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Horrible Discovery in Tiger Temple: Dozens of Dead Tiger Kittens


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I hate to say this,because i am an animal lover.But NO! no one cares because compassion,love for animals,love for anything,doesnt exist among the great unwashed and uneducated. As long as it doesnt affect them directly it doesnt matter.

You cant make a people care when that emotion has never been in their make up.

I'm sorry to say this,but its true.

I explained what had happened to my wife and she looked at me with the expression that Homer Simpson has when he doesnt understand the simplest of things.

Yes my Wife just refused to talk about it.

Cannot criticise monks or Buddhism

My wife is a devout Buddhist !

She has no problem understanding and condemning all those associated with the Tiger "temple"

Same of my wife. We talked about this today and she said simply that these are not real monks and do not follow the teachings of Buddha.

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Let me get this straight, this is a Buddhist temple and they objected to letting the Tigers go, but now we find it was affront for trafficking these tigers and making money off the furs, I assume as well as other animal parts. Which part of breaking the law does this temple want to address.

I suggest the Temple closed down, disband the monks ( those that are not charged with offences and sell off the land and donate all monies raised to Animal sancturaries across Thailand.

This si a DISGRACE to Thailand and Buddhism I wonder what the PM will say...........................

The PM will say that they all come from Burma, what else ?

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Buddhism's really taking it on the chin these days and does anyone care ?

Apparently not especially the leaders, where's the ruling council in all that's going on or is not having a Supreme Patriarch a convenient excuse ?

Well to be fair, this isn't 'Buddhism' is it? If I were a Buddhist in any other country I would be deeply annoyed as to how it is being manipulated for profit in this country. In fact, whilst waiting at a bus stop a few days back, the monk who I'd studiously avoided eye contact with (Phuket, money mad), had obviously noticed and blurted out 'I from Cambodia!' laugh.png

Wonder he did not ask you for the bus fare as happened to me.

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Now that the truth appears to be finally coming out about that cess pool known as the tiger temple, will the DSI/police/military get off the backsides and DO SOMETHING about the flying saucer temple and the scum running it?

Why all the pussyfooting around? It is obvious these so called 'monks' are abusing everybody. Time to start treating them like the criminals they are.

Disgusting Thailand (new TAT motto?).

"Disgusting Thailand"

So this discovery at one isolated temple means that the entire country is disgusting? How do you justify that remark?

The other temple that you refer to has not been charged with, never mind convicted of, anything as yet so that one can't be included in any rational comment.

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All regions are superstitious Mumbo Jumbo.

A shame that the lot of them cannot just disappear.

From the TV programme "Peaky Blinders" comes the quote "All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question"

My feelings about the dead tigers have all been said - "sad" doesn't even begin to cover it!

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Anyone out there still defending the scum who ran this cesspit?

Was there any?

Went there about four years ago. Clearly a commercial enterprise run by and for the monks.

I could not understand why there was a group of western "volunteers" helping to look after the tigers. If they had cared about the animals they should have been campaigning outside the entrance.

Cambodia wants some tigers to release into the wild. Send fifty or so over there.

You WENT there knowing there was an entry fee , and concluded that it was a "commercial enterprise " ?

Now you want to cast dispersions on ''volunteers'' who had way more to do with the well being of the tigers and much less to do with driving the whole sad market with cash entry fees like you paid?

Because they wanted themselves or there own to cuddle a ( normally ) Wild animal?

I wont go on , because I had friends and relatives arrive with this sad factory as a 'must see" for their holiday in Thailand !


So farangs really think do they?

No , on reconsideration , this post sums up why there is hundreds of wild animals chained and drugged up right now.

And you want to point the finger ... sigh ...

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It takes years to become a Catholic Priest and we know that there Institution is not without there own problems....some centuries old....Well to be a Monk here all you need to do is show up.

Commit a crime....become a monk.

Its all a facade.

So what? Catholic priests are not monks and cannot be compared with them. Monasteries in UK would probably accept individuals wanting to be monks in the same way as Thai temples do.

