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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie

General De Gaulle of France was absolutely right to try and block the entry of the UK to the EU. One must remember that the UK had tried to establish a different "common market" with countries that are now part of the EU. Only after theyt had realized that this was an utter failure, did there successfully try to join the EU. Since then, all the EU had has been a succession of requests for exceptions. It is high time for the UK people to decide if they wish to be part of Europe, with all the benefits involved, or out of it . Let us see then where the London Financial centre is, where the British Exports go to, where the so called "British Democracy" (where a PM with a minority popular vote can rule the country) i) and where Britain will stand on security.

The youtube film is an anti EU propaganda clip, full of lies, half lies and misconstrued facts. For example: The European Parliament has the right, indeed the duty, to agree or disagree laws SUGGESTED by the commission. Yes, the EU can be made more democratic, if some countries, like the UK, would stop blocking progress. Europe, including the UK can only have a bright future in our globalized world as a US of Europe, with each country keeping its culture and traditions. EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU. Remember one fact: The EU, or most states of the EU will not, repeat NOT, be prepared to enter agreements with the UK which will hold benefits only for the UK. I really hope that the British people will have enough sense to realize the actual real facts.

De Gaulle kept us out of the EEC, not the EU.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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It's interesting that whenever a topic on Brexit comes up, the responses on TV are overwhelmingly on the side of the leave campaign.

Personally, as long as DC can negotiate more sovereign powers over immigration & finance/tax etc..., I think we're better of "Inside the tent pi55ing out".

Just my 2 cents

2020 more integration on it's way.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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I don't really have a dog in this fight, I have never been an anglophile, and, in general, I am not opposed to people leaving their homeland to live and work in another country - I've done it several times. However, what I see here is about one-third of the population of North Africa and the ME trying to cross the Mediterranean and invade Europe. They bring with them an economy-burdening poverty and a hostile culture that dilutes the indigenous culture to the point that, were it not recorded in literature and academia, it would no longer be recognizable. European families, in general, have taken responsible steps to voluntarily limit population increases through reproduction. Third world countries from Africa and Asia continue to produce large families to increase the number of workers in their units and to guarantee security for the elderly. That, coupled with the technology compassionately offered from the west, has increased the survival rate of their citizenry but it has not increased the economic opportunities to enjoy the out-of-reach living standards in Europe as witnessed by them in the media.

Compassion is an admirable trait, especially when exercised by nations with the support of their people. But in the modern world it is rapidly becoming a means of enabling that encourages people to leave their countries instead of struggling to fix them. Unless there is a radical change in the EU policy vis-a-vis immigration, continued membership in that organization will result in the accelerated dismantling of the UK.

The British Empire is long gone. It is time for the British people to expiate itself of the guilt for sins it committed during that era and function again as a cohesive, focused unit the way it did during its heroic days of the early 1940s. That cannot happen if it continues to carry the burdens imposed by continued membership in EU.

Hear hear! Well said that person. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifsmile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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It's not going to happen. The GCHQ has had years to prepare their computer algo's , and it succesfully worked with the Scotish. Again the Brexit wil fail by less than 1 % difference because the NWO wants the Brits IN the rotten EU. SAD !

I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next man, but if there was any hint of a stitch-up, why would the nasty party be so riven? Surely they would all be aware that the results were rigged?

Merkel and Juncke, along with Cameron, are really lizards put in place by the secret world order of masons on the orders of Price Philip their leader and chief lizard grand wizzard.

They control everything. 99% who voted on the Scottish referendum wanted to leave the UK and be a utopia under wee Nicola Kranky and her husband, the hidden one. But she's a lizard, albeit a small one, and is really working for the EU super socialist super state where she'll still be first minister, her husband with still be party CEO of the now only part allowed and children will be reporting on their parents political views and negative comments so dissenters can be dealt with. But the dastardly British secret services thwarted it and rigged the results.

In the US, lizard Obama, the Queen of England's cousin, 240 times removed, and therefore related to the Kaiser, is looking for lizard Hilary to replace him. Bill is a bit of a wayward lizard and they have to stop him sticking his long lizard tongue where he shouldn't.

Bernie isn't a lizard which is why despite getting a massive vote he as a tiny disproportionate number of delegates. Besides, the lizards on Wall St and in the Square Mile want another lizard who'll follow their instructions.

The maverick Trump has throng a spanner in their GOP nominations. Damn. He ain't one of them. Still, he can be bought, impeached or do a Kennedy.

Hang on a minute, aren't the UK, EU and US always banging on the drum about transparent democracy, fairness, justice and how their perfect system must be copied by all second and third world countries. Those very same countries they used to ruthlessly exploit by colonization and now want to ruthlessly exploit through trade tariff agreements. David Icke must have got it wrong, we can't be the bad guys, can we?

