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Judge orders Johnny Depp to stay away from estranged wife


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Judge orders Johnny Depp to stay away from estranged wife

ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A judge ordered Johnny Depp to stay away from estranged wife Amber Heard after she accused the Oscar-nominated actor of repeatedly hitting her during a recent fight and leaving her face bruised.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Carl H. Moor also ruled that Depp shouldn't try to contact Heard until a hearing is conducted on June 17.

Heard said in a sworn declaration that Depp threw her cellphone at her during a fight Saturday, striking her cheek and eye. She submitted a picture of her bruised face when she applied for a restraining order Friday. She also wrote that the actor pulled her hair, screamed at her and repeatedly hit her and violently grabbed her face.

She appeared at a Los Angeles court on Friday and had a bruise on her right cheek below the eye.

Los Angeles police responded to Depp and Heard's residence on Saturday, but were asked by the person reporting domestic violence not to take a report and did not provide evidence. "Officers' investigation determined that a crime did not occur," Los Angeles police officer Aareon Jefferson said Friday.

Heard's filing alleges a history of abuse throughout her relationship with Depp, which started after they met on the set of the 2011 film "The Rum Diary."

"During the entirety of our relationship, Johnny has been verbally and physically abusive to me," Heard wrote. "I endured excessive emotional, verbal and physical abuse from Johnny, which has included angry, hostile, humiliating and threatening assaults to me whenever I questioned his authority or disagreed with him."

The restraining order was issued on the day Depp's latest film, "Alice Through the Looking Glass," opens in theaters. A Walt Disney Pictures spokesman declined comment on Heard's allegations.

Heard's filing Friday said the actor was high and drunk when Saturday's alleged abuse occurred.

"I live in fear that Johnny will return to (our house) unannounced to terrorize me, physically and emotionally," Heard wrote in a sworn declaration.

She also submitted a declaration from a friend who wrote that she shot pictures of Heard's bruised face shortly after Depp left.

Moor rejected Heard's request that Depp attend a year's worth of anger management classes and the protective order extend to her dog, a Yorkshire terrier named Pistol. The status of the couple's other dog, Boo, was not immediately known. (The dogs received worldwide publicity last year when Heard brought them into Australia without proper documentation. Heard and Depp released an awkward video last month apologizing for the action.)

Heard's Friday filing states the May fight was preceded by an incident in April in which the actor skipped her birthday party and showed up later high and drunk and pushed her to the floor. After that incident, Heard wrote she did not see the actor for another month.

Moor did not conduct a hearing on Heard's requests, and she waited for the judge's ruling in an office where a member of her private security team stood guard. She emerged from the courthouse into a crush of photographers who mobbed the model-actress and her attorney, at times blocking their paths to a waiting vehicle.

The filing came five days after Heard filed for divorce.

Depp's attorney, Laura Wasser, declined to comment. Depp is in Portugal for a performance with his band Hollywood Vampires.

Wasser wrote in a court filing that Depp was out of the country and would agree to a mutual stay-away order. She contended that Heard's filing, along with requests for financial assistance from the actor "appears to be in response to the negative media attention she received earlier this week after filing for divorce."

Heard's divorce filing cited irreconcilable differences and said the pair separated the day before. She is seeking spousal support from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" star, but Depp's response filed Wednesday asked a judge to deny the request.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-28

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No fan of Depp but recent pics of him show him to be looking bloated esp in the face. Looks like he has been burning the candle from both ends, a normal reaction to acute stress. Poor guy and not the first to meet an early grave thanks to a greedy wife.

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My EX wife went to a judge, asking for a restraining order, claiming I had assaulted her, she even had the facial bruises to prove it. However, I was working in Singapore at the time of the incident, the stupid cow thought I was staying at my brothers house.

The moral to my story; hell has no fury like a woman scorned and look out it she is an evil hearted witch like my EX wife is.

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Here he is again, the slimy little creep. If he isn't trying to illegally smuggle rat sized dogs into Australia, he's sitting on TV mocking those who are trying to protect an entire nation from disease.

In his down time he beats on women and harasses his ex-wife, what a deadsheet !

You're a scumbag Depp, time to wake up to yourself.

Edited by neverdie
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I'll bet Barnaby Joyce is loving this.

Barnaby is 1 million times more a man than this wannabe human Depp.

Barnaby would be shaking his head alright and probably realises he should of either;

A.) Had Depp's dogs destroyed as they're probably being inseminated by Depp every night & wedontbwant any offspring like that


B.)Had Depp put down and done the world a favour.

Edited by neverdie
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My EX wife went to a judge, asking for a restraining order, claiming I had assaulted her, she even had the facial bruises to prove it.

However, I was working in Singapore at the time of the incident, the stupid cow thought I was staying at my brothers house.

The moral to my story; hell has no fury like a woman scorned and look out it she is an evil hearted witch like my EX wife is.

With you all the way !

