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My last dog attack was a few years ago whilst walking from Pattaya, around the coast line towards Jomptien.

As I approached the Royal Cliff Hotel, a pack of five barking dogs ran out of the hills towards me.

They surrounded me before one of the mongrels went for my legs. Its bite took in all of my shin and resulted in punctures to both sides of my calf muscle.

The female owner ( a fishermans wife) came running out of the hills behind the pack. She was shouting, either at the dogs or trying to warn me to get the hel_l outa there. She obviously knew that the dogs were about to attack me but the animals had only one thing on their mind.

She couldn't stop me being bitten. She then repeatedly belted the attacking dog with a lump of bamboo.

She took me to her beach shanty where she tried unsuccessfully to stop the flow of blood from my wounds.

I asked her in my faltering Thai whether the dogs had rabies. She said, "No."

I then had to walk all the way back to Pattaya with blood running down my leg.

That little episode cost me thousands of baht at the local clinic. Many days of cleaning and re-dressing the wounds, plus all the necessary injections and mandatory multi-coloured pills.

The dog owner did offer me what folding money she had in her pocket...perhaps five hundred baht, I declined her offer. It wasn't really her fault and I suppose the dogs were only trying to protect their territory from the intrusion of a strolling farang.

I have never attempted that walk again, and now get quite nervous when walking past any pack of dogs.

Pet dogs should be collared and TRAINED. Stray, mange dogs should be rounded up and destroyed.

I am not able to walk many areas in Pattaya for the same reaosn.

Pattaya is an international holiday resort and requires repeat tourists to help the growth of this very important industry.

The question is

Is it In the best interest of Pattaya and City hall to allow stray dogs to roam the streets attacking at will? Would a cull be in the best interest of the city and tourism.

Which would the Thai people miss most, the stray dogs or the tourists?

The real people at fault are the Thais, as soon as the puppy has grown into an adult, onto the street to live a life or near starvation and extreme survival.

Though I know a farang who put a collar on a stray dog here In Pattaya. Even though the dog lives on the street and chases car and bikes. The reason given “I wouldn’t wont her rounded up and taken away if there was a cull”. What an ******* ****** (* use any two words you think appropriate)

Anyway possible get rid of this terrible problem

Tony gym good for them, a project with answers to this problem, but maybe the problem is bigger.

Shoot them, then feed them to the crocs or tigers, two birds with one stone

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Some years ago I watched a guy (farang) dying from rabies in the Police General hospital here.

He was a friend of a friend and the friend was far too upset to go alone.

Shoot the doggies.

Believe me, shoot the doggies - it is an appalling way to die, rabies.

The ex missus's Dad was a government Doc out in the sticks and I asked him about this once.

He maintained that once it was confirmed they just plugged the bitten into an intrevenous drip of dy hydra morphine (spelling?) ,i.e, heroin and turned the volume up every so often so that the victim went off before it got just too horrible.

Seems reasonable to me.

I am a dog lover -especially Staffies who have great personalities, but packs of feral dogs need sorted. I am the biped after all and extremely unlikely to give a dog rabies.




As a concerned parent of a small child (about to move to Patts) how would the police react if there was a 'canine vigilante' taskforce :o set up to rid the dogs off the streets?

Say, 3-4 rounding up dogs in the small hours, delivering them to the croc farms alive, then letting the farmers kill them.

BTW I cant believe im posting this as I am also a animal lover, but you have to get your priorities straight and dogs potentially attacking ppl esp small children is without doubt concerning



Just one.

Live in a civilized country.

You might have came from there to face the stone age.

My loved Thais have never understood what disgust their soi dogs radiate to the outside world.

hmmmm thats PRACTICAL is it?

lets all RUN AWAY from the problem and live somewhere else?


ok lets try again.....

OK, try. Tell the authorities in Pattaya you don't want to see the stray dogs again.

Try again.

If that fails, try another strategy: give up.


