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Donald Trump: Migrants treated better than US military veterans


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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


The poll you cite sampled 5818 veterans. Since there are approximately 20,000,000 veterans in the US, this represents an exceptionally minuscule number of real people. Although there are undoubtedly all sorts of statistical theories in play to compensate for this numerical disparity, it's still very far from a statement of quality and/or validation of the VA health care system.

The truth is that the system is terribly broken in a great number of ways and many deserving individuals are subject to substandard treatment. It's a very serious problem and needs very serious attention.

If you doubt this then perhaps you could spend some time interviewing patients at a VA hospital. See how many of them endorse the poll you reference.

It's a serious problem with American medical care in general. Of all the OECD countries the USA ranks either the lowest or the 2nd lowest for health care. But, on the other hand, the USA is far and away the leaders in the cost of it.

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The Movement in the United States led by Trump underneath it is an anti-obama movement and against any potential successor that would carry on Obama's policies... which includes H.Clinton and Sanders of course... The VA - Veterans Administration has a horrible record of taking care of veterans ... The news is rife with stories about VA Administration taking shortcuts with veterans lives ... including declaring many veterans dead who in fact were not... Just google Veteran Administration Scandals for the past five years and more...

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The Movement in the United States led by Trump underneath it is an anti-obama movement and against any potential successor that would carry on Obama's policies... which includes H.Clinton and Sanders of course... The VA - Veterans Administration has a horrible record of taking care of veterans ... The news is rife with stories about VA Administration taking shortcuts with veterans lives ... including declaring many veterans dead who in fact were not... Just google Veteran Administration Scandals for the past five years and more...

According to the Gallup Poll, Obama is now just slightly less popular than was Reagan of his presidency. Currently, according to Gallup he enjoys an approval rating of 52%.

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"There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down."

Oops - it NEVER happened.

Mr Trump said Sen McCain was only considered a hero because he was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War.
He then added: "I like people who weren't captured." McCain was shot down over Hanoi in 1967 and remained a POW until 1973.

Oops - Trump really loves vets, just not American POWs.

And, of course regarding better treatment for illegal immigrants over vets, Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion.


But he will make American Great Again, though he means Make America Get Used to Lying Better with him in charge.


Edited by lifeincnx
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The Movement in the United States led by Trump underneath it is an anti-obama movement and against any potential successor that would carry on Obama's policies... which includes H.Clinton and Sanders of course... The VA - Veterans Administration has a horrible record of taking care of veterans ... The news is rife with stories about VA Administration taking shortcuts with veterans lives ... including declaring many veterans dead who in fact were not... Just google Veteran Administration Scandals for the past five years and more...

According to the Gallup Poll, Obama is now just slightly less popular than was Reagan of his presidency. Currently, according to Gallup he enjoys an approval rating of 52%.

The real polls are what counts... those are the votes.. Trump has set records for number of votes received in a Primary against 15-16 opponents. Hillary cannot even defeat and do away with one even though the primaries are rigged in her favor with Super Delegate votes ...

I believe in few polls even Gallup - even when they are in the favor of an Obama opponent. Polls have proven to be slanted brought on by special interests...

Michelle Obama is one of the most despised women in America next to Hillary Clinton but according to polls she is on a level near Mother Teresa. The problem with Liberals and I won't label you as a Leftist yet - is that you only believe what you are fed by the media and most of it is Liberal/Leftist ... therefore you have next to no experience in the real world of the 'fly over country' that the media ignores.

Obama's policies and his demeanor that is totally anti-American ... showing his distaste and disgust of all things Traditional American is the reason for Trump's rise. Trump has promised to repeal every single Obama Executive Order as soon as feasible - even on the first day of his Presidency. Obama's flaunting of the Immigration laws and Open Borders are another policy that tens of millions of Americans hate. And another one of Obama's Apology Tours to Japan has sealed the deal to eviscerate anything Obama has done including his refusal to protect American borders ... and I guess you have heard of the Wall...

The Democrats are worried silly about Hillary's liabilities - her crookedness and constant lying which is challenging Obama's Pathological Liar capability. In late November of this year you will read the analysis of Trump's landslide victory and much of it will be about the voters supporting Trump's promise to do away with as much of the Obama policies that would be furthered by HRC or perhaps Sanders should Hillary have to drop out because she has been indicted for her email server problems and other illegal acts.

