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Red Bull Heir Fails to Appear, Again. Given Another Chance, Again.

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Days are numbered, corruption can only last for so long, public opinion and pressure will bring him to justice, as for how much probation he will be given under the Thai justice system will depend on the $'s given :)

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Explain the difference....

If a Police Official helps him alude incarceration and if found to be doing so... He would go to Jail for "supporting a fugitive"...

How is this different from him being supported on money from the Family or Business?

Why not freeze all assets involved with Family and Business... Dictating to release only when this fool turns himself in!

I believe they have Suppressed the most serious offense..

" Killing a Government Official, a Police Official" How should this be treated if he had kill the P.M. or one of His Family???

"There is no Difference"!!!

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The family of the cop settled for 3 million Baht? These people are USD BILLIONAIRES. 3 million baht won't last long with a tribe of kids to feed and educate. But that's peripheral to the point.

It's a pittance.

I read a article at least a decade ago that the grandfather was making 11 million baht a day just in Thailand before it was launched as a energy drink worldwide. The company is probably on a few hundred million baht a day now.

Shows what these red bull people are really like, even rip off the dead cops family with a miserable payment of just 3 million B, ( if that is correct ) Sure not enough to last for long,, the dead cop will be dead for much longer !!!

Red Bull that in world wide was devised in Austraia and when he was selling in the US and The EU he needed to go into Asia but the logo of an almost similar logo of a red buffalo bull was already in use here..The Swiss owner made the local owner of Thailand's red bull a multimillionaire to be able to sell Red Bull in Asia..The local red bull is not sold world wide.

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Words fail

How long have you lived in Thailand?

This is normal, <deleted> get on with your own lives and stop sticking your noses where they're neither welcome or will be taken any notice of.

This is the way Thailand works. I accepted it in 1985 when I moved here and personally prefer it to the way things are done in the UK, and certainly the US.

Wow, The UK sure lost a good one when you moved!

You are downright rude!

So brave when hiding behind your computer screen.

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Not a single reporter in Thailand is going to question the junta leader about this case.

This should be on the front page of every international newspaper!

Another reason I have sold everything in Chiang Mai and heading to somewhere with a modicum of self respect and justice.


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The family of the cop settled for 3 million Baht? These people are USD BILLIONAIRES. 3 million baht won't last long with a tribe of kids to feed and educate. But that's peripheral to the point.

It's a pittance.

I read a article at least a decade ago that the grandfather was making 11 million baht a day just in Thailand before it was launched as a energy drink worldwide. The company is probably on a few hundred million baht a day now.

Shows what these red bull people are really like, even rip off the dead cops family with a miserable payment of just 3 million B, ( if that is correct ) Sure not enough to last for long,, the dead cop will be dead for much longer !!!

Red Bull that in world wide was devised in Austraia and when he was selling in the US and The EU he needed to go into Asia but the logo of an almost similar logo of a red buffalo bull was already in use here..The Swiss owner made the local owner of Thailand's red bull a multimillionaire to be able to sell Red Bull in Asia..The local red bull is not sold world wide.

Congratulations. You got every single fact about Red Bull wrong. There must be a prize for this somewhere

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Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

The owner of a dog that attacks people is responsible....

Of course the parents are responsible.... They are the ones that instilled morals and values and are most likely doing everything they can to prevent the little bastard from attending court....

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The family of the cop settled for 3 million Baht? These people are USD BILLIONAIRES. 3 million baht won't last long with a tribe of kids to feed and educate. But that's peripheral to the point.

It's a pittance.

I read a article at least a decade ago that the grandfather was making 11 million baht a day just in Thailand before it was launched as a energy drink worldwide. The company is probably on a few hundred million baht a day now.

Shows what these red bull people are really like, even rip off the dead cops family with a miserable payment of just 3 million B, ( if that is correct ) Sure not enough to last for long,, the dead cop will be dead for much longer !!!

Red Bull that in world wide was devised in Austraia and when he was selling in the US and The EU he needed to go into Asia but the logo of an almost similar logo of a red buffalo bull was already in use here..The Swiss owner made the local owner of Thailand's red bull a multimillionaire to be able to sell Red Bull in Asia..The local red bull is not sold world wide.
Thai red Bull was a billionaire before the Austrian made his bid and took it worldwide.

That was what the article I was talking about focussed on. He didn't need the money.

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Couple of interesting points:

1. While this guy was reported to have fled to Singapore, if you read the full Khaosod article, it mentions there have been periodic supposed sightings of this guy in BKK over the years -- which wouldn't surprise me at all.