There you go. Enjoy the conspiracy. I'm just off to have a coffee with Elvis. He runs out local sam tom stall with his Isaan wife.

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If Brexit wins there will surely be a vote of no confidence in Cameron and I expect his position to be untenable. There will be a contest for the new PM and a lot of back bencher's won't vote for Osborne or May, so I expect either Boris or Gove will become PM.

Is everybody happy? w00t.gif

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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


General De Gaulle of France was absolutely right to try and block the entry of the UK to the EU. One must remember that the UK had tried to establish a different "common market" with countries that are now part of the EU. Only after theyt had realized that this was an utter failure, did there successfully try to join the EU. Since then, all the EU had has been a succession of requests for exceptions. It is high time for the UK people to decide if they wish to be part of Europe, with all the benefits involved, or out of it . Let us see then where the London Financial centre is, where the British Exports go to, where the so called "British Democracy" (where a PM with a minority popular vote can rule the country) i) and where Britain will stand on security.

The youtube film is an anti EU propaganda clip, full of lies, half lies and misconstrued facts. For example: The European Parliament has the right, indeed the duty, to agree or disagree laws SUGGESTED by the commission. Yes, the EU can be made more democratic, if some countries, like the UK, would stop blocking progress. Europe, including the UK can only have a bright future in our globalized world as a US of Europe, with each country keeping its culture and traditions. EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU. Remember one fact: The EU, or most states of the EU will not, repeat NOT, be prepared to enter agreements with the UK which will hold benefits only for the UK. I really hope that the British people will have enough sense to realize the actual real facts.

De Gaulle the jealous kept Britain out of the EEC. It was tiny then and France was the big cheese, getting it's own way and ensuring it's laughable inefficient industries were protected. Without Britain De Gaulle would never have led France and his countrymen would be speaking German. Twice we bailed them out but this ungrateful nerd was only concerned with trying to get back France as a serious world power. Dream on.

Now it's large and the EU is moving away from democracy to central control with the EU commission appointed by the parliament but then exerting tremendous influence and control. Like a company. Shareholders elect directors who often then do what they think. Juncke has public stated his EU Commission will not work with political parties they consider extreme right. (Presumably the extreme left are ok though). Who is this appointed bureaucrat to tell people elected by the people of Europe he will not work with them because his views are different. He should be sacked. Or does he think he can dictate who people are allowed to vote for? Like Merkel, a one party state where elections may have a choice of people but not fundamental policies is the goal.

I hope the British people vote to stay and Britain works with those Germans, French, Danish, Dutch, Polish and others who are waking up to the reality of how the left wing federalists see Europe developing.

The Merkel government are really crapping themselves about the UK leaving. It will leave them with the big bills, a disorganized as ever union controlled France as a partner, and all the Southern European basket case economies to sort out. The Scandinavians, Dutch, Poles are watching closely. Many there have had enough, not of the EU per se but of the political federalists and the bureaucratic controls they seek to impose.

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If Brexit wins there will surely be a vote of no confidence in Cameron and I expect his position to be untenable. There will be a contest for the new PM and a lot of back bencher's won't vote for Osborne or May, so I expect either Boris or Gove will become PM.

Is everybody happy? w00t.gif

Boris the buffoon (another old Etonian rich elite) or Gove the nutcase. Great choices. Or maybe the government would resign and Commissar Jeremy might get to be the leader. That would upset the apple cart.

Bear in mind referendums in the UK are not binding on governments. They test the mood of the people and give them the opportunity to express that view. But it would still have to be voted on in parliament.

If there is a vote to leave, expect Cameron to weasel out. He'll tell Merklel it's a reaction to his crap deal and he must get a better one. If a vote to stay he'll be praising himself on what a great deal he negotiated and how wise the British people are to follow his directions.

If the latter, I hope citizens in other EU countries don't see it as a vote for more federalism and integration. It won't be that at all.

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If Brexit wins there will surely be a vote of no confidence in Cameron and I expect his position to be untenable. There will be a contest for the new PM and a lot of back bencher's won't vote for Osborne or May, so I expect either Boris or Gove will become PM.

Is everybody happy? w00t.gif

Boris the buffoon (another old Etonian rich elite) or Gove the nutcase. Great choices. Or maybe the government would resign and Commissar Jeremy might get to be the leader. That would upset the apple cart.

Bear in mind referendums in the UK are not binding on governments. They test the mood of the people and give them the opportunity to express that view. But it would still have to be voted on in parliament.

