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Bad experience with Kasikorn Bank


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I can only say that it is fully normal for banks to charge a small fee and add some waiting time for researching one single transaction. Have done it many times even in my home country Sweden its the same.

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Statements here requested at a branch, at least in my recent experience, do not give details of the payee, only:

amount, date, transaction code, withdrawal amount, deposit amount, balance and (sometimes) a user ID.

Getting the transaction detail can be done, but takes time particularly if out of the home bank area or not recent.

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This post is not about money as some people assume. Yes, I can afford 200 baht, really.

This is about common sens and experience.

Whatever you say, that is my company fault etc, you should re-think again :

How it is possible, that bank is not able to give me simple confirmation of basic transaction, on the spot and for free.

Common sense here is for Thais to decide, it is not the common sense that you grew up with. Wake up, it is different here.

I am sure it would be easy to find unreasonable behavior by banks wherever you came from. Perhaps not the same form but still unreasonable.

If your company can not make the dollar-baht conversion like everybody else does so easily, what is thier problem?

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This post is not about money as some people assume. Yes, I can afford 200 baht, really.

This is about common sens and experience.

Whatever you say, that is my company fault etc, you should re-think again :

How it is possible, that bank is not able to give me simple confirmation of basic transaction, on the spot and for free.

Because that's the way it is. In lots of places. Railing on about it is more a reflection of a lack of experience on the part of the ranter than the incident he's ranting about. I empathize- we've all been there, but move on.

Had you asked for the same thing 3 times in 3 different banks in 3 different countries, you'd know that.

It's a lot like the guys who go on rants about customs when they make their first international purchase, or immigration rules, or airlines, or weird hotel fees (what is that 15% service charge, and I didn't even use the facilities, so why is there a facilities surcharge on my bill?) or any of a hundred topics that, while irritating, we have all leaned to deal with by the second time they happened to us.

Living overseas -even traveling- means learning to deal with a lot of inconveniences we never learned about in school. But they're the same inconveniences for everyone who doesn't have a 24/7 personal assistant and an entourage to take care of those things.

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The staff in Thai banks are terrible.

May be true. I don't know since I seldom need to go inside the bank.

But every time I pay the $6 annual service fee, I remind myself that I paid a lot more than that every month for all the "services" I received at the banks back home. And I rarely went inside the bank back home, either.

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Tried to change 80 Singapore dollars ( 1 x 50 and 3 x 10 ) and 103 Malaysian Ringgit ( 2 x 50 and 3 singles ) in a Kasikorn the other day ,

it took 3 of them half an hour to sort it out , they would not touch the Malaysian money for some unknown reason , and would only change the 50 SGD note.

I went to the SCB up the road , and they changed everything bar the singles within 10 minutes.

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Tried to change 80 Singapore dollars ( 1 x 50 and 3 x 10 ) and 103 Malaysian Ringgit ( 2 x 50 and 3 singles ) in a Kasikorn the other day ,

it took 3 of them half an hour to sort it out , they would not touch the Malaysian money for some unknown reason , and would only change the 50 SGD note.

I went to the SCB up the road , and they changed everything bar the singles within 10 minutes.

Go to SK money changer and you will be finished with all of it in 5 minutes unless you are unlucky and the place is very busy. Better rates than the banks too.

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