But fantasize all you wish about polls... There is a Nationalistic Populist Uprising going on in America and you have not a clue because your head is in the Liberal/Leftist sand.

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Trumpisms aimed at getting as many votes as possible:

to coal miners, "If I'm president, you will all get your jobs back, with high wages, guaranteed."

to veterans; "when I become president, you will all get better medical treatment and more respect."

to teachers, "If I'm president, you will all get better salaries, guaranteed."

to nurses" "when I become president, you will all get job security and higher wages, trust me on this folks."

to dry cleaners: "If I'm president, you will all get double what you're making now, guaranteed."

to Olympic diving coaches; "when I become president, you will all get job security. You'll work less hours and make more money."

then Trump turns to his handlers, "Did I leave anyone out?"

Then he remembers his mantra; "Things are terrible now in America. Obama has failed at everything. Crooked Hillary will destroy America in every way possible. Vote for me in November. I'll make all things good. You'll love me as president. Everybody likes me. I'll do everything right. You'll all get high paying jobs. Trust me folks, have I ever let you down before?"

Edited by boomerangutang
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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


BS. I don't care what the data states. Veterans really are dying to get in. The news is filled wth the scandals.

Unless a person is a vet, or a protected migrant, it's hard to really know. So let's consider the non US citizens who are veterans and because of that status, booted from the country. In ciudad jaurez there is a 1/2 way house for veterans who were rejected or kicked out of US after serving. Whereas they could break the law and swim or mule, they don't. But all know it's the veterans label not Mexican that osterizes them. They ate both classes yet penalized for one.

VA healthcare may be ok in Missoula but suck in Northport- it does. Some may be happy because they've few service connected concerns but the happiness changes dramatically relative to the level of need, service connection. In 2013 I thought I was having a heart attack. My nearest hospital was 3 miles. Nearest VA was 35 miles. Ambulance took me to nearest. I was asked if I was a citizen. I asked why? I was told frankly be the admin nurse that if do the funding came from fed and it was paid for. No, I laughed. I'm covered. And have the VA data.

No, I wasn't! The VA refused saying since I lived it clearly wasn't emergent and I should have driven to Northport 35 miles away. They would not pay. Get that? Had I died a survivor may or may not have battled to recoup but because I lived that was primae faviae evidence that I could have driven. If I said 'No comprehende' I would not even have been contacted.

Of course ILLEGALS are treated better then veterans. Let's be clear, migrants are not all illegals. Illegals are all MIGRANTS.

OBAMA IS LAWLESS and he infects neighbor and brother and cousin by importing a lever population to serve as the 'other' as device. In a modicum of defense, Obama is also a tool as this preexists him.

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Honestly, I support the issue of getting vets much better health care.

Who wouldn't?

But I don't support the vile monster being a demagogue about this issue and drumming up racial hatred just to get more votes from his racist core base.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Movement in the United States led by Trump underneath it is an anti-obama movement and against any potential successor that would carry on Obama's policies... which includes H.Clinton and Sanders of course... The VA - Veterans Administration has a horrible record of taking care of veterans ... The news is rife with stories about VA Administration taking shortcuts with veterans lives ... including declaring many veterans dead who in fact were not... Just google Veteran Administration Scandals for the past five years and more...

According to the Gallup Poll, Obama is now just slightly less popular than was Reagan of his presidency. Currently, according to Gallup he enjoys an approval rating of 52%.

....operator error....bad post

Edited by NovaBlue05
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The Movement in the United States led by Trump underneath it is an anti-obama movement and against any potential successor that would carry on Obama's policies... which includes H.Clinton and Sanders of course... The VA - Veterans Administration has a horrible record of taking care of veterans ... The news is rife with stories about VA Administration taking shortcuts with veterans lives ... including declaring many veterans dead who in fact were not... Just google Veteran Administration Scandals for the past five years and more...

According to the Gallup Poll, Obama is now just slightly less popular than was Reagan of his presidency. Currently, according to Gallup he enjoys an approval rating of 52%.

The real polls are what counts... those are the votes.. Trump has set records for number of votes received in a Primary against 15-16 opponents. Hillary cannot even defeat and do away with one even though the primaries are rigged in her favor with Super Delegate votes ...

