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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Oh please your killing me. Obama didn't criticise the Supreme Court for being haters or Mexicans he criticised them for passing a Law that further corrupted the political landscape of America. The world didn't need Obama to make any point they knew the decision by the Supreme Court was absolutely shameful.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Of course it's ok for the Left to wield RACE and ETHNICITY like a scythe. If a supreme court justice can make clear- abundantly clear- that Latino heritage can be specifically woven into a right ("time") to adjudicate, it's clear it might be relevant in lower justices. In a system of precedents, Trump then is correct.

The radical leftist Sotomayor made clear that her Latina status was central to her role on the bench. It's BS that the judge in reference will be impartial.

Trump is correct. Why would he open his big mouth and speak it though? He must have calculated the hatchet job that is coming his way and decided to take to the public. He is correct.

A blind person could look to the SW US and see race is violently usurping regions, polity. No, it doesn't matter what Trump says as a cause of tribulations. Stating Trump implied [you] were this or that so you take to the streets violently with foreign flags actually proves his point. Race is being used by the left in the US and I'm pretty sure we are sick of it.

Sotomayor, on one of the stupidest but revealing things a leftist ever said: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Of course the judge should recuse himself. He's compromised by his own actions and the comments of his superior, in fact or perception

Recuse himself why?

Please enlighten me as to what judicial opinions he has issued which would justify a recusal.

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Trump and Ryan sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g

First comes deals then comes fake comaraderie

then comes pseudo unity

.....the next day, Ryan bows his head in his hands and does a Chris Christie, thinking, "oh lordy, what have I done?"

The honeymoon's over, the day after it began.

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Good old Donald. Slag off another "immigrant", it's all another nail in his coffin as far as that segment of the electorate is concerned.

He really is thick isn't he?

His campaign must be tearing their hair out (or off).

Darn, I wish I was on the writer's team at SNL or Team Coco (Conan O'Brian's team). They've got such a wealth of material to work with. It's like planning a barbecue, and somebody comes along and donates five cows, a fat pig, and baskets of corn and potatoes, all sliced and diced.

I'd love to be in on the huddles when his campaign handlers are trying to decide what to do with The Divider. His nickname is probably 'THE BEAST.'

Trump makes a bull in a China Shop look like a sleepy kitten. His handlers want to tell him to not deviate from the script:

>>> Build the 30 billion dollar wall,

>>> Keep Muslims out of 'merica,

>>> Trash Dept. of Education, Trash NATO, Trash IRS,

......but The Divider keeps popping brain farts out of his pie hole. Perhaps we can add a new word for Donald's ridiculous rants, 'AD LOBOTOMIZING' (instead of ad-libing)

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Of course it's ok for the Left to wield RACE and ETHNICITY like a scythe. If a supreme court justice can make clear- abundantly clear- that Latino heritage can be specifically woven into a right ("time") to adjudicate, it's clear it might be relevant in lower justices. In a system of precedents, Trump then is correct.

The radical leftist Sotomayor made clear that her Latina status was central to her role on the bench. It's BS that the judge in reference will be impartial.

Trump is correct. Why would he open his big mouth and speak it though? He must have calculated the hatchet job that is coming his way and decided to take to the public. He is correct.

A blind person could look to the SW US and see race is violently usurping regions, polity. No, it doesn't matter what Trump says as a cause of tribulations. Stating Trump implied [you] were this or that so you take to the streets violently with foreign flags actually proves his point. Race is being used by the left in the US and I'm pretty sure we are sick of it.

Sotomayor, on one of the stupidest but revealing things a leftist ever said: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Of course the judge should recuse himself. He's compromised by his own actions and the comments of his superior, in fact or perception

The radical leftist Sotomayor made clear that her Latina status was central to her role on the bench. It's BS that the judge in reference will be impartial.

The statement needs connections between the two judges that are not presented. Worse, that do not exist. Unless one suddenly summarily and arbitrarily inserts Mexican, Hispanic, Latino/Latina, or, in lieu of the foregoing, a picture of Donald Trump sitting at an untouched bowl of enchelattas. The two sentences leap from one to the other and both of 'em are inspired by The Ignoramus and the Uniquely American Mussolini. (None of which is good btw.)

Of course the judge should recuse himself. He's compromised by his own actions and the comments of his superior, in fact or perception

By fact or perception the reality is that Donald Trump is a racist. The proof exists in the ongoing and relentless attacks on anyone and anything Mexican. Hispanic, Latino/Latina, to include the Federal Judiciary itself which does after all have a bunch of 'em.

