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Police arrest Khao Sarn restaurant manager who punched a British tourist

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The manager of the restaurant is wearing the blue polo.


Oh god, the female cop at the end is hot. Imagine the woman with long hair down her arse'....I think I love cops.....thumbsup.gif

There's some pretty tasty female cops about. It's just a shame they don't patrol outside like they do in the UK. wub.png

On another note, on the video you can see just what type of public schoolboy oiks those kids are at 00:19 - real hoorays, who anyone would want to smack whether they did anything wrong or not. I hate that arrogant Brit type, and I speak as a Brit.

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And if they would only of let him use the head there would not of been a problem !! I own a bar restaurant and I allow everybody and anybody to use the head !! I know it's hard for some to understand this but it's called being nice & polite NOT BEING A DOUCHEBAG !!

My local has a sign stating that toilets are free for customers, and non-customers can use the facility by paying 5 Baht. There's never been a problem in 5 years...

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700 baht of cocktails? We're only hearing one side of the story here.

Exactly thats wot I woz thinking, 700b cocktails between prob 3 guys. Seems to me as one these famous scams over here. The UK guy woz in the wrong for walking out on a unpaid bill an throwing 20 baht in managers face allegedly. (More like loss of face).

But the manager shouldn't hav assaulted him, should've waited 5 hours for bib to turn up. ??

Edited by Sooo Upto Me
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had he pulled this crap back home he woulda got a broken beer bottle in the throat, what on earth makes these dumb <deleted> think they can pull that crap here ?

A broken beer bottle in the throat will kill a man. Don't know what hell hole you come from but "back home" for me is Australia and I've yet to hear of anyone being murdered with a broken beer bottle over a bar tab or for taking a leak.

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Did I miss the part where he was only taking a leak? Maybe it was something else? In that case I would have been damn glad to pay for a few drinks. My experience has shown me that people that have been drinking all night are not the tidiest people when it comes to the john. Cleaning up was not something I liked to do - vomit, poop, pee, or wiping off the seat of regular toilet that had been used as a squat toilet.or whatever. I've pretty much seen it all. You didn't get that way in my place so go back to where you had the intake and spent your money. I'm with the owner on this one especially with throwing a 20 baht note at him and trying to skip out on the check.

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And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

You you get a constant stream of people just going to use the toilets, which isnt very nice for customers

seems to be a business model that does not hurt McDonalds one bit. personally its quite nice to have a place that sells food and drinks that doesnt require anyone using the toilet to buy something first. i often grab a bite or a drink or a coffee after relieving myself. the goodwill goes a lot further to help business than the cost of a flush and handwash (water is very cheap in BKK) they already have salaried employees to keep it clean or even better, the toilet maitre d in his office.

i dont agree with the brit trying to not pay the bill but it does not justify being assaulted.

i do not advocate fighting but imagine if one day such an altercation happens and the tourist is a mma pro....headline; tourist assaulted by restaurant owner and multiple male employees go to hospital. would the police call it self defense?

Id say its a good way to get folk into your establishment "free toilets" and id do it, then all the Thais would copy thoughlaugh.png

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"If the guy walks out without paying call the police."

And there is the rub. Police expect payoffs from all parties, independent of right or wrong. So much easier to just give the lout a pop in the chops.

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Did I miss the part where he was only taking a leak? Maybe it was something else? In that case I would have been damn glad to pay for a few drinks. My experience has shown me that people that have been drinking all night are not the tidiest people when it comes to the john. Cleaning up was not something I liked to do - vomit, poop, pee, or wiping off the seat of regular toilet that had been used as a squat toilet.or whatever. I've pretty much seen it all. You didn't get that way in my place so go back to where you had the intake and spent your money. I'm with the owner on this one especially with throwing a 20 baht note at him and trying to skip out on the check.

Recently I was walking late one evening in Pattaya with my GF, we were heading home after a good night out and GF suddenly needed a leak. We passed a bar and I told her to go use their toilet, I sat down and ordered a beer for myself. I actually didn't want another beer, I'd had enough for the night, but IMO it's the correct thing to do.

So I understand bar owners feelings on this matter. And IMO Will did a couple of wrong things. However, as I say above this Thai male thing of attacking and punching everytime something doesn't go their way has to stop, especially with tourists. It's not in the country's best interest to have this continual stream of tourist murders and brutal assults.

