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Yingluck Shinawatra steps back into Thailand's political arena


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Political discussion, history, He Who Cannot Be Named, Sibling, etc, all these conversation subjects verboten in 21st Century Thailand. -Not surprised all Thais ever talk about is food and the weather.

I suppose the 5 million people who 'liked' Yingluck on FB will all be designated for re-education then.?

No I doubt it. Since they will be for the most part from one sector of the population and from specific regions of the country it will suffice to ignore them economically and find a way to effectively disenfranchise them.

I doubt that they will notice any change in the way they are treated.

Maybe they could threaten them that if they don't vote as told they won't get any money spent in their area, government projects, or development?

You know, take a leaf out of the Shins book of electioneering. Or perhaps just label them all garbage a la PTP to protesters?

Only 5 million. A majority then.

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Nice short videos from Aug 2013. And where are all the follow ups on these subjects since then? Surely the failure to deliver anything like the quantity of promised tablets, the dubious quality and the strange sourcing decision warranted some comment? Or perhaps the interesting leadership and management techniques adopted by Yingluck on the rice scheme - total absence, might be worth a follow up? Plenty to go at, like where all the money actually went because not much apparently trickled down to the farmers, the poorest of whom were excluded.

To me, he's simply overtly pro Shin in the way he writes, and what he chooses to ignore or misreport.

We, you me and everyone else have no idea as to the level of her popularity. We know the PTP Shin organization is quite adept at organizing these 'spontaneous" little propaganda visits. How effective their grip is and how well the machinery is oiled remains to be seen.

"not much apparently trickled down to the farmers".

Any reliable source? And please don't mention the World Bank report. As objected to you before, it's not in the world Bank report.

In the absence of any reliable figures ever having been issued by the PTP government the World Bank report was at least a source. You'd have to ask them how reliable their figure are.

Their estimate, and they probably know far more than me or any other TV poster, was a very small % of the money spent on the scheme reached the actual farmers.

The poorest farmers were excluded. Farmers had to pay more for seed, fertilizers, cropping, land rental etc. and many went into debt at very high rates of interest when the Yingluck government ran into cash flow problems (which they did way before she dissolved parliament without ensuring loans beforehand, and was still claiming it has self financing so let's not have the lie it was the banks fault).

How reliable are the figures - no idea as, to labor the point, PTP have never released the financial account publicly. My relations eventually got paid, several months late. Lucky for them I bank rolled them at no interest. Not all were that lucky and many are worse off now than before.

The millers, warehouse owners, transport owners (who may have moved rice around and around in the middle of the night for good reason), those who bought cheap rice from other countries and pledged it, those who took advantage of fraudulent G2G deals all made money. That cash came from somewhere.

If Yingluck tries to present this as a social scheme, where benefits were far more than financial, at her trial as part of her defense she will (I hope) be asked to present the detailed accounts, so then all will be revealed. Somehow I don't think she's gonna do that.

If you prefer, you can believe it was a highly successful scheme, that enriched poor farmers and benefited the economy and that it was so successful she never even had to attend and chair any meeting because everything was going so smooth.

Self-citation: "It's not in the World Bank report". You get it?

My point is that there is no statement in the World Bank report that "not much" went to the farmers, nor data supporting this assertion.

It's not that I disagree with the data in the report, as you pretend to misunderstand.

The only mention in the WB is that "very poor" farmers did not participate because they produce for self-consumption.

Apart from that, I never said that the scheme has been well managed or that it was the best rice scheme option.


Edited by candide
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Ooh my oh my - stand by for a "Jonathan Head hatefest"...


Edited to add: Drat - baboon got in first!

Let me start it. Well, not a hatefest, but an inconsistency (something Mr Head tends to be).

He said at the start of his piece - 'I was curious, partly to see Ms Yingluck interacting with her supporters, as I was not in Thailand when she had campaigned for the 2011 election'.

He then goes on to say later - 'She has not lost the skills she demonstrated during the 2011 election campaign for working a crowd, conversing and joking easily with everyone she met'.

