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Obama: Allies 'rattled' by Trump; Trump blasts Obama


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Or you could look at the Scandanian socialist countries that lead the world in the care of their citizens and flourish with healthy economies. It's always easy to quote arguments from both sides. What works in some countries doesn't work in others. Wonder what would happen if China became a democracy? At the moment they are arguably the most capitalist country out there and their economic growth has been outstanding whereas many of the old school powerhouses in the west are in the sh*t in so many ways. Does that mean that the China way is the one to follow?

So many sheep out there follow a political flag without ever wavering. In 1979 I voted for Thatcher because the UK needed to take that route. I then voted against her because her policies were flawed and were no longer the best thing for the country. Political leaders come and go, some are good and some are dreadful. If you continue to vote for one party just because you always do then democracy is wasted on you. The point of it is that you can change your mind every four years if you want to.

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Boon Mee you are probably getting a state pension from some country...that is Socialism my friend.

There are a lot of stupid people in the USA, look at the Bush fiasco. But I don't believe they will vote in this ignoramus Trump. He has no business credibility, no foreign policy experience at all, and no understanding of the world......he is living off his inheritance which he has squandered on failed business adventures. This is all a way of making his name brand Trump famous....he doesn't really want to be POTUS as he doesn't have the attention span to deal with real world issues. Waffling on about building a fence financed by Mexico.....how would he bully them into paying billions of dollars/pesos....impossibly stupid, and pandering to the morons of the USA. On the million to one chance he got elected, do you really want the fate of the world in the hands of a TV half assed celebrity. Wake up people.

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Heh, only deluded far left loons would vote for a raving socialist such as Sanders or a Felon as we see in Clinton. smile.png

What's wrong with Socialism?

Had a look at Venezuela lately have you?

They're eating their pets! No food in the stores nor toilet paper nor electricity and we are asked: "What's wrong with Socialism"? laugh.png

Yes and Venezuela problems are nothing to do with Socialism.


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Looks like the free world are getting worried about their free ride on America's defense budget. Good on Trump to shake em up.

You sure must be an American.


The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



Without American willingness to keep very large forces, and the inherent cost of that, in Western Europe, the old USSR would have moved West. Make no mistake, Patton was right in his assessment and Churchill also new that once the Nazis were defeated the threat would come from communism.

Germany profited massively by Allied Aid, Allied protection, and not having for fund its own defense. Most of that cost was borne by the US. The US were instrumental in stopping war reparations which were seen as a big mistake after WW1.

The German and Japanese "economical miracles" would not have happened without Allied Aid, Allied protection, and Allied guidance. Again, the Americans picking up most of the tabs. And, they have been proved right for neither of these warmongering nations have gone back to their belligerent ways.

America, like Britain before, has found out just what a costly and unthankfull job being the world's policeman is. I can fully understand why so many Americans are fed up with American lives being lost, huge amounts of tax payers money being spent, and huge amounts of resources diverted, and for often very ungrateful recipients.

Time everyone stepped up to the plate and stopped just taking.

The danger is, who will fill that void?

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Looks like the free world are getting worried about their free ride on America's defense budget. Good on Trump to shake em up.

You sure must be an American.


The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



......and yet you can't afford public health care, like the rest of the Western world.

Get cancer as a US citizen and it's time to re-mortgage your house.

The rest of the world look on in bewilderment when people vote against their own welfare.

The rest of the west funds their healthcare through taxes and the savings they realize from not having to spend tons of money on their own defense since they get umbrella coverage courtesy of the US Taxpayer. It isn't "free" healthcare

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Had a look at Venezuela lately have you?

They're eating their pets! No food in the stores nor toilet paper nor electricity and we are asked: "What's wrong with Socialism"? laugh.png

Yes and Venezuela problems are nothing to do with Socialism.


Cause not, it's all a big conspiracy against their superb socialist neo-communist regime that was delivering utopia. Those dastardly capitalist, big business, Wall street, financial manipulators and banks have all conspired to push the price of oil down just to ruin the utopia neo-communist socialism was delivering in Venezuela.

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The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



......and yet you can't afford public health care, like the rest of the Western world.

Get cancer as a US citizen and it's time to re-mortgage your house.

The rest of the world look on in bewilderment when people vote against their own welfare.

