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President Obama preparing to endorse Hillary Clinton


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The SGT is correct- it is the media who is crowning Hillary yet the super delegates do not even vote until the convention and they can change their minds . If Bernie wins California or even comes close- I suspect he will go to the convention and try and convince the super delegates to switch.

I am also a Bernie supporter because he has a real plan to make America a great country again. He really wants to help the poor and middle class. In addition, he would end the tyranny of the wealthy, unfair tax laws, reign in crooked insurance companies and Big Pharma as well as create real universal healthcare and provide people with a free college education. Yes, all this is going to cost a lot of money. But when you look at way the US budget is laid out and the insanity of the tax code which rewards the rich and allows corporate America to park its money offshore- there is plenty of money available once you start redistributing it. Even if you took 50% of the wealthiest Americans current income from them- they would still be wealthy. It is greed to the maximum extent that has destroyed the America we used to know and respect. It is the politicians that have allowed this to happen and it is because the system is controlled by the few for the few.

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She is indeed now the presumptive nominee. The actual nomination will need to wait until the first ballot at the convention. But it's as good as done.

The mainstream media in this case is facts based. Clinton has the numbers.

Edited by Jingthing
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She is indeed now the presumptive nominee. The actual nomination will need to wait until the first ballot at the convention. But it's as good as done.

The mainstream media in this case is facts based. Clinton has the numbers.

The race is not over and Bernie can still win and just may. This BS news story may be helping Bernie as the old folks who are clinton's main support will just stay home now and rub their feet and not vote. Bernie's supporters have a movement and a protest to carry out and will go vote. I think Bernie will have a big win tomorrow. In addition, Hillary may get indicted over the email issue and her image would be so bad the supers would have to go for Sanders. There is investigations going on about the Clinton Foundation, huge story really, that would bring her and Bill down. Just too many things going on to even think what will be happening in 6 weeks.
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YET the super-delegates don't vote until june 25th,,, thank you you usa news media for deciding for us,,, makes things so much easier for all of us uneducated

Edited by Adeeos
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Good Obama is actively backing Hillary. It does show the threat Trump is to America. Obama has done really well in spite of the anti American Republican dominated Congress. He has fought hard to bring America back from the abysmal lack of leadership shown by the W Bush Republican administration that near destroyed America. No doubt Obama sees the dire threat that Trump poses in winding back all the hard fought initiatives he has put in place.

Bernie should fight on. The more he can push Hillary to the Left the better outcomes for the average American. Taxation reform, Health, Education. Wall Street regulation, raising the minimum wage, worker representation, progressive Supreme Court appointment, overturn Citizens United, income equality and Corporate tax evasion. These are the real issues that need addressing and Bernie has to continue to force Hillary to 'eat her greens'.

Obama and Hillary a formidable force. I am not sure what shade of orange Trump will be after these two have put the political 'blowtorch' to his belly. He may just totally lose it during a racist diatribe and spontaneously combust into thin air.

Edited by up2u2
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Hillary has NOT won the nomination. Lame stream media is lying. They have been in her pocket since the blue dawg corporate DNC rigged the process for her. They are counting super-delegates which have not voted and will not vote until the convention. Neither Bernie or the Clintons will have enough delegates to secure the nomination until the contested convention. Obama, like the Clintons is a Manchurian candidate/president. Pres. Eisenhower was to the left of them. Clinton was and is a "Goldwater Girl". Yes, while tricky dicky wasn't better, a vile evil man, he was to the left of Obama. Ahem, being to the left of the current group masquerading as the Democrat Party/DNC is not hard to do.

I'm sure each of those "superdelegates" will have a little something extra in their paycheck....courtesy of the Clinton Foundation

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Unreal that this criminal can run for president, the world upside down.

What on earth are you talking about. All politicians are criminals, none have moral or ethical

high ground over each other. coffee1.gif

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Good Obama is actively backing Hillary. It does show the threat Trump is to America. Obama has done really well in spite of the anti American Republican dominated Congress. He has fought hard to bring America back from the abysmal lack of leadership shown by the W Bush Republican administration that near destroyed America. No doubt Obama sees the dire threat that Trump poses in winding back all the hard fought initiatives he has put in place.

Bernie should fight on. The more he can push Hillary to the Left the better outcomes for the average American. Taxation reform, Health, Education. Wall Street regulation, raising the minimum wage, worker representation, progressive Supreme Court appointment, overturn Citizens United, income equality and Corporate tax evasion. These are the real issues that need addressing and Bernie has to continue to force Hillary to 'eat her greens'.

Obama and Hillary a formidable force. I am not sure what shade of orange Trump will be after these two have put the political 'blowtorch' to his belly. He may just totally lose it during a racist diatribe and spontaneously combust into thin air.

No...Obama sees Clinton as the only vehicle available who will advance his "legacy" to any extent

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Congratulations Hillary Clinton! clap2.gif


Hillary Clinton reaches magic number for historic nomination

God help the USA should she become president. Unfortunately, nobody will help and she will continue to run the country into the ground like Obama has done. All national pride is gone now. But then, what do I care. I will never go back there again.
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Well she had those superdelegates already in her pocket, she is still dodging the email scandal, the media is prematurely calling her the winner and now Obamas brought in just to make sure.

Crooked politicians is nothing new, just shows the power of the media to convince the gullible and ignorant that such a shocking, morally corrupt person is suitable to be president.

Hitler could get elected in the US if the media and money men were backing him.

Did I miss something or has nothing remarkable happened in the past few hours other then media announcing, one day before critical CA primary, that it's a done deal? Isn't the news here just that a media outlet went first on a limb to declare her? The data they used available to all, they just pre empted CA to announce, like "calling" it on election night.

It's no more then east coast "calling" polls before west coast votes in election night- an effort to appear inevitable and so opposition voters remain home. This is such BS. It's a nonstop river of manipulation and deceit from these insurgents/criminals. The right is always out gunned coz they are morons. Is there no end to stupid in America? This is a grand larceny!

Well, Hillary is the only one running who has actually launched war or aggression so...

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Hillary has NOT won the nomination. Lame stream media is lