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PM Prayut says Dhammachayo will finally be arrested 'within his lifetime'


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So the junta leader, so-called PM says "he is not afraid of being accused of not performing his duty", HHMmmmmmm Isn't that one of the charges Yingluk is being accused of, DERALITION OF DUTY??????

Then there's the little what if some one fires a shot, what if some gets shot? while praying? He didn't seem to be so concerned when his soldiers were firing at civilians and volunteer's in a temple and people not just shot but killed....

And for the best little chestnut for the people Thailand and the world, good o'l uncle Too comes out, "Dhammachayo will finally be arrested within his life time".

What a spectacular and utter ________________________!!!!!! OOooohhhh "AA" and gaol for any Thai that says anything close that describes this snot, and for a falang gaol and fines, loss of any and all assets followed by family's assets then deportation...

But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems....whistling.gif

"But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems...."

But you MUST understand that this time around (after 12 previous coups where nothing changed) everything will be different, because....because....because...

OK, djjamie, smedly, rubl, PLEASE help me out here!

Aww, be fair. Rubi is changing his affiliations, slowly but surely. Smedley has been quite reasonable lately imho.

The DJ is widely rumoured to be the sock puppet of a certain moderator. I'm not going there. Personally, I don't believe a word of it - that would be against the rules.

And often more eloquent than words.


Edited by Winniedapu
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I have another question, if I may...

Who's lifetime is he talking about?

Prayut says...a) the monk will be arrested in HIS (Prayuts) lifetime or b ) the monk will be arrested in HIS (the monks) lifetime?

I am confused!


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I think the PM's handler is suffering from burnout and that I can understand. I wonder if the PM thinks that the abbot will somehow change his reincarnation/afterlife and thus he is back pedaling. That is some serious S here. In spite of all the powers he possesses and article 44 I think he is truly afraid of some kind of change in the road map of his next life. He is of course an expert on road maps. To counteract this I think the PM should take a trip to Haiti and get his juju rejigged. I am sure he could have a voodoo doll made up complete with pins.

I'm inclined to agree, the thing he fears most is... [wait for it]... a buddhist monk.

He broke his mojo, though we should have predicted this when he bared his chest to veal two hundredweight of gold-spraypainted and plastic glass amulets.

Was a bit of a give-away in retrospect. That and the fact he was warned about black magic being used against him last year. Of course, he assumed it was Thai buddhist black magic, but then he would, wouldn't he? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer is our beloved Kim.


Edited by Winniedapu
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A brilliant example of strategic thinking and leadership - Thai style. So his utterings will not change the World, or cause World War 3, but it doesn't enhance his own personal standing amongst his international piers - oh, I dunno, they might think this is his sense of humour?

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The General is wisely erring on the side of caution as the group backing this allegedly corrupt Monk has done wet-work before and this standoff has all the ingredients to get ugly quickly if not handled extremely carefully.

This excerpt from a former Monk at the temple who resigned:
-In the senatorial elections of 2000, Dhammajayo supported candidates with links to the Thai Rak Thai Party. The former abbot of Phra Dhammakaya Temple was the first one to initiate contact with members of Thai Rak Thai. It was decided that the Thai Rak Thai Party would have Dhammakaya's backing. Thai Rak Thai representatives were given the opportunity to speak to the temple's followers, who were urged to cast their votes for the party, as it would naturally be beneficial for their master and temple.

Thaksin Shinawatra was hailed as the ideal lay Buddhist, who had been blessed by the merit of his past lives and was endowed with a great many virtues. The temple played a song praising Thaksin composed by the Phra Dhammajayo himself on its Dow Tham satellite television channel - broadcasting 24 hours a day.

The Thai Rak Thai-Phra Dhammakaya Temple relationship proved mutually beneficial. It allowed the Thai Rak Thai Party to promote itself with greater efficiency. Phra Dhammakaya Temple also began broadcasts on Dow Tham. Using a massive budget and having recruited qualified personnel - all inspired by the Doctrine of Dhammakaya - the satellite television channel produced a series of programmes, enriched with computerised images and attractive animations, thus capturing the eyes of the younger generation.