Er, if he wasn't about to see her in 2011, how on earth would he know if she hadn't lost the skills she demonstrated in 2011??

Very inconsistent, and it seems to me he's just made the last part up.

Then again, he isn't much of a journalist, in my opinion.

He also says that she's married which I believe is incorrect. As far as I am aware, she has a common law husband.

Yes. She's married to a common law husband.


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What a lovely picture. It seems that the former popularly elected Prime Minister of Thailand is beloved by the people. Heartwarming to see the mutual respect and love. Such images have not been seen in Thailand for at least two years have they? clap2.gifclap2.gif

oh I wouldn't say that ...


The difference is that the 000's of people greeting YL weren't government officials working under instructions during working hours, and the little girls greeting YL didn't pull away in disgust when she kissed them.

Apart from that, the above picture is perfectly genuine, as our esteemed PM prepares to grab two handsful of false udders.


Edited by Winniedapu
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She wants suggestions for a spot to visit? Klong Prem is nice this time of year.

Now if your junta leader had not given himself the mother of all amnesty's then that were he would be headed, and had his finances looked at by independent auditor's,

Well one could only guess how long the holiday could be???

Funny you and the few junta huggers are again quiet on the PM's statement regarding the temple stand off and a monk required to appear in court.

Now why is that pumpkin? Just to ridicules a statement to even try to back him up ehhh?

A typical Shinawatra sycophant response, though they usually have better grasp of English; if you don't like what others have to say, try to change the subject.

My post was clearly flippant - we all know she won't be attending anywhere south of Korat voluntarily.

" though they usually have better grasp of English"

Haha, the pumpkin can't win with arguments on the topic, and goes over to languages skills..... prove you are a shortsighted islander who sure don't speak any other language .......

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The BBC got paid by the corrupt Shin clan to accompany Yingluck on a tour to make her look good.

And who is your paymaster, seeing as unfounded accusations are suddenly flavour of the day?
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The BBC got paid by the corrupt Shin clan to accompany Yingluck on a tour to make her look good.

You are alleging the British Broadcasting Corporation took a bribe to cover Yingluck? One assumes you are only saying this in self-parody?

As an aside I noticed that my local streetside café here in Bangkok, now has a prominent picture of the last elected PM seen easily from the street. I wonder if they took a bribe too? I guess you would have inside information on that too.

Edited by Snig27
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Ooh my oh my - stand by for a "Jonathan Head hatefest"...


Edited to add: Drat - baboon got in first!

Let me start it. Well, not a hatefest, but an inconsistency (something Mr Head tends to be).

He said at the start of his piece - 'I was curious, partly to see Ms Yingluck interacting with her supporters, as I was not in Thailand when she had campaigned for the 2011 election'.

He then goes on to say later - 'She has not lost the skills she demonstrated during the 2011 election campaign for working a crowd, conversing and joking easily with everyone she met'.

Er, if he wasn't about to see her in 2011, how on earth would he know if she hadn't lost the skills she demonstrated in 2011??

Very inconsistent, and it seems to me he's just made the last part up.

Then again, he isn't much of a journalist, in my opinion.

He also says that she's married which I believe is incorrect. As far as I am aware, she has a common law husband.

Yes. She's married to a common law husband.


"A common law marriage is one in which the couple, usually a man and woman, lives together for a period of time and holds themselves out to friends, family and the community as "being married," but never go through a formal ceremony or get a marriage license."

There's no such thing as being married to a common law husband.

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The BBC got paid by the corrupt Shin clan to accompany Yingluck on a tour to make her look good.

You are alleging the British Broadcasting Corporation took a bribe to cover Yingluck? One assumes you are only saying this in self-parody?

As an aside I noticed that my local streetside café here in Bangkok, now has a prominent picture of the last elected PM seen easily from the street. I wonder if they took a bribe too? I guess you would have inside information on that too.

JH received it I am assuming.
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Always nice to see an Ample Rich nearly billionair playing with kids. Royalty and other elite figures do the same.