Dont take dogs too lightly, there is a series of films out named "Faces of Death" and in

part 4 i think they show some surveillance video of a Porche dealer in New York. Well 2

thieves go scale the fence and approach the building. These thieves look like they are

in their 20s and in good shape/strong. Well as they approach the building they are each

met with 1 run of the mill german shepard, in under 1 minute both men are DEAD, they

didnt have a chance! 1 dog did this to 1 guy, not 5 dogs on 1 guy, just 1.

Again i always advise to carry mace or pepper spray, it stops them dead in their tracks

and sends them running to the hills. Its good for 2 legged animals as well.


Well how many of you have been bitten bye a dog.. as a kid of 11 I had 53 stitches in my face from a dog bite, dogs fault? no the owners, badly trained, under fed and abused.

I did not say that farrangs could cure the problem, I think in fact Tony is THAI and he is a leader in helping re-house stray dogs here.

To say all Thai's don't care is ridiculous, I know dozens of caring Thai people who are constantly picking up strays and care passionately for animals who are unable to care for themselves.

But if we all chipped in then the problem would be reduced.

What I am opposed to is all the weak feeble people who pass the buck and take the easy route rather than getting involved in fixing the problem personally.

Tony Clifton, well what a big tough guy you are, scaring starving animals on your bike.. what a total <deleted>, you probably go around stealing little kids sweets as well.

Neutering and re-housing is the answer, with the first being the priority to prevent future problems.

Karma.. lets hope all of you advocating slaughter come back as stray dogs and get chased up and down the soi by big bad tony clifton :o while you are trying to find something to eat.

I don't care if it's Mother Theresa reincarnated, if I'm on the menu, I chase.

Beware if your name is Doug.


Easy, if you really fear the dogs.

In Europe and in the US, available dog "whissles" (spelling??) which while activated will make any dog, stray or domestic, fold his/her tail betweemn their legs and go cry in a ditch or similar within seconds - this without any harm done to the dog.

Tried it and it works. (bought it just to try, really do not have any probs with dogs where I live).


Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


anyone can assist then email me


Some years ago I watched a guy (farang) dying from rabies in the Police General hospital here.

He was a friend of a friend and the friend was far too upset to go alone.

Shoot the doggies.

Believe me, shoot the doggies - it is an appalling way to die, rabies.

The ex missus's Dad was a government Doc out in the sticks and I asked him about this once.

He maintained that once it was confirmed they just plugged the bitten into an intrevenous drip of dy hydra morphine (spelling?) ,i.e, heroin and turned the volume up every so often so that the victim went off before it got just too horrible.

Seems reasonable to me.

I am a dog lover -especially Staffies who have great personalities, but packs of feral dogs need sorted. I am the biped after all and extremely unlikely to give a dog rabies.



I was bitten one fine morning, many years ago. Went to my doctor who advised to watch dog for 10 days. Went to owner of dog to tell him but dog already removed (? put down). As luck would have it had an appointment with vet for medicals for my dogs. Told him my plight. He said to go straight back to doctor and start treatment immediately. Turned out this vet was expert on rabies and spent a lot of time with rabid patients. He showed me a whole series of photos of one patient, starting with patient in hospital on IV. Second to last picture was of vet taking swabs/biopsies from the patient's mouth. Last picture was patient in coffin surrounded by the vet and the medical team. Vet said it is a terrible death.

BTW, have read that rabid cats are even more dangerous as they will go for the face. Also, beware of monkeys.

I, too, am an animal lover, but ------.


Glad to see some feedback on this.

I will forward comments onto Pattaya City Hall.

4B your intentions are good but then after you have renovated the dogs and handed them on, what happens then? I see this everyday as do gooders feed the dogs and then walk on.

There is a stupid old farang that arrives in a van at soi 19 every night and feeds the dogs. He then goes home all warm and fuzzy.

The dogs are happy, well feed and then breed on.

In 6 months i have watched this from when there were 3 dogs. There are now 15 dogs and more pups coming. THis is only one Soi Now it becomes exponential.

THis is happening all the way up and down beach road and in every Soi.

I think the Thai Authorities need to charge a dog license fee and then see, when you have to pay, "how deep is your love" for dogs.