Never before in its history was the temple able to expand its powers so quickly. The temple was able to significantly build up its local, national and international networks after Thai Rak Thai came to power. For Phra Dhammajayo, victory for the Thai Rak Thai was the equivalent of a victory of his own, and votes for that party were the same as votes for the security of his temple.

Followers of Phra Dhammakaya Temple and Thaksin believe that the alliance between the two serves their best interests.

-Interestingly, Phra Dhammachayo’s capitalistic version of Buddhism meshes well with the rich and powerful, and others who think it is simply great to be able to buy a place in heaven.

At the height of the controversy in 1999, the late Supreme Patriarch issued an ordinance declaring that Phra Dhammachayo must be defrocked for distorting the Buddhist canon, dividing the Sangha, and for fraud and embezzlement.

It is no secret that the Pheu Thai-led government supports the Dhammakaya abbot. And it came as no surprise that the public prosecutors eventually dropped the charges against him in 2006.
-Controversial politician Jatuporn Promphan has warned of a big public protest if Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha does not put forward the name of Somdet Phra Maha Ratchamangalacharn (aka Somdet Chuang) as a candidate for supreme patriarch.

Somdet Chuang was a mentor to Phra Dhammachayo of the Wat Dhammakaya sect. He is seen as a big supporter of Phra Dhammachayo in all his unorthodox and controversial behaviour.

Currently the Red-shirts / pro-Thaksin side are wanting to promote this allegedly aligned & corrupt Monk's mentor as the new supreme patriarch of all Thai Buddists... One side likely sees a win either way - appoint their allegedly aligned side = win. Global news stories of Junta backed forces and bloodied Monks = win (and it would only take one 'third hand' to kick it off). Thus, this a highly dangerous situation which could be expolited so easily and absolutely must be handled with care.

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The hard tasks like removing deck chairs and vendors off the sidewalks will be done yesterday.

The difficult tasks like transferring officials to inactive posts will be done with 44 today.

The impossible tasks like arresting Dhammachayo and reforming the RTP will be done by next elected government premiership; still within his lifetime.

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The General is wisely erring on the side of caution as the group backing this allegedly corrupt Monk has done wet-work before and this standoff has all the ingredients to get ugly quickly if not handled extremely carefully.

This excerpt from a former Monk at the temple who resigned:


-In the senatorial elections of 2000, Dhammajayo supported candidates with links to the Thai Rak Thai Party. The former abbot of Phra Dhammakaya Temple was the first one to initiate contact with members of Thai Rak Thai. It was decided that the Thai Rak Thai Party would have Dhammakaya's backing. Thai Rak Thai representatives were given the opportunity to speak to the temple's followers, who were urged to cast their votes for the party, as it would naturally be beneficial for their master and temple.

Thaksin Shinawatra was hailed as the ideal lay Buddhist, who had been blessed by the merit of his past lives and was endowed with a great many virtues. The temple played a song praising Thaksin composed by the Phra Dhammajayo himself on its Dow Tham satellite television channel - broadcasting 24 hours a day.

The Thai Rak Thai-Phra Dhammakaya Temple relationship proved mutually beneficial. It allowed the Thai Rak Thai Party to promote itself with greater efficiency. Phra Dhammakaya Temple also began broadcasts on Dow Tham. Using a massive budget and having recruited qualified personnel - all inspired by the Doctrine of Dhammakaya - the satellite television channel produced a series of programmes, enriched with computerised images and attractive animations, thus capturing the eyes of the younger generation.

Never before in its history was the temple able to expand its powers so quickly. The temple was able to significantly build up its local, national and international networks after Thai Rak Thai came to power. For Phra Dhammajayo, victory for the Thai Rak Thai was the equivalent of a victory of his own, and votes for that party were the same as votes for the security of his temple.

Followers of Phra Dhammakaya Temple and Thaksin believe that the alliance between the two serves their best interests.



