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11 states sue over Obama's school transgender directive


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11 states sue over Obama's school transgender directive

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas and 10 other states are suing the Obama administration over its directive to U.S. public schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity.

The lawsuit announced Wednesday includes Oklahoma, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Maine, Arizona, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia. It asks a North Texas federal court to declare the directive unlawful in what ranks among the most coordinated and visible legal challenges by states over the socially divisive issue of bathroom rights for transgender persons.

The Obama administration has "conspired to turn workplace and educational settings across the country into laboratories for a massive social experiment, flouting the democratic process, and running roughshod over commonsense policies protecting children and basic privacy rights," the lawsuit reads.

Many of the conservative states involved had previously vowed defiance, calling the guidance a threat to safety while being accused of discrimination by supporters of transgender rights. U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has previously said "there is no room in our schools for discrimination."

The White House had no comment on the lawsuit. The Justice Department said it would review the complaint and did not comment further.

Texas' lieutenant governor has previously said the state is willing to forfeit $10 billion in federal education dollars rather than comply. The directive from the U.S. Justice and Education Departments represents an escalation in the fast-moving dispute over what is becoming the civil rights issue of the day.

Pressed about whether he knew of any instances in which a child's safety had been threatened because of transgender bathroom rights, Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said "there's not a lot of research" during a news conference about the lawsuit. He said he his office has heard from concerned parents, but didn't say how many, and said he did not meet with any parents of transgender students before drafting the lawsuit.

The states claim that the directive demands "seismic changes" in schools across the U.S. and forces them to let students choose a bathroom "that match their chosen 'gender identity' on any given day."

Two school districts joined the states in the lawsuit: one is the tiny Harrold school district in North Texas, which has roughly 100 students and passed a policy this week requiring students to use the bathroom based on the gender on their birth certificate. Superintendent David Thweatt said his schools have no transgender students to his knowledge but defended the district taking on the federal government.

"It's not moot because it was thrusted upon us by the federal government," Thweatt said, "or we were going to risk losing our federal funding."

The question of whether federal civil rights law protects transgender people has not been definitively answered by the courts and may ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court. But schools that refuse to comply could be hit with civil rights lawsuits from the government and could face a cutoff of federal aid to education.

The guidance was issued after the Justice Department and North Carolina sued each other overs a state law that requires transgender people to use the public bathroom that corresponds to the sex on their birth certificate. The law applies to schools and many other places.

Supporters say such measures are needed to protect women and children from sexual predators, while the Justice Department and others argue the threat is practically nonexistent and the law discriminatory.

Education officials in Arizona said campuses already had policies to protect students from bullying and discrimination "regardless of their gender identity." A small Arizona school district also joined in the lawsuit.

"The fact that the federal government has yet again decided that it knows what is best for every one of our local communities is insulting and, quite frankly, intolerable," Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-26

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OK I'm not American, so can someone who is tell me. Does this bathroom law, or whatever you want to call it, go against what is said in the 9th Amendment?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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OK I'm not American, so can someone who is tell me. Does this bathroom law, or whatever you want to call it, go against what is said in the 9th Amendment?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

See the 9th amendment and a link to the actual NC bathroom law. In my opinion the bathroom law does not go against the 9th amendment due to the fact that separate unisex facilities are to be offered to people who do not base their gender upon their biological sex (sex at birth). They can use these facilities anytime they choose without any problems but they don't want to. They want to force their way into the opposite sex's facilities instead of using facilities provided for them.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Edited to add link to the Cornell University Law School explaining in detail the 9th amendment.



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I suppose Obama would have no objection and would support his daughters standing in a locker room shower next to the men. What an idiot.

Well...except for the fact...that never happens. That is the argument low-information, tin-foil hatters use. It sounds good till reminded THAT NEVER HAPPENS!

This is simply hate being expressed against the LGBT community in the low-information conservative Republican states. The same states that are at the bottom of the economic and education ladder, all run by politicians who would rather see their constituents without health insurance or womens health rights and do their best to restrict voting rights. The poorest states in America.

These are the wingnut states. What do they have in common...they're run by wingnut politicians to the detriment of the people who live there.