The absolute contempt and dismissal of the Bill of Rights is duly noted thx. Article III of the Constitution included. And Article II. Also Article I. Waiting now for Trump to belch out about the Declaration of Independence -- the thingy in it especially that all men are created equal. Trump's not about to allow any more of that to keep going around unchecked and unstopped.

Make America Grate Again.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Of course it's ok for the Left to wield RACE and ETHNICITY like a scythe. If a supreme court justice can make clear- abundantly clear- that Latino heritage can be specifically woven into a right ("time") to adjudicate, it's clear it might be relevant in lower justices. In a system of precedents, Trump then is correct.

The radical leftist Sotomayor made clear that her Latina status was central to her role on the bench. It's BS that the judge in reference will be impartial.

Trump is correct. Why would he open his big mouth and speak it though? He must have calculated the hatchet job that is coming his way and decided to take to the public. He is correct.

A blind person could look to the SW US and see race is violently usurping regions, polity. No, it doesn't matter what Trump says as a cause of tribulations. Stating Trump implied [you] were this or that so you take to the streets violently with foreign flags actually proves his point. Race is being used by the left in the US and I'm pretty sure we are sick of it.

Sotomayor, on one of the stupidest but revealing things a leftist ever said: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Of course the judge should recuse himself. He's compromised by his own actions and the comments of his superior, in fact or perception

Recuse himself why?

Please enlighten me as to what judicial opinions he has issued which would justify a recusal.

Clever, but false. You don't construct the paradigm. Indeed, judicial commentaries indicate the "judicial opinions" alone are not all that may warrant conflict of interest- recusal. (See McKenna on Berger). If you've asked me for enlightenment you've already demonstrated you can't process the response.

However, as a glaring, insurmountable example, Curiel "is a prominent member of La Raza," among the most vociferous opponents on Trump. (Huff Post). As McKenna rightly noted in Berger, it's an onerous burden to presume primae faciae that no predujuduce exists because a judge resides; the burden to later have this over thrown by more dispassionate jurists places great burden on the party. Curiel's association with La Raza is primae fasicae conflict of interest.

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Sadly, under the cover of race, all manner of atrocities have been committed against state and person. Get on the train, embrace white guilt, inculcate the mantra and drink the cool aid, and you get a pass. Stand up and point to the elephant in the room and your a racist. Under the cover of race and guilt and social hostage taking progressivism infects America.

Of course Trump is correct. Touching the new Third Rail, however, he sheds those who lukewarm embrace him. The fulcrum "racist" is still a powerful tonic in America. itsbuse remains the exclusive vehicle of...well, racists! La Raza being one of the primary agitators in SW US violence demonstrates this narrative. CA La Raza Lawyers run cover for them, and sanctuary cities for years. Of course Trump is correct. Curiel has demonstrated conflict of interest by his actions, not his blood. http://humanevents.com/2006/04/07/emexclusive-emthe-truth-about-la-raza/

Note: Judge Higginbotham, in a case that will be looked to in this Trump drama, wrote: "To suggest that black judges should be so disqualified would be analogous to suggesting that the slave masters were right when, during tragic hours for this nation, they argued that only they, but not the slaves, could evaluate the harshness or justness of the system...If America is going to have a total rendezvous with justice so that there can be full equality for blacks, other minorities, and women, it is essential that the instinct for double standards be completely exposed and hopefully, through analysis, those elements of irrationality can be ultimately eradicated." (Huff Post). (Brilliant mind).

The problem is this is not the foundation for Curiel's recusal, activism is. He is an anti Trump activist. Curiel's other master, besides justice, has made quite clear that the position of La Raza is to prevent Trump presidency.



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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Oh please your killing me. Obama didn't criticise the Supreme Court for being haters or Mexicans he criticised them for passing a Law that further corrupted the political landscape of America. The world didn't need Obama to make any point they knew the decision by the Supreme Court was absolutely shameful.

Yea, agreed. Not same but a first for debasing a separate and equal branch of government. Despotism by 1000 cuts.

It's been a source of curiosity that all through my life there was this thing, this final arbiter, where both sides on any issue sucked up the defeat because Supreme Court was final. There was never before suck antics and outright pulpit attacks. Again, this is the pinnacle of the arrogance and Insurgebcy I speak to often. It's now only final as long as it's agreeable. But the court must be final for all others.

Not the same as Trump, but instructive as further example of how the courts are used/abused by the radical left.

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The judge is not the issue. Not in any way at all. Recusal is not the issue or any part of the actual issue.

