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Bringing Two Large Dogs To Thailand?

Jay jones

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I live in the mountains of NC during the summer and I live on a boat in Florida during the winter

WITH my two dogs, that go with me everywhere. So I know how hard it is in the states.

I want to know how MUCH harder it will be in Thailand??

Will I be able to find hotels who will let dogs stay in rooms??

Will I be able to find housing?

What problems will I have with public transportation? Trains-Buses- tuk tuk or will I have to buy

a car.

What is the attitude of Thais, out in public? With two large dogs on leashes?

Will I be able to go to markets- food establishments- stores ?

Any web sites or other info anyone might know?

So you know --One is a German shepard, and one is a Rot/Chow Chow mix...

Thanks, Jay

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I am not a dog lover but why do you want to bring in two dogs who are more suited to the temperate climes? That seems cruel to me.

qpt, the summers in NC are hotter and as humid as Thailand and the winters in Florida are the same as winters in Thailand, besides that is why dogs shed and slobber instead of sweat! :o

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I think you'll have problems with finding accommodation, hotels or guesthouses that will allow large dogs in rooms.

Likewise restaurants and certainly shops.

Thais generally regard dogs as an animal that lives in the yard, not the house.

The exception are miniture dogs that some (extremely few) Thais carry around like dolls, never seemingly allowing them to so much as dirty their poors with dust.

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I live in the mountains of NC during the summer and I live on a boat in Florida during the winter

WITH my two dogs, that go with me everywhere. So I know how hard it is in the states.

I want to know how MUCH harder it will be in Thailand??

Will I be able to find hotels who will let dogs stay in rooms??

Will I be able to find housing?

What problems will I have with public transportation? Trains-Buses- tuk tuk or will I have to buy

a car.

What is the attitude of Thais, out in public? With two large dogs on leashes?

Will I be able to go to markets- food establishments- stores ?

Any web sites or other info anyone might know?

So you know --One is a German shepard, and one is a Rot/Chow Chow mix...

Thanks, Jay

You can search this forum as there is already good information. I can only speak about Bangkok, and my experience is the same as that of Guesthouse. Bangkok is not dog friendly. Most of us that have large dogs live in houses with yards and drive our own cars. We don't take the dogs many places (the vet, a park when we can find one which accepts dogs etc.). I can't think of one restaurant that allows a big dog. It doesn't matter how clean your dogs are, Thai's will assume they are dirty and won't want to get near them. As to the climate here, dogs get used to it. Long hair dogs (I have a golden retriever) shed.

Bottom line, if you are coming, make sure you end up in a house with a yard. There are places to board dogs, and again, there have been threads on that as well.

Best of luck.

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Why not just smuggle in some large dog eggs in your wifes bra?

So far your idea tops all others, but my wife is a 44-Triple DDD and refuses to where a bra??

any other ideas. ,Jay

Are you coming to Thailand to live or for a vacation. I can't decide which one.

If you're coming to live, there should be no problems. Find a house with a yard, fenced of course and there you are. I don't recommend trying to take two large dogs around Bangkok unless you have your own car. Certainly tuk tuk drivers will be wary of transporting you and your two dogs plus your large wife. If you're coming on holiday, leave 'em at home and enjoy the freedom.

Stay out of China with them. The Chinese are knocking off dogs at a furious rate.

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Why not just smuggle in some large dog eggs in your wifes bra?

So far your idea tops all others, but my wife is a 44-Triple DDD and refuses to where a bra??

any other ideas. ,Jay

Are you coming to Thailand to live or for a vacation. I can't decide which one.

If you're coming to live, there should be no problems. Find a house with a yard, fenced of course and there you are. I don't recommend trying to take two large dogs around Bangkok unless you have your own car. Certainly tuk tuk drivers will be wary of transporting you and your two dogs plus your large wife. If you're coming on holiday, leave 'em at home and enjoy the freedom.

Stay out of China with them. The Chinese are knocking off dogs at a furious rate.

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Why not just smuggle in some large dog eggs in your wifes bra?

