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Wii Or Ps3?


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And for the money, PS3 did not impress. And graphics? Phooeeey, game play is the answer. Are you one of those geeky dudes who would rather sit around talking about the graphics of a game rather than gameplay? Thats like talking about the uniform of a sports team versus the quality of the teamwork and their style of play! PS3 is trying to win you over with graphics to cover the lack of good games and stories. If I were to get a second console it would be the XBOX this time around.


The PS3 is so much more then a game machine! It’s a Media Center, it runs Linux and of course it’s the cheapest BR player around!!!

We all have different definitions of “better value” I guess. Some people might consider a PS1 better value then the Wii right?

There have been some complains about the PS3 games released. But the potential is there, it’s just a matter of time before someone comes out with a “killer” game for the PS3. The horsepower is there, that’s for sure.

BR /// Rob

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I saw the Wii in action for the first time yesterday. I was not impressed. Zelda was playing and the graphics did not impress. Although I know graphics aren’t everything and the game play is probably great I would at least expect a move forward in the graphics for a next generation console. Why couldn’t Nintendo have made the same console but with superior power. They would have swept up with it.

Well, Zelda isn't a Wii game, it's a Gamecube that they've ported to the Wii. Nintendo decided about a year ago to release it for the Wii launch and quickly went about porting it from the GC, but it's still a GC game as far as graphics, it's not representative of what the Wii is capable of. All they updated was the controls to take advantage of the wiimote, graphics were left the same as the GC version coming out next week. Also I doubt the display had composite cables hooked up, it would look better if the game was running in 480p.

Either way, I think the Wii is the best option right now. The PS3 has great graphics, but it's very expensive to develop for. That will limit the number of exclusives that really take advantage of the hardware. Great PS2 games like Okami or Disgaea from small publishers would never make it on the PS3 as it's too risky to spend that much on development for an innovative game that might not sell well. Safer to stick with Combat Fighter 12 or Sports Game Roster Update '08. The 360 also will look nice, but most of those games come out on the PC. I'd much rather play a shooter with a keyboard and mouse, or with a wiimote, than with a gamepad. Really all you lose with the Wii is the ability to play in hi def, other than it should be powerful enough to run anything in 480p that comes out on the other two consoles. And most importantly you get a huge library of games that don't come out anywhere else, and a cool new controller to play them with.

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firstly, doesnt matter if for GC or Wii, Zelda is still Zelda and it never ever had great graphics. Mario has never had graphics. Its about the story and gameplay. Super Smash for the Wii will still have the same graphics as before but who cares! The game will be a blast to play as will Wario ware. By the way, Okami was great game in Zeldaesque style! Graphics were cartoonish but great story that added to the game.


I have a computer to do my work and Linix and whatever other computer stuff. I buy a game console to play games! I would never buy a PS3 because it was a computer. And it is huge, heavy and uses lots of electricity! The Wii is compact and stylish with its backlog of games and all the GC games also. So the Wii lacks a DVD player, I have 2 of them for less than $50 apeoce.. Again , I would not base my decision to buy a game console cause it plays dvds or blue ray. Nintendo did right by skipping this feature. I can see other styles of wii motes being made to support games. Like a gun style wiimote for shooter games. The future potential for the wii is there. Break down and get a wii. Youll have fun with the wiimote.


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I have a computer to do my work and Linix and whatever other computer stuff. I buy a game console to play games! I would never buy a PS3 because it was a computer. And it is huge, heavy and uses lots of electricity! The Wii is compact and stylish with its backlog of games and all the GC games also. So the Wii lacks a DVD player, I have 2 of them for less than $50 apeoce.. Again , I would not base my decision to buy a game console cause it plays dvds or blue ray. Nintendo did right by skipping this feature. I can see other styles of wii motes being made to support games. Like a gun style wiimote for shooter games. The future potential for the wii is there. Break down and get a wii. Youll have fun with the wiimote.


Turok, as I stated earlier, we all seek different things in a product. Personally the main reason for me to go for the PS3 is for the Blu-Ray! Gaming I do on a PC!

No doubt the PS3 is very expensive at the moment in Thailand. After x-mas when Sony has a greater stock the price will fall to the “real” MSRP. Currently in HK the price is approx. 20.000 Bath (without any games). It shouldn’t be long before we get the price down to that level in BKK as well.