Donald Trump is the issue. Trump is a wild radical madman who wants to be Potus and the Republican party has decided to throw itself in with him. The judge is simply a garden variety judge who Trump wants to instead turn into a tossed salad. Show us who's boss.

Trump is the rightwhingenuts' dream of a lifetime come true. This is the issue.

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The judge is not the issue. Not in any way at all. Recusal is not the issue or any part of the actual issue.

Donald Trump is the issue. Trump is a wild radical madman who wants to be Potus and the Republican party has decided to throw itself in with him. The judge is simply a garden variety judge who Trump wants to instead turn into a tossed salad. Show us who's boss.

Trump is the rightwhingenuts' dream of a lifetime come true. This is the issue.

I would imagine Trump would have preferred to have simply paid off the judge as he's done twice before to avoid Trump U investigations.

Remember Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who failed to open up an investigation into fraud charges against Trump University in 2013, only to have it discovered that in September of that year, the Donald J. Trump Foundation had donated $25,000 to her PAC?

Yeah. She wasn’t the only one, but she got short-changed, it appears. Maybe she could have held out for more.

The Associated Press is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott received a $35,000 donation to his gubernatorial campaign from Trump, sometime after dropping a probe into Trump University, back in 2010, when Abbott was still the Texas Attorney General.


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trump being trump:

He's got the white racist vote sewn up.


From this interview and other statements during the campaign, we have a clear portrait of Trump’s thinking about minorities. It extends beyond Latinos to blacks, Muslims, and other groups. Trump isn’t an incorrigible bigot. He’s an incorrigible user of bigotry. This is no longer deniable. Republican leaders who support Trump—Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and House Speaker Paul Ryan—should explain why they accept this conduct in their presidential nominee.
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Too many illegal mexicans in the USA, we cannot deny that.The reason they are not sent back, nor ordered to get proper documentation is because of the sympathizers. There are so many sympathizers of illegal mexicans (such as this judge) that Trump has some valid points. His stance on building the wall, and other ideas (not policies), have stirred up these "sympathizers".

Trump is not getting a fair shake from this judge. I am sure it's just political.

Trump has some valid points...but he does come off as too forceful. However, the judge is pushing the issue while Hillary's Criminal Investigation gets delayed.

You see the injustice.....HRC has her corrupt circle of friends in Washington delaying the inevitable, while Trump does not.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.

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trump being trump:

He's got the white racist vote sewn up.


From this interview and other statements during the campaign, we have a clear portrait of Trump’s thinking about minorities. It extends beyond Latinos to blacks, Muslims, and other groups. Trump isn’t an incorrigible bigot. He’s an incorrigible user of bigotry. This is no longer deniable. Republican leaders who support Trump—Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and House Speaker Paul Ryan—should explain why they accept this conduct in their presidential nominee.

That interview is incredible, even for someone like myself who's aware of what a bottom-feeder Trump is.

Are you sure it's not a SNL parody skit? Trump is totally gonzoed. He doesn't even know he's saying ridiculous things. At least when ISIS is cutting off heads in the desert, they know they're harming people. Trump shoots his mouth off and doesn't even know the effects from what he's saying. All I can say to Trump is; KEEP TALKING DUDE. WE'RE LOVING IT !

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That interview was more like Trump having a psychotic episode. It will play well to the racism and ignorance of the Republicans though.

Find a problem look around for a Mexican to blame it on, totally unrelated problem somehow solved. It would seem a prerequisite to being a Trump supporter is the ability to remove yourself totally from reality and that anything that is beyond your understanding or education is to be feared and the cause for any unrelated perceived event.

Trump finds a court case not going his way, as the Judge is of Mexican descent then that must be the reason decisions are not being made in his favour.

Trump is below average intelligence but even taking that into account even a person of less intelligence would comprehend that if for whatever reason obvious incorrect legal decisions were made any judgement the Judge handed down would simply and easily be shredded on Appeal.

The only logical strategy here is a political advantage gained by inflaming and inciting the racial hatred and ignorance of the Republican far Right Wing loony base. Trump is just the poor victim of evil Mexicans that have come to destroy America. Again more slop dolloped into the Republican 'dog bowl' and they unanimously lick it up and wag their tails.

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trump being trump:

He's got the white racist vote sewn up.


From this interview and other statements during the campaign, we have a clear portrait of Trump’s thinking about minorities. It extends beyond Latinos to blacks, Muslims, and other groups. Trump isn’t an incorrigible bigot. He’s an incorrigible user of bigotry. This is no longer deniable. Republican leaders who support Trump—Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and House Speaker Paul Ryan—should explain why they accept this conduct in their presidential nominee.