Go ahead and sue. Pathetic. Haters gotta hate. Look at yourself in the mirror. That's an insecure, fearful wingnut.

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I suppose Obama would have no objection and would support his daughters standing in a locker room shower next to the men. What an idiot.

Well...except for the fact...that never happens. That is the argument low-information, tin-foil hatters use. It sounds good till reminded THAT NEVER HAPPENS!

This is simply hate being expressed against the LGBT community in the low-information conservative Republican states. The same states that are at the bottom of the economic and education ladder, all run by politicians who would rather see their constituents without health insurance or womens health rights and do their best to restrict voting rights. The poorest states in America.

These are the wingnut states. What do they have in common...they're run by wingnut politicians to the detriment of the people who live there.

Go ahead and sue. Pathetic. Haters gotta hate. Look at yourself in the mirror. That's an insecure, fearful wingnut.

That never happens up until now.

Why do you think there are eleven states (two with democrat governors) suing the Obama administration to keep this from happening now that the justice department has put out a directive; AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas and 10 other states are suing the Obama administration over its directive to U.S. public schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity.

I think your reading and comprehension skills need improving also.

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This has to be one of best opinion pieces, written by a woman, on this issue.

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


Click on the link below to learn about the real woman who wrote the above article.The post refers to the woman, not lifeincnx.

The post was another example of man-hating psychopaths who have been manipulated by the Rockefeller-funded feminist movement using social media to push a victim narrative while virtue signalling to their mentally unstable friends.


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Thai Visa really is a fantastic window into the totally insane world of the American right. There are homeless drug addicts 5 days into a sleepless meth binge with a firmer grasp on reality.

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This has to be one of best opinion pieces, written by a woman, on this issue.

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


Click on the link below to learn about the real woman who wrote the above article.The post refers to the woman, not lifeincnx.

The post was another example of man-hating psychopaths who have been manipulated by the Rockefeller-funded feminist movement using social media to push a victim narrative while virtue signalling to their mentally unstable friends.


Whoa! Thank you for proving her point. The writer of your cuckoo clock opinion piece is Bryan Anderson.

This jerk states among other things, "... the campus rape culture phenomenon is, [ready?], "a myth" pushed by women with daddy issues and low-testosterone manginas" and just more of the "multitude of feminist platitudes such as the gender pay gap".

He's a dyed-in-the-wool far right nut job from South Carolina, who, like a bad character out of 1955 Pleasantville, wants the US to return to that era, along with all of its er-um "values."

Edited by lifeincnx
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I suppose Obama would have no objection and would support his daughters standing in a locker room shower next to the men. What an idiot.

Well...except for the fact...that never happens. That is the argument low-information, tin-foil hatters use. It sounds good till reminded THAT NEVER HAPPENS!

This is simply hate being expressed against the LGBT community in the low-information conservative Republican states. The same states that are at the bottom of the economic and education ladder, all run by politicians who would rather see their constituents without health insurance or womens health rights and do their best to restrict voting rights. The poorest states in America.

These are the wingnut states. What do they have in common...they're run by wingnut politicians to the detriment of the people who live there.

Go ahead and sue. Pathetic. Haters gotta hate. Look at yourself in the mirror. That's an insecure, fearful wingnut.

Yes, never happened UP TILL THEY CHANGED THE LAW TO ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN. Early days yet- give it time for the perverts to start using them.

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This has to be one of best opinion pieces, written by a woman, on this issue.

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


Click on the link below to learn about the real woman who wrote the above article.The post refers to the woman, not lifeincnx.

The post was another example of man-hating psychopaths who have been manipulated by the Rockefeller-funded feminist movement using social media to push a victim narrative while virtue signalling to their mentally unstable friends.


Whoa! Thank you for proving her point. The writer of your cuckoo clock opinion piece is Bryan Anderson.

This jerk states among other things, "... the campus rape culture phenomenon is, [ready?], "a myth" pushed by women with daddy issues and low-testosterone manginas" and just more of the "multitude of feminist platitudes such as the gender pay gap".

