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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


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Look at this side:

Read the number that there appears to be the weekly payment.
That number is a lie.
So that are your new politicans you like to trust?

Lies already straight in the face?

The right number is every week 190 million pounds, the equivalent of 240.8 million euros. downscaled to each Britons there are 153 pounds per year (approximately 194 euros), or 42 pence a day (53.2 cents), which go to the EU.

My god and with these people, the UK will perform after a Brexit?
Lying to their followers already now.

Edited by tomacht8
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Does the UK populous want their taxes take care of UK folk......YES

Does the UK populous want to send their taxes to EU countries that ain't got anywhere...NO

Does the UK folk want to work until they are 70 to bolster the finances of other countries that can retire earlier than them....NO.

Does UK folk like being told what to do bye foriegners.....NO

Does UK folk like foriegn folk walking into the UK working for peanuts taking UK jobs.....NO

Does UK folk like forieng folk walking into the UK and given accomadation...NO

Does the UK folk........

More ill thought out nonsence

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The UK fishermen on the River Thames do celebrate already the brexit.

20 years hard negotiation in the EU over species conservation, sustainability, mesh sizes in nets, fishing quotas, marine research,
to prevent the total exploitation of the oceans by overfishing.
With an brexit the painstakingly developed fish stocks, will probably quickly looted again.

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Before we are told yet again how incompetent our Chancellor is, indeed he has missed his borrowing targets yet again, why is this.

Here behind the headline is some of the detail which says:

" Public sector net borrowing, excluding public sector banks, stood at £9.7bn last month.While this was £0.4bn lower than the deficit in May 2015, it was higher than economists' estimates of a bigger fall to £9.5bn".

And goes on to say:

"Receipts have climbed 3pc this year compared with the same period a year ago. However, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the government's fiscal watchdog, has forecast a 6pc increase for the year as a whole. The subdued growth probably shows the effect of the recent slowdown in the economy," said Scott Bowman, an economist at Capital Economics."

So, incompetent Chancellor or poor forecasting combined with a CONTINUED slowdown in global growth? Our resident one trick pony economist will tell us it's because of George, others who can read and think will look to a wider picture.


Edited by chiang mai
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Before we are told yet again how incompetent our Chancellor is, indeed he has missed his borrowing targets yet again, why is this.

Here behind the headline is some of the detail which says:

" Public sector net borrowing, excluding public sector banks, stood at £9.7bn last month.While this was £0.4bn lower than the deficit in May 2015, it was higher than economists' estimates of a bigger fall to £9.5bn".

And goes on to say:

"Receipts have climbed 3pc this year compared with the same period a year ago. However, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the government's fiscal watchdog, has forecast a 6pc increase for the year as a whole. The subdued growth probably shows the effect of the recent slowdown in the economy," said Scott Bowman, an economist at Capital Economics."

So, incompetent Chancellor or poor forecasting combined with a CONTINUED slowdown in global growth? Our resident one trick pony economist will tell us it's because of George, others who can read and think will look to a wider picture.


chaing mai

Even by your poor standards, this abomination really takes the biscuit.

Now let me explain why.

1. The Chancellor is paid to be the Chancellor, not any of the myriad of economists that contributed, or indeed, did not contribute to the article. The buck stops with the Chancellor, no-one else. Would YOU go to someone with a 2:1 in history for financial advice ? Would you go to a dentist with an aneurysm on the brain ? And finally, why is someone with a 2:1 in history the Chancellor when all these highly qualified economists are around ? I guess qualifications and experience is not required when you are Dodgy Dave's mate. Remind me again what Dodgy Dave has ever done other than Politics. Job ? No, he's never had one either.

2. Ah, so neither the Chancellor or Scott Bowman never actually saw the slowdown in global growth. Eyes wide shut again. Which brings me nicely onto my last point.

3. Any Economic Model & Policy that is based on perceived growth is doomed to failure from the start. As with most things that are important, you work on the worst case scenario and things can only improve. Not rocket science, no need to be a highly qualified economist to work it out. Just a period of working in the real world. Oh, of course, that's another problem for the Gidiout, hasn't been there and hasn't got the T-Shirt.