The rest of the west funds their healthcare through taxes and the savings they realize from not having to spend tons of money on their own defense since they get umbrella coverage courtesy of the US Taxpayer. It isn't "free" healthcare

No, it isn't free as it is paid from taxes, but, everyone is entitled to it, even the penniless.

I doubt very much European countries have health care paid by not having to spend more on defense, because of the USA providing an "umbrella".

Edited by KarenBravo
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Always useful to look back at what has gone before and hopefully learn from the mistakes of the past. However we live in a very different world now and therefore it is very unlikely that history will repeat itself. Who would be the threat to the West these days? China? Why would they when they are already the most influential country economically? Russia? I know Putin likes to play the Russian version of Rambo but hardly likely to take on the western world when it is doing just fine as it is. Religious fundamentalists? The most likely I would of thought and the most difficult to deal with because they operate all over the world. If there was ever an enemy within then surely this is the closest you will get to it. Then you have the rogue nations like N. Korea and Iran. Certainly a thorn in the side (although Iran is no longer really a threat) but not likely to go for world dominance.

I have just watched Obama in Hiroshima. Impressive and certainly a world statesman who sees the importance of seeking peace rather than the usual sabre rattling. Of course the American republicans won't see it that way and just a s sign of weakness. They couldn't be more wrong.

Have we learnt from the past? Pointless looking at conflicts 70 years ago when the world was not as it is today. Better to look at the recent conflicts. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and lets not forget the current situation in Syria. If there was ever proof of how we continue to screw up then there couldn't be anything clearer than all the innocent people slaughtered in those countries not to mention all the body bags being shipped home.

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The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



......and yet you can't afford public health care, like the rest of the Western world.

Get cancer as a US citizen and it's time to re-mortgage your house.

The rest of the world look on in bewilderment when people vote against their own welfare.

The rest of the west funds their healthcare through taxes and the savings they realize from not having to spend tons of money on their own defense since they get umbrella coverage courtesy of the US Taxpayer. It isn't "free" healthcare

No, it isn't free as it is paid from taxes, but, everyone is entitled to it, even the penniless.

I doubt very much European countries have health care paid by not having to spend more on defense, because of the USA providing an "umbrella".

You don't think having to divert additional billions of Euros toward defense would impact their social programs? I suppose they could opt to do as pre-WWII....spend nothing, wait until occupied and hope someone comes to the rescue

If the US wants to triple the cost of petrol to match what, say the UK pays at the pump, it could probably provide universal healthcare without cutting defense.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

You can relax. I'm sure the US Military will still protect you Aussies from those big, bad Chinese.

After all, we've been doing it since 1942.

If you look at history, Roosevelt wasn't the slightest bit interested in helping Australia, it was MacArthur that said it was an important base for staging against Japan and talked him into it. Aussies weren't saved for our sake, our real estate was saved as a useful military asset, and we have been a US base against Asia ever since. Don't mistake our respect for the brave US soldiers of WW2 with respect for your politicians.

We had moments of rebellion to being a client state, but the removal of a few troublesome politicians (similar to the South American playbook) got both our parties to now be "all the way with USA" again.

We want Hilary so we can get the war with China started, just like the EU wants its war with Russia. The future looks bright, who needs Trump to mess things up.

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

You can relax. I'm sure the US Military will still protect you Aussies from those big, bad Chinese.

After all, we've been doing it since 1942.

If you look at history, Roosevelt wasn't the slightest bit interested in helping Australia, it was MacArthur that said it was an important base for staging against Japan and talked him into it. Aussies weren't saved for our sake, our real estate was saved as a useful military asset, and we have been a US base against Asia ever since. Don't mistake our respect for the brave US soldiers of WW2 with respect for your politicians.

We had moments of rebellion to being a client state, but the removal of a few troublesome politicians (similar to the South American playbook) got both our parties to now be "all the way with USA" again.

We want Hilary so we can get the war with China started, just like the EU wants its war with Russia. The future looks bright, who needs Trump to mess things up.

I just read my earlier post and can find I mazde no reference whatsoever to Roosevelt or any other politician I said the US Military would save your collective skins from the Chinese horde, just as they did the Japanese in 1942.

I lost an older brother on Guadalcanal so the subject is always somewhat fresh on my mind.

You want Hillary? You can have her.

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

You can relax. I'm sure the US Military will still protect you Aussies from those big, bad Chinese.

After all, we've been doing it since 1942.

