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Donald Trump: Migrants treated better than US military veterans


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Donald Trump: Migrants treated better than US military veterans

WASHINGTON: -- Illegal immigrants in the US often get better care than the nation's military veterans, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said.

"We're not going to allow that to happen any longer," he told a bikers' rally in Washington DC.

Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36410559

-- BBC 2016-05-30

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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?

What have all the Trump fanboyzzz have to say for being such easily led sheep?

Baaah? Just a guess

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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?

That it's maybe not a fact, just more mindless fiction coming out of the mouth of the man who changes what he says every three minutes ................

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Trump’s War on Disabled Veteran Vendors

In the 1990s, Trump had a real problem with a protected class of New York street vendors. We paid a visit to some of them today.

"They are as much a part of the New York City landscape as the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and Times Square.

But the presence of street vendors along New York City’s posh Fifth Avenue corridor gave Donald Trump heartburn in the early 1990s."

"Back then, he, along with other local business leaders, urged city and state officials to restrict vendor access to Fifth Avenue, including the space in front of Trump Tower,

One target of his lobbying efforts included a special class of business operators: [Licensed] disabled veteran street vendors."


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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

Nonsense, in U.K. an illegal immigrant fares better than some poor bloke who has paid his dues for 40+ years, and it,s all wrong, terribly wrong !

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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

Nonsense, in U.K. an illegal immigrant fares better than some poor bloke who has paid his dues for 40+ years, and it,s all wrong, terribly wrong !

The immigrants are not the cause - take them away and we will still have a government that pisses all over the working class. Don't blame others for getting marginally more than the lowest, blame those who make it so for their own enrichment.

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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

Nonsense, in U.K. an illegal immigrant fares better than some poor bloke who has paid his dues for 40+ years, and it,s all wrong, terribly wrong !

The data must have dropped out of your comment because I don't see any.

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Trump’s War on Disabled Veteran Vendors

In the 1990s, Trump had a real problem with a protected class of New York street vendors. We paid a visit to some of them today.

"They are as much a part of the New York City landscape as the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and Times Square.

But the presence of street vendors along New York City’s posh Fifth Avenue corridor gave Donald Trump heartburn in the early 1990s."

"Back then, he, along with other local business leaders, urged city and state officials to restrict vendor access to Fifth Avenue, including the space in front of Trump Tower,

One target of his lobbying efforts included a special class of business operators: [Licensed] disabled veteran street vendors."


I hope the HRC campaign makes good use of this story.

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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


The poll you cite sampled 5818 veterans. Since there are approximately 20,000,000 veterans in the US, this represents an exceptionally minuscule number of real people. Although there are undoubtedly all sorts of statistical theories in play to compensate for this numerical disparity, it's still very far from a statement of quality and/or validation of the VA health care system.

The truth is that the system is terribly broken in a great number of ways and many deserving individuals are subject to substandard treatment. It's a very serious problem and needs very serious attention.

If you doubt this then perhaps you could spend some time interviewing patients at a VA hospital. See how many of them endorse the poll you reference.

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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

so..you are voting for trump, eh?

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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?

Everything Trump says is a fact? Ummmm.....

That's the problem, low-info wingnuts, believe this <deleted>. And California doesn't have a drought.

Instead of Breitbart:


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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?

Everything Trump says is a fact? Ummmm.....

That's the problem, low-info wingnuts, believe this <deleted>. And California doesn't have a drought.

Instead of Breitbart:


Amazing how these people can believe such crap. Trump supporters have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. And I'm trying to be nice.

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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?

Everything Trump says is a fact? Ummmm.....

That's the problem, low-info wingnuts, believe this <deleted>. And California doesn't have a drought.

Instead of Breitbart:


Where did I say everything trump says is fact. Are you insinuating I am a " low-info wingnuts " ? You have a personal issue that I can't help you with. So stop trolling and get some help.

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Bob Dole has said Donald Trump needs to apologise to John McCain and John McCain has said Trump needs to apologise to veterans for his remark about liking those "who weren't captured." McCain has not asked Trump to apologise to the former POW of the Vietnam war McCain himself, but to veterans as a class.

It would be inevitable there are some certain veterans of military service who like and support Donald Trump. As with Trump supporters in general, the support by some veterans is given on a "no matter what" basis about Trump. They believe Trump the billionaire crackpot is like them and would look out for them.

It is somewhat like some of the Special Forces aka Special Operations grunts this poster met during his four-year tour of non-combat duty in the US Army Infantry (via four years of prep in ROTC at university). A certain number of 'em spoke freely after a few beers of their conscious fascism and their definite fascist tendencies. Some among the Special Forces and SpecOps troops were among the worst rightwhingenuts in the armed forces.

Equally as awful are the military contractors such as the Blackwater geniuses that most Americans became aware of in the Iraq debacle. So many of these are wild cowboys who contract with the Pentagon for big bucks -- some of 'em are retired career military. One motivation is that they like to be near the Army Special Ops and others such as the Army Rangers who are trained and function (in their own terms) in the currency of 'blood and guts and danger.'

US Army Ranger Training Chant:

I wanna be an Airborne Rangerrr

Livin on blood and guts and dangerrr

Rrrrah Rrrrah Rrrrah

So inevitably there were in Iraq the Pentagon civilian contractors who on a hot dusty day drove obliviously in a small caravan into an apparently abandoned town while passing cold ones around in the cars. Suddenly out of nowhere to be surrounded by insurgents who whacked the cans out of their hands, slashed 'em, burned 'em, strung 'em up.

One of these dayze one hopes Trump and his also unhinged fanboyz will find out what he's talking about in all of this but no one should hold out much hope of it ever occurring.

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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?

Everything Trump says is a fact? Ummmm.....

That's the problem, low-info wingnuts, believe this <deleted>. And California doesn't have a drought.

Instead of Breitbart:


Amazing how these people can believe such crap. Trump supporters have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. And I'm trying to be nice.

And posts like this illuminate your intelligence?

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Well, Trump speaks the inconvient truth again.

Anyone surprised? thumbsup.gif

He offers no evidence though, does he?

His followers don't care.

They're not seeking truth or anything even related to truth.

It's a RACIST movement.

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Amazing how these people can believe such crap. Trump supporters have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. And I'm trying to be nice.

And posts like this illuminate your intelligence?

Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say all trump supporters are stupid. But they do tend to overvalue ENTERTAINMENT over reasonable political policies (and credible experience with those as well).

If that were actually the case or was exclusive to Trump supporters, then logic might say that the other side would be enlightened, intelligent and voting for Bernie. But no, the majority are supporting a known serial liar and corporate shill who probably engages in criminal activity to advance her own wealth and power. Why? Because the media tells them to.

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Amazing how these people can believe such crap. Trump supporters have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. And I'm trying to be nice.

And posts like this illuminate your intelligence?

Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

Care to provide some evidence about the existence of this "immigrant free loaders package? Or are you going to going entirely fact-free on this thread?

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Did the veterans get the six million he promised yet?

Or did his mate the crook trouser it all?

What a bare-faced liar and yet there are still those that deny it.

Tuesday morning, on his Instagram account, Trump deflected the criticism (onto the Clinton Foundation) and called the media “dishonest” for pursuing the story. He then restated his claim that he’d raised $6 million for vets, despite the efforts of his own campaign manager to walk that back.

Called the media "dishonest" for pursuing the story?

Is he Thai or what?


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