The OBR's forecast for this year is 6%. I am neither an economist or some kind of expert. In fact you could call me financially illiterate and in this context I would agree with you.

Fancy a wager chaing mai. I am willing to wager that the UK's growth for 2016 does not exceed 2.8% overall for the year.

Edited to add.

I just remembered. The EU takes additional money from the UK if it performs better than expected. Which may explain why they go in high in first place. No matter, it is still flawed system.

Edited by SgtRock
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Following David Cameron's hastily-arranged 10 minute pro-remain statement outside of No. 10,

Mr Cameron's former adviser Steve Hilton, who backs leaving the EU, called it a "weird statement" and

a "rather amazing thing to hear".

"What you just saw from the prime minister was an admission that they've lost the economic argument,

they've lost the argument on immigration, so he's being wheeled out by rather panicky spin doctors to try

to change the subject," Mr Hilton told the BBC.

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Before we are told yet again how incompetent our Chancellor is, indeed he has missed his borrowing targets yet again, why is this.

Here behind the headline is some of the detail which says:

" Public sector net borrowing, excluding public sector banks, stood at £9.7bn last month.While this was £0.4bn lower than the deficit in May 2015, it was higher than economists' estimates of a bigger fall to £9.5bn".

And goes on to say:

"Receipts have climbed 3pc this year compared with the same period a year ago. However, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the government's fiscal watchdog, has forecast a 6pc increase for the year as a whole. The subdued growth probably shows the effect of the recent slowdown in the economy," said Scott Bowman, an economist at Capital Economics."

So, incompetent Chancellor or poor forecasting combined with a CONTINUED slowdown in global growth? Our resident one trick pony economist will tell us it's because of George, others who can read and think will look to a wider picture.


chaing mai

Even by your poor standards, this abomination really takes the biscuit.

Now let me explain why.

1. The Chancellor is paid to be the Chancellor, not any of the myriad of economists that contributed, or indeed, did not contribute to the article. The buck stops with the Chancellor, no-one else. Would YOU go to someone with a 2:1 in history for financial advice ? Would you go to a dentist with an aneurysm on the brain ? And finally, why is someone with a 2:1 in history the Chancellor when all these highly qualified economists are around ? I guess qualifications and experience is not required when you are Dodgy Dave's mate. Remind me again what Dodgy Dave has ever done other than Politics. Job ? No, he's never had one either.

2. Ah, so neither the Chancellor or Scott Bowman never actually saw the slowdown in global growth. Eyes wide shut again. Which brings me nicely onto my last point.

3. Any Economic Model & Policy that is based on perceived growth is doomed to failure from the start. As with most things that are important, you work on the worst case scenario and things can only improve. Not rocket science, no need to be a highly qualified economist to work it out. Just a period of working in the real world. Oh, of course, that's another problem for the Gidiout, hasn't been there and hasn't got the T-Shirt.

The OBR's forecast for this year is 6%. I am neither an economist or some kind of expert. In fact you could call me financially illiterate and in this context I would agree with you.

Fancy a wager chaing mai. I am willing to wager that the UK's growth for 2016 does not exceed 2.8% overall for the year.

Edited to add.

I just remembered. The EU takes additional money from the UK if it performs better than expected. Which may explain why they go in high in first place. No matter, it is still flawed system.

Why is it that Brexiteers are so obsessed with the current government - who are wankahs - but that is not the EU - looks like Brexiteers are incapable of looking further than the ends of their noses. It's like leaving your partner because you didn't like the clothes they are wearing this morning.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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What a most odd and unusual analogy used by Cumgranosalum in his post.

He should take more water with whatever he is drinking.

I would support his comments about the present government, but is there an

unsaid comparison that he somehow thinks that the EU Commissioners are any


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Soon.... soon, (I hope - not wanting to scud the result) we will be OUT

Then we can cheer. Well, some of us can laugh.png

IF we vote remain, we can all be under the thumb of the non elected idiots who run the E.U. and live to regret it.

