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Clinton scores prized endorsement from Gov. Jerry Brown


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Compared to her Wall Street endorsement, this one isn't much benefit

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the crooks on Wall Street like Hillary.

How anyone could view this as a 'credit' is beyond me.

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Hillary promised to bail Cali out of bankruptcy = endorsement

What a ridiculous post. Sarcasm possibly? Nothing makes sense in that post.

Cali is a city in Colombia, by the way. Always looking to help out the low-info minions.

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The hate oozes from the TV teabaggers.

In California, Republicans make up just 27 percent, barely ahead of independent voters, who make up 24 percent. Voter registration is being dwarfed by the Democratic registration increase over Republicans. The people of California recognize losers when they seem them and Republican are nothing but losers. The Republicans are the party of wingnuts.

Jerry Brown is seen as the most successful Governor in the country. California has been going through a period of prosperity, unlike the states with Republican Governors and legislators run things. The California Democratic Party represents where the rest of the country is ultimately going to end up. (Listen to the wingnuts squeal)

55% of the voters approve of the job Brown is done.

The Republican buffoon has also got some powerful Governor endorsements, like Chris (hand me another burger) Christie, Huckabee, Jindal and Perry. I would characterize that list as pathetic.

One day Republicans will wake up and ask, why do I vote against my own self interest? Why do we support these terrible Governors like Sam Brownback and Scott Walker? What's the name of that idiot in Maine? Or family man Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley who is not only a terrible excuse for a Governor who can't keep his zipper up. Should I go on?

Clinton deserves the Brown endorsement. She will be the Democratic nominee and make a great President.

Republicans are screwed. The worst candidate in history and the rest of the Republican party can't bring itself to get behind this guy. Watch the Republican party dissolve in real time. It's a beautiful thing and soooo deserved.

If you want to see hate, please refer to Ferguson, Baltimore, outside any Donald Trump rally or anywhere you find a lot of leftists. In the end, when leftists get together, it usually ends up a show of neanderthals engaging in base behavior. Oh, I left out Occupy Wall Street. Whatever happened to those people, anyway? The thing is, many liberals don't even understand self-interest. For example, some think raising the minimum wage to $15 is great self-interest. The problem is, increasing the minimum wage hasn't done anything to increase buying power in actual dollars for over 45 years, In fact, buying power is lower now than it was in 1970. despite numerous increases. Presumably, many leftists then would also applaud Obama increasing food stamp usage by 13,000,000 people since he took office. After all, isn't it in one's best interest to get free stuff they haven't earned? Take illegal immigration. Some hispanics may think it's in their best interest to have an open border. The problem is, when you flood the labor market with uneducated and unskilled labor, it increases supply of said labor and market forces drive the market price for labor down.

Overall, the problem with most leftists is they are very ignorant about rudimentary economics. Thanks to a failed public education system, also run by leftists, most leftists are simply not bright enough to think most issues through beyond what their initial primal thoughts are. Food stamps- yeah! Higher minimum wage- woo hoo! Open borders- ho ho ho! Obamacare- yee haw! A rational person thinks these matters through and sees what a disaster these and other big government liberal ideas have been in reality.

Now tell me.... are you enjoying your $2,500 you're saving on health care premiums?

Republican economics, where the trickle down theory is worshipped. It was Republican economics that drove the economy of a cliff. Paul Ryan's budget is a joke.

Let's take Kansas for example...cheesy.gif

Of course Republicans are against raising the minimum wage. It will benefit the poor. We can't be doing anything like that. It's the rich that we need to make richer, then they'll hire the poor. Republican economics 101.

Democrats are going to take the Presidency and the Senate in the next election. The new Supreme Court justice will be a liberal that will change the majority. After the Supreme Court throws out gerrymandering and Citizens United it allows the Democrats to control both houses of Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court. BOOM! Wingnut heads explode.

Let's all say bye bye to the Republican party. Goodnight ladies...

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Jingthing, on 03 Jun 2016 - 17:19, said:
Boon Mee, on 03 Jun 2016 - 16:30, said:

His name has been Moonbeam Brown before JT was riding around his block on that Big Wheel. smile.png

Not his proper name. Show some respect to one of the best governors in California history.

I'm worried for you, JT. What you going to do when Trump becomes POTUS?

Are you going to slip away quietly?

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His name has been Moonbeam Brown before JT was riding around his block on that Big Wheel. smile.png

Not his proper name. Show some respect to one of the best governors in California history.