If you look at history, Roosevelt wasn't the slightest bit interested in helping Australia, it was MacArthur that said it was an important base for staging against Japan and talked him into it. Aussies weren't saved for our sake, our real estate was saved as a useful military asset, and we have been a US base against Asia ever since. Don't mistake our respect for the brave US soldiers of WW2 with respect for your politicians.

We had moments of rebellion to being a client state, but the removal of a few troublesome politicians (similar to the South American playbook) got both our parties to now be "all the way with USA" again.

We want Hilary so we can get the war with China started, just like the EU wants its war with Russia. The future looks bright, who needs Trump to mess things up.

In America the President tells the Generals what to do not the other way around. So - MacArthur was acting under the instructions of the President. Roosevelt's Vice President fired MacArthur a few years later for failing to follow his orders.

Edited by Scotwight
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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

You can relax. I'm sure the US Military will still protect you Aussies from those big, bad Chinese.

After all, we've been doing it since 1942.

If you look at history, Roosevelt wasn't the slightest bit interested in helping Australia, it was MacArthur that said it was an important base for staging against Japan and talked him into it. Aussies weren't saved for our sake, our real estate was saved as a useful military asset, and we have been a US base against Asia ever since. Don't mistake our respect for the brave US soldiers of WW2 with respect for your politicians.

We had moments of rebellion to being a client state, but the removal of a few troublesome politicians (similar to the South American playbook) got both our parties to now be "all the way with USA" again.

We want Hilary so we can get the war with China started, just like the EU wants its war with Russia. The future looks bright, who needs Trump to mess things up.

I just read my earlier post and can find I mazde no reference whatsoever to Roosevelt or any other politician I said the US Military would save your collective skins from the Chinese horde, just as they did the Japanese in 1942.

I lost an older brother on Guadalcanal so the subject is always somewhat fresh on my mind.

You want Hillary? You can have her.

And my uncle was killed in action on the Kokoda Track in 1942. He was just short of 17 years old, fighting on what was then Australian territory, against the best jungle troops in the world at the time who were kicking arse left right and centre and carrying everything before them.

Australian forces secured New Guinea during WWII, US forces were involved but the major actions were fought and won by Australians on the land. Kokoda, Milne Bay, Buna, Gona, Wau and Finschhafen, all fought and won by Australian land forces.

So yeah, thanks for, ahhh, 'saving our collective skins' chuckd

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Of course foriegn interests are going to be rattled by Trump.

They dont realise the rich few, bankers, brothers, are all in the same club.

The rich are Trumps club, he is a fellow member.

The American public is being duped to the biggest tune in history.

Either way the power brokers win.


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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

And if Dopey Donald is elected lets see how the same status

quo, and the same style of policy is executed.

Then maybe the sheeple will realise how POTUS himself

has very little say in what goes on

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

Total BS. The urchins will continue to come groveling for the same reason they always have....money and protection.

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

Total BS. The urchins will continue to come groveling for the same reason they always have....money and protection.

You didn't seriously bring Un into the conversation, did you? America being isolated would be great in many ways. Russia and China will fill the vacuum? So what let them. America is in need of a much overdue rebuild. Let somebody else trumpet around so to speak. America has vast resources, a labor pool (when the price is right) and is the world's largest producer of oil on any given day.

Perhaps we should stay out of things and let somebody else get vacuumed.

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You sure must be an American.


The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



......and yet you can't afford public health care, like the rest of the Western world.

Get cancer as a US citizen and it's time to re-mortgage your house.

The rest of the world look on in bewilderment when people vote against their own welfare.

Maybe if the US didn't have military scattered all over the world and European countries had to pay for their own defense, European countries couldn't afford public health care. whistling.gif

Maybe Americans through military expenditures are actually subsidizing European health care. Look at the pie chart I posted. Germany isn't even on it. The UK and France barely are. As Trump says, let's force them to pay their fair share via pulling out of NATO if nothing else, and then see where they wind up.

Arrogant bastards they are anyway, criticizing the US military and health care while letting the US pay their way.

Go Trump. thumbsup.gif


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Heh, only deluded far left loons would vote for a raving socialist such as Sanders or a Felon as we see in Clinton. smile.png

And only an idiot would vote for a glorified market stall barker with more failed business than you can shake a large stick at. Oh look, here's another Trump scam.