He's a dyed-in-the-wool far right nut job from South Carolina, who, like a bad character out of 1955 Pleasantville, wants the US to return to that era, along with all of its er-um "values."

So anyone you don't agree with or doesn't agree with you is a jerk and a nut job. Now I understand. I noticed you didn't refute anything that was said. You attacked the messenger like all liberals do. Oh and by the way have you noticed that these feminists have two last names? Easy to spot.

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From experience we know that it takes a few years until a new fashion, movement or theory makes it from the US to Europe. I will be retired then and I will watch from the sidelines how European lawmakers, courts and activists will finally deal with the toilet problems of 0,2 percent of the population.

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Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

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Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

Not certain about the 'safer'. These third toilets would be perfect targets, would they not?

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This has to be one of best opinion pieces, written by a woman, on this issue.

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


Click on the link below to learn about the real woman who wrote the above article.The post refers to the woman, not lifeincnx.

The post was another example of man-hating psychopaths who have been manipulated by the Rockefeller-funded feminist movement using social media to push a victim narrative while virtue signalling to their mentally unstable friends.


Whoa! Thank you for proving her point. The writer of your cuckoo clock opinion piece is Bryan Anderson.

This jerk states among other things, "... the campus rape culture phenomenon is, [ready?], "a myth" pushed by women with daddy issues and low-testosterone manginas" and just more of the "multitude of feminist platitudes such as the gender pay gap".

He's a dyed-in-the-wool far right nut job from South Carolina, who, like a bad character out of 1955 Pleasantville, wants the US to return to that era, along with all of its er-um "values."

So anyone you don't agree with or doesn't agree with you is a jerk and a nut job. Now I understand. I noticed you didn't refute anything that was said. You attacked the messenger like all liberals do. Oh and by the way have you noticed that these feminists have two last names? Easy to spot.

As he provides no evidence or credible source to back it up, consider his off-the-wall statement "the campus rape culture phenomenon is "a myth" pushed by women with daddy issues and low-testosterone manginas" and just more of the "multitude of feminist platitudes such as the gender pay gap" to be wholly refuted. This guy actually had the cahones to use a debunked article from the New York Post (always been a rag and proud of it) which skewed the Harvard study to no end. Though he lashes out as if he is on the side of protecting the bathroom from perves he ends showing he just greatly fears women and probably thinks low of them in general. He adds "[feminists] perpetuating an ideological jihad against traditional masculinity and conservatism". Give me a break.

Edited by lifeincnx
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Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

Not certain about the 'safer'. These third toilets would be perfect targets, would they not?

Yeah. I guess you are right that is could become a target for those wishing ill will towards this "third sex". But generally people can see that they are transgender whether they are in the transgender toilet or not. My only concern with such a toilet would be that it becomes a transgender swinger's party establishment.

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Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

Not certain about the 'safer'. These third toilets would be perfect targets, would they not?

Yeah. I guess you are right that is could become a target for those wishing ill will towards this "third sex". But generally people can see that they are transgender whether they are in the transgender toilet or not. My only concern with such a toilet would be that it becomes a transgender swinger's party establishment.

Right! Had not thought of that. biggrin.png

But, I guess, a simple sign will do: "If you do not want trangenderish sex today, please refrain from entering this toilet (it is for your own good)."

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Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

Not certain about the 'safer'. These third toilets would be perfect targets, would they not?

Yeah. I guess you are right that is could become a target for those wishing ill will towards this "third sex". But generally people can see that they are transgender whether they are in the transgender toilet or not. My only concern with such a toilet would be that it becomes a transgender swinger's party establishment.

Obama has told them to share locker rooms which include showers not only toilets. Little Suzy will be showering with men who think they are women. That may be normal or maybe not. Personally I like ladyboys and would invite them to shower with me but they have a hang up about genitals so I hear. Them people always get hung up on crotches.

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Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

Not certain about the 'safer'. These third toilets would be perfect targets, would they not?

Yeah. I guess you are right that is could become a target for those wishing ill will towards this "third sex". But generally people can see that they are transgender whether they are in the transgender toilet or not. My only concern with such a toilet would be that it becomes a transgender swinger's party establishment.