BR /// Rob

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At the minute I have a PS2, Xbox and DS.

I will be going for a 360 later this week. I am going for the 360 over the PS3 due to the current catalogue of games available. I think in the long run the PS3 may have the edge on the 360 due to the huge Sony following, but for the time being the 360 seems a viable option.

From past experience I prefer consoles for gaming to PC’s. I find it to much trouble upgrading graphics cards and dealing with installation problems to use a PC. With a dedicated console I experience none of those problems.

I didn’t realize that the current Zelda game is a port from GC. That explains the look of the game.

The controller seems to be the big attraction with the Wii. I see myself becoming bored with that novelty quite quickly. I imagine that the Wii will be a lot of fun to play with friends and a few drinks, but I don’t see it figuring in what might be called ‘serious gaming’. The Wii itself is very aesthetically pleasing, more so than the competition, but I don’t see myself ever getting a Wii.


I think you need to take a read through your Nintendo obsessed posts before you ask anyone if they are any kind of gaming geek.

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Yea I am a Nintendo fan boy. Always have been.

In fact I play with the DS lite more than any of the consoles Ive got.

Please define "serious gaming?"

Zelda has never had great graphics but still is in the top 3 series ever!

Mario never had graphics but it is the top franchise ever!

These are serious games!

Is serious gaming for you the GTA stuff? You know the graphics in those games suck! I get better images of dead bodies pimps and hos, on line, in a magazine or a dvd!

Between the PS3 and Xbox I will get the xbox. It does have a better range of games now.

OH man you got to do the wiimote. It was the first time I left a party with a sore shoulder and wrist playing video games. Pitching and batting left me with a sore shoulder and the bowling game left my wrist sore from spinning the "wii." Proabably will need to buy a wrist guard when i bowl again with Nintendo. That is serious gaming. And, the boxing gave my arms quite a workout as well as the abs while bobbing and weaving. You do work up a sweat in that game. Wii Sports will give you a workout.


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Went to MBK to buy a Wii today and came home empty handed. The only one I found was offered for 27,000 (US version). Japanese versions were on offer for about 14,000.

US versions are SOLD OUT.

Edited by Ceedee
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Hi everybody,

After some hassle to get the Wii hooked up to the internet it finally worked when I bought a new wireless router at Pantip, works like a charm now.

The weather channel has been released today as well so you can check forecasts, for Bangkok it only has a 1 day forecast however. Have to set my standard location to somewhere in the US as I have the US version.

Surprised to hear that the US versions differ so much in price with the Japanese ones, I picked up mine about three weeks ago for 19000 THB, at least it was worth it then.

@mikeinminburi: Games for the Wii will not be region free but I'm also wondering whether the games you can buy in Thailand will be from the US or Japan?

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Hi everybody,

After some hassle to get the Wii hooked up to the internet it finally worked when I bought a new wireless router at Pantip, works like a charm now.

The weather channel has been released today as well so you can check forecasts, for Bangkok it only has a 1 day forecast however. Have to set my standard location to somewhere in the US as I have the US version.

Surprised to hear that the US versions differ so much in price with the Japanese ones, I picked up mine about three weeks ago for 19000 THB, at least it was worth it then.

@mikeinminburi: Games for the Wii will not be region free but I'm also wondering whether the games you can buy in Thailand will be from the US or Japan?


Can you tell me which router you bought please as I have same problem

You are with True as well correct?

360 & PS3 work fine online but not Wii - weird!



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Hi everybody,

After some hassle to get the Wii hooked up to the internet it finally worked when I bought a new wireless router at Pantip, works like a charm now.

The weather channel has been released today as well so you can check forecasts, for Bangkok it only has a 1 day forecast however. Have to set my standard location to somewhere in the US as I have the US version.

Surprised to hear that the US versions differ so much in price with the Japanese ones, I picked up mine about three weeks ago for 19000 THB, at least it was worth it then.

@mikeinminburi: Games for the Wii will not be region free but I'm also wondering whether the games you can buy in Thailand will be from the US or Japan?


Can you tell me which router you bought please as I have same problem

You are with True as well correct?