Kudos to Tapper for "trying" to keep Trump on point. All these GOP dudes--and especially Ryan--needs to get grilled on how they can support such an irrational and rabid racist.

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I truly enjoy reading your posts. Thank you.

The Judge should have recused himself long ago.

Trump is correct.

This reeks of political involvement...

the case files have been 'sealed' for years...

then a few hours before Trump gave a rally speach in CA,

this bent judge unsealed the docs.

This really stinks.

I am not surprised that Trump gave him hell in his speach.

The first to get the docs was the Washington Post.

The dirt diggers. Why am I not suprised.


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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.

The judge released the files in the case so the public could see the case against Trump in its specific details and in its full breadth. Trump will have his day in court (unless Trump can shut down the court or intimidate it away from the case irrespective of whether the judge stays on the case).

The judge released the papers after Mussolini Trump provoked the release by saying the judge is unqualified in the case because the judge is "Mexican" (which the judge is not but so focking what either way).

If Big Benito Trump does succeed to gong the judge, what then. By Trump's Brain he imagines He Himself will get to assign a new judge who would of course summarily dismiss the case. Who knows, so some guidance would be welcome here from the Mussolini rightwhinge fringe who write their own laws irrespective of elections or the Constitution.

By all indications however, this qualified judge will remain presiding in the case. So we might reasonably expect to see Trump in court (after the election) perhaps doing a (bad) Larry Flint, i.e., throwing marshmallows at the judge or maybe in this case rotten tomatoes while Trump is dressed in a combat helmet, satin fatigues and burns a Mexican flag while standing on the defense table calling out "Ole!". (Even Larry Flint had to quit his Act.)

Our Man Trump.

Your Ignoramus.

Donald Trump is The Unique American Mussolini who is certain he is now above the law. That He is the law. The Duce' wild radical and his fanboyz from the right fringe.

Btw, former SecState Hillary Clinton has not attacked any judges, investigators, inspectors, prosecutors, nor has Mrs. Clinton attacked the US Judiciary which is established by and operates in accordance with the US Constitution. The rightwhingers trying to bend or shred the Constitution in each case do have this purpose.

The Republican Party supports this.

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I needs to be mentioned...

Hillary Clinton is excoriating Donald Trump over Trump University? The Clinton scandal at Laureate Education, a for- profit education chain of schools and colleges operating world-wide, including the United States is much worse. That New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is pursuing Trump University while ignoring CGI-University, a shady joint venture of Laureate and the Clinton Global Initiative adds insult to injury.

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Yeah, more lying, look the other way press.

GO TRUMP (wait till June 7th)

Sanders is dead, Hillary is dead.

I should start a small business selling CROW.

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This is the comment that will be considered as the watershed moment when Trump lost his election. This is a man being sued for deceitful acts and who has been shown in the court hearings to be a liar, who is using the "race" card to deflect attention away from his inappropriate behaviour. The man is being rebuked by some of the USA's most respected jurists for his statements and yet we have people trying to excuse the statements?

Trump wants the best Judge that money can buy.

That is an ignorant and an idiotic comment. Trump is wrong in this matter, but he is not making an attempt to buy a court decision. He is being a bigot. You are as inappropriate and as wrong as Trump to accuse the judiciary of being corrupt.

I love Trump! No Political Correctness here or needed! Vote for the Donald and Take Back America!

This is not an issue of political correctness, but one of moral bankruptcy and bigotry.

Do you not understand that Trump has labeled a US citizen, a man born in the USA, a "Mexican". He is saying that someone of hispanic ancestory is not allowed to assume the responsibilities entrusted to him by the people of the USA through the US Senate. This is a judge of the federal court not a municipal court. He was vetted and investigated before he was appointed. When you make your ignorant hateful comment you call into question the integrity of your own judicial system. What's next, telling the Catholic judges of the SCOTUS that they can not rule on abortion cases? Think about the ramifications of what you are saying.

Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

There is a BIG difference between what President Obama said and what Trump has done. President Obama addressed the legal decision within the context of the legal ramifications. Trump has attacked a qualified judge on the basis of ethnic heritage. It is morally offensive and disgusting. It is the equivalent of saying that a judge of Afro American or Asian heritage cannot hear a civil rights case.

One point that is interesting to me is that the article never attempts to refute the claim that the judge is personally hostile to Donald Trump. Either poor journalism or biased reporting to make a point.