Right! Had not thought of that. biggrin.png

But, I guess, a simple sign will do: "If you do not want trangenderish sex today, please refrain from entering this toilet (it is for your own good)."


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This has to be one of best opinion pieces, written by a woman, on this issue.

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


Click on the link below to learn about the real woman who wrote the above article.The post refers to the woman, not lifeincnx.

The post was another example of man-hating psychopaths who have been manipulated by the Rockefeller-funded feminist movement using social media to push a victim narrative while virtue signalling to their mentally unstable friends.


I think you have missed that Huff Post article's point. It's not so much about feminism or women's power.

As I understood it, the author's saying that if men really want to protect their womenfolk, then they should pay more attention to the real concerns of women. This transgender bathroom hullabaloo is, as Chris Wallace of Fox News has concluded, "a solution in search of a problem."

If men are really concerned about women, then we should listen to what they have to say about what they are truly concerned about. And, this is coming from a guy who loves his pizza, beer and the NFL. It's not about feminism, whatever that really is. It's just about listening and respecting women enough to see it from their viewpoint.

So if we really care about women, instead of wasting time and effort on these ridiculous bathroom laws, then the author thinks we should focus on real issues like, e.g., rape on college campuses.

Well, that's how I understood the author.

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Just another social issue manipulated by the corporate controlled media to take people's attention away from the primary issue during an election year, the political economy. Transgender people represent less than 1% of the population and have been using the bathrooms without incident for generations. Yet now all the poor white people are focused upon this topic, getting all riled up, and ignoring how the tax system screws them over. And the beat goes on.

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Just another social issue manipulated by the corporate controlled media to take people's attention away from the primary issue during an election year, the political economy. Transgender people represent less than 1% of the population and have been using the bathrooms without incident for generations. Yet now all the poor white people are focused upon this topic, getting all riled up, and ignoring how the tax system screws them over. And the beat goes on.

There are 5 times as many people who claim to have been abducted by aliens as their are those who claim to identify as transgender. When do they get their 15 minutes in the spotlight?

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Lol, why even waste any time on this subject? People should use whatever WC they genuinly identify with. Shouldn't be too hard to spot a "fake transgender" (aka simply a perv who wants to sneak in to peak or film the other sex) on the rare occasion such a thing happens. Laws regulating the use of the loo? Just... lol. Use common sense, don't get your panties all in a bunch and spent time on issues that really matter.

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Lol, why even waste any time on this subject? People should use whatever WC they genuinly identify with. Shouldn't be too hard to spot a "fake transgender" (aka simply a perv who wants to sneak in to peak or film the other sex) on the rare occasion such a thing happens. Laws regulating the use of the loo? Just... lol. Use common sense, don't get your panties all in a bunch and spent time on issues that really matter.

You really cannot judge somebody by their appearance.

Sure, many transsexuals really look like the sex they identify with. Many don't. Zoe Tur for instance looks very masculine.

How do you identify a "fake transgender" and what happens if you call it wrong? Well, you probably get sued.

The idea of judging trans people on how well they pull of looking like the opposite sex is a non-starter.

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Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

Many places already have a third toilet. It's usually got a picture of a wheelchair on it. No need to make a fourth.

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Just another social issue manipulated by the corporate controlled media to take people's attention away from the primary issue during an election year, the political economy. Transgender people represent less than 1% of the population and have been using the bathrooms without incident for generations. Yet now all the poor white people are focused upon this topic, getting all riled up, and ignoring how the tax system screws them over. And the beat goes on.

YOU ARE RIGHT. I forgot the primary directive of politics- if something that is a complete waste of time starts to be promoted by politicians, it is undoubtedly a diversionary tactic, to takes people's eyes off what is really happening behind the scenes. So far, as this thread proves, there are a lot of us that got suckered, myself included.

Now, we just have to work out what they don't want us to know they are really doing.

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So I can dress up in drag and head to the lady's trough for a perv whenever I feel like it ? blink.png

Ye gods. The argument continues with the low-information lemmings.

Yeah, go ahead and do that. There is already a law against it, but if you desperate to prove your nonsense point...

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