360 & PS3 work fine online but not Wii - weird!



Hey Ian,

I bought a Lynksys WAG54G V3, strangly enough there is harly anything to be found about this router/modem on the internet, firmware versions on their website are only for version 1 and 2 for example. The first and second version were supposed to be crap however so dont buy them. Had some problems with this one in the beginning but now its working fine, you have to put it vertically though otherwise it gets too hot.

It looks like this one although my type is slightly different: here

It's quite weird but it works now, if you still have to update for the first time try with a dial up, this worked for me and after the first update it also workes on the true router. You can also flash the true firmware of your router, look on the lordofwireless website how to do that, there's and url somewhere. Hereafter you have more control over the settings.

Hope this helps.

You think there will be more games for the US or Japanese version in Thailand in the future?

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After tactfully cornering Nintendo's VP of Marketing at their NYC event, Joel Johnson from Wired News was able to extract a rather valuable tidbit of information that will likely please gamers all across the world. Perrin Kaplan casually confirmed that all first-party Wii games will be free of draconian region locks, thus allowing them to run on a Wii system purchased from Japan, Europe, America and everything in-between. The same doesn't hold true for third-party games yet, but one can only hope they follow the glorious example and do away with an annoying system that has long since been dropped in handheld platforms.

from what i read it was...

didnt read much into it really, as i dont plan to buy it until mid feburary.

but now they have stated that...

Nintendo UK says the Wii is region-locked. This is contrary to Perrin Kaplan's statements, though her exact comments may have been misinterpreted to begin with. It's possible that Kaplan implied first-party games would specifically be region-free -- which is not the same thing as saying the console is region-free. After all, one can play region-free DVDs on a region-locked DVD player. Not that the Wii can play DVDs anymore...]

well thats a kick where the sun dont shine... i was going to buy it on the basis it was region free. at least i could have sent games home to my family and friends at a much cheaper rate!

but oh well.

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Glad to see u found the Wii fun. Break down and get one soon. The new Wario ware should be a great party game. Zelda is an adventure or immense length.

Got the weather channel hooked up. Nice and simple.

Has anyone played Splinter Cell on teh Wii? Can u give me your opinions?


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Wii Gamers:

Just downloaded the trial version of the internet onto the interface. It just came out today. Cool. Keeping with this website I opened my first web page www.thaivisa.com. Yep it popped right up.

Hotmail works also. Will play around later to see if messenger and all that stuff can be downloaded also.

If you got the Wii try it.


Edited by Turok
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After tactfully cornering Nintendo's VP of Marketing at their NYC event, Joel Johnson from Wired News was able to extract a rather valuable tidbit of information that will likely please gamers all across the world. Perrin Kaplan casually confirmed that all first-party Wii games will be free of draconian region locks, thus allowing them to run on a Wii system purchased from Japan, Europe, America and everything in-between. The same doesn't hold true for third-party games yet, but one can only hope they follow the glorious example and do away with an annoying system that has long since been dropped in handheld platforms.

from what i read it was...

didnt read much into it really, as i dont plan to buy it until mid feburary.

but now they have stated that...

Nintendo UK says the Wii is region-locked. This is contrary to Perrin Kaplan's statements, though her exact comments may have been misinterpreted to begin with. It's possible that Kaplan implied first-party games would specifically be region-free -- which is not the same thing as saying the console is region-free. After all, one can play region-free DVDs on a region-locked DVD player. Not that the Wii can play DVDs anymore...]

well thats a kick where the sun dont shine... i was going to buy it on the basis it was region free. at least i could have sent games home to my family and friends at a much cheaper rate!

but oh well.

I took this to mean that the machine itself will support the region codes, but any titles that Nintendo releases for the Wii will NOT have the encoding on them. I don't know if the encoding is needed for legacy purposes, i.e. Gamecube games will throw a hissy fit if they don't find anything there, but it does allow third parties to control where their games are played. But touching on your DVD comments.....there's the rumour that it will in a future revision.

