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I'll make a Stand and Post my thoughts...

get an Easyseat (see Google)

cheapest way is on eBay, except if you buy it from a Euro seller who want the earth for selling theirs...

I've been using them since the late 80s, and currently have one on each of my 3 bikes, even works well on a recumbent

I was using one of them on one of my worst cycling accidents, and this type of seat let me depart from the machine without further groin injury when I was flying thru the air...

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The pain you describe is definitely not tendinitis. Nor is the location of the pains you mention consistent with any type of arthritis (there are reactive types of arthritis that are set off by meds one is allergy to etc). From what you describe the pain seems to often be in soft tissue, away form joints and tendons.

Pain that migrates all over the body may be suggestive of an autoimmune condition such as fibromylagia. It is possible you never had kidney stones and that this is just a continuation of whatever caused the perineal pain.

I had forgotten you are in Phuket. Suggest you consult a rheumatologiost there e.g.


Thanks again.

Yes possible I never had the stones at all. I did see some reports of people blaming Cipro for their Fibromyalgia but people seem to blaming Cipro for all kinds of things if you look for it.

I was told once a long time ago I had very mild early arthritis in one of my ankles, also I have the back problem I mentioned in an earlier post, the report from the IVP said "mild scoliosis with spondylosis of the lumbar spine is noted".

I'll give it a few days and then maybe see another Dr, Vachira is more in my price bracket than PIH, a bit of a longer wait but from past experience most of the docs seem to work also in PIH BPH and there own clinic. I noticed there is a german doctor with a clinic who also works at Vachira, hes an orthopedic surgeon so not sure if he would be good for this or not.

What you describe (migrating pain and aches all over the body, often in soft tissue) is not orthopedic. You need to see a rheumatologist. I am not sure Vachira will have one as it is only a secondary level facility. But you can ask. A rheumatologist who treats many foreigners is more likely to be knowledgable about fibromylagia than one how does not, though, hence the PIH suggestion. I don't think a simple consultation there could be all that much.


The pain you describe is definitely not tendinitis. Nor is the location of the pains you mention consistent with any type of arthritis (there are reactive types of arthritis that are set off by meds one is allergy to etc). From what you describe the pain seems to often be in soft tissue, away form joints and tendons.

Pain that migrates all over the body may be suggestive of an autoimmune condition such as fibromylagia. It is possible you never had kidney stones and that this is just a continuation of whatever caused the perineal pain.

I had forgotten you are in Phuket. Suggest you consult a rheumatologiost there e.g.


Thanks again.

Yes possible I never had the stones at all. I did see some reports of people blaming Cipro for their Fibromyalgia but people seem to blaming Cipro for all kinds of things if you look for it.

I was told once a long time ago I had very mild early arthritis in one of my ankles, also I have the back problem I mentioned in an earlier post, the report from the IVP said "mild scoliosis with spondylosis of the lumbar spine is noted".

I'll give it a few days and then maybe see another Dr, Vachira is more in my price bracket than PIH, a bit of a longer wait but from past experience most of the docs seem to work also in PIH BPH and there own clinic. I noticed there is a german doctor with a clinic who also works at Vachira, hes an orthopedic surgeon so not sure if he would be good for this or not.

What you describe (migrating pain and aches all over the body, often in soft tissue) is not orthopedic. You need to see a rheumatologist. I am not sure Vachira will have one as it is only a secondary level facility. But you can ask. A rheumatologist who treats many foreigners is more likely to be knowledgable about fibromylagia than one how does not, though, hence the PIH suggestion. I don't think a simple consultation there could be all that much.

Yes sure it won't be to expensive just for a consultation, I can then consider options if further treatment is needed.

The Rheumatologist Clinic at PIH is run by Dr Somyos Fongsrisin, I've seen others recommend him in older posts and I see he also runs a private clinic in Karon where he is proabably less expensive, a bit further for me to go but also maybe better hours.

(Today not feeling so bad, some ache in both arms, but I have mild perinium pain, well actually it feels much more like the anus).

Thanks for your help Sheryl, its really appreciated.


Pain in the perineum/rectal area is sometimes associated with an entrapped or irritated pudendal nerve and is something cyclists are prone to (Alcock's syndrome). Basically there's not a lot you can do about it but give up the cycling as a first step to prevent irritating the nerve further. Pudendal nerve block injections are of limited use and can sometimes end up making the condition worse.


Pain in the perineum/rectal area is sometimes associated with an entrapped or irritated pudendal nerve and is something cyclists are prone to (Alcock's syndrome). Basically there's not a lot you can do about it but give up the cycling as a first step to prevent irritating the nerve further. Pudendal nerve block injections are of limited use and can sometimes end up making the condition worse.

Thanks, it was suggested before and was one of things I considered early on when the problem was all in that area, but now symptoms have changed to cover others areas as well.

Initially I thought prostate, or the nerve or musclular caused by the cyling (although I dont do a lot, maybe 20 mins 5 times a week, but have all but stopped for the last 2 weeks).

I was later diagnosed with kidney stones (?), I have also considered if its a bowel / gastro problem as I had stomach pains.lower abdomen and left lower abdomen pain also, then I thought about a side effect of the cipro antibiotic, and maybe a rhematology issue fibromyalgia was suggested. Some times its not a pain exatly just a hot feeling like you have rubbed the skin with chilly and in some places it is more of a pain. So not really sure whats going on.


The pain you describe is definitely not tendinitis. Nor is the location of the pains you mention consistent with any type of arthritis (there are reactive types of arthritis that are set off by meds one is allergy to etc). From what you describe the pain seems to often be in soft tissue, away form joints and tendons.