Watch them steamroller new policies through and then people say... "Oh, what have we done!!" rolleyes.gif

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Soon.... soon, (I hope - not wanting to scud the result) we will be OUT

Then we can cheer. Well, some of us can laugh.png

IF we vote remain, we can all be under the thumb of the non elected idiots who run the E.U. and live to regret it.

Watch them steamroller new policies through and then people say... "Oh, what have we done!!" rolleyes.gif

Really - you obviously aren't in the same EU as me - the one that guarantees democratic standards amongst members and has a good ever expending system of representation - but ten I doubt if you've ever bothered to check it out - ...... - it's so much easier to believe a few soundbites rather than think.

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Before we are told yet again how incompetent our Chancellor is, indeed he has missed his borrowing targets yet again, why is this.

Here behind the headline is some of the detail which says:

" Public sector net borrowing, excluding public sector banks, stood at £9.7bn last month.While this was £0.4bn lower than the deficit in May 2015, it was higher than economists' estimates of a bigger fall to £9.5bn".

And goes on to say:

"Receipts have climbed 3pc this year compared with the same period a year ago. However, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the government's fiscal watchdog, has forecast a 6pc increase for the year as a whole. The subdued growth probably shows the effect of the recent slowdown in the economy," said Scott Bowman, an economist at Capital Economics."

So, incompetent Chancellor or poor forecasting combined with a CONTINUED slowdown in global growth? Our resident one trick pony economist will tell us it's because of George, others who can read and think will look to a wider picture.


chaing mai

Even by your poor standards, this abomination really takes the biscuit.

Now let me explain why.

1. The Chancellor is paid to be the Chancellor, not any of the myriad of economists that contributed, or indeed, did not contribute to the article. The buck stops with the Chancellor, no-one else. Would YOU go to someone with a 2:1 in history for financial advice ? Would you go to a dentist with an aneurysm on the brain ? And finally, why is someone with a 2:1 in history the Chancellor when all these highly qualified economists are around ? I guess qualifications and experience is not required when you are Dodgy Dave's mate. Remind me again what Dodgy Dave has ever done other than Politics. Job ? No, he's never had one either.

2. Ah, so neither the Chancellor or Scott Bowman never actually saw the slowdown in global growth. Eyes wide shut again. Which brings me nicely onto my last point.

3. Any Economic Model & Policy that is based on perceived growth is doomed to failure from the start. As with most things that are important, you work on the worst case scenario and things can only improve. Not rocket science, no need to be a highly qualified economist to work it out. Just a period of working in the real world. Oh, of course, that's another problem for the Gidiout, hasn't been there and hasn't got the T-Shirt.

The OBR's forecast for this year is 6%. I am neither an economist or some kind of expert. In fact you could call me financially illiterate and in this context I would agree with you.

Fancy a wager chaing mai. I am willing to wager that the UK's growth for 2016 does not exceed 2.8% overall for the year.

Edited to add.

I just remembered. The EU takes additional money from the UK if it performs better than expected. Which may explain why they go in high in first place. No matter, it is still flawed system.

As per usual, lots of words written but nothing useful or of sense said:

." Any Economic Model & Policy that is based on perceived growth is doomed to failure from the start. As with most things that are important, you work on the worst case scenario and things can only improve".

Clearly you don't even begin to understand what an economics model is let alone ever seen one, you loose just as many points for being under budget as you do for being over budget!

"no need to be a highly qualified economist to work it out". versus "why is someone with a 2:1 in history the Chancellor when all these highly qualified economists are around".

Get confused often!!!

Whilst realising that economics is not your strong suit, you'd probably do a lot better with all of this if you simply turned off your auto answer responses, read what was written and actually thought about things rather than just firing off endless streams of words that don't actually begin to make any sort of case at all, even if you think they do. Just read your response again, slowly.

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All those pensioners in Spain will lose their healthcare and maybe even their right to a pension overseas

NOT UK folks problem......

Typical dumb comment. You want 1M pensioners returning to UK? How much stress would that put on the NHS?

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All those pensioners in Spain will lose their healthcare and maybe even their right to a pension overseas

NOT UK folks problem......