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It takes years to become a Catholic Priest and we know that there Institution is not without there own problems....some centuries old....Well to be a Monk here all you need to do is show up.

Commit a crime....become a monk.

Its all a facade.

So what? Catholic priests are not monks and cannot be compared with them. Monasteries in UK would probably accept individuals wanting to be monks in the same way as Thai temples do.

Most Christian orders require a long period of preparation as a postulate - to make sure that person is able to cope with the rigors of being a monk (or Nun)

Buddhism tends to be more lenient, but the sentiment is nevertheless the same......


Edited by cumgranosalum
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I don't even want to think about how many hundreds - if not thousands - of cubs were brutally killed over the years to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines, because it makes me sick to my stomach.

Who said any were "brutally killed" to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines? The BBC is quoting a farang helper as saying that dead cubs bodies were frozen and kept for years in some cases as evidence that they were not trafficking the cubs.

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I don't even want to think about how many hundreds - if not thousands - of cubs were brutally killed over the years to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines, because it makes me sick to my stomach.

Who said any were "brutally killed" to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines? The BBC is quoting a farang helper as saying that dead cubs bodies were frozen and kept for years in some cases as evidence that they were not trafficking the cubs.

Seems an unlikely tale !

Why would anyone one wish to freeze and keep dead bodies for years ?

Forensic examination of the bodies will reveal the truth!

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Disgusting so much for religion

There is nothing wrong with religion per se, it is the way it is abused that is disgusting

Religion and the insidious indoctrination of it is disgusting per se' !

The abuses carried out under the protected guise of religious doctrine are no less nor no more disgusting I admit.

The strangeness of the abuses is that there is likely to be more than one vociferous objector to this example of (animal) abuse who have been (human) victims themselves.

The veneer if any social civilization humanity has achieved only repeatedly confirms we are still Neanderthal throwbacks in general !

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The Guardian reporting that the cubs were found in a freezer, not freshly killed, ending speculation that the cubs were killed in haste to hide a breeding program but were being traded for parts.


"...but were being traded for parts."

The Guardian report says nothing of the sort.

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No wonder I'm agnostic. My first wife was Jewish, My second was a muslim, My third of whom I,m still married to is a Thai Budhist whom I love and is best . I was born Anglican, Religion "It's all bullshit".

Then you should understand that your wife is probably an animist, and that true Buddhism is not a religion. Me? True Buddhist. I don't market in animal parts, nor do the monks whom I follow.

"Mahayana Buddhism developed out of the Theravada tradition roughly 500 years after the Buddha attained Enlightenment. A number of individual schools and traditions have formed under the banner of Mahayana, including Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism, and Tantric Buddhism."

there are many forms of Buddhism just like any religion - and I would tend to agree that Buddhism doesn't follow all the precepts one generally attaches to a "Religion" - however it has a habit of performing functions as a religion does - and part of that is the worship of fetishes and the absorption of local religious practices and beliefs. ...burt all religions do that.....Theravada Buddhism as practiced in Thailand always reminds be of Irish Catholicism, religious doctrine is replaced by superstition and fetish and of course the fakers, mountebanks and fraudsters.

At present it is being used for political purposes as they try to make it a state religion and at the temple it appears to have been a money spinner or a shield against the law.

As this is the Teflon temple, I don't think we've heard the last of this...especially as to carry on as long as they have, they obviously have friends in high places (very high, if you dig about a bit0 so it will be impossible for some to be seen in a bad light. I fear any subsequent legal procedures are going to make the Thai legal system look like an episode of the Goonshow.

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Who said any were "brutally killed" to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines? The BBC is quoting a farang helper as saying that dead cubs bodies were frozen and kept for years in some cases as evidence that they were not trafficking the cubs.

Seems an unlikely tale !

Why would anyone one wish to freeze and keep dead bodies for years ?

Why? I've now highlighted the bit that answered your question.