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And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

You you get a constant stream of people just going to use the toilets, which isnt very nice for customers

seems to be a business model that does not hurt McDonalds one bit. personally its quite nice to have a place that sells food and drinks that doesnt require anyone using the toilet to buy something first. i often grab a bite or a drink or a coffee after relieving myself. the goodwill goes a lot further to help business than the cost of a flush and handwash (water is very cheap in BKK) they already have salaried employees to keep it clean or even better, the toilet maitre d in his office.

i dont agree with the brit trying to not pay the bill but it does not justify being assaulted.

i do not advocate fighting but imagine if one day such an altercation happens and the tourist is a mma pro....headline; tourist assaulted by restaurant owner and multiple male employees go to hospital. would the police call it self defense?

Id say its a good way to get folk into your establishment "free toilets" and id do it, then all the Thais would copy thoughlaugh.png

Have you ever owned a business?

Why would you want them traipsing about your place if they are not spending anything?

And i spose you being big boss farang, will instruct a Thai staff to spend all day cleaning up shit from non paying non customers.

Not only that, but with your brilliant business strategy you soon have them coming in to go shagging in the toilets and breaking hand basins and faucetts (as reported on other Thai media sites)

Good one Enstein!

I dont think many Thais would be silly enough to copy you on that one

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Those three Brit Hooray Henrys look just like the type who would treat Thais so arrogantly.

I'm pleased to see the cuts and bruises on the little sh!t's face. Should have been hit harder.

Mind you, the manager seemed a belligerent type anyway, but those little Hoorays would try anyone's patience.

Glad you wrote that, saves me writing my exact thoughts, the guy has a face you'd just love smack, as for his girly pansy haircut..&lt;deleted&gt;..he does look like an arrogant spoilt brat seriously needing to learn some respect...like many ive seen studenty type arrogant backpacker types, no respect jumped up a55holes
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When i read stuff like this,it makes me ashamed to be British.Trying to walk away without paying was insult enough,but to throw a 20 baht note was the

icing on the cake.Maybe this Brit was unaware that even throwing money,is an insult to his Majesty,as it has his face on it.You can get arrested for Les mageste. .Thats why you should never toss money on a counter,or tread on a note if you drop it.This guy was just a thug,chancing his arm.As for the op who called him a 'pom',i am sure that a few 'yanks' Digger's,Paddy's,jocks have stepped out of line a few times.Lets cut down on the names shall we.I consider being called a 'Pom" by an Aussie,when its really the name for them.POM.Prisoner of her Majesty.

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There is a number of interesting responses here, almost in balance for a change.

While the Thai bar owner does not have the right to assault, he does have the right to protect his property and be paid for drinks served.

I have to agree that the troublesome "head" abuser should be charged with theft.

And as for 20 baht thrown in the face! What an insult.

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When i read stuff like this,it makes me ashamed to be British.Trying to walk away without paying was insult enough,but to throw a 20 baht note was the

icing on the cake.Maybe this Brit was unaware that even throwing money,is an insult to his Majesty,as it has his face on it.You can get arrested for Les mageste. .Thats why you should never toss money on a counter,or tread on a note if you drop it.This guy was just a thug,chancing his arm.As for the op who called him a 'pom',i am sure that a few 'yanks' Digger's,Paddy's,jocks have stepped out of line a few times.Lets cut down on the names shall we.I consider being called a 'Pom" by an Aussie,when its really the name for them.POM.Prisoner of her Majesty.

Why ashamed to be Brit.. I mean it was not you just an idiot from the same country. I never got Nationalism much like being proud that your country won something. I am only proud about what I do and ashamed for what I do if I do something bad.

Can't control what others do.. just ourselves.

IMHO Nationalism is a bad thing (I know im in the wrong country saying that), nationalism often leads to wars and other bad things.

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As A Brit who lives here , I must say The Brit looks like a posh Brat who thinks he can get away with anything , and in this case he certainly has , he should do the honourable thing and drop the charges and pay the bill for the drinks , so he he got a punch in the face ? for being a smug brat and to be even more nasty he's got the Thai Bloke prosecuted in an event HE started , I hope the restaurant manager gets off with it

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They come here believing all BS about the LOS and everyone is nice and friendly Got a bit of a wake up call though.

Serves him right anyway smug little &lt;deleted&gt;.

I hope he is out of the area or who knows what might happen

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The restaurant manager should be arrested for assault, just as the tourist should be arrested for attempting to 'dine-and-dash'. And I totally agree with the arrest of the manager - Thais have got to stop engaging in the assault and battery of tourist as a way to resolve issues like non-payment or 'disputes' in billing. Get a picture of the fleeing tourist, send an employee to follow him, call the cops and request assistance. But the Thai-way of immediately resorting to violence, especially against foreigners, has really got to stop.

Edited by connda
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I think the police are in a difficult position here. One one side, there is pressure to

preserve the positive image of Thailand, and on the other hand, they have to deal

with idiots like these Brits. From what I have read so far, it seems the Brit deserved

what he got.