I believe in few polls even Gallup - even when they are in the favor of an Obama opponent. Polls have proven to be slanted brought on by special interests...

Michelle Obama is one of the most despised women in America next to Hillary Clinton but according to polls she is on a level near Mother Teresa. The problem with Liberals and I won't label you as a Leftist yet - is that you only believe what you are fed by the media and most of it is Liberal/Leftist ... therefore you have next to no experience in the real world of the 'fly over country' that the media ignores.

Obama's policies and his demeanor that is totally anti-American ... showing his distaste and disgust of all things Traditional American is the reason for Trump's rise. Trump has promised to repeal every single Obama Executive Order as soon as feasible - even on the first day of his Presidency. Obama's flaunting of the Immigration laws and Open Borders are another policy that tens of millions of Americans hate. And another one of Obama's Apology Tours to Japan has sealed the deal to eviscerate anything Obama has done including his refusal to protect American borders ... and I guess you have heard of the Wall...

The Democrats are worried silly about Hillary's liabilities - her crookedness and constant lying which is challenging Obama's Pathological Liar capability. In late November of this year you will read the analysis of Trump's landslide victory and much of it will be about the voters supporting Trump's promise to do away with as much of the Obama policies that would be furthered by HRC or perhaps Sanders should Hillary have to drop out because she has been indicted for her email server problems and other illegal acts.

But fantasize all you wish about polls... There is a Nationalistic Populist Uprising going on in America and you have not a clue because your head is in the Liberal/Leftist sand.

"......................Hillary cannot even defeat and do away with one even though the primaries are rigged in her favor with Super Delegate votes ..."

And don't forget a mainstream US media that is entirely in the tank for her plus an unlimited amount of corporate & foreign cash behind her........every dollar demanding a favor down the road.

Lies....Damned Lies.....Statistics.....and Polls

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Amazing how these people can believe such crap. Trump supporters have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. And I'm trying to be nice.

And posts like this illuminate your intelligence?

Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

Care to provide some evidence about the existence of this "immigrant free loaders package? Or are you going to going entirely fact-free on this thread?

He can't provide anything. The guy lies almost as much as Trump. And that's saying something.

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Trumpisms aimed at getting as many votes as possible:

to coal miners, "If I'm president, you will all get your jobs back, with high wages, guaranteed."

to veterans; "when I become president, you will all get better medical treatment and more respect."

to teachers, "If I'm president, you will all get better salaries, guaranteed."

to nurses" "when I become president, you will all get job security and higher wages, trust me on this folks."

to dry cleaners: "If I'm president, you will all get double what you're making now, guaranteed."

to Olympic diving coaches; "when I become president, you will all get job security. You'll work less hours and make more money."

then Trump turns to his handlers, "Did I leave anyone out?"

Then he remembers his mantra; "Things are terrible now in America. Obama has failed at everything. Crooked Hillary will destroy America in every way possible. Vote for me in November. I'll make all things good. You'll love me as president. Everybody likes me. I'll do everything right. You'll all get high paying jobs. Trust me folks, have I ever let you down before?"

Yeap, that's pretty much it. As for foreign policy, "I'll get along with everybody and they'll love me. The Mexicans will pay for the wall and love me for it. The Chinese are going to stop taking advantage of us because I won't let them. The Koreans, Japanese, and Germans will pay for us to defend them and they'll love me for it. Everyone will love me because I'm going to win every day, and in every way. And oh yea, I'll destroy ISIS in the first week of my Presidency."

And Trump supporters believe this crap. What more is there to say?

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The Movement in the United States led by Trump underneath it is an anti-obama movement and against any potential successor that would carry on Obama's policies... which includes H.Clinton and Sanders of course... The VA - Veterans Administration has a horrible record of taking care of veterans ... The news is rife with stories about VA Administration taking shortcuts with veterans lives ... including declaring many veterans dead who in fact were not... Just google Veteran Administration Scandals for the past five years and more...

According to the Gallup Poll, Obama is now just slightly less popular than was Reagan of his presidency. Currently, according to Gallup he enjoys an approval rating of 52%.

