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Clinton’s former IT aide to plead the Fifth in email-related lawsuit


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Clinton’s former IT aide to plead the Fifth in email-related lawsuit

WASHINGTON: -- A former State Department staffer who set up the private email server used by Hillary Clinton plans to invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination during an upcoming deposition, his lawyers say.

In a court filing late on Wednesday, the lawyers said Bryan Pagliano also wants to prevent any video recordings from being made during Monday’s deposition, which is part of a civil lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch

“Mr. Pagliano requested Judicial Watch’s assurance that the deposition would be recorded solely by stenographic means, given Mr. Pagliano’s stated intention to assert the Fifth Amendment,” the lawyers said.

Full story: http://www.streetwisejournal.com/clintons-former-it-aide-to-plead-the-fifth-in-email-related-lawsuit/

-- StreetWiseJournal 2016-06-03

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The guy's being pursued by rightwingers hot on the trail of politics.

Republicans in control of the House since 2010 have done nothing exept persecute in public hearings. They're gerrymandered into their seats so they are uncheckable.

It goes on and on. Meanwhile, no effective laws to improve the economy have been addressed or passed. Only 50 or something ineffective votes to repeal Obamacare etc etc.

The only plea Congress can make is political insanity.

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Not to worry, the Clinton's are paying for all legal fees for her aides that are under the gun.

Hillary's private attorney, Cheryl Mills, showed up at a deposition hearing with seven other attorneys. There were a total of 12 attorneys present for the hearing.

Those fees are going to bite into the amount the Clinton's can donate to veteran's groups.

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Shall we start on the lack of ethics among Republicans? ...It could take a while......coffee1.gif

Now I hope to see not one complaint on here about Mr. Pagliano from any US citizen on here regardless of which side you are on because all he is doing is exercising his right from your precious constitution.

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Ha, they that have no time for the first and second amendments are no doubt relieved if the fifth comes to their rescue.

Whereas those who decry any criticism of those archaic laws from a bygone era should welcome each and every invocation of them.

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Shall we start on the lack of ethics among Republicans? ...It could take a while......coffee1.gif

Now I hope to see not one complaint on here about Mr. Pagliano from any US citizen on here regardless of which side you are on because all he is doing is exercising his right from your precious constitution.

Not talking about the Republicans here but the lack of Ethics among a group of people who would put a Felon in the White House.wink.png

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Shall we start on the lack of ethics among Republicans? ...It could take a while......coffee1.gif

Now I hope to see not one complaint on here about Mr. Pagliano from any US citizen on here regardless of which side you are on because all he is doing is exercising his right from your precious constitution.

Not talking about the Republicans here but the lack of Ethics among a group of people who would put a Felon in the White House.wink.png

Ye gods, can the logic get any more convoluted? This is how wingnuts think. If this, than that...Felon in the White House. coffee1.gif

Where did you go to school, Trump University?

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Ignore the right wing troll. I suspect in the email case, they are covering up, but this is my opinion. Having been faced with a grand jury hearing in a purely political case, Gainesville 8+4, I, along with my fellow co-conspirators refused to testify even after given "use immunity". Use immunity means the government cannot use your EXACT words against you and is in fact "useless immunity". I do not fault any American for using the 5th, I certainly did along with several other Constitutional Amendments that applied. We went to jail for contempt, Justice William O. Douglas (we had a real Supreme Court then) said set these men free. I still have the prized document. The trial was a complete bullcrap case. The jury was only out an hour and NOT GUILTY. Members of the jury, including the foreperson attended our reunions. So understanding more than most, I still believe he did the right thing.

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Shall we start on the lack of ethics among Republicans? ...It could take a while......coffee1.gif

Now I hope to see not one complaint on here about Mr. Pagliano from any US citizen on here regardless of which side you are on because all he is doing is exercising his right from your precious constitution.

Not talking about the Republicans here but the lack of Ethics among a group of people who would put a Felon in the White House.wink.png

But as long as she claims the "right" political views, is backed by the "right" people, and gets elected by a vote process then everything is honky dory.

A lot of posters here on TV seem to support that attitude. Crimes, unsavory actions, breaking procedures and rules, laws and morals are all fine as long as you're saying the right PC comments and from the right family.

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Ignore the right wing troll. I suspect in the email case, they are covering up, but this is my opinion. Having been faced with a grand jury hearing in a purely political case, Gainesville 8+4, I, along with my fellow co-conspirators refused to testify even after given "use immunity". Use immunity means the government cannot use your EXACT words against you and is in fact "useless immunity". I do not fault any American for using the 5th, I certainly did along with several other Constitutional Amendments that applied. We went to jail for contempt, Justice William O. Douglas (we had a real Supreme Court then) said set these men free. I still have the prized document. The trial was a complete bullcrap case. The jury was only out an hour and NOT GUILTY. Members of the jury, including the foreperson attended our reunions. So understanding more than most, I still believe he did the right thing.

But your acts were to publicly non violently protest. His, if found to be, could include setting up a server and acts directly against the law which is meant to provide accountability.

I see little similarity except the implication that taking the fifth implies that what he said could show he had done those ilegal acts. Of course it is his right to do so.