Any dog without a tag gets rounded up and goes off the the crocodile farm or the Korean restaurant.

PS manslaughter doesnt apply to dogs

Anyone with pictures forward them as this is better than words for the City Hall Authorities.


I think that the issue is perhaps a bit wider than we have been discussing here as the problem does not only involve soi dogs (and cats maybe). It partly comes down to education, or lack of it, about the responsibilities that go along with pet ownership.

My village does not have too much of a problem with stray dogs - there are some but I haven't seen any pack behaviour. More of a problem are those dogs that have owners but are not trained in any way except, seemingly, to chase and attack anything that moves, especially at night. There is really no excuse for this as all the houses in the village are equipped with fences and gates, making it an easy job to keep the animals inside after dark. Most owners here do this but a minority do not and the dogs involved are left free to roam the streets. There have been some instances of people being bitten.

Another aspect of the problem is that a lot of people, and I'm not singling out any particular ethnic group here, seem to be unaware that all dogs, be they small or large, need a lot of regular exercise. Keeping a dog chained up all day and then letting it loose at night is a recipe for bad behaviour.

I'm also concerned about the number of 'inappropriate' breeds that can be seen around. Whilst I appreciate people's desire to protect their property, is it really a good idea to keep three very large and aggressive rotweilers in one very small house? Dogs such as these would not be allowed as pets in some countries as they are far too dangerous and unpredictable. Rotweiler v young child - result not in doubt, I think. My own dog (medium size poodle, ex soi dog) has been attacked twice by one of these beasts. On both occasions the dogs, all three, were with their owner, who was totally incapable of controlling them.

It's been said many times, 'There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.' and I guess that this is true. So it comes down to education again. I feel sorry for the soi dogs - I have rehabilitated one but cannot accommodate more - but I think that regular culling is probably the only answer. I don't think that Buddhist philosophy would be too happy with this though - and that's part of the whole problem.



Ten or 15 years back when I lived in Singapore the government cleared out all the Kampong dwellers and put them into HDB appartments, this left hundreds of dogs defending their old territory where their houses once stood. The government quickly saw the problem and sent in a unit called the Primary Production Unit or PPD for short. They rounded them up and took them away and in no time at all the island and the few remaining jungle tracks were safe for joggers and walkers.

I would often see the PPD with vans, nets and even guns taking care of the problem. Sad but I regret neccessary. :o

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

Just shoot them and im not joking :o

Dont take dogs too lightly, there is a series of films out named "Faces of Death" and in

part 4 i think they show some surveillance video of a Porche dealer in New York. Well 2

thieves go scale the fence and approach the building. These thieves look like they are

in their 20s and in good shape/strong. Well as they approach the building they are each

met with 1 run of the mill german shepard, in under 1 minute both men are DEAD, they

didnt have a chance! 1 dog did this to 1 guy, not 5 dogs on 1 guy, just 1.

Again i always advise to carry mace or pepper spray, it stops them dead in their tracks

and sends them running to the hills. Its good for 2 legged animals as well.


a bit of food with soething in it would help

a bit of food with soething in it would help

Seen this happen too. And the kids running before the wagon frantically tying string around the dogs' necks so that they would be spared.


Been playing with google and found a company called DAZAR in the UK. They make hand held devices which issue a high frequency note which does not harm the dogs but is claimed to make them bu@##$er off from fifteen feet. My parents are joining my family in the lovely Pong at xmas, I will buy one, get them to bring it over and let you guys know if it works.


Friend of mine who breeds Dobermans has a similar device.

She uses it sparingly on her dogs, shouts once to shut up, then waits 30 seconds and turns the device on. The dogs shut up. Now they shut up at the initial shout. :D Her dogs are in a run outside the house, I could imagine the discomfort to the dogs if they were closer. :o


Well I suppose its Buddhism in that you can be reincarnated as anything inc a Soi Dog. Thais seem reluctant to kill off the dogs as it could be you next neighbour..........

In Malaysia Indian dog hunters are paid 15 RM per tail (150 Baht). No stray dogs. They have even been known to kill reg dogs in gardens too...........