Typical dumb comment. You want 1M pensioners returning to UK? How much stress would that put on the NHS?
Just another small point the dumb brexit boys ain't thought about. Can see absolutely no advantage in leaving that's not based on jingoistic editorial nonsense the ignorant Mfs have swallowed

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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For the sake of the NHS. It is being overwhelmed by immigrants claiming free health care and getting away with it. Hospitals are struggling. People with H.I.V., cancer and other serious problems are getting free care none have paid in to get.

For the sake of the likes of British Steel where thousands of jobs have also been lost because of E.U. rules saying our government cannot help the steel industry, yet the likes of France ignore similar rules.

To regain the ability to rule ourselves with our own laws. Since we joined the Common Market in 1973, over 50% of our laws are dictated to us by Brussels.

Just a few reasons to LEAVE

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There is talk of a Nordic (Scandinavian) / UK trade pact in the offing for when we vote leave and even the Dutch may join this trade group.

Such a pact is worth trillions.

Considering we do 10% of trade with the E.U. and 80% internally in the U.K., we will not seem to be losing so much by leaving the E.U. And trade with the E.U. will continuie for all the bluster from certain countries.

So many scare stories bandied about regards trade and, "Oh dear, what will we do without the E.U. to trade with?" sob, sob.

There is a whole world out there to trade with. Get a grip and do not listen to all thye scaremongering that goes on if we leave.

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Our government(s) may not be the best that we could hope for but at least we can vote them out every 5 years or so if we disagree with what they are doing. You cannot vote out autocrats in Brussels whose dictatorship is backed by an E.U. judicial system that generally votes in their favour and can even override democracies.

Freedom for the U.K. and its people to vote who they want to lead them is a great reason to vote LEAVE.

Why do we have to listen to these unelected officials that we cannot vote out. WE the people did not ask them to rule over us and also lord it over us with their grand ideas that have little to do with what the general public want or desire.

Will it be an easy ride when we do LEAVE? No, I do not suppose it will be in the short term. But we have always been an independent sovereign nation that had had democracy at its heart for centuries and we have always done well before the E.U. and we can do so again in the longer term


Vote LEAVE and let the E.U. crumble as other countries follow our lead.

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All those pensioners in Spain will lose their healthcare and maybe even their right to a pension overseas

NOT UK folks problem......

Typical dumb comment. You want 1M pensioners returning to UK? How much stress would that put on the NHS?

1 Million pensioners in (if that is the case) and 4 million plus Migrants out. that's a good deal I reckon. at least the 1 million pensioners paid into it all their lives which the immigrants have not.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Before we are told yet again how incompetent our Chancellor is, indeed he has missed his borrowing targets yet again, why is this.

Here behind the headline is some of the detail which says:

" Public sector net borrowing, excluding public sector banks, stood at £9.7bn last month.While this was £0.4bn lower than the deficit in May 2015, it was higher than economists' estimates of a bigger fall to £9.5bn".

And goes on to say:

"Receipts have climbed 3pc this year compared with the same period a year ago. However, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the government's fiscal watchdog, has forecast a 6pc increase for the year as a whole. The subdued growth probably shows the effect of the recent slowdown in the economy," said Scott Bowman, an economist at Capital Economics."

So, incompetent Chancellor or poor forecasting combined with a CONTINUED slowdown in global growth? Our resident one trick pony economist will tell us it's because of George, others who can read and think will look to a wider picture.


chaing mai

Even by your poor standards, this abomination really takes the biscuit.

Now let me explain why.

1. The Chancellor is paid to be the Chancellor, not any of the myriad of economists that contributed, or indeed, did not contribute to the article. The buck stops with the Chancellor, no-one else. Would YOU go to someone with a 2:1 in history for financial advice ? Would you go to a dentist with an aneurysm on the brain ? And finally, why is someone with a 2:1 in history the Chancellor when all these highly qualified economists are around ? I guess qualifications and experience is not required when you are Dodgy Dave's mate. Remind me again what Dodgy Dave has ever done other than Politics. Job ? No, he's never had one either.