Pain that migrates all over the body may be suggestive of an autoimmune condition such as fibromylagia. It is possible you never had kidney stones and that this is just a continuation of whatever caused the perineal pain.

I had forgotten you are in Phuket. Suggest you consult a rheumatologiost there e.g.


Thanks again.

Yes possible I never had the stones at all. I did see some reports of people blaming Cipro for their Fibromyalgia but people seem to blaming Cipro for all kinds of things if you look for it.

I was told once a long time ago I had very mild early arthritis in one of my ankles, also I have the back problem I mentioned in an earlier post, the report from the IVP said "mild scoliosis with spondylosis of the lumbar spine is noted".

I'll give it a few days and then maybe see another Dr, Vachira is more in my price bracket than PIH, a bit of a longer wait but from past experience most of the docs seem to work also in PIH BPH and there own clinic. I noticed there is a german doctor with a clinic who also works at Vachira, hes an orthopedic surgeon so not sure if he would be good for this or not.

What you describe (migrating pain and aches all over the body, often in soft tissue) is not orthopedic. You need to see a rheumatologist. I am not sure Vachira will have one as it is only a secondary level facility. But you can ask. A rheumatologist who treats many foreigners is more likely to be knowledgable about fibromylagia than one how does not, though, hence the PIH suggestion. I don't think a simple consultation there could be all that much.

Yes sure it won't be to expensive just for a consultation, I can then consider options if further treatment is needed.

The Rheumatologist Clinic at PIH is run by Dr Somyos Fongsrisin, I've seen others recommend him in older posts and I see he also runs a private clinic in Karon where he is proabably less expensive, a bit further for me to go but also maybe better hours.

(Today not feeling so bad, some ache in both arms, but I have mild perinium pain, well actually it feels much more like the anus).

Thanks for your help Sheryl, its really appreciated.

I contacted PIH to check on the clinic hours and costs incase I decided to go, but they said Dr Somyos not longer works with PIH and the Rheumatology Clinic is closed at the moment. Will try to see if I an find details of his clinic in Karon.


The other podsibilitu, if it is more of a burning sensation on the skin, is some sort of neuropathy.

Thanks, I feel such a fool as I can't properly explain what the problem is and if I was to list all the things it would sound silly.

Perinium was the first thing so thought prostate or muscular or other damage just in that area, its later that all the other things started to come up. Considered a gastro/bowel problem, as I had the lower abdomen pains and that left side hip pain and sometimes a feeling of swelling at either side, I was much more regular and looser than normal when I was taking the Cipro (daily compared to every 2-3 days normally), but I am also drinking more water and been eating more healthily to lose a little weight, but now back to every couple of days but I noticed once or twice that I had a hard stool followed by a much softer stool a while later. I had a burning in stomach and chest which I thought could be reflux maybe taking ibuprofen, have had this before - but seems to have stopped now since stopping the cipro and ibuprofen. The right side pain which was diagnosed as kidney stones seems mostly ok now. Perinium/retal area pains just come someties it was almost contant at the start. Also thought it might be related to my crooked spine as back aches and pains are something I get often. Plus all the other aches/burns in various random and sometime reoccuring places, if I was to list them all it would sound even more ridiculous. Maybe its stress.

Now I am just taking the magnesium 3 times daily and paracetamol when I need it, the last couple of days have been better (yesterday more so than today).


It could indeed be stress. Also, once you start worrying too much about your health you naturally start noticing small sensations that you would normally ignore. Anyone, if they startr focusing on all theior sensations, will find multiple areas of discomofrt coming and going, it means nothing.

Every little twinge is of no significance and does not warrant any action. If you have real pain, serious pain, in multiple locations then that is different.


It could indeed be stress. Also, once you start worrying too much about your health you naturally start noticing small sensations that you would normally ignore. Anyone, if they startr focusing on all theior sensations, will find multiple areas of discomofrt coming and going, it means nothing.

Every little twinge is of no significance and does not warrant any action. If you have real pain, serious pain, in multiple locations then that is different.

Thanks Yes could well be, some of the pains are very minor and yes if was not worrying about what was wrong with me I wouldn't give them much thought including my back. But some are more sore, sore to press, like the pain in the left hip which I though might be the iliolumber ligament, today I have pain close to arm pits, at front right at the bottom of the at the bottom of the armpit toward chest, very sore in 1 point if i press it, but feels more muscular. (I do get muscular pains in different areas becasue of my crooked spine and whenever my back gets bad the muscles spasm and lock a kind of protection mechanism I guess and if look in the mirror I am not straight),

I don't think its worth going to a Dr again yet even if I knew how to expain it and who to, If there was anything else suspected I would have hoped one of the other docs would have picked up on it, or noticed from other tests.


Yesterday I cycled for the first time in about 2 weeks, just about 20 minutes. Shortly after I got back the perinium pain was back as strong as before and feeling much more like the rectal area again almost like there is something in there.

This has made me think about the pudendal nerve again that has been suggested. In the afternoon I took Pormus (500mg Paracetamol with 35mg Orphenadrine) this really helped a lot just after 1 pill (the normal dose is 2 tabs 3 times daily). The back pain and higher abdominal pains were all but gone, the pains in left pelvis/hip, lower abdomen, sides of stomach and perinium areas much inproved.

Reading more about the Pudendal Nerve it says the pains can radiate to other aras, is it possible that the pains in my sides, stomach area could be coming from this also, maybe somehow related to my scoliosis and spondylosis back/spine issues.

My only concern about the Pormus is that I have read it should not be taken with an enlarged prostate, now I dont really know if I have that or not the last urlogist said not after the IVP, but is there an alternative OTC muscle relaxant that is ok just in case there is a prostate problem? (btw I an not take Mydocalm / Tolperisone as I have an allergy to this). Thanks.

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