A few years ago she even had some help her with her iPad. Did she bring the kids some self-backed cookies?

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BBC World is showing footage of her visiting a school in the North East and being mobbed by schoolchildren too young to have any idea about politics so presumably doing exactly what family and teachers told them to do.

It was supposedly something to do with a competition posted on her Facebook account and due to the age of her ' supporters ' she can claim it wasn't political as the children are too young to vote, providing they could that is.

However she must be aware, as do so many others. that the law and legal niceties mean nothing to the junta when it suits.

The current situation with the monk is a prime example.

The travel ban on all convicted politicians was lifted by the junta. She is free to travel where ever she want to go. As she and her political party is banned from politics for 5 years this was not a political visit to Isaan but a friendly visit to show her supporters that she is still well and alive. There was no support for the previous political party and her supporters said they follow the rules of the junta and respect it.

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The BBC got paid by the corrupt Shin clan to accompany Yingluck on a tour to make her look good.

You are alleging the British Broadcasting Corporation took a bribe to cover Yingluck? One assumes you are only saying this in self-parody?

As an aside I noticed that my local streetside café here in Bangkok, now has a prominent picture of the last elected PM seen easily from the street. I wonder if they took a bribe too? I guess you would have inside information on that too.

JH received it I am assuming.
Based upon?
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The BBC got paid by the corrupt Shin clan to accompany Yingluck on a tour to make her look good.

You are alleging the British Broadcasting Corporation took a bribe to cover Yingluck? One assumes you are only saying this in self-parody?

As an aside I noticed that my local streetside café here in Bangkok, now has a prominent picture of the last elected PM seen easily from the street. I wonder if they took a bribe too? I guess you would have inside information on that too.

JH received it I am assuming.
Based upon?
It is obviously a planned promotion tour. The article, images etc is all done to make Yingluck look good. When taking into account that the Shins have a history of lobbying and using money to make money I have to assume that JH has been taken care of very well before, during and after this trip. Edited by Nickymaster
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So nothing factual, in other words. You stated categorically that the BBC were paid by the Shinawatra family simply based on the publication of an article not to your liking. That is one serious allegation.

Edited by baboon
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Always nice to see an Ample Rich nearly billionair playing with kids. Royalty and other elite figures do the same.

A few years ago she even had some help her with her iPad. Did she bring the kids some self-backed cookies?

Careful Rubl, you're beginning to sound like Baerboxer, unless it's a parody of course! Edited by JAG
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The BBC got paid by the corrupt Shin clan to accompany Yingluck on a tour to make her look good.

Go for it. another 5 posts claiming this and it will be "well known that the BBC were paid...", 5 more and it will be " a FACT that the BBC were paid...".

Cynical I know but how else is one supposed to regard such a ridiculous claim?

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BBC World is showing footage of her visiting a school in the North East and being mobbed by schoolchildren too young to have any idea about politics so presumably doing exactly what family and teachers told them to do.

It was supposedly something to do with a competition posted on her Facebook account and due to the age of her ' supporters ' she can claim it wasn't political as the children are too young to vote, providing they could that is.

However she must be aware, as do so many others. that the law and legal niceties mean nothing to the junta when it suits.

The current situation with the monk is a prime example.

The travel ban on all convicted politicians was lifted by the junta. She is free to travel where ever she want to go. As she and her political party is banned from politics for 5 years this was not a political visit to Isaan but a friendly visit to show her supporters that she is still well and alive. There was no support for the previous political party and her supporters said they follow the rules of the junta and respect it.
For those who are facing court proceedings the travel ban (to travel to another country) remains in effect unless permission is granted by the court.
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You are alleging the British Broadcasting Corporation took a bribe to cover Yingluck? One assumes you are only saying this in self-parody?

As an aside I noticed that my local streetside café here in Bangkok, now has a prominent picture of the last elected PM seen easily from the street. I wonder if they took a bribe too? I guess you would have inside information on that too.