When going through my divorce in Hong Kong my ex-wife, through her lawyer, told the court I had deliberately covered up my assets etc during discovery by failing to declare my government pension.

As I was 15 years away from retirement I had no idea what my pension would be worth and even the govt pensions people couldn't have speculated given how much my salary might be worth 15 years in the future with a pension based on that.

The judge wasn't in the least impressed with my wife's position and made it very clear that he wasn't.

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Here he is again, the slimy little creep. If he isn't trying to illegally smuggle rat sized dogs into Australia, he's sitting on TV mocking those who are trying to protect an entire nation from disease.

In his down time he beats on women and harasses his ex-wife, what a deadsheet !

You're a scumbag Depp, time to wake up to yourself.

I think you have the wrong scumbag in this 2 sided story. She's the one who smuggled the dogs.

She lied about that.

Now she's claiming physical abuse to get a bigger settlement. Is she telling the truth this time? Gotta wonder... Especially since he's in Portugal right now filming and the restraining order isn't exactly urgent. But it is timely.

Edited by impulse
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Nobody ever had to tell me to stay away from ex!

Bet you didn't cough up $$$ tens of millions in the divorce. The rules and procedures and caliber of the divorce lawyers change when it's that kind of money in play. And none for the better.

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I'll bet Barnaby Joyce is loving this.

Barnaby is 1 million times more a man than this wannabe human Depp.

Barnaby would be shaking his head alright and probably realises he should of either;

A.) Had Depp's dogs destroyed as they're probably being inseminated by Depp every night & wedontbwant any offspring like that


B.)Had Depp put down and done the world a favour.

If Depp believes that Barnaby is 'inbed with a tomato', I suppose it is possible to have a love child with a yorkshire terrier.

Edited by Radar501
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Nobody ever had to tell me to stay away from ex!

Bet you didn't cough up $$$ tens of millions in the divorce. The rules and procedures and caliber of the divorce lawyers change when it's that kind of money in play. And none for the better.

Hopefully, his expensive lawyers are telling him to keep his ass away from her and stop making their job harder or he will hemorrhage money big time when it reaches the judge

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Here he is again, the slimy little creep. If he isn't trying to illegally smuggle rat sized dogs into Australia, he's sitting on TV mocking those who are trying to protect an entire nation from disease.

In his down time he beats on women and harasses his ex-wife, what a deadsheet !

You're a scumbag Depp, time to wake up to yourself.

Aah! A voice from the other side of the equation. There are two sides to every story and if a man has, as part of his charm, charisma and so-called screen bravura, a shit load of money, then most women look for that as 'security'. That's the way of things. Isn't it?

Sounds to me like she stood up for herself once too often.

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Nobody ever had to tell me to stay away from ex!

Bet you didn't cough up $$$ tens of millions in the divorce. The rules and procedures and caliber of the divorce lawyers change when it's that kind of money in play. And none for the better.

Hopefully, his expensive lawyers are telling him to keep his ass away from her and stop making their job harder or he will hemorrhage money big time when it reaches the judge

Not necessary, it appears. He's on a different continent working. Separated by an ocean. Rendering the accusations of abuse, as well as the need for a restraining order, a little suspicious in their $$$ timing.

Now, if someone comes up with some police complaints from before filing for the divorce...

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No fan of Depp but recent pics of him show him to be looking bloated esp in the face. Looks like he has been burning the candle from both ends, a normal reaction to acute stress. Poor guy and not the first to meet an early grave thanks to a greedy wife.

You have no idea as tho the facts of this case and you call her greedy. If Depp goes to an early grave it will be because of his chain smoking and alcoholism. I suggest you have a look at Depp's multiple failed relationships and history of substance abuse to obtain an indication of his behavior pattern. He's 52 years old and still carrying on as if he was 22.

It doesn't work that way. His body is aging fast and his alcohol use is blurring his judgement. If you want to see how screwed up the guy is, have a look at the Don Rickles tribute where Depp made a fool of himself causing DeNiro, Seinfeld and Scorcese and others to recoil in disgust. Listen to Depp talk. It was rather telling. Poor Vanessa Paradis took the brunt of his tirades for a decade and stayed quiet for the sake of her kids. It will be different this time around. He's going to get skewered.

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Oh dear. So out of touch.

I've never heard of this guy until this story. Does he 'act' in films or what?. Sad eh! coffee1.gif

Depp is actually an excellent actor.

In the 80's, instead of taking advantage of (and cashing in on) his pretty boy looks ala Tom Cruise or Rob Lowe, he took quirky parts in more arty, less commercial films.

That is until that pirate film a dozen years ago that netted him a boat load of cash. Then I guess you could say he "sold out" in a sense. Then again, if you are in your 40's and one of the quirky parts you play finally becomes an icon and the lead of a billion dollar film franchise...take the cash. smile.png

Edited by mopar71
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On a link posted on FB, police were called to the house, but found no evidence of an assault. So they left.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Your information is factually incomplete. Ms. Heard did not make a report of a domestic disturbance event when the police responded to an incident call. Note the use of the term "incident". The issue at the time was not one of assault. It is not unusual for victims of domestic abuse to refrain from speaking out, as It is a traumatic event. Mr. Depp has a history of violence which may or may not be linked to his robust consumption of alcohol. The judge heard the evidence and deemed there to be adequate grounds upon which to issue the restraining order.

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No fan of Depp but recent pics of him show him to be looking bloated esp in the face. Looks like he has been burning the candle from both ends, a normal reaction to acute stress. Poor guy and not the first to meet an early grave thanks to a greedy wife.

You have no idea as tho the facts of this case and you call her greedy. If Depp goes to an early grave it will be because of his chain smoking and alcoholism. I suggest you have a look at Depp's multiple failed relationships and history of substance abuse to obtain an indication of his behavior pattern. He's 52 years old and still carrying on as if he was 22.

It doesn't work that way. His body is aging fast and his alcohol use is blurring his judgement. If you want to see how screwed up the guy is, have a look at the Don Rickles tribute where Depp made a fool of himself causing DeNiro, Seinfeld and Scorcese and others to recoil in disgust. Listen to Depp talk. It was rather telling. Poor Vanessa Paradis took the brunt of his tirades for a decade and stayed quiet for the sake of her kids. It will be different this time around. He's going to get skewered.

The guy may be a total tool.

But I don't know an American guy who doesn't have male friends who have been falsely (or at least unfairly) accused of all kinds of despicable things in pursuit of child custody, the house, or a bigger divorce settlement.

I think that's why the accusations strike such a primal chord in a lot of us. Maybe they're valid, maybe they're just an abusive tactic to extract more blood in the settlement.

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Oh dear. So out of touch.

I've never heard of this guy until this story. Does he 'act' in films or what?. Sad eh! coffee1.gif

Depp is actually an excellent actor.

In the 80's, instead of taking advantage of (and cashing in on) his pretty boy looks ala Tom Cruise or Rob Lowe, he took quirky parts in more arty, less commercial films.

That is until that pirate film a dozen years ago that netted him a boat load of cash. Then I guess you could say he "sold out" in a sense. Then again, if you are in your 40's and one of the quirky parts you play finally becomes an icon and the lead of a billion dollar film franchise...take the cash. smile.png

Are you his publicist? The man has had some serious mental health issues over the year and that's what made producers leery of him. He only started with 21 Jump Street in 1987 and his popularity took some time to get going. He was a nobody for most of the 1980's. Depp admits to a drug and alcohol problem which was particularly bad in the 1990's, making it difficult for producers to get insurance on their projects. If you can't insure the actors, the picture can't get financing. In Depp's own words;


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Here he is again, the slimy little creep. If he isn't trying to illegally smuggle rat sized dogs into Australia, he's sitting on TV mocking those who are trying to protect an entire nation from disease.

In his down time he beats on women and harasses his ex-wife, what a deadsheet !

You're a scumbag Depp, time to wake up to yourself.

I think you have the wrong scumbag in this 2 sided story. She's the one who smuggled the dogs.

She lied about that.

Now she's claiming physical abuse to get a bigger settlement. Is she telling the truth this time? Gotta wonder... Especially since he's in Portugal right now filming and the restraining order isn't exactly urgent. But it is timely.

Are you trying to say JD didn't realise that the dogs were there ?

He's a big shot with a big mouth whilst being interviewed by the dipsheet whateverhisnameis.

I'd say, scum generally lays with scum, if she's one, he's one, it's just he's in the the movie's. ;)

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I'll bet Barnaby Joyce is loving this.

Barnaby is 1 million times more a man than this wannabe human Depp.

Barnaby would be shaking his head alright and probably realises he should of either;

A.) Had Depp's dogs destroyed as they're probably being inseminated by Depp every night & wedontbwant any offspring like that


B.)Had Depp put down and done the world a favour.

If Depp believes that Barnaby is 'inbed with a tomato', I suppose it is possible to have a love child with a yorkshire terrier.


You know these Hollywood types, some stick gerbils into their spinchta, some root little yappie dogs lol

Freaks ! Just look at him, he put the 'W' into weirdo :P

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I'll bet Barnaby Joyce is loving this.

Barnaby is 1 million times more a man than this wannabe human Depp.

Barnaby would be shaking his head alright and probably realises he should of either;

A.) Had Depp's dogs destroyed as they're probably being inseminated by Depp every night & wedontbwant any offspring like that


B.)Had Depp put down and done the world a favour.

Now now mother. Settle down.coffee1.gif

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Gold diggers do hit paydirt. I thought the wife had a lesbian friend sock her in the eye to get the picture for the press. Johnny Depp may well be a bad man but that is not justification to take half his money in a divorce.

The wife took the dogs to Australia, not Johnny. He just paid the price to keep her out of jail and the dogs alive.

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