CHILL PILLS 05.25.16 8:00 AM ET
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.
You give the Donald your urine and a stack of money? That’s what he wanted, in exchange for a customized vitamin regimen that a Harvard doctor deems a ‘scam.’

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”


"Harvard Doctor told The Daily Beast"...now there are two sources I would not have made public...destroys the credibility of your argument...

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

It will be the opposite. Obama is the weak one and it shows. He just went to Japan and apologized for dropping nukes in WWII. I would have expected, if anything, that Japan would apologize for starting the whole thing by bombing Pearl Harbor without provocation. There are still 1,000 American sailors buried in the hull of the USS Arizona there.

Obama makes the mistake of not only apologizing for something that probably saved hundreds of thousands of American lives by not having to invade Japan, but he goes onto their turf which makes him look weak. Obama has no clue how to be a world leader.

America won't be isolated. The world can't afford it. The US has the world's largest economy and is the world's largest military. Who's going to defend SE Asia and Europe without the US? Europe and SE Asia spend almost nothing on military because they "think" the US is there for them. Trump says that will change, as it should. Each should pay his own way.

Trump will get the respect of other leaders which Obama can't do. As the old saying goes, "I'd rather have someone respect me than to like me."


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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

It will be the opposite. Obama is the weak one and it shows. He just went to Japan and apologized for dropping nukes in WWII. I would have expected, if anything, that Japan would apologize for starting the whole thing by bombing Pearl Harbor without provocation. There are still 1,000 American sailors buried in the hull of the USS Arizona there.

Obama makes the mistake of not only apologizing for something that probably saved hundreds of thousands of American lives by not having to invade Japan, but he goes onto their turf which makes him look weak. Obama has no clue how to be a world leader.

America won't be isolated. The world can't afford it. The US has the world's largest economy and is the world's largest military. Who's going to defend SE Asia and Europe without the US? Europe and SE Asia spend almost nothing on military because they "think" the US is there for them. Trump says that will change, as it should. Each should pay his own way.

Trump will get the respect of other leaders which Obama can't do. As the old saying goes, "I'd rather have someone respect me than to like me."


Respect is a two-way street my friend. As Trump will discover, the hard way, if he ever does becomes President of the old US of A. 'Dear Leader' giving him the finger is only the start.

Trump will reap what he is actively sowing right now in this preamble to the election. Playing the racist card with the most unsophisticated dog-whistle campaign in history to attract the right wing knuckle-draggin' mouth breathin' voters will not be forgiven or forgotten by the rest of the free world, let alone the powers that really are against you blokes.

Oh yeah, cheers too me old mucker... but only if you're paying. Mine's a Tiger thanks.

Edited by NumbNut
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It will be the opposite. Obama is the weak one and it shows. He just went to Japan and apologized for dropping nukes in WWII. I would have expected, if anything, that Japan would apologize for starting the whole thing by bombing Pearl Harbor without provocation. There are still 1,000 American sailors buried in the hull of the USS Arizona there.

Obama makes the mistake of not only apologizing for something that probably saved hundreds of thousands of American lives by not having to invade Japan, but he goes onto their turf which makes him look weak. Obama has no clue how to be a world leader.

America won't be isolated. The world can't afford it. The US has the world's largest economy and is the world's largest military. Who's going to defend SE Asia and Europe without the US? Europe and SE Asia spend almost nothing on military because they "think" the US is there for them. Trump says that will change, as it should. Each should pay his own way.

Trump will get the respect of other leaders which Obama can't do. As the old saying goes, "I'd rather have someone respect me than to like me."


Respect is a two-way street my friend. As Trump will discover, the hard way, if he ever does becomes President of the old US of A. 'Dear Leader' giving him the finger is only the start.

Trump will reap what he is actively sowing right now in this preamble to the election. Playing the racist card with the most unsophisticated dog-whistle campaign in history to attract the right wing knuckle-draggin' mouth breathin' voters will not be forgiven or forgotten by the rest of the free world, let alone the powers that really are against you blokes.

Oh yeah, cheers too me old mucker... but only if you're paying. Mine's a Tiger thanks.

Respect is not a two way street. Respect is having the biggest club. I could be wrong. Could you site an example of a country with the wealth and military might to control a situation that has not (with the exception of America). You think China is going leave those islands to the Vietnamese because it's the right thing to do? Do you think Russia will get out of the Ukraine because it is not their territory? Do you think ISIS is going stop beheading people because they are afraid of Obama? Do you think Australia is nice to America because they don't need to be defended and have an army and navy that could stand up to China alone?