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Shall we start on the lack of ethics among Republicans? ...It could take a while......coffee1.gif

Now I hope to see not one complaint on here about Mr. Pagliano from any US citizen on here regardless of which side you are on because all he is doing is exercising his right from your precious constitution.

The FBI investigation isn't about any political party. It's about a high level Cabinet Secretary that may have committed criminal acts.

Pagliano can certainly exercise the 5th. He must have information damaging to Clinton for this to be their preferred route for him to take. Either way, the optics are abysmal.

He will no doubt be compensated well if she weathers this long enough to get elected.

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Justice is Blind...especially so when people who are being questioned about details of a case...refuse to talk, destroy vids and emails...and generally snub the Justice System without penalty...

Justice has not been served in the US courts in many years...corruption is the rule...lying under oath is the norm...sad state of affairs...

There is no incentive to be honest anymore...crime has proven to pay for most white collar criminals...especially politicians...

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That women is as pure as fresh driven snow (and about as cold) whistling.gif

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Shall we start on the lack of ethics among Republicans? ...It could take a while......coffee1.gif

Now I hope to see not one complaint on here about Mr. Pagliano from any US citizen on here regardless of which side you are on because all he is doing is exercising his right from your precious constitution.

Not talking about the Republicans here but the lack of Ethics among a group of people who would put a Felon in the White House.wink.png

Ye gods, can the logic get any more convoluted? This is how wingnuts think. If this, than that...Felon in the White House. coffee1.gif

Where did you go to school, Trump University?

Probably better than Hillary University

Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back


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How in hell can anybody in their right mind, oh hell-yep right mind, try correct mind, believe anything that comes out of lying bratbart web? "use immunity", "use immunity" means the government cannot use your EXACT words against you and is in fact "useless immunity". "Open the door" and you loose that. Do some of you not understand anything? Only a fool believes they have "immunity" under use immunity and that is all that is given and has been for many years. Besides, this is a deposition, been through those before. One has to be very, very careful to not "open the door" and put themselves at risk. Damn right wingnuts, learn something about the law. I used to teach a class on how to be interviewed by the fumbling bureau of idiots. ID yourself if asked, answer no, none, nada, zip questions, do not, repeat do not let in your house, lock door behind you, ask them to leave, call an attorney, call the local cops if they refuse to leave. Oh it was the fbi that taught me interview's and interrogations. Scary, flat out scary.

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If Hillary has broken the law, will the FBI indict her?

18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

(a Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

If Hillary is guilty she cannot run for the Presidency.


Edited by Linzz
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Good move. Let your opponent prove their case. They have no evidence this is just a fishing expedition.

The "opponent" is the Department of Justice.

That is supposed to be We the People

Doesn't surprise that Clinton would view that notion in contempt though. We are the unwashed peasants after all.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Scott Rasmussen had to quit the polling organisation he founded because of its hard driven Republican bias.

Nothing has changed there since.

This is a heavily Republican party "pollster" polling Democrats laugh.png

I'm surprised Rasmussen didn't find 120% of Democrats favor the question. giggle.gif

Edited by Publicus
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Shall we start on the lack of ethics among Republicans? ...It could take a while......coffee1.gif

Now I hope to see not one complaint on here about Mr. Pagliano from any US citizen on here regardless of which side you are on because all he is doing is exercising his right from your precious constitution.

The FBI investigation isn't about any political party. It's about a high level Cabinet Secretary that may have committed criminal acts.

Pagliano can certainly exercise the 5th. He must have information damaging to Clinton for this to be their preferred route for him to take. Either way, the optics are abysmal.

He will no doubt be compensated well if she weathers this long enough to get elected.

Citing the 5th Amendment is about the person citing the 5th Amendment. Citing the 5th has nothing to do with anyone else on the planet. Fifth Amendment says one does not have to testify against himself.

This has no impact on former SecState Hillary Clinton's legal status in respect of anything from here to eterny. The 5th Amendment applies only to the person invoking the 5th Amendment. The rightwingers are hot on the trail of politics in this so screw 'em.

The post is a runaway post btw.

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Maybe this is the kind of running they had in mind

Edited by Berty100
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Justice is Blind...especially so when people who are being questioned about details of a case...refuse to talk, destroy vids and emails...and generally snub the Justice System without penalty...

Justice has not been served in the US courts in many years...corruption is the rule...lying under oath is the norm...sad state of affairs...

There is no incentive to be honest anymore...crime has proven to pay for most white collar criminals...especially politicians...

The nonstop lying without shame is a very good indicator of exactly how far the bar's been lowered. It's near impossible to establish integrity again when it's repeatedly demonstrated that lying has no repercussions. The left and the right lie, but lying is integral to the last generation of Left. The means justify the ends.
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It was my understanding that someone cannot run for POTUS if they are under a felony indictment - but apparently someone cannot serve as POTUS only if they are convicted.

Clearly ther Clinton 'campaign strategy' has been to divert and delay, while keeping her campaign alive and running as this issue has been going for a long long time as per the link below - Bernie will probably run out of time to derail her (and she will throw one of her aides under the bus anyway).


This whole POTUS campaign is already a GOAT - the Greatest Of All Time. But if HRC somehow wins, we could see the POTUS (elect or inaugerated), disqualified from holding office due to a felony convinction. How ironic given that Bill got away with it !!biggrin.png What goes around comes around - the Clinton Legacy ?? cheesy.gif

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