Edited by Scouse Twoccer
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Who said any were "brutally killed" to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines? The BBC is quoting a farang helper as saying that dead cubs bodies were frozen and kept for years in some cases as evidence that they were not trafficking the cubs.

Seems an unlikely tale !

Why would anyone one wish to freeze and keep dead bodies for years ?

Why? I've now highlighted the bit that answered your question.

You are naive in the extreme !

Bye !

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I don't even want to think about how many hundreds - if not thousands - of cubs were brutally killed over the years to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines, because it makes me sick to my stomach.

Who said any were "brutally killed" to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines? The BBC is quoting a farang helper as saying that dead cubs bodies were frozen and kept for years in some cases as evidence that they were not trafficking the cubs.

well that raises all sorts of questions - why were thew cubs kept and not just incinerated? If they had had a proper registered and legal breeding program then these deaths (at birth?) should have been reported - how many times have these female tigers been allowed to get pregnant and then the cubs have died...why did this happen.....i'm sure others ca think of ore questions raised by this statement.

however it does give us a sample of the bullshit that is going to hit the fan as the temple tries to explain all this away.

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One does wonder what explanation the temple is going to come up with....and how the authorities will accept it....

Maybe this is a possible scenario?

​Ranger - Excuse me, I wish to complain.....this tiger cub you showed me...

Monk: - “Ah Yes the Tigris Templum Hybridium. Lovely animal....

Ranger - Lovely animal, I’m sure it was but this one is dead.

Monk: - Dead? No sir, it’s not dead, probably sleeping after a long growl....

Ranger - No it’s dead...

Monk - Look! it just moved - No listen, it’s purring

Ranger - Purring? That’s not purring, you’re just rattling it upon the counter. It is totally silent

Monk - It’s probably just pining for some boiled chicken

Ranger - Look here - This is a deceased tiger cub, bereft of life it lies motionless, in a plastic bag; the only reason it is standing up is because it is frozen to this plank because has been in the freezer for the past 3 months......... it is dead, gone to the great jungle in the sky, it should be pushing up daisies if you hadn’t stuck it in the freezer, this tiglet is no longer with us it growls no more.....it will never grow up and wreak havoc on the local wild boar population, it is a stiff, a furry ice-cube, tigris mortuus est, it is in short an ex-tiger.

Ranger - NaaaH! not really, it’s gonna come back again; reincarnated as an elk next time.......

Ranger - Ann Elk? .....What possible use is a n elk - I wanted the sophisticated cachet of paradin down the road with a tiger on a chain, not a bleedin’ great leaf munchin elk - I demand a refund -

Monk - well you’ll have to wait till we get the of 147,444,000 baht or 4,3 million US$ from the government for that.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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There are good monks, and I use the term loosely, bad monks and heinous monks. These monks fall into the last category. I hope there is a law whereby the courts can nail every one of them.

No. There are monks and there are not monks. These men are not monks.

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Who said any were "brutally killed" to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines? The BBC is quoting a farang helper as saying that dead cubs bodies were frozen and kept for years in some cases as evidence that they were not trafficking the cubs.

Seems an unlikely tale !

Why would anyone one wish to freeze and keep dead bodies for years ?

Why? I've now highlighted the bit that answered your question.

...and the bones and entrails too? seems a funny way to go about "caring" for animals...

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They must have hidden away the pregnant ones, and then taken their kittens away. Perhaps drugged them, the mothers.

Mother cats, whatever the size, are very protective of their kittens.

This week - gorilla death and now loads of tigers who are becoming extinct.... 40 of them found frozen. Boggly mind.

What is going to happen to the others.

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They must have hidden away the pregnant ones, and then taken their kittens away. Perhaps drugged them, the mothers.

Mother cats, whatever the size, are very protective of their kittens.

This week - gorilla death and now loads of tigers who are becoming extinct.... 40 of them found frozen. Boggly mind.

What is going to happen to the others.

I think you can be assured that the Tigers will be well cared for in their new home.

They will have freedom and no longer be drugged and harassed by "tourists" who in their ignorance contributed to the abuse of these animals.

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