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The world according to Trump; unashamedly white, and right


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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


Edited by Jingthing
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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

American politicians know that you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

You only have to fool a majority on voting day.

Nothing makes me more grateful to live in the Kingdom than a speech by Trump.

He is living proof that in a Rat Race, one thing is sure .. a RAT will win.

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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China.":clap2:

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92:gigglem:

Who is Trump kidding?

Well for starters America could quit buying all the cheap dangerous junk that China produces like lead painted toys and contaminated gypsum. Maybe its time that the USA quits being a charitable organization to the rest of the world. I would never vote for the man but he sure does shake up voter mentality. He resonates with a populous fed up with self serving politicians who are polarized in their thinking and this polarization is not for the American good but for the good of their own and their backers/handlers. The SHTHTF sooner or later. I think the bible has something about a person rising up and taking control of the world. Sound familiar.
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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


What's your response to this news then Jing that your man Sanders



Not much of a supporter of Israel is he? wink.png

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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


What's your response to this news then Jing that your man Sanders



Not much of a supporter of Israel is he? wink.png

Where did you get the idea that I'm supporting Sanders? Clinton will be the nominee, the democratic nomination is over as far as I'm concerned. The platform part isn't though. Of course, I oppose the anti-Israel platform effort and if they push it there will be a huge internal fight which will only help trump. Very stupid.

Israel policy is one issue but at least for now an overtly anti-Israel candidate (and Sanders is shaping up that way, ironically of course) can't be elected president. Maybe later ... so there's some hope for American Israel demonizers.

The thing about Sanders is that even though Clinton is obviously a flawed candidate, I've never bought for a second that Sanders would have a good chance in the general election. People never expected him to be nominated. IF he was, the red baiting stuff with the socialist boogieman stuff would be played 24-7 to great effect. That was before he associated himself so directly with the Israel demonizers. I know the polls say he's stronger than Clinton vs. trump now, but again, I don't believe that would actually pan out if his candidacy became real. We'll never know because he won't be nominated.

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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


As we have discussed in private, we both agree that Trump will take the White House in November.

I do admire your fevour in trying to turn the tide King Canute.

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The left wing socialist do-gooders with their politically correct agenda have long ignored the views of hard working people and now it's time for payback.

Odd. Asian Americans are often pointed out as the hardest working highest achieving Americans. Yet they overwhelmingly oppose Trump. On the other hand opiate addiction and poverty are overwhelming white rural Americans. And yet the polls indicate they overwhelmingly support Trump. One of us lives in opposite-land.

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"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause."

The 'Jewish People' is not a country and no part of Jerusalem is recognised by the international community as sovereign Israel. Is he simply playing to the Jewish gallery?

Well, let's see, "Possession is nine points of the law" seems to pertain. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, at least that is what the Israelis say. Most of the Israeli government buildings are located there. True, most foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv. Trump has stated he will move the US embassy to Jerusalem, the Israelis would likely welcome that. I doubt either cares what the international community says.

Israel is a country. It is not Judaism and it is not The Jewish People.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Heh...Trump is destroying the PC SJW crowd and it hurts! biggrin.png

I'm not surprised you're a trump backer. For you, the enemy is the PCSJW, Unless SJW,stands for Hedge Fund Managers, Bankers, and Corporations. I couldn't find it on the internet).,In other words, you're a classical right winger whose idea of a good political program doesn't differ much from Ted Cruz. Because Trump's agenda is precisely guaranteed to make the wealthy wealthier and more powerful and screw over American workers. Really? What specific economic proposals has he made that differ from those of Ted Cruz? And if you want to know on whose side candidates really stand, examine their economic proposals.

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How do you control China ? Stop buying their prodects and stop allowing the cargo ships to dock in USA. Of course there will be a period of withdrawal pain as too many Americans do not buy "Made ib America". Oh by the way those of who pay taxes there even though we live in LOS, know very well where the Comedian in Chief has driven us !! All this time we have the "Best Congress money can buy" !!

