the UK or Europe, so it would seem that actually it is the US that does not care about protecting people.

Do you really think Thai people don't go to hospitals to report dog bites, maybe you spent too long in the Lampang boonies.

I would think there are actually more anti-dog poster on TV than there are real packs of wild dogs.

But you are never coming back, so why do you keep posting your ridiculous anti-Thai hate here?

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My TGF from Lamphun spent 3 weeks with me in the States in April. She asked me where are the soi dogs. I told her that we have effective animal control officers and laws that are strictly enforced by the authorities. She was surprised. In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time that I saw a stray dog in America. On the other hand, I was disgusted on my 14 visits to Thailand where packs of wild dogs roam freely and attack humans like this case. Is it <deleted> IMPOSSIBLE to improve this? Like most things in Thailand, there is only a lack of will to improve the situation on the ground. By the way....there will NOT be a 15th trip.

always baffles me as to why so many people on this forum don't even live in Thailand anymore and never plan on returning yet they continue to read it and post comments...

Possibly to warn others.

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And herein lies the problem folks. 12 dogs in the city running up to people barking. What's wrong with that? Why would anyone not enjoy that? Why would anyone get upset having to listen to 12 dogs abarking all day and all night long? Foreign countries must send all their stooopids here to become one of the local stooopids.

Actually herein lies the problem with stoopid TV posters who simply kneejerk to any post folks.

Who said anything about the City?

Of course its ridiculous to keep 12 dogs in a city.

Mine are on our very large piece of land in the countryside.

The neighbours cows make more noise than my dogs and why on earth would we let our dogs bark all night?

Yes, we are happy they run up to strangers entering our property and bark, that's their job. But if they bit people it would be a different story.

12 dogs barking all night! pathetic.

Nice try to backtrack. The girl lived in the city. Why would you post such tripe unless you lived in the city? Why did you not mention you lived in the "country" in your original post? And how is it that all these strange people are constantly walking up to your secluded estate in the country in the first place? Are they all hikers getting lost? You fool no one here. And btw, how does one stop 12 dogs from barking all nite long? Ludicrous. And perhaps you can explain to this country boy how a cow makes more noise than 12 barking dogs at night? haha

So let me see,

1. you are blaming me because you assume I kept 12 dogs in the city that bark all night long?

Amazing, I am sooooooo sorry that I could not second guess you, grovel, grovel, grovel. Possibly it would ease your broken heart if you went back and checked the post I was responding to.

2, you are assuming that my land is secluded, sorry again. I apologise in advance for not knowing you would assume that. More groveling, can you please find it in your heart to forgive me?

3. I am even more sorry that I can't post a schedule of unknown people that might visit my property. It's shockingly lax I know.

4. If you don't know how to control dogs, sorry I just don't have time to teach you.

5. However, as you don't know how much noise a herd of Thai cows can make, I can help you out by suggesting you go and find out before you post any more nonsense. You have probably never watched a Thai cow jump over a 4 ft barbed wire fence either.

You may be a country boy, but clearly not from this country.

NB before you complain again, please note the plural "s" in neighbours cows. Wow, I guess I can second-guess you.

Edited by MiKT
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They could at least clean up the wild soidogs without an owner.

After that we go after the owners who let their dogs run free .

We had a gang of dangerous big dogs that used to chase and snap at people who were passing on bikes

I drove over one once and a helpful Thai neighbor eventually poisoned the &lt;deleted&gt; lot...

They are a menace and a danger and people are outraged if you kick a dog but it's allowed to bite people..... Amazing Thailand eh

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