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Yikes - a million caterpillars invading Phayao man's home!

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Yikes - a million caterpillars invading Phayao man's home!


Image: Thairath

PHAYO: A Phayao man woke up to find thousands of caterpillars invading his home. By the time evening came the invasion was closer to a million!

The caterpillars had climbed down from nearby trees after getting their fill of new leaves and were probably seeking refuge for the next stage in their life cycle.

Banharn Suya, 36, an electrical engineer in the northern Thai province said he got quite a shock when he first saw the invasion but when he got back from work he was completely overrun with the creatures in shoes, pipes and taps, electrical appliances and all over a watering can. His efforts to expel the army of caterpillars were futile and now he is thinking of bringing in the big guns of the local authority pest control to help out.

"I have been here years and never seen this before, "he said. "maybe it's due to climate change."

The caterpillars had been feeding on leaves of the Pterocarpus tree (known as Pradu in Thai). It is variously known as amboyna after its wood.

Caterpillars are most prevalent in the rainy season and are the number one pest causing damage for this kind of tree.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-04


I'd call them inchworms but... I've got thousands of them on the shady side of my house too this year. Since they're staying outside, I could care less what they do. Turn into butterflies for all I care...


I have had a LARGE tree stripped bare of new leaves by these things. They were about to do the same to all my potted plants until I zapped them. They were trying to get into the place under doors as well. As this is a weekender cottage it is not sealed up properly. Had to be done to save many costly plants and bushes.


The birds sure aren't going hungry this year. The fish in our pond don't seem to be as hungry either.smile.png I am a little worried about all the poison being used that is subsequently washed into the ground water with the frequent rains.


if he could just be a little patient, this could turn into a fabulous story about a million majestic butterflies.

Either way, there are lottery numbers in this somewhere.

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