"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

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How do you control China ? Stop buying their prodects and stop allowing the cargo ships to dock in USA. Of course there will be a period of withdrawal pain as too many Americans do not buy "Made ib America". Oh by the way those of who pay taxes there even though we live in LOS, know very well where the Comedian in Chief has driven us !! All this time we have the "Best Congress money can buy" !!

"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

Ordinarily, the threat that China could cash in all its US Treasury Bonds is no threat at all. If China were to do that, it would devalue the dollar and drastically reduce the amount of stuff the US could import from China. But if China has little to lose, then why not? And if the US were to default, that would drastically raise interest rates. There's lots of other reasons this is a nonstarter, and one that Trump would never pursue.

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I'd say that the author of this Euronews article is an unashamedly racist. Invoking the 'white' = bad meme is getting old because it is a racist comment, but the progressives believe they can push that hot-button with abandon without repercussions. It's blatantly racist and it is used to invoke racial hatred and racial divide. That's not ok. That's the negative.

The positive? The more the progressives publish missives such as this in main-stream media, the more disenfranchise independent and middle-class voters turn to Trump, exactly because he is anti-establishment, and the 'establishment', their apologists, and their supporters (both liberal and neo-con) literally hate him. The average Joe/Jane on the street is tired of the 'establishment', especially the ingrained establishment in Congress, the Administration, and in the US bureaucracy that has flourished under an increasingly socialistic and oppressive system of governance. The 'vote for the lesser of two evils' is now a choice between more of the same vs the possibility of bringing America back to a system of government that we enjoyed in the later half of the 20th Century. It wasn't perfect, but those of us who lived during that time understand that it was far better that what we have now or we will have if an "Establishment" candidate is elected into the White House.

BTW. My ancestors came from Europe. Politically I consider myself independent. And it's exactly garbage like this article that have recently helped me to make the decision to join the Trump camp. If 'The Establishment' and the 'politically correct' literally hate him, then he's obviously the candidate to turn the status quo on head and give it a solid boot in the butt. That would be 'change to believe in'.

Edited by connda
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I'd say that the author of this Euronews article is an unashamedly racist. Invoking the 'white' = bad meme is getting old because it is a racist comment, but the progressives believe they can push that hot-button with abandon without repercussions. It's blatantly racist and it is used to invoke racial hatred and racial divide. That's not ok. That's the negative.

The positive? The more the progressives publish missive such as this in main-stream media, the more disenfranchise independent and middle-class voters turn to Trump, exactly because he is anti-establishment, and the 'establishment', their apologists, and their supporters (both liberal and neo-con) literally hate him. The average Joe/Jane on the street is tired of the 'establishment', especially the ingrained establishment in Congress, the Administration, and in the US bureaucracy that has flourished under an increasingly socialistic and oppressive system of governance. The 'vote for the lesser of two evils' is now a choice between more of the same vs the possibility of bringing America back to a system of government that we enjoyed in the later half of the 20th Century. It wasn't perfect, but those of us who lived during that time understand that it was far better that what we have now or we will have if an "Establishment" candidate is elected into the White House.

If there's one thing that this elections shows, it's that the Republcan base doesn't give a sh*t about the issues you've raised. If that was their beef, they'd have gone with Ted Cruz or some of the other candidates. What you're talking about was standard Republican boilerplate. Lower taxes, cut regulation. Just the stuff that didn't appeal this time to the Republican base. No. Trump appealed to the red meat Republicans. The kind who were kept riled up on social issues while once the election was over, it was all about reducing taxes and impediments on the rich. Trump appeals to the kind of Republican who says "Keep the government's hands off my medicare." He looked at the beginning like he was going to be different. But now he's doing the same thing. Making absurd promises about punishing the Chinese and bringing those good jobs back to America while offering huge tax breaks to the wealthy and making sure that hedge funds and the like can resume their reckless ways. Such an obvious fraud. But the people who supported him at the beginning now have too much investing in believing in him to acknowledge that he's duping them just as has been done before.