2. Ah, so neither the Chancellor or Scott Bowman never actually saw the slowdown in global growth. Eyes wide shut again. Which brings me nicely onto my last point.

3. Any Economic Model & Policy that is based on perceived growth is doomed to failure from the start. As with most things that are important, you work on the worst case scenario and things can only improve. Not rocket science, no need to be a highly qualified economist to work it out. Just a period of working in the real world. Oh, of course, that's another problem for the Gidiout, hasn't been there and hasn't got the T-Shirt.

The OBR's forecast for this year is 6%. I am neither an economist or some kind of expert. In fact you could call me financially illiterate and in this context I would agree with you.

Fancy a wager chaing mai. I am willing to wager that the UK's growth for 2016 does not exceed 2.8% overall for the year.

Edited to add.

I just remembered. The EU takes additional money from the UK if it performs better than expected. Which may explain why they go in high in first place. No matter, it is still flawed system.

As per usual, lots of words written but nothing useful or of sense said:

." Any Economic Model & Policy that is based on perceived growth is doomed to failure from the start. As with most things that are important, you work on the worst case scenario and things can only improve".

Clearly you don't even begin to understand what an economics model is let alone ever seen one, you loose just as many points for being under budget as you do for being over budget!

"no need to be a highly qualified economist to work it out". versus "why is someone with a 2:1 in history the Chancellor when all these highly qualified economists are around".

Get confused often!!!

Whilst realising that economics is not your strong suit, you'd probably do a lot better with all of this if you simply turned off your auto answer responses, read what was written and actually thought about things rather than just firing off endless streams of words that don't actually begin to make any sort of case at all, even if you think they do. Just read your response again, slowly.

Such verbosity CM, to actually say....................Nothing.

Nothing refuted, nothing corrected, nothing other than crap.

The UK is close to financial bankruptcy. Those Economic models are not really working out too well are they ? Borrowing £9 Billion a month to firefight and keep the lights on whilst giving away untold Billions to the rest of the world.

Part of that will be the hidden / indirect £ Billions that the UK has to pay for the privilege of being a member of the EU. You know, all that good stuff that you try to avoid with a barge pole.

Just to highlight the very last point I made in my previous post.

The UK has been told it must pay an extra £1.7bn (2.1bn euros) towards the European Union's budget because the economy has performed better than expected in recent years.


If you are looking for confused CM. Try a mirror.

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All those pensioners in Spain will lose their healthcare and maybe even their right to a pension overseas

NOT UK folks problem......

Typical dumb comment. You want 1M pensioners returning to UK? How much stress would that put on the NHS?

1 Million pensioners in (if that is the case) and 4 million plus Migrants out. that's a good deal I reckon. at least the 1 million pensioners paid into it all their lives which the immigrants have not.
4 million migrants out is probably the dumbest comment in the whole of this thread. Your racism and lgnorance on how the British economy is dependent on the immigrant workforce is truly scary. Edited by Johnyo
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For the sake of the NHS. It is being overwhelmed by immigrants claiming free health care and getting away with it. Hospitals are struggling. People with H.I.V., cancer and other serious problems are getting free care none have paid in to get.

For the sake of the likes of British Steel where thousands of jobs have also been lost because of E.U. rules saying our government cannot help the steel industry, yet the likes of France ignore similar rules.

To regain the ability to rule ourselves with our own laws. Since we joined the Common Market in 1973, over 50% of our laws are dictated to us by Brussels.

Just a few reasons to LEAVE

This (very old?) guy appears to be living in another dimension - I hope he wakes up and comes back before he gets lost forever.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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This speech by a famous Englishman could have been written last week about the EU and its bureaucrats.

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go"!
Oliver Cromwell - April 20, 1653

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According to the rag AKA the Sun

THE Queen asked VIP guests at a private dinner: “Give me three good reasons why Britain should be part of Europe.”

Royal biographer Robert Lacey revealed she asked close friends and family their views on whether we should be in or out of the EU.

Probably garbage but it does raise an interesting question.

Can any remainiacs give 3 good reasons for staying in the EU. The caveat being that a negative cannot be used as a positive.

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