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World leaders, now there's an oxymoron if ever there was one. I challenge you to name 10. Let's see, there are 217(?) countries in the world so this should be easy, right? Get your Google ready as you're going to need it I think. Let me get you started:

USA: Trump (very soon)

Russia: Putin

rolleyes.gif gets kind of difficult from here as 99% of the rest either are killed, toppled or run out of their country every couple of years OR, have NO impact on the world what so ever.

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World leaders, now there's an oxymoron if ever there was one. I challenge you to name 10. Let's see, there are 217(?) countries in the world so this should be easy, right? Get your Google ready as you're going to need it I think. Let me get you started:

USA: Trump (very soon)

Russia: Putin

rolleyes.gif gets kind of difficult from here as 99% of the rest either are killed, toppled or run out of their country every couple of years OR, have NO impact on the world what so ever.

Gets kind of difficult? So how come you exclude the leaders of China, Turkey or Iran for example. Nether killed, toppled or irrelevant. Is this lack of geography/history a prime feature of the forum Trump cheerleader/Obama boo crowd?

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It will be the opposite. Obama is the weak one and it shows. He just went to Japan and apologized for dropping nukes in WWII. I would have expected, if anything, that Japan would apologize for starting the whole thing by bombing Pearl Harbor without provocation. There are still 1,000 American sailors buried in the hull of the USS Arizona there.

Obama makes the mistake of not only apologizing for something that probably saved hundreds of thousands of American lives by not having to invade Japan, but he goes onto their turf which makes him look weak. Obama has no clue how to be a world leader.

America won't be isolated. The world can't afford it. The US has the world's largest economy and is the world's largest military. Who's going to defend SE Asia and Europe without the US? Europe and SE Asia spend almost nothing on military because they "think" the US is there for them. Trump says that will change, as it should. Each should pay his own way.

Trump will get the respect of other leaders which Obama can't do. As the old saying goes, "I'd rather have someone respect me than to like me."


Respect is a two-way street my friend. As Trump will discover, the hard way, if he ever does becomes President of the old US of A. 'Dear Leader' giving him the finger is only the start.

Trump will reap what he is actively sowing right now in this preamble to the election. Playing the racist card with the most unsophisticated dog-whistle campaign in history to attract the right wing knuckle-draggin' mouth breathin' voters will not be forgiven or forgotten by the rest of the free world, let alone the powers that really are against you blokes.

Oh yeah, cheers too me old mucker... but only if you're paying. Mine's a Tiger thanks.

Respect is not a two way street. Respect is having the biggest club. I could be wrong. Could you site an example of a country with the wealth and military might to control a situation that has not (with the exception of America). You think China is going leave those islands to the Vietnamese because it's the right thing to do? Do you think Russia will get out of the Ukraine because it is not their territory? Do you think ISIS is going stop beheading people because they are afraid of Obama? Do you think Australia is nice to America because they don't need to be defended and have an army and navy that could stand up to China alone?

"Respect is not a two way Street. Respect is having the biggest club."

Speaks volumes for both yourself and all the other mental giants who 'liked' your post.

Just one of the many reasons the US finds itself in its current malaise. ISIS came into being because the US took its eyes off the ball after giving their 'biggest club' a pretty good workout. Having the biggest club is useless if you don't follow through with necessary and appropriate diplomacy once the military option is over. And then maybe you might win the peace too, hmmm?

Just too hard a concept to grasp for some folks eh?

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It will be the opposite. Obama is the weak one and it shows. He just went to Japan and apologized for dropping nukes in WWII.


Care to post a link to Obama apologising for the US dropping nuclear weapons on Japan?

So far as the US Asian regional allies and Oz defense spending it currently averages around 2% of their GDP p.a. Japan only spends 1% of GDP, but I assume this would be due to their Constitution which excludes them from overseas force projection. Indonesia, has about 350k members within it's armed forces, but its current strategy is aligned to self defense, not forward force projection. Oz spends more than a billion dollars a year supporting US operations in M.E. and Afghanistan, roughly equivalent to 13 billion p.a. when comparing population size to the US and so on.

Personally it would be interesting to know the cost benefit for the US to protect its global trade routes / economic interests.

Edited by simple1
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