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Hi all. I'm here in Bangkok for a few more days before I go to Krabi province. Unfortunately I haven't been able t get my hands on a Wii. Tragic isn't it... Anyway I went to Phantip Plaza and they wanted 25000 for a Wii. Shouldn't it only be like 10,000 since the NTSC USA Wii is USD $249.99? I need to know if there are legitimate Wii consoles in MBK or Siam Paragon. I'll go anywhere in Bangkok toget my hands on one. All day today I was being directed to other stores by people saying they were in places like Toys R Us but unfortunately I didn't see any. Hopefully somebody will respond to this some time tomorrow as I'm off to Krabi on the 27th afternoon.



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Hi all. I'm here in Bangkok for a few more days before I go to Krabi province. Unfortunately I haven't been able t get my hands on a Wii. Tragic isn't it... Anyway I went to Phantip Plaza and they wanted 25000 for a Wii. Shouldn't it only be like 10,000 since the NTSC USA Wii is USD $249.99? I need to know if there are legitimate Wii consoles in MBK or Siam Paragon. I'll go anywhere in Bangkok toget my hands on one. All day today I was being directed to other stores by people saying they were in places like Toys R Us but unfortunately I didn't see any. Hopefully somebody will respond to this some time tomorrow as I'm off to Krabi on the 27th afternoon.



The last time I checked it was approx 15,000 for a Jap Wii and 20,000 for a US. But sorry, I don't know for sure where. I would say MBK mall. Thats where I get all my console related stuff.

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Will be very difficult to find a US wii in Thailand. I bought one here (US version) the first day they arrived knowing they would be snapped up immediately. I paid 20000 baht. Now why do u think the shop owners should sell them for what they paid for them in the USA? Doesn't make economic sense. They would lose money!!! They need to make a profit. They are not retail centers. I bargained my price for the wii down from 23000 to 20000 only because I have bought a lot of games from this MBK store and they know I will buy more. It didnt bother me cause having a USA wii shipped here would have added another 4-5 k on top of the USA price. Also consider that shop owners also pay shipping and some one to get them the Wii in the USA. Its unrealistic for u to think u would find the Wii at US retail prices in Thailand. Thailand is not a launch site for the Wii. Paying an extra 10000 baht was no big deal. I could afford it. It is an awesome console. I looked at Amazon and people are asking for over $1000 for the Wii. The 20000 baht doesn't look so bad now does it? Down in Krabi you probably will spend that amount easily having fun on unnecessry things. Its all about priorities.

By the way the internet service on thw Wii is great. Other wii gamers get this on your wii. Its free for several months. The weather channel is fun. I like spinning the globe with the Wii mote. Oh yea, went old school and dowloaded Street Fighter II and the original Super Mario Bros.

You got to check out www.wiihaveaproblem.com. Pictures of damage done by the wiimote.


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Will be very difficult to find a US wii in Thailand. I bought one here (US version) the first day they arrived knowing they would be snapped up immediately. I paid 20000 baht. Now why do u think the shop owners should sell them for what they paid for them in the USA? Doesn't make economic sense. They would lose money!!! They need to make a profit. They are not retail centers. I bargained my price for the wii down from 23000 to 20000 only because I have bought a lot of games from this MBK store and they know I will buy more. It didnt bother me cause having a USA wii shipped here would have added another 4-5 k on top of the USA price. Also consider that shop owners also pay shipping and some one to get them the Wii in the USA. Its unrealistic for u to think u would find the Wii at US retail prices in Thailand. Thailand is not a launch site for the Wii. Paying an extra 10000 baht was no big deal. I could afford it. It is an awesome console. I looked at Amazon and people are asking for over $1000 for the Wii. The 20000 baht doesn't look so bad now does it? Down in Krabi you probably will spend that amount easily having fun on unnecessry things. Its all about priorities.

By the way the internet service on thw Wii is great. Other wii gamers get this on your wii. Its free for several months. The weather channel is fun. I like spinning the globe with the Wii mote. Oh yea, went old school and dowloaded Street Fighter II and the original Super Mario Bros.

You got to check out www.wiihaveaproblem.com. Pictures of damage done by the wiimote.


What is the advantage of a US Wii?? If there is an advantage does the same apply to the UK version? If there is stock in the next few days I can get a UK Wii for 12250 baht with sports disk. I may go with a 360 tho, 12600baht. The Wii looks fun but more of a kids console, maybe ok for a 2nd console for a bit of variety. I'm torn TBH, but ATM the 360 is eding it.