If there is a vote to leave, expect Cameron to weasel out. He'll tell Merklel it's a reaction to his crap deal and he must get a better one. If a vote to stay he'll be praising himself on what a great deal he negotiated and how wise the British people are to follow his directions.

If the latter, I hope citizens in other EU countries don't see it as a vote for more federalism and integration. It won't be that at all.

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I'm not a Brit but if I were, there is no way I would want my boat tied to a sinking ship. They will never make foolish destitute socialist countries rich off the back of wealthier countries. Sooner or later the EU is doomed. I would jump ship while still able.

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And yet another reason to vote Brexit : UK tax payers biggest funders of failed Juncker Immigration Plan

" The plan has failed and Juncker has his hands in every country’s pocket for more funding. The UK is already already the biggest contributor to this madness, having wasted €8.5 billion."


Edited by Asiantravel
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They did some geographical analysis of the polls.

Wales & Scotland are firmly Remain, England is a marginal Leave.

Not quite correct, the parts of the country that are willing to give up their independence to the EU are London and to reducing numbers Scotland. The parts of the country that are more likely to vote Brexit are Wales and the remaining parts of England. As for Northern Ireland,they will vote as the always have.

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Whatever the result, Cameron, Osborne and perhaps a couple other stalwarts who, firstly, erroneously combined to bring

about this referendum as a means to neutralise UKIP support, and, secondly, so firmly nailed their colours to the "remain"

mast, should start dusting off their cv's. It is very possible that their political careers are about to come to a sudden end.

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EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU.

Funniest quote I've read all day.

I forgot to add, I very much doubt the EU will prosper without the UK. Where is the hole going to be filled without the UK's billions?

I can tell you're nuts, abrahamzvi.

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Not surprising Brexit gets the majority TV vote, skewed as it is in favour of people of a certain age. Polls in the UK have consistently shown that us old fossils, brought up when a map of the world was one quarter pink - and who think we can somehow recreate this kind of influence outside the EU - are the diehard leave supporters. On the other hand, the youngsters who will have to live with the result of the referendum in the future, and clear up the mess we will have left them, want to stay in.

I favour a vote to stay, as long as this means that the wishy-washy, namby-pamby eurosceptic 'Little Englanders' will actually stop whingeing and start to try to influence EU decision making. It is their fault that we have allowed Europe to be dominated by Germany and their allies, although of course they will be the last to admit it, preferring to put the blame on everyone else.

Failing that, there is always the other option - becoming the 51st state of the US!

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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie

General De Gaulle of France was absolutely right to try and block the entry of the UK to the EU. One must remember that the UK had tried to establish a different "common market" with countries that are now part of the EU. Only after theyt had realized that this was an utter failure, did there successfully try to join the EU. Since then, all the EU had has been a succession of requests for exceptions. It is high time for the UK people to decide if they wish to be part of Europe, with all the benefits involved, or out of it . Let us see then where the London Financial centre is, where the British Exports go to, where the so called "British Democracy" (where a PM with a minority popular vote can rule the country) i) and where Britain will stand on security.

The youtube film is an anti EU propaganda clip, full of lies, half lies and misconstrued facts. For example: The European Parliament has the right, indeed the duty, to agree or disagree laws SUGGESTED by the commission. Yes, the EU can be made more democratic, if some countries, like the UK, would stop blocking progress. Europe, including the UK can only have a bright future in our globalized world as a US of Europe, with each country keeping its culture and traditions. EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU. Remember one fact: The EU, or most states of the EU will not, repeat NOT, be prepared to enter agreements with the UK which will hold benefits only for the UK. I really hope that the British people will have enough sense to realize the actual real facts.

Democracy in Westminster may not be 100% perfect, but it's a million times more democratic than that imposed on us by the autocrats in Brussels. One thing the EU is intent on is to harmonies the EU into one culture. As for your view that the EU will not be prepared to enter an agreement with the U.K., well that maybe your opinion,but is that what Benz,Volkswagen, and all the other EU businesses will want,especially as the UK buys far more from the EU than the EU buys from the UK.

Have you also taken into consideration,the future plans for the EU, that are now being planned and will soon be imposed by those unelected EU commissioners?


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The world is holding its breath. As goes UK goes the immediate future for many more. Remain, the world continues its inexorable slide into tyranny couched as socialism. Exit and it may be a 'tipping point,' as Gladwell notes, and prompt others to toss these leftist shackles.

Please EXIT.

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Not surprising Brexit gets the majority TV vote, skewed as it is in favour of people of a certain age. Polls in the UK have consistently shown that us old fossils, brought up when a map of the world was one quarter pink - and who think we can somehow recreate this kind of influence outside the EU - are the diehard leave supporters. On the other hand, the youngsters who will have to live with the result of the referendum in the future, and clear up the mess we will have left them, want to stay in.

