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Bottles of Real Tiger Labeled ‘Energy Booster’ Discovered in Tiger Temple

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On the flip side, shame on those who in this day and age create a market for tiger products.

People still believe in god in this "day and age", making the jump to tiger energy drinks isn't that far at all


Edited by csabo
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This monastery, and more particularly, the conduct of its monks, becomes more disgusting and disgraceful by the day.

It wouldn't be difficult to see possibly irreparable damage done to Buddhism in Thailand as a result.

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There's obviously people a lot higher up the feed chain, other than these monks, that have been involved and likely managed the marketing and export of the products of this disgraceful and tragic business.

I'm sure they are now known to the cops, but will we hear of them and not just a few of the usual low level "staff".

You hit the nail on the head, there is one group that comes to mind and I'm sure we've all heard of them before in other unsavoury money making ventures. Now let's wait to see if the powers to be really do their job and arrest all the perpitrators.

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There's obviously people a lot higher up the feed chain, other than these monks, that have been involved and likely managed the marketing and export of the products of this disgraceful and tragic business.

I'm sure they are now known to the cops, but will we hear of them and not just a few of the usual low level "staff".

Are those exporting and selling the products actually "higher up"? These people were breeding, killing and processing the animals, perhaps they did not make as much money as the next in line, but what makes them "low level"? I don't understand that.

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There can be no punishment that measures up to the crimes conducted by the depraved minds of those who are responsible for this utterly repugnant conduct at this so called temple. I hope this place is razed to the ground and every person, robed or not, who has participated in these practice's are not only jailed but made to undertake social service of the most unpleasant but necessary kind. And the Buddhist hierarchy who had responsibility for this so called temple should be treated equally harshly because they are guilty of looking the other way.

How about the farang volunteers, they must have been blind not to have seen what was going on.

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I get the feeling that all that has been found is just the tip of the iceberg. I sure hope they are at the Abbott and all the monk's that were there doing this.

correct, but it isn't just the monks involved, there are those outside the sytem as well. Everyone is focusing on the monks while the others are trying to do what they can to avoid what's coming.

Unfortunately alot will be swept under the carpet, this is how Thailand works.

YES ,look At the Bank accounts ,follow the money chain ,not just look at the tigers ,but then its thailand

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Just about every religion attracts the scum of the earth.

Not surprising, you get to pass earthly laws by referring to the great flying spaghetti monster, fairly good deal, especially considering you can continue to siphon off the fools.

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I know that Thais love the photo opportunity and make a big deal when they "catch" a criminal but if there was ever a case of Thailand losing face big time then this is it. They must realise that this is being reported in many countries. After all it was only continuous pressure from animal rights groups that forced the police to act at all.

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On the flip side, shame on those who in this day and age create a market for tiger products.

Market creation is not needed in any shape or form

The market is already there and has been since time immemorial

The market is called China

Supply is the name of the game as this evidence obviously shows

Or if you like demand leads to supply one way or another as in all things

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There will be 1. Only 1 middleman who's going to take this on his shoulder and put in jail. It won't be a monk or police/army officer, You just relax in your couch and watch where this farce with all excuses is going.

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Saffron Mafia, even more powerful than the police.

Tiger trafficing, very unusual wealth, airplanes, illegal cars, drug use and money laundering just for starters and all with the support of the people.

Couldn't agree more.

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There can be no punishment that measures up to the crimes conducted by the depraved minds of those who are responsible for this utterly repugnant conduct at this so called temple. I hope this place is razed to the ground and every person, robed or not, who has participated in these practice's are not only jailed but made to undertake social service of the most unpleasant but necessary kind. And the Buddhist hierarchy who had responsibility for this so called temple should be treated equally harshly because they are guilty of looking the other way.

Just like the catholic church, hmm? Ah, religion.....

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