How do you know the judge is personally hostile? There isn't one example cited by Trump to support such a position. Trump's sole argument is that a judge with parents from Mexico, despite that judge having been approved by the US Senate and being an American citizen and born in the USA, is that the judge cannot hear his case.

Trump's position is morally and ethically wrong. It goes against the US Constitution.

I really am disgusted by some of these comments. I get it. Many people in TVF hate multiple ethnic groups. However, surely such things as the US Constitution and the basic rule of law means something and that the USA has moved beyond Jim Crow and segregation. Grow up.

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This is the comment that will be considered as the watershed moment when Trump lost his election. This is a man being sued for deceitful acts and who has been shown in the court hearings to be a liar, who is using the "race" card to deflect attention away from his inappropriate behaviour. The man is being rebuked by some of the USA's most respected jurists for his statements and yet we have people trying to excuse the statements?

That is an ignorant and an idiotic comment. Trump is wrong in this matter, but he is not making an attempt to buy a court decision. He is being a bigot. You are as inappropriate and as wrong as Trump to accuse the judiciary of being corrupt.

This is not an issue of political correctness, but one of moral bankruptcy and bigotry.

Do you not understand that Trump has labeled a US citizen, a man born in the USA, a "Mexican". He is saying that someone of hispanic ancestory is not allowed to assume the responsibilities entrusted to him by the people of the USA through the US Senate. This is a judge of the federal court not a municipal court. He was vetted and investigated before he was appointed. When you make your ignorant hateful comment you call into question the integrity of your own judicial system. What's next, telling the Catholic judges of the SCOTUS that they can not rule on abortion cases? Think about the ramifications of what you are saying.

There is a BIG difference between what President Obama said and what Trump has done. President Obama addressed the legal decision within the context of the legal ramifications. Trump has attacked a qualified judge on the basis of ethnic heritage. It is morally offensive and disgusting. It is the equivalent of saying that a judge of Afro American or Asian heritage cannot hear a civil rights case.

How do you know the judge is personally hostile? There isn't one example cited by Trump to support such a position. Trump's sole argument is that a judge with parents from Mexico, despite that judge having been approved by the US Senate and being an American citizen and born in the USA, is that the judge cannot hear his case.

Trump's position is morally and ethically wrong. It goes against the US Constitution.

I really am disgusted by some of these comments. I get it. Many people in TVF hate multiple ethnic groups. However, surely such things as the US Constitution and the basic rule of law means something and that the USA has moved beyond Jim Crow and segregation. Grow up.

Reckon your right geri, great post.

Love your icon too by the way, that's a ripper! I've never started a night like that but I've woken up a few times in a similar spot, I must be honest. Lol!

(had to edit your post, too many quotes or something, sorry mate)

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I needs to be mentioned...

Hillary Clinton is excoriating Donald Trump over Trump University? The Clinton scandal at Laureate Education, a for- profit education chain of schools and colleges operating world-wide, including the United States is much worse. That New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is pursuing Trump University while ignoring CGI-University, a shady joint venture of Laureate and the Clinton Global Initiative adds insult to injury.

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Yeah, more lying, look the other way press.

GO TRUMP (wait till June 7th)

Sanders is dead, Hillary is dead.

I should start a small business selling CROW.

Here's a bird for you then to help out the new business.

Probably set up by the evangelical anti-court right.......


It's hard to find a recovering rightwhinger btw.

Laureate Education is a Class B proprietary global education corporation that focuses on master degrees and doctoral degrees in developing economies where the growing middle class want a world class education. Which is what they get as Laureate is by far the most successful corporation of its kind over the past 40 years.

Laureate trumps all the others.

What the rightwhinge hate about it is that Bill Clinton is Honorary Chancellor and that one of its investors is George Soros. That's a red flag that makes any bull lower its head to stomp its hoofs and charge. Even an average bullfighter handles this no problem however.

The judge in the Trump swindle is presiding over a case brought to court by a certain kind of ordinary sap American taken to the cleaners by a supposed billionaire at $30K a pop on maxed out credit cards. Let's hear it for President Trump the commander-in-chief who'd get to appoint his own Attorney General and judges.

Applications for the positions should be submitted along with the soon to be required fee. Payable to Trump Lousy Liability Corporation c/o the Republican National Committee Inc. No Hispanics need apply. Mexicans especially. Latinos/Latinas must use the back entrance to the building. Same same for Americans of Asian descent. Blacks too. Libtards would serve their own best interests by appearing voluntarily and without any pesky Bill of Rights legal counsel in tow.

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