I favour a vote to stay, as long as this means that the wishy-washy, namby-pamby eurosceptic 'Little Englanders' will actually stop whingeing and start to try to influence EU decision making. It is their fault that we have allowed Europe to be dominated by Germany and their allies, although of course they will be the last to admit it, preferring to put the blame on everyone else.

Failing that, there is always the other option - becoming the 51st state of the US!

There is a certain amount of truth in what you say. Many of the younger generation do not have much experience of life,why do you think the SNP were so insistent on 16yr old voting in 2014.They have only known life under the control of the EU,so it's a case of the Devil they know,rather than having confidence in their country with the 5th strongest economy. Add to this is the general apathy of the younger age group,far more important to vote on Britains got Talent" rather than check up on all the benifit from being in a independent country.


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Not surprising Brexit gets the majority TV vote, skewed as it is in favour of people of a certain age. Polls in the UK have consistently shown that us old fossils, brought up when a map of the world was one quarter pink - and who think we can somehow recreate this kind of influence outside the EU - are the diehard leave supporters. On the other hand, the youngsters who will have to live with the result of the referendum in the future, and clear up the mess we will have left them, want to stay in.

I favour a vote to stay, as long as this means that the wishy-washy, namby-pamby eurosceptic 'Little Englanders' will actually stop whingeing and start to try to influence EU decision making. It is their fault that we have allowed Europe to be dominated by Germany and their allies, although of course they will be the last to admit it, preferring to put the blame on everyone else.

Failing that, there is always the other option - becoming the 51st state of the US!

There is a certain amount of truth in what you say. Many of the younger generation do not have much experience of life,why do you think the SNP were so insistent on 16yr old voting in 2014.They have only known life under the control of the EU,so it's a case of the Devil they know,rather than having confidence in their country with the 5th strongest economy. Add to this is the general apathy of the younger age group,far more important to vote on Britains got Talent" rather than check up on all the benifit from being in a independent country.

But it is this very apathy, even general disinterest and malaise on the part of the eligible younger voter, which has the possibility to play into the hands of

a British exit from the European Union. All of the telephone or online polling in the world will make no difference at the polling station. It is only the

committed voter who will influence the outcome of the referendum. When people have been polled, not on which they will vote, but WHETHER they will

vote, those favouring Brexit are in the majority.

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The corrupt anti-democratic EU will not let the UK leave. If UK were allowed to leave it would be the start of the end of the EU.

Brussels control our Politicians, media, Academic system and voting (Just look at what happened in France and Austria).

To many on the EU gravy train.

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The corrupt anti-democratic EU will not let the UK leave. If UK were allowed to leave it would be the start of the end of the EU.

If the UK votes leave then the EU has no choice in the matter.

Your second point is most valid and it will be the beginning of the end of the EU.

The UK's financial input suddenly gone can't be ignored. Goodbye, EU.

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They did some geographical analysis of the polls.

Wales & Scotland are firmly Remain, England is a marginal Leave.

Not quite correct, the parts of the country that are willing to give up their independence to the EU are London and to reducing numbers Scotland. The parts of the country that are more likely to vote Brexit are Wales and the remaining parts of England. As for Northern Ireland,they will vote as the always have.

England is essentially 2 countries.
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Let's hope so, the EU has way too much to say about how the British Government should run their country, there will be many business people who have made substantial investments in the EU and they are the ones trying to convince everyone to stay; however for the majority of the population getting out of this cesspit is the correct way to go. Get our country & borders back from people who don't give a hoot about the UK.

Get out the sooner the better. The whole EU thing was a wet dream of Prince Bernard (ex brown shirt while attending Humboldt U, Berlin) and his American buddy Joh D. Rockefeller.

This radical solution may be too much even for staunch EU / Euro opponents. Many of them still seek, hope and dream of a reformed EU. They still live under the illusion that ‘things’ could be worked out. Believe me – they cannot. The Machiavellian US-invented venture, called European Union with the equally US-invented common currency – the Eurozonehas run its course. It is about to ram the proverbial iceberg. The EU-Euro vessel is too heavy to veer away from disaster. Europe is better off taking time to regroup; each nation with the objective of regaining political and economic sovereignty – and perhaps with an eye a couple of generations down the road envisaging a new United Europe of sovereign federal states, independent, totally delinked from the diabolical games of the western Anglo-American empire.

​If Brits know what's good for them to hell with the polls. Use your brains for what your mothers gave them to you for - To THINK. And get out of this cesspool called EU.

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