Having breakfast on Sunday morning at Yorkies in Jomtien when 2 male dogs were fighting over 1 bitch.

Made a hel_l of a racket and stopped a few cars on the Beach Rd, as they continued their fighting across the road and foot path.

Would have made an interesting video -

I also see that some mis guided dog lovers have bought collars for stray dogs in the hope that the dog catchers (if there are any) will not take them away. These are stray dogs - they are not owned by anyone. Have a look near Jomtien soi 19. THere is an empty piece of land there where at last count there were 20 dogs there. The old farang who feeds them has bought them collars but he wont take responsibility for them should they injure someone.

This is why i say - the dogs if the owners want them protected should have registration tags - make owners responsible.

To change behaviour you need to hit it in the hip pocket again and again.

:o I feel very sorry for the dogs that roam around without hair, limping, flea bitten, the bitches with their undercarriages hanging out from too many litters. If I were in charge, I would round them all up and euthanise them. I know it is emotive, but if it were me I wouldn't want to be living that way. The soi dog people, while they do an admirable job, are wasting their time IMHO. They do neutar the bitches and dogs, but inevitably some get left out leaving a dwindling gene pool with brothers/fathers etc all mating with mothers and sisters. Poor poor dogs. :D
Having breakfast on Sunday morning at Yorkies in Jomtien when 2 male dogs were fighting over 1 bitch.

Made a hel_l of a racket and stopped a few cars on the Beach Rd, as they continued their fighting across the road and foot path.

Dogs often mimic the behavior they observe in humans. :o

Well I suppose its Buddhism in that you can be reincarnated as anything inc a Soi Dog. Thais seem reluctant to kill off the dogs as it could be you next neighbour..........

Japanese are Budhists too. As I said, 28 mil people in Tokyo, not a single stray dog. At least some would have slipped through and seen in the streets if it were Budhism that prevents people from destroying the dogs.

It's more to do with how the country is run.

You can live in a 20 mil condo there, what does it mean when , as soon as you step out you are among the dogs as if you were in worst s***hole in the world.


Having breakfast on Sunday morning at Yorkies in Jomtien when 2 male dogs were fighting over 1 bitch.

Made a hel_l of a racket and stopped a few cars on the Beach Rd, as they continued their fighting across the road and foot path.

Dogs often mimic the behavior they observe in humans. :o


You can live in a 20 mil condo there, what does it mean when , as soon as you step out you are among the dogs as if you were in worst s***hole in the world.


Do you seriosly belive its the dogs that make people think pattaya is a shit hole???

You can live in a 20 mil condo there, what does it mean when , as soon as you step out you are among the dogs as if you were in worst s***hole in the world.


Do you seriosly belive its the dogs that make people think pattaya is a shit hole???

The dogs are one thing. The ugliness of farangs that could be seen there is another.

Thanks to the invention of cars, I see almost nothing of both.


i have difficulty in understanding people like this.

I know hes probably lonely or trying to buy a merit ticket to heaven but honestly what does he think he is achieving by feeding these mongrels.

This ol frat lives up the road - however he drives down to feed the dogs a block away (perhaps this is his logic - feed them there - keep them away from his place no doubt - maybe not so dumb afterall)

These dogs attack, bark, chase anything that moves (except him as the feed master)

At night I like to leave the doors open but the barking howling and fighting is too much.

These dogs are just breeding thanks to him and sooner or later they will be put down.

talk about dumb

:o I feel very sorry for the dogs that roam around without hair, limping, flea bitten, the bitches with their undercarriages hanging out from too many litters. If I were in charge, I would round them all up and euthanise them. I know it is emotive, but if it were me I wouldn't want to be living that way. The soi dog people, while they do an admirable job, are wasting their time IMHO. They do neutar the bitches and dogs, but inevitably some get left out leaving a dwindling gene pool with brothers/fathers etc all mating with mothers and sisters. Poor poor dogs. :D

It is a shame that the Soi Dogs have gotten to such a state, I agree they should be kulled because they can carry so many diseases apart from Rabies, In the interests of safety, a Kull is needed..

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