The real polls are what counts... those are the votes.. Trump has set records for number of votes received in a Primary against 15-16 opponents. Hillary cannot even defeat and do away with one even though the primaries are rigged in her favor with Super Delegate votes ...

I believe in few polls even Gallup - even when they are in the favor of an Obama opponent. Polls have proven to be slanted brought on by special interests...

Michelle Obama is one of the most despised women in America next to Hillary Clinton but according to polls she is on a level near Mother Teresa. The problem with Liberals and I won't label you as a Leftist yet - is that you only believe what you are fed by the media and most of it is Liberal/Leftist ... therefore you have next to no experience in the real world of the 'fly over country' that the media ignores.

Obama's policies and his demeanor that is totally anti-American ... showing his distaste and disgust of all things Traditional American is the reason for Trump's rise. Trump has promised to repeal every single Obama Executive Order as soon as feasible - even on the first day of his Presidency. Obama's flaunting of the Immigration laws and Open Borders are another policy that tens of millions of Americans hate. And another one of Obama's Apology Tours to Japan has sealed the deal to eviscerate anything Obama has done including his refusal to protect American borders ... and I guess you have heard of the Wall...

The Democrats are worried silly about Hillary's liabilities - her crookedness and constant lying which is challenging Obama's Pathological Liar capability. In late November of this year you will read the analysis of Trump's landslide victory and much of it will be about the voters supporting Trump's promise to do away with as much of the Obama policies that would be furthered by HRC or perhaps Sanders should Hillary have to drop out because she has been indicted for her email server problems and other illegal acts.

But fantasize all you wish about polls... There is a Nationalistic Populist Uprising going on in America and you have not a clue because your head is in the Liberal/Leftist sand.

I see you haven't learned a thing from the 2012 elections. Remember all the stuff about how the polls were skewed? That Romney was going to win? I remember particularly how Nate Silver was denounced by the right wing. And it turns out he called a mere 100 percent of the results correctly. In fact, Silver's problem this time around was that he didn't trust the polls. He did what you profess here. Had he done so, he might have sooner foreseen the rise of Trump.

Polls have proven to be slanted brought on by special interests...

You got any evidence to offer?

Trump is the most dishonest person ever to run for President. Just look at his evaluations on Politifact.

As for it being a national populist uprising. It's been credited to Lenin, but actually it was Prince Kropotkin who once said "Anti-semitism is the socialism of fools." In the same way Trumpism is the populism of fools. He wants to give more huge tax breaks to the rich. In other words, give the rich even more power. He wants to repeal Dodd Frank and let Hedge Funds and Banks and once again endanger not just the USA the world economy. He wants to repeal the Consumer Protection Bureau and allow Banks and other Credit Card issuers to get away with deceptive practices.. He want to appoint Supreme court justices who are consistently anti-labor and pro corporation. He is against raising the Federal minimum wage. What exactly is populist about his program? I've been asking this question over and over and never get an answer.You got one? I don't say that he's a fascist but I do see that he has adopted the Fascist strategy of telling the majority that they are being discriminated against and that it's the fault of some minority. This is truly the populism of fools.

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"Poor care at VA hospitals cost 1,000 veterans their lives, report says ..." Washington Times

Jan 30, 2014 - "U.S. veterans are dying because of delays in diagnosis and treatment at VA hospitals. .." CNN

Veteran: "You're gonna get crushed" by VA health care bureaucracy" CBS News

There are some really nasty while uninformed people around here. The VA medical care system is where loser doctors and nurses are put out to pasture because they couldn't make it in the real world. Because they can't last or compete in the private system they give up and go work for a comparatively small salary at the VA. Like most bureaucracies, it is bogged down by its own weight.

I don't mind Trump bashers but the truth is that our veterans deserve A LOT better care than they get WHEN they can get it.


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Suggesting Trump is drumming up racial hatred is curious. It requires all illegal migrants to be a single race. We're all the illegal migrants entering the US a single race this would be a stunning observation, but not one I've ever noted. In fact, if a single race of people comprised the entire US illegal migrant saga this would be remarkable.

So, basically, it's BS that this is an appeal to racism. Like 'islamophobia', 'deniers', and other pejoratives, calling someone a 'racist' for opposing lawlessness reveals who empowers these destructive agendas. However, Trump hit a low wth me on this point.