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The wii's are country specific. They only play the wii games for that country. USA wiis will only play the USA games. Japanese wiis play Japanese games. I assume in the near future someone will crack the consoles and soon be able to play any game from any country. Wii is not for kids. It is entertainment for all ages. But I am a Nintendo fan and will always support their games. I grew up with Mario, Zelda and Samus Aran. If you are looking for the bloodied pimped out games then go XBox or PS3. And if you need superior graphics go with the PS3 or Xbox. However, for gameplay the Wii is more fun especially for party games. The wii mote adds a new dimension to gaming. If I were to get a second console it would be the XBox 360 hnads down. It has a great online service that at the moment Nintendo does not have and it has a good library of games. You can get copied games for the XBox 360 for 250 baht.


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thanks for that Turok. So are US games easier to get here? I would have thought Jap games were easier. I wonder if Jap games have no English dialogue.

One of he reasons I am torn is I have two girls of 5 and 6 and I dropped a clanger when I bought them PSP's. The games are too hard for them and on reflection I should have got DS's. Now I reckon the Wii will be much better for them, but I do like the fact the 360 has 'cheaper' options for games as I can't afford to buy 2000 baht games every week. Plus I had an old xbox and loved it. Decisions decisions!!!!!

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If you had asked me before u bought the PSP's I would have guided you to the DS. It is a much better system with better games and just a better variety of games. I don't even think the PSP will last much longer. The DS outsells the PSP worldwide by a wide margin. I play the DS more than the wii. I have had no problem finding the wii games. Don't use price of games to determine your system. In that case get the PS2. I never buy copied games. Right now there are only about 15 - 20 games out for the wii. Some good, some bad. Also, I liek the fact that the Wii has a download service where you can get old school games. They also have a weather channel and Internet. Next year you should see a wide release of games. Use the site ign.com. But if the Wii is not available and you need a system, the Xbox would be my choice.


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Yea I am a Nintendo fan boy. Always have been.

In fact I play with the DS lite more than any of the consoles Ive got.

Please define "serious gaming?"

Zelda has never had great graphics but still is in the top 3 series ever!

Mario never had graphics but it is the top franchise ever!

These are serious games!

Is serious gaming for you the GTA stuff? You know the graphics in those games suck! I get better images of dead bodies pimps and hos, on line, in a magazine or a dvd!

Between the PS3 and Xbox I will get the xbox. It does have a better range of games now.

OH man you got to do the wiimote. It was the first time I left a party with a sore shoulder and wrist playing video games. Pitching and batting left me with a sore shoulder and the bowling game left my wrist sore from spinning the "wii." Proabably will need to buy a wrist guard when i bowl again with Nintendo. That is serious gaming. And, the boxing gave my arms quite a workout as well as the abs while bobbing and weaving. You do work up a sweat in that game. Wii Sports will give you a workout.


Its going to be interesting to see how the power gaming consoles impact the PC gaming market. As a PC geek I can see that a full on bitchin' Ninja PC will be hard pressed to match the PS3. That said I find that altough the consoles have the fun element and one spec meets all games requirements the depth and seriousness from PC games meets the console games head on now. I like the virtual wiimote, I haven't used it yet but it seems something of a first.

Having said that the precision of the mouse takes some beating, can you plug a mouse into the Wii??

As a Medieval 2 Total War man I'm not yet convinced entirely the consoles have got the gaming market cracked yet. :o

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i have read in a magazine that the blue ray discs will still be regional, isnt it about time they made the playstation mutli-region, i used to hate that on my pS2.

Games are region free on PS3, Blue Ray movies aren't. They do still print the region on the box though. At least Blue Ray only has 3 regions rather than the 6 found on DVDs. You could always get your PS2 chipped if you wanna play games from other regions, has some other benefits too.

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PS3 hands down. only cause im a big final fantasy and dragonquest fan. :o

You'll be needing Nintendo Hardware then.....

The next proper DragonQuest is for Nintendo DS only

There are also more DQ & FF games coming out for both Wii & DS

The DS is the fastest selling game machine in history so it makes sense for Squaresoft to make them for DS as they can sell far more copies and develop the games much more quickly. It will take years for the PS3 to have a huge userbase as DS



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