2. The various articles here mention about the family of the murdered policeman recently having written a letter asking authorities to consider filing new charges against the punk. I find that surprising because...

At least in the west, when you've paid hush money to someone, it's usually done with a formal legal agreement that they keep quiet and make no public statements and agree not to participate in any future legal actions, etc etc.

So did Red Bull pay off the 3 million, but not get the standard "go away and never be heard from again" commitments???

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Why am I, a farang with no real investment in Thailand's current or future culture, feel more outrage than the Thais on the street? You would think that Thais who are crushed under corruption and have little choice in the life they are assigned would riot in the street...

Listen up Thailand...for the 99.99% of the population who struggle here...your lot in life will not get better until you rid yourselves of apathy...

Quote"In politics Sakdina sets the relationship between Thai government and the people, not in the western idea of a civil service, serving the public, but a higher caste considering the public slaves to be governed by them. Sakdina continues in the attitude the people at the top of society should not be criticised by those lower than them and creates a culture of passive acceptance of authority everywhere, no matter how unjust or corrupt."

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Had he been a "commoner", INTERPOL would have issued a warrant for his arrest when he fled to Singapore. As far as I know, failing to appear for a court summons on a serious charge will immediately lead to an arrest warrant being issued. How many chances has this skinny clown been given, and still no arrest warrant issued??? Makes me want to hurl...

Recently there has been a lot of media attention of cases where the rich are literally getting away with murder, so the Thai people know very well what is going on. It is not just us Farangs who find this repulsive; most of my Thai friends are also upset and are fed-up. The only way to change things would be collective action. Holding a demonstration outside the courthouse may result in being sent for "attitude adjustment", so the way to go for now would be an online campaign...

Boycott red bull racing !!

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Words fail

How long have you lived in Thailand?

This is normal, <deleted> get on with your own lives and stop sticking your noses where they're neither welcome or will be taken any notice of.

This is the way Thailand works. I accepted it in 1985 when I moved here and personally prefer it to the way things are done in the UK, and certainly the US.

Why did you decide to move here in 1985?

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Just stop this charade and acquit him!

It's all for show. The police and courts save face, just doing their job by indicting and prosecuting him, the monkey gets a suspended sentence + token fine, he appeals, the case is held up in the appeals courts for years, everyone eventually forgets and moves on.

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Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

The owner of a dog that attacks people is responsible....

Of course the parents are responsible.... They are the ones that instilled morals and values and are most likely doing everything they can to prevent the little bastard from attending court....

Jail the nannies!

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Why am I, a farang with no real investment in Thailand's current or future culture, feel more outrage than the Thais on the street? You would think that Thais who are crushed under corruption and have little choice in the life they are assigned would riot in the street...

Listen up Thailand...for the 99.99% of the population who struggle here...your lot in life will not get better until you rid yourselves of apathy...

You don't feel more outrage than the locals.

You probably just don't know many locals or discuss it with them. If you did, your perception would be very different.

Thai people are sick of this but they feel that they have no recourse.

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In answer to your final question -To protect the power elite and render them immune to economic and social justice. To neutralise the will of the people via the threat of violence.

Succinctly put and spot on. Very sad for Thailand.

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Nothing from PM The Reformer?

He deemed it necessary to comment on the Temple case, but not long running sagas like this, and the other benz case which appears to of suddently fallen off the radar.

Of course everyone knows why every agency is turbo charged on the temple case, and it has nowt to do with them being guilty or not...

Don't remember the previous government doing much either. Or the ones before that.

Not one political or quasi political group has shown any real drive in reforming the justice system, especially in interfering with the way the rich elite hiso well connected ones are treated.

The Benz case, the ex Police Officer ex Politician in the share transfer to pretties and strange accident death case, the inquiry into the illegal driving underage girl responsible for 9 deaths failing to do approved community service case, the actor who was caught on CCTV fataly shooting his "friend" in the head after a night out case, the failure (so far) to deliver the promise for justice for Jack, they young Aussie brutally assaulted and disfigured by two Chinese-American thugs whose daddies happen to be very rich case, etc etc etc.

The only thing that's changed is that the police are now becoming aggressive and threatening to social media posters who point out such examples.

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what I don't understand is that the little weasel has not been kidnapped and put on the doorsteps of thai immigration.

I am sure there will be no questions asked. Why not a reward offered by police? Are they all paid off?

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In answer to your final question -To protect the power elite and render them immune to economic and social justice. To neutralise the will of the people via the threat of violence.

Succinctly put and spot on. Very sad for Thailand.

Only sad for the lazy unconnected layabouts.

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