Trump's juxtaposing illegal migrants with veterans, while a true observation, pisses me off. It's 100% true, illegals can get healthcare written off. A veteran must wait years in a labyrinthine process and may still get denied care for service connected injuries. But using veterans on Memorial Day weekend to stir an emotive commitment from Americans is manipulation. It's effed up! Not all correct things should be exploited.

Edited by arjunadawn
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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


I can't speak with any authority on the US situation, but I have two vet friends in Australia who have fought long and hard for recognition of their medical conditions with little result.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.' Yet still they riot, demanding more.

Incidentally, 'illegal arrivals' are not 'migrants'. The political left try to give some respectability to people who won't respect borders by calling them 'migrants', but migrants they are not.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Suggesting Trump is drumming up racial hatred is curious. It requires all illegal migrants to be a single race. We're all the illegal migrants entering the US a single race this would be a stunning observation, but not one I've ever noted. In fact, if a single race of people comprised the entire US illegal migrant saga this would be remarkable.

So, basically, it's BS that this is an appeal to racism. Like 'islamophobia', 'deniers', and other pejoratives, calling someone a 'racist' for opposing lawlessness reveals who empowers these destructive agendas. However, Trump hit a low wth me on this point.

Trump's juxtaposing illegal migrants with veterans, while a true observation, pisses me off. It's 100% true, illegals can get healthcare written off. A veteran must wait years in a labyrinthine process and may still get denied care for service connected injuries. But using veterans on Memorial Day weekend to stir an emotive commitment from Americans is manipulation. It's effed up! Not all correct things should be exploited.

So that's how racism works, huh? The overwhelmingly majority of illegal immigrant are non-white. Or at least what white racists in this country consider to be non-white. Maybe there are white racists out there who specialize in only hating people whose skin is a very particular shade, But, if they exist, they are very sparse on the ground..

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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


I can't speak with any authority on the US situation, but I have two vet friends in Australia who have fought long and hard for recognition of their medical conditions with little result.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.' Yet still they riot, demanding more.

Incidentally, 'illegal arrivals' are not 'migrants'. The political left try to give some respectability to people who won't respect borders by calling them 'migrants', but migrants they are not.

I've been looking for instances of a definition that might support your case about the meaning of migrant. So far no luck. Just because you assert something doesn't make it so.

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Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

Care to provide some evidence about the existence of this "immigrant free loaders package? Or are you going to going entirely fact-free on this thread?

He can't provide anything. The guy lies almost as much as Trump. And that's saying something.

I have served and continue to serve my country. I therefore have hundreds, if not thousands of friends that are military or ex military. To live in a brotherhood, one learns things that outsiders will never learn nor understand. It is something I cannot explain here or to anybody that hasn't served their country on operations abroad. Nor would I care to explain. Of course I don't expect you to believe me. This is the internet. I could be one of the many imposters that, for some sad reason, feel they have earn the right to call themselves a veteran without ever having so much as fronted for and enlistment medical exam. But you can do what you want with it. wink.png

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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


I can't speak with any authority on the US situation, but I have two vet friends in Australia who have fought long and hard for recognition of their medical conditions with little result.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.' Yet still they riot, demanding more.

Incidentally, 'illegal arrivals' are not 'migrants'. The political left try to give some respectability to people who won't respect borders by calling them 'migrants', but migrants they are not.

I've been looking for instances of a definition that might support your case about the meaning of migrant. So far no luck. Just because you assert something doesn't make it so.

OK, well let's try it this way.

Plant your ass in Lebanon, or Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern muslim country, without prior approval/visa, and tell the authorities you're a 'migrant' and want the government to pay you for being there, riot if the $$ aren't forthcoming, and then demand things change to match what you left.

You'd be lucky not to have a body part removed or thrown in the slammer, but at the very least, you'd be on a slow boat back to where you came from. Whatever happens, you WILL NOT be treated as a migrant.

You may not find a definition that fits my assertion, but traditionally, migrants make arrangements through their desired country's embassy PRIOR to arriving, have the appropriate visa/s in place, and are self sufficient.

Some of the illegal arrivals may become migrants, in time, but arriving in a country without any form of documentation and demanding to stay doesn't make you a migrant.