I don't care how much the cocktails where ... he could have ordered a bottle of water.

The restaurant has the right to set it's prices as they see fit. And customers can either

order and pay for the items or move on ...

This Brit was obviously a retard and got what he deserved ...

The manager should have kept his cool as well ... but I don't see abusive behavior

from the Manager, just a reaction to an action ....

I hope this type of "tourists" stay home - we don't need more of these shit heads ...

Well put, im amazed that most posters here do agree that the Brit was out of line and the cause of the trouble. Usually its .. farang good.. Thai bad case close.. oh.. bash Thais a bit more ad infinitum.

I'm just wondering why Brits have to drink their beer in plastic cups back home? Would they really hit each other with glasses and bottles?

And they told me at primary school that British people invented the gentleman. I'm confused and lost in Isaan. facepalm.gif .

The days that the English were considered gentlemen are long gone, there is not one nation that is better or more civilized (Canadians excepted maybe). We a got our idiots and trouble makers, in the Netherlands they often also drink beer from plastic cups in risk area's. Give me a party full of people on MDMA instead of alcohol and it will be far less violent.

Thanks for the laugh....I certainty believe that some recreational stuff instead of alcohol would put a smile on their faces and the fights would be over.

It's frightening to read some poster's input like: "Let him walk thru Manchester wearing a Liverpool shirt. "

Freewheeling Franklin, Fat Freddie and even Fat Freddie's cat would agree. thumbsup.gif


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I think the police are in a difficult position here. One one side, there is pressure to

preserve the positive image of Thailand, and on the other hand, they have to deal

with idiots like these Brits. From what I have read so far, it seems the Brit deserved

what he got.

I don't care how much the cocktails where ... he could have ordered a bottle of water.

The restaurant has the right to set it's prices as they see fit. And customers can either

order and pay for the items or move on ...

This Brit was obviously a retard and got what he deserved ...

The manager should have kept his cool as well ... but I don't see abusive behavior

from the Manager, just a reaction to an action ....

I hope this type of "tourists" stay home - we don't need more of these shit heads ...

Well put, im amazed that most posters here do agree that the Brit was out of line and the cause of the trouble. Usually its .. farang good.. Thai bad case close.. oh.. bash Thais a bit more ad infinitum.

I'm just wondering why Brits have to drink their beer in plastic cups back home? Would they really hit each other with glasses and bottles?

And they told me at primary school that British people invented the gentleman. I'm confused and lost in Isaan. facepalm.gif .

Is very common in Ireland and UK to get plastic cups, particularly in the rougher pubs/areas.... I think its because the bar owner is liable for compensation if someone gets pint glassed in the face or bottle over the head....

Some places are just rougher than others

Plastic cups are common at sporting events and concerts etc

I have never been served beer in a plastic cup in a pub/ bar in the uk or Ireland where I lived for 12 years

I did how ever go to Buriram for the big bike weekend in March and was served beer at the venue in wait for it Plastic cups

Poor attempt at Brit bashing IMHO

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If you are a bar owner/manager- you need to know how to handle customers who are drinking/drunk etc. You never strike anyone- unless your life is in danger. Undoubtedly the Brit ordered the drinks and had no intention of paying. I am sure harsh words were exchanged and it escalated from there. Both parties should be arrested and fined. The tourist areas of Thailand are turning into no go areas. Mostly overpriced and no real fun to be had.

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There is obviously more to this story.

700 baht for 2 drinks is excessive. Perhaps when he ordered he didn't expect to get fleeced. He maybe needed to go to the toilet and ordered something simply to get access.

As all bars have cameras it will be easy to see what happened for the police.

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had he pulled this crap back home he woulda got a broken beer bottle in the throat, what on earth makes these dumb <deleted> think they can pull that crap here ?

I take it you dont go to the Savoy for evening cocktails then
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No. Guy enters bar. Can I use wc? No only customers. Ok in that case gimme a cocktail. Gut leaves for wc. Returns. Leaves cocktail untouched. Walks out w/out paying untouched drink. ? ? ??

Can you have short time but then don't pay her? Even when you didn't...aehh touch her?

BTW, it's Khao San road, not uncle Sam.

Dear forum,

You've changed your mistake from Khao Sam to Khao Sarn. But it's actually "Khao San" or Khaosan", not Khao Sarn.

Even a comma can make a huge difference. "Let's eat grandma", or Let's eat, grandma"? . wai2.gif

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too many of these sort of low life brits in Thailand now

Care to grow a pair and publicize your nationality or would that be too revealing old cock I am a Brit by the way

Please dont think this post is trying in any way to condone any of the reported actions of any of the participants

I just like to know whats emerging from the woodwork at these times

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