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FABULOUS! Well I hope he is just warming up. You couldn't make this stuff up. In a way the fact that the USA owes China so much money does strengthen their hand. A bit like if I owe my bank $20,000 and can't pay it back it is my problem. If I owe my bank $20,000,000 and can't pay it back then it is their problem, Economically China could damage the USA big time but then that would make it harder to get any money out of them at all.

In the meantime........Go Donald go!!

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"He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many."

It has been almost a year since Trump declared. If voters don't know much about his policy ideas it isn't Trump's fault.

The media has only itself to blame. The Trump-hating media that for months has focused on twisting things Trump has said ("he wants to ban ALL Muslims!!", "Trump hates women!!") instead of focusing on his position on issues.

During the debates, instead of asking his about policies, they asked about silly, tabloid crap trying to get the candidates to fight with each other just to boost ratings. Shameful, really.

I really wonder how many people who parrot the comments like 'Trump hates women' and 'He a racist bigot' have every sat through an entire hour long speech he's given outlining his positions, like the need to get the American workforce working again and how he's go about doing that. My guess: virtually none.

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The left wing socialist do-gooders with their politically correct agenda have long ignored the views of hard working people and now it's time for payback.

Odd. Asian Americans are often pointed out as the hardest working highest achieving Americans. Yet they overwhelmingly oppose Trump. On the other hand opiate addiction and poverty are overwhelming white rural Americans. And yet the polls indicate they overwhelmingly support Trump. One of us lives in opposite-land.

Your stats taken from which socialist rag?

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unashamedly white...What the hey does that mean? Is the new war cry of the unhinged left...whites should be ashamed of their color? The rhetoric is becoming a bit disturbing...but many...including myself...will fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...what are you fighting for? A larger piece of the free pie?

What a wonderfully simplistic view - no wonder you support Trump.

Purposely try to keep it simple...so folks like yourself will not be left out of the conversation...wai2.gif

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The left wing socialist do-gooders with their politically correct agenda have long ignored the views of hard working people and now it's time for payback.

Odd. Asian Americans are often pointed out as the hardest working highest achieving Americans. Yet they overwhelmingly oppose Trump. On the other hand opiate addiction and poverty are overwhelming white rural Americans. And yet the polls indicate they overwhelmingly support Trump. One of us lives in opposite-land.

Your stats taken from which socialist rag?

Epistemic closure. It applies to people who manage to lock out bad news or cluelessly discredit it. I remember in the last presidential election when the right wing press was claiming that the polls were skewed and Romney was going to win. It wasn't even close. A few polling organization like Rasmussen and Gravis gave Republicans what they wanted to hear, They're doing it again.

So, most likely, you'll probably shut out these 2 separate polls about Asian Americans.( Oh, and by the way, about 71 percent of asian americans went for Barack Obama in the last election. You could look that one up. But I'll spare you the trouble.

http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/poll-obama-won-71-of-asian-vote-085013 )



Here's some more info. The highest correlation of voters for Trump is white without a high school diploma.


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unashamedly white...What the hey does that mean? Is the new war cry of the unhinged left...whites should be ashamed of their color? The rhetoric is becoming a bit disturbing...but many...including myself...will fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...what are you fighting for? A larger piece of the free pie?

What a wonderfully simplistic view - no wonder you support Trump.

Purposely try to keep it simple...so folks like yourself will not be left out of the conversation...wai2.gif

I would like to draw your attention to the link at the end of post # 50.

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The left wing socialist do-gooders with their politically correct agenda have long ignored the views of hard working people and now it's time for payback.

Odd. Asian Americans are often pointed out as the hardest working highest achieving Americans. Yet they overwhelmingly oppose Trump. On the other hand opiate addiction and poverty are overwhelming white rural Americans. And yet the polls indicate they overwhelmingly support Trump. One of us lives in opposite-land.

Your stats taken from which socialist rag?