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Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

Care to provide some evidence about the existence of this "immigrant free loaders package? Or are you going to going entirely fact-free on this thread?

He can't provide anything. The guy lies almost as much as Trump. And that's saying something.

I have served and continue to serve my country. I therefore have hundreds, if not thousands of friends that are military or ex military. To live in a brotherhood, one learns things that outsiders will never learn nor understand. It is something I cannot explain here or to anybody that hasn't served their country on operations abroad. Nor would I care to explain. Of course I don't expect you to believe me. This is the internet. I could be one of the many imposters that, for some sad reason, feel they have earn the right to call themselves a veteran without ever having so much as fronted for and enlistment medical exam. But you can do what you want with it. wink.png

If you are a vet, then you know that vets have been neglected by the VA for decades. It did not start under the Obama Administration. And if you are a vet, it should be clear to you that Trump is not your friend. He will not fix the VA. And he has already implied that he has no problems sending young men and women to their death just to "look tough." Trump says he loves vets, but only because it's politically necessary for him to say that. He also says he loves Mexicans, Muslims, women, the Chinese, and pretty much every other group he's offended. If you truly want to serve your country, then you do not want this guy to be President.

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Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

Care to provide some evidence about the existence of this "immigrant free loaders package? Or are you going to going entirely fact-free on this thread?

He can't provide anything. The guy lies almost as much as Trump. And that's saying something.

I have served and continue to serve my country. I therefore have hundreds, if not thousands of friends that are military or ex military. To live in a brotherhood, one learns things that outsiders will never learn nor understand. It is something I cannot explain here or to anybody that hasn't served their country on operations abroad. Nor would I care to explain. Of course I don't expect you to believe me. This is the internet. I could be one of the many imposters that, for some sad reason, feel they have earn the right to call themselves a veteran without ever having so much as fronted for and enlistment medical exam. But you can do what you want with it. wink.png

I honestly don't understand what your military service has to do with an allegation of an "immigrant free loaders package". Or do you believe that military service entitles you to just make things up and have them accepted as being true?

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I've been looking for instances of a definition that might support your case about the meaning of migrant. So far no luck. Just because you assert something doesn't make it so.

I can't speak with any authority on the US situation, but I have two vet friends in Australia who have fought long and hard for recognition of their medical conditions with little result.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.' Yet still they riot, demanding more.

Incidentally, 'illegal arrivals' are not 'migrants'. The political left try to give some respectability to people who won't respect borders by calling them 'migrants', but migrants they are not.

OK, well let's try it this way.

Plant your ass in Lebanon, or Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern muslim country, without prior approval/visa, and tell the authorities you're a 'migrant' and want the government to pay you for being there, riot if the $$ aren't forthcoming, and then demand things change to match what you left.

You'd be lucky not to have a body part removed or thrown in the slammer, but at the very least, you'd be on a slow boat back to where you came from. Whatever happens, you WILL NOT be treated as a migrant.

You may not find a definition that fits my assertion, but traditionally, migrants make arrangements through their desired country's embassy PRIOR to arriving, have the appropriate visa/s in place, and are self sufficient.

Some of the illegal arrivals may become migrants, in time, but arriving in a country without any form of documentation and demanding to stay doesn't make you a migrant.

Now I get it. I think the word you're looking for is "immigrant". Not "migrant". ?

And what do you mean by and then demand things change to match what you left.?

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I wouldn't go so far as to say all trump supporters are stupid. But they do tend to overvalue ENTERTAINMENT over reasonable political policies (and credible experience with those as well).

If there's a question of whether Trump and his rightwing fans are stupid, then the answer would of course be not necessarily so.

If the question is whether they are wild and radical, then the proof would be as we sometimes say in the pudding, and the pudding gets served up daily month after month, year in and year out. A sour pudding.

Reactionary, yes. Prone to strongman types, yes. Angry at the world, yes. Certain they are on god's mission, yes.

That the opposition must therefore be necessarily evil, yes -- they believe. That the rightwing must destroy the existing order completely or as extensively as possible, yes, they are certain because they believe.

By no means do all veterans support Trump, but many do. The military commanders advanced by Presidents Clinton and Obama are in general radically different commanders from those advanced by GW Bush and his Dick Cheney. And, when their time comes, radically different veterans too.