JH received it I am assuming.
Based upon?
It is obviously a planned promotion tour. The article, images etc is all done to make Yingluck look good. When taking into account that the Shins have a history of lobbying and using money to make money I have to assume that JH has been taken care of very well before, during and after this trip.

Crikey that is a hell of an allegation which would probably lose Mr Head his job, and given that it puts the BBC in breach of their charter, would likely see questions in the House of Commons. Do you have any proof of your allegations?

Or did you just make it up??

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You are alleging the British Broadcasting Corporation took a bribe to cover Yingluck? One assumes you are only saying this in self-parody?

As an aside I noticed that my local streetside café here in Bangkok, now has a prominent picture of the last elected PM seen easily from the street. I wonder if they took a bribe too? I guess you would have inside information on that too.

JH received it I am assuming.
Based upon?
It is obviously a planned promotion tour. The article, images etc is all done to make Yingluck look good. When taking into account that the Shins have a history of lobbying and using money to make money I have to assume that JH has been taken care of very well before, during and after this trip.

Crikey that is a hell of an allegation which would probably lose Mr Head his job, and given that it puts the BBC in breach of their charter, would likely see questions in the House of Commons. Do you have any proof of your allegations?

Or did you just make it up??

It's not an allegation but an assumption.

Assume: to think that something is true or probably true without knowing that it is true. (Webster Dictionary).

Edited by Nickymaster
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I'm afraid not. You said: "The BBC got paid by the corrupt Shin clan to accompany Yingluck on a tour to make her look good". That is not an assumption but a direct allegation acording to any dictionary you want to quote. Perhaps you would care to withdraw it?

Edited by baboon
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Always nice to see an Ample Rich nearly billionair playing with kids. Royalty and other elite figures do the same.

A few years ago she even had some help her with her iPad. Did she bring the kids some self-backed cookies?

Careful Rubl, you're beginning to sound like Baerboxer, unless it's a parody of course!

Now I have to wonder if I'm insulted or you're just trying to divert from the topic rolleyes.gif

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Always nice to see an Ample Rich nearly billionair playing with kids. Royalty and other elite figures do the same.

A few years ago she even had some help her with her iPad. Did she bring the kids some self-backed cookies?

Careful Rubl, you're beginning to sound like Baerboxer, unless it's a parody of course!

Now I have to wonder if I'm insulted or you're just trying to divert from the topic rolleyes.gif

And after all, who would 'know' better than you?

All in the name of democracy of course.

Edited by baboon
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Always nice to see an Ample Rich nearly billionair playing with kids. Royalty and other elite figures do the same.

A few years ago she even had some help her with her iPad. Did she bring the kids some self-backed cookies?

Careful Rubl, you're beginning to sound like Baerboxer, unless it's a parody of course!

Now I have to wonder if I'm insulted or you're just trying to divert from the topic rolleyes.gif

And after all, who would 'know' better than you?

All in the name of democracy of course.

Don't worry Baboon. You're still #1 with your one liners and non-own-opinion.

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck had fun with the kids, that's nice. Maybe she asked them how they spent the holidays.

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Always nice to see an Ample Rich nearly billionair playing with kids. Royalty and other elite figures do the same.

A few years ago she even had some help her with her iPad. Did she bring the kids some self-backed cookies?

Careful Rubl, you're beginning to sound like Baerboxer, unless it's a parody of course!

Now I have to wonder if I'm insulted or you're just trying to divert from the topic rolleyes.gif

And after all, who would 'know' better than you?

All in the name of democracy of course.

Don't worry Baboon. You're still #1 with your one liners and non-own-opinion.

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck had fun with the kids, that's nice. Maybe she asked them how they spent the holidays.

Yet more off topic twisting and turning from you, and nothing to do with sticking with the topic of 'Yingluck stepping back into the political arena.' It might be seen by some that you are deliberately trying to divert the thread.

But don't worry, rubl. You are still #1 with your smears and barrack room layering.

Edited by baboon
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