-Interestingly, Phra Dhammachayo’s capitalistic version of Buddhism meshes well with the rich and powerful, and others who think it is simply great to be able to buy a place in heaven.

At the height of the controversy in 1999, the late Supreme Patriarch issued an ordinance declaring that Phra Dhammachayo must be defrocked for distorting the Buddhist canon, dividing the Sangha, and for fraud and embezzlement.

It is no secret that the Pheu Thai-led government supports the Dhammakaya abbot. And it came as no surprise that the public prosecutors eventually dropped the charges against him in 2006.



-Controversial politician Jatuporn Promphan has warned of a big public protest if Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha does not put forward the name of Somdet Phra Maha Ratchamangalacharn (aka Somdet Chuang) as a candidate for supreme patriarch.

Somdet Chuang was a mentor to Phra Dhammachayo of the Wat Dhammakaya sect. He is seen as a big supporter of Phra Dhammachayo in all his unorthodox and controversial behaviour.



Currently the Red-shirts / pro-Thaksin side are wanting to promote this allegedly aligned & corrupt Monk's mentor as the new supreme patriarch of all Thai Buddists... One side likely sees a win either way - appoint their allegedly aligned side = win. Global news stories of Junta backed forces and bloodied Monks = win (and it would only take one 'third hand' to kick it off). Thus, this a highly dangerous situation which could be expolited so easily and absolutely must be handled with care.

Logic seems reasonable but I doubt it will happen. Kim might be dim but he's not a complete muppet.

No wait! What am I saying? biggrin.png


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Afraid of shots being fired???? Well if you're that scared don't take any guns with you. If a shot is fired from the temple...oh my giddy aunt...then it will show Thai Buddhism as the scrapes of the barrel and a possible source for insurgency. What are they waiting for, 'Mission Impossible'?

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Afraid of shots being fired???? Well if you're that scared don't take any guns with you. If a shot is fired from the temple...oh my giddy aunt...then it will show Thai Buddhism as the scrapes of the barrel and a possible source for insurgency. What are they waiting for, 'Mission Impossible'?

If the RTA/DSI stormed the wat, and shots WERE fired, do you think for a moment that the red sheeple would believe it was their side at fault?

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If someone opened fire, then the other side will return fire for self defence and someone who is praying is shot. Do you want that to happen?

Such consideration didn’t stop Prayut and his fellow generals from supporting the 2010 military crackdown that killed more than 90 anti-government protesters and a dozen bystanders. Neither the military nor the Democrat regime was found guilty.

Prayut’s false sincerity is unbecoming.

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If they'd done what many on here suggested and arrested him earlier this wouldn't have been a problem.

Typical Thai method. Have a press conference to give time for the target to run or prepare themselves.

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So the junta leader, so-called PM says "he is not afraid of being accused of not performing his duty", HHMmmmmmm Isn't that one of the charges Yingluk is being accused of, DERALITION OF DUTY??????

Then there's the little what if some one fires a shot, what if some gets shot? while praying? He didn't seem to be so concerned when his soldiers were firing at civilians and volunteer's in a temple and people not just shot but killed....

And for the best little chestnut for the people Thailand and the world, good o'l uncle Too comes out, "Dhammachayo will finally be arrested within his life time".

What a spectacular and utter ________________________!!!!!! OOooohhhh "AA" and gaol for any Thai that says anything close that describes this snot, and for a falang gaol and fines, loss of any and all assets followed by family's assets then deportation...

But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems....whistling.gif

"But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems...."

But you MUST understand that this time around (after 12 previous coups where nothing changed) everything will be different, because....because....because...

OK, djjamie, smedly, rubl, PLEASE help me out here!

Hmmm, now let's see. Whose job is it to enforce the law - clue, the initials are RTP. Who failed to do their duty during the 2010 Red Shirt insurrection, or previously when the Yellows invaded the airport? Who failed to do their duty when PTP supporters were attacking people protesting Thaksin's whitewash bid? Who failed to do their duty and arrest Suthep and the political monk, despite the comic pantomime of Chalerm and Tharit? Who fails in just about every case they have responsibility for where hiso influential wealthy rich elites are involved?

Now what did the Yingluck, Abhisit, Thaksin plus his various stooges governments also fail to do - that's right, reform the police and justice system. They all try and move their own cronies and minions into key positions to make sure they can exert influence whenever necessary. And that's it. Take advantage rather than fix because a mended working system might be inconvenient. It's how things have, do and probably will work. No one has the appetite to tackle it.

And all sides are fine as long as it's only the common cannon fodder at risk. A few casualties can be good for propaganda when it suits.

Has nothing to do with Yingluck being extremely and willfully negligent in her failure to even attempt to manage "her" flagship self financing rice scheme.

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Now this has really sunk below being ridiculous and to the think Prayut is supposedly running the country.

its been sinking ever sense he took over 2 years ago ...... you hit the nail on the head lol ........ run the country .... he couldn't even run a bath ......T.I .T ....or better dreamland or jokeland .... what a farce .....gigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif

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So the junta leader, so-called PM says "he is not afraid of being accused of not performing his duty", HHMmmmmmm Isn't that one of the charges Yingluk is being accused of, DERALITION OF DUTY??????

Then there's the little what if some one fires a shot, what if some gets shot? while praying? He didn't seem to be so concerned when his soldiers were firing at civilians and volunteer's in a temple and people not just shot but killed....

And for the best little chestnut for the people Thailand and the world, good o'l uncle Too comes out, "Dhammachayo will finally be arrested within his life time".

What a spectacular and utter ________________________!!!!!! OOooohhhh "AA" and gaol for any Thai that says anything close that describes this snot, and for a falang gaol and fines, loss of any and all assets followed by family's assets then deportation...

But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems....whistling.gif

"But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems...."

But you MUST understand that this time around (after 12 previous coups where nothing changed) everything will be different, because....because....because...

OK, djjamie, smedly, rubl, PLEASE help me out here!

Hmmm, now let's see. Whose job is it to enforce the law - clue, the initials are RTP. Who failed to do their duty during the 2010 Red Shirt insurrection, or previously when the Yellows invaded the airport? Who failed to do their duty when PTP supporters were attacking people protesting Thaksin's whitewash bid? Who failed to do their duty and arrest Suthep and the political monk, despite the comic pantomime of Chalerm and Tharit? Who fails in just about every case they have responsibility for where hiso influential wealthy rich elites are involved?

Now what did the Yingluck, Abhisit, Thaksin plus his various stooges governments also fail to do - that's right, reform the police and justice system. They all try and move their own cronies and minions into key positions to make sure they can exert influence whenever necessary. And that's it. Take advantage rather than fix because a mended working system might be inconvenient. It's how things have, do and probably will work. No one has the appetite to tackle it.

And all sides are fine as long as it's only the common cannon fodder at risk. A few casualties can be good for propaganda when it suits.

Has nothing to do with Yingluck being extremely and willfully negligent in her failure to even attempt to manage "her" flagship self financing rice scheme.

The RTP, the judiciary AND the armed forces are all in dire need of reform (too bad the all powerful "PM" won't touch it). Just observe what happens when there is a new army chief. He inserts his people into various key positions and that, of course, tells us that the army is being run as a personal fiefdom, and unless that changes Thailand cannot move forward.

It will be interesting to see how this case with Dhammachayo will play out. It is a great example of some of the things that plague Thai society.

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If someone opened fire, then the other side will return fire for self defence and someone who is praying is shot. Do you want that to happen?

Such consideration didn’t stop Prayut and his fellow generals from supporting the 2010 military crackdown that killed more than 90 anti-government protesters and a dozen bystanders. Neither the military nor the Democrat regime was found guilty.

Prayut’s false sincerity is unbecoming.

So you think indiscriminate use of explosive rounds didn't warrant a response from the RTA?

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Asked whether Dhammachayo will ever be arrested, the prime minister appeared moody and said: “he will definitely be arrested in his life time”.

Better hurry up, according to his doctors he's about to kick the bucket. whistling.gif

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