General Wesley Clark retired is for one yet another veteran who considers Trump an ignoramus. Gen. Clark retired is not the only veteran who considers Trump to be dangerous to the national security...

Generals Shoot Down Trump’s Fear-Mongering Plans for Muslims

An ID card for Muslims? Shutting down mosques? Retired top officers say Trump’s national security notions are crazy—at best.


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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


I can't speak with any authority on the US situation, but I have two vet friends in Australia who have fought long and hard for recognition of their medical conditions with little result.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.' Yet still they riot, demanding more.

Incidentally, 'illegal arrivals' are not 'migrants'. The political left try to give some respectability to people who won't respect borders by calling them 'migrants', but migrants they are not.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.'

You're talking about Cubans who arrive on our shores as heroes. And it is good for them that they escaped Castro and his regime (which is not ALL evil either).

Hispanics from Central America and South America don't get a hero's welcome however. Mexicans get Donald Trump and the American rightwhinge extreme xenophobes.

Cuban Americans are traditionally Republican, while continental Hispanics to the USA are traditionally Democrats. Now the two are coming together with the Democratic party thanks to Trump and his racial fans....

Will Donald Trump drive Miami Cuban Americans from GOP? New poll says yes

Likely Cuban-American voters dislike Trump

They also are increasingly accepting of President Obama’s Cuba policy

That combination could cost the GOP its longtime Cuban-American support


Keep up the great work wink.png

In Florida especially. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Publicus
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Honestly, I support the issue of getting vets much better health care.

Who wouldn't?

But I don't support the vile monster being a demagogue about this issue and drumming up racial hatred just to get more votes from his racist core base.

Unless of course the vet is a former POW. Remember, they're all losers according to Der Trump. "I like people who weren't captured," said the man who achieved an illustrious record of FIVE military deferments and proud service to his country at a military prep school.

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Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

Care to provide some evidence about the existence of this "immigrant free loaders package? Or are you going to going entirely fact-free on this thread?

He can't provide anything. The guy lies almost as much as Trump. And that's saying something.

I have served and continue to serve my country. I therefore have hundreds, if not thousands of friends that are military or ex military. To live in a brotherhood, one learns things that outsiders will never learn nor understand. It is something I cannot explain here or to anybody that hasn't served their country on operations abroad. Nor would I care to explain. Of course I don't expect you to believe me. This is the internet. I could be one of the many imposters that, for some sad reason, feel they have earn the right to call themselves a veteran without ever having so much as fronted for and enlistment medical exam. But you can do what you want with it. wink.png

The post seems to imply all veterans are conservatives, or Republicans, or rightwingenuts, or that no veteran is or could be a fascist. Regardless, the focus on certain veterans as fascists remains on some certain veterans of the Special Forces aka Special Operations forces.

So the post is attempting a deflection or redirection. And it is, moreover, a statement of a severe denial, but the fact is nothing new over there on the far out extremist wingnut right.

Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini. This is, to some veterans among the recent post-WW2 generations not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it is to a certain number of the specified veterans the most welcome development of the post-war era. Certainly of the new century.

All veterans are Americans however, like it or not over there on the extreme and uniquely American right. It's just that Mussolini is not my guy. The fact is that some veterans are out and out fascists and they prove it daily, while most of we who are veterans are not uniquely American fascists. We are ordinary, common, regular veterans of the regular armed forces.

Pentagon Officers: We Quit if Trump Wins

The plans of the next president are personal to the officers of the Pentagon, who are threatening to retire if The Donald becomes commander-in-chief.

Republican presidential candidate and business mogul Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to build up the U.S. military if elected president.

But it is not clear he will have the experienced commanders within the ranks to do it.

In the halls of the Pentagon, there is a different plan afoot for the Trump presidency. Here, officers are privately contemplating what they would do should Trump become their commander-in-chief. And more often than not, they proclaim they will leave.


If this were to develop, it would leave the minority of the certain veterans who are conscious and true believers in the uniquely American Mussolini with only or mostly fellow travellers in the Pentagon...which would of course leave youse guyz thrilled and delighted.

The consequences of a Trump in the White House are indeed grave. Recall however that it is always darkest before the ardawn. So grave is where Mussolini and his legacy are and where they do remain for all time.

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