So far your idea tops all others, but my wife is a 44-Triple DDD and refuses to where a bra??

any other ideas. ,Jay

Are you coming to Thailand to live or for a vacation. I can't decide which one.

If you're coming to live, there should be no problems. Find a house with a yard, fenced of course and there you are. I don't recommend trying to take two large dogs around Bangkok unless you have your own car. Certainly tuk tuk drivers will be wary of transporting you and your two dogs plus your large wife. If you're coming on holiday, leave 'em at home and enjoy the freedom.

Stay out of China with them. The Chinese are knocking off dogs at a furious rate.

To be serious- Plan one, is to come to Thailand in Jan. and stay 30 to 90 days, rent house in Northwest Thailand , maybe Chiang Mai. Then find a good dog setter. I don't take them everywhere,

even though I would like to. I do plan to buy some type of transportation. When I go to Bangkok or beach, I will go alone.

Plan Two- Depending on which Visa I end up with, first. I may come in Jan. (if I have 1 year visa )

with the dogs. Or come alone and have them shipped- Non-stop Air, after I get a house??

Thanks for all the replies, and don't worry about hurting my feelings--it can't be done..JAY

(The dog eggs still has the No. one ranking) Keep them coming!


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While I admire your devotion to your dogs please do note that rabies is common in Thailand and that should any of your dogs get into a scrap with some local fleabag, they may well go home with more than they bargained for.

But to answer your question - as has already been done, no - its not a problem and can be done - just ensure they have the required health certificate (which is ironic when you conseider there is not much they could bring here that isn;t already here.

Walking them round Bkk mmmmm..... not so sure about that, but lots of space out in the country and I'm sure they'll love the holiday.


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How about if you and your wife go blind, and then they will be seeing eye dogs, and come with you?

Bit harsh for a moderator to reply like that isn't it. What if his dogs were Gay?

Patpong Dogs Home... :o

Highly possible to meet the moderator there.

I would think the CBR 150 club up in the North.

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What problems will I have with public transportation? Trains-Buses- tuk tuk or will I have to buy

a car.

Public transport should be no problem. I have transported my dogs in Taxis and Tuk Tuks without any problem. And there they were in quite a state, just fresh from the street and injured. Obviously only dog friendly drivers stopped, but there are many. Thais are not as dog unfriendly as they are always made out to be, more the opposite, compared to most countries here in Asia.

I am not sure though if you can take dogs in trains or busses, you might have to rent a taxi for longer distances.

You will not find apartments to rent that allow large dogs (that is any dog above rat size). If you rent a house than it should be less of a problem, but you might still have to persuade your landlord, and sign a contract that you will pay for eventual damages. I believe you will have a hard time finding a hotel that allows dogs above rat size in the rooms, so you should contact them before you come.

Rabies is not a problem if your dogs are vaccinated, and you should definately vaccinate them against distemper as well. Heartworm is a problem here too.

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I am not a dog lover but why do you want to bring in two dogs who are more suited to the temperate climes? That seems cruel to me.

This is one of those posts that proves the old adage: it is far better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt. Either s/he has never been to the SE USA, or never been to Thailand. Both are predominantly humid and hot, with the only exception being the far western region of NC, filled with mountains.

On topic: I believe the key factor will likely be the importation and quarantine issues. You'll be able to make the practical things work out. You might want to check on breed restrictions for the two breeds.

My sense is that you and your dogs are close, and I don't think you will want to part with them for as long as the pups will have to be quarantined. You know better than any of us, of course, but it seems like 30 days is a long time for someone as close as you are to your pups. That assumes, of course, that both dogs remain healthy while in quarantine. If not, all bets are off. They live to be close to you, and it will take a lot of time out of your life to visit them in quarantine throughout that 30 day period. If you can arrange to have the quarantine location close to you, or vice versa, then it ought to work ok. However, you don't know exactly what the conditions will be like, and I'll bet it won't be like their wonderful life at your side.

Once you get them there and out of quarantine I believe you will be able to smooth out any practical issues. Good luck! Maybe I'll see you on the streets somewhere, walking.

Edited by TallTravel
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