5555555 that's rich coming from you when you won't even use a capital T when posting Trumps name and you call him every name under the sun.

These nicknames are hilarious and add a new spice to election.

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His name has been Moonbeam Brown before JT was riding around his block on that Big Wheel. smile.png

Not his proper name. Show some respect to one of the best governors in California history.

5555555 that's rich coming from you when you won't even use a capital T when posting Trumps name and you call him every name under the sun.

These nicknames are hilarious and add a new spice to election.

No, you don't get it.

When I spell trump's proper name, I write trump.

What you're describing is an entirely different thing.

Yes I lived in California when the younger Governor Jerry Brown was governor.

He used to have an alternative, counterculture, visionary reputation.

He's matured into something very different ... really arguably the BEST governor in California history, and California is a very important state.

It's really a shame that the nation missed out on him being president, because he would have been an amazing one.

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There's something to be said about confidence and surety.

I've never had a post validated so quickly.

It speaks to another post were I suggested "you may be right" about Clinton winning. Fewer things prove my point that America is not having election cycles any longer, it's having a slow motion coup, a grand larceny wit large.

*I think Biden was the plan all along. The DoJ hammer will fall in time for the primaries to be manipulated and Biden to pass unscathed for coronation. I cannot imagine Al Capone had more bad press then Hillary. One has to reach to that infamy to class Clinton. She does not require the rebuke of history. Clinton's appreciated in real time as a butcher of men, a don, a warlord, and a murderer. Hard to imagine Obama handing the WH to him and Hillary.

I cannot imagine Barack Obama wants Hillary in the White House. Right now he and Michelle are the top power couple in DC. If Hillary is elected, Barack and Michelle move to second fiddle. Obama having the most massive ego to ever be in the White House, I don't see him letting that happen.

HRC was Obama's Secretary of State. He will be working tirelessly to see that she's elected in November to carry on his great legacy.

Obama isn't known as egotistical. Of course if all you watch is Fox News all day, you know very little.

Power couple in DC? What the...

The wingnuts are just getting crazier and crazier. One nutty post after another. They all live in the Twilight Zone. Where is that, up in some Issan backwater baan?

Edited by Pinot
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Not his proper name. Show some respect to one of the best governors in California history.

Who? Moonbeam, the guy who wants the rest of us to fund his $67,000,000,000 train to nowhere? Think Hillary didn't offer him some funding for that or some other utopian project? Seriously?

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Compared to her Wall Street endorsement, this one isn't much benefit

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the crooks on Wall Street like Hillary.

How anyone could view this as a 'credit' is beyond me.

Hillary certainly views it as a credit. They are financing most of her campaign and enriching their personal wealth. What's not to like?

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Hillary certainly views it as a credit. They are financing most of her campaign and enriching their personal wealth. What's not to like?

Hillary is also the number one recipient of big pharma cash. And I think reasonable people understand that she has nothing to say worth paying $200,000 for so many times. Obviously, these "speeches" (I wonder how many never even occurred) are in fact advances for favors expected. Her and Bill's money laundering operation, er, foundation, owes $100,000,000 to Middle East gulf state interests alone. Anyone who thinks she won't be acting in their best interests and not ours is simply fooling themselves.

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Hillary certainly views it as a credit. They are financing most of her campaign and enriching their personal wealth. What's not to like?

Hillary is also the number one recipient of big pharma cash. And I think reasonable people understand that she has nothing to say worth paying $200,000 for so many times. Obviously, these "speeches" (I wonder how many never even occurred) are in fact advances for favors expected. Her and Bill's money laundering operation, er, foundation, owes $100,000,000 to Middle East gulf state interests alone. Anyone who thinks she won't be acting in their best interests and not ours is simply fooling themselves.

If she becomes President, the line of corporate thieves and foreign despots collecting paybacks will stretch down Pennsylvania Ave all the way to the Mall

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Compared to her Wall Street endorsement, this one isn't much benefit

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the crooks on Wall Street like Hillary.

How anyone could view this as a 'credit' is beyond me.

Hillary certainly views it as a credit. They are financing most of her campaign and enriching their personal wealth. What's not to like?

That's it ! You nailed it.

The funny part is, many Americans come to Thailamd and talk about corruption yet there is no system in the world that can match the American one, blatent corruption right out there for everyone to see......actually it's so blatent that nobody seems to notice it.

For too long the doofus morons involved In the USA's political system have been destroying the states, time for the people to take it back.

A vote for either Clinton or Trump is a vote for insanity.

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