Epistemic closure. It applies to people who manage to lock out bad news or cluelessly discredit it. I remember in the last presidential election when the right wing press was claiming that the polls were skewed and Romney was going to win. It wasn't even close. A few polling organization like Rasmussen and Gravis gave Republicans what they wanted to hear, They're doing it again.

So, most likely, you'll probably shut out these 2 separate polls about Asian Americans.( Oh, and by the way, about 71 percent of asian americans went for Barack Obama in the last election. You could look that one up. But I'll spare you the trouble.

http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/poll-obama-won-71-of-asian-vote-085013 )



Here's some more info. The highest correlation of voters for Trump is white without a high school diploma.


What is your point?

Should they not be entitled to vote? Do you look down upon them? Do you feel superior?

Is that what your education gave you?

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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

It truly is not a difficult concept and is comical that people make comments such as this with the apparent belief they know better when, in reality, the comments demonstrate little or no grasp of basic geopolitics and macroeconomic fundamentals.

This is a very short article that sums it all up quiet nicely.


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Your stats taken from which socialist rag?

Epistemic closure. It applies to people who manage to lock out bad news or cluelessly discredit it. I remember in the last presidential election when the right wing press was claiming that the polls were skewed and Romney was going to win. It wasn't even close. A few polling organization like Rasmussen and Gravis gave Republicans what they wanted to hear, They're doing it again.

So, most likely, you'll probably shut out these 2 separate polls about Asian Americans.( Oh, and by the way, about 71 percent of asian americans went for Barack Obama in the last election. You could look that one up. But I'll spare you the trouble.

http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/poll-obama-won-71-of-asian-vote-085013 )



Here's some more info. The highest correlation of voters for Trump is white without a high school diploma.


What is your point?

Should they not be entitled to vote? Do you look down upon them? Do you feel superior?

Is that what your education gave you?

Here is the comment I was responding to:

The left wing socialist do-gooders with their politically correct agenda have long ignored the views of hard working people and now it's time for payback.

So I thought it would be fitting to point out that the people with the reputation for being the hardest working and highest achievers actually overwhelmingly support Trump., The second part of my comment was a dig at the right wing posters on this forum and elsewhere who constantly claim that it's people on welfare and lowlifes who support the Democrats. Turnabout is fair play.

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"He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many."

It has been almost a year since Trump declared. If voters don't know much about his policy ideas it isn't Trump's fault.

The media has only itself to blame. The Trump-hating media that for months has focused on twisting things Trump has said ("he wants to ban ALL Muslims!!", "Trump hates women!!") instead of focusing on his position on issues.

During the debates, instead of asking his about policies, they asked about silly, tabloid crap trying to get the candidates to fight with each other just to boost ratings. Shameful, really.

I really wonder how many people who parrot the comments like 'Trump hates women' and 'He a racist bigot' have every sat through an entire hour long speech he's given outlining his positions, like the need to get the American workforce working again and how he's go about doing that. My guess: virtually none.

You're right...it's impossible to sit through an hour long Trump speech.

Just for the record, unemployment is under 5%, half of what it was through the previous Republican administration.

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The left wing socialist do-gooders with their politically correct agenda have long ignored the views of hard working people and now it's time for payback.

Bitter? Bitter? Party of one... Bitter?

Everyone is always out to get the wingnuts...according to the wingnuts.

"I have a dream...where the views of hard working, low information working people can be heard other than at Fox News...Where we payback those ignoring our views... Where a little white baby boy can grow up and vote to take away health insurance from Americans 50 times...I have a dream..."

Payback...ye gods, delusional.

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Super Troll for President, anyone? facepalm.gif

Trevor Noah tonight lampooned Donald Trump for being an insane conspiracy theorist and asked if America is seriously on the verge of giving “the most conspiratorial nutjob in a message board” the presidency.
Of course, Wood said, Trump could be “a narcissistic demagogue who shamelessly exploits long-debunked conspiracies to serve fear and confusion and distract from the emptiness of his policies and ideas.”


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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

Maybe China does not want to have the loan go to default.

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