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Putin in Greece to talk trade and energy


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The fact is eventually Greece will default completely on its debts. others will follow and the long awaited Global meltdown will begin. The USA and China have been positioning themselves to lead the new order Monetary system. But in the end it will engulf them all. The world is but a pack of card and someone just balanced a lead weight on it and the wind is blowing.

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These sanctions are counterproductive and could possibly result in more losses to the Europeans at the end of the day. Russians were always living in hard times under communists then under pro-western "democrats" (how they call Gorby and Yesltsin governments). Also, it looks quite strange - the more Russians are doing to stabilize the situation with the Ukraine, the harder rhetoric from the West it receives back. From the side it looks like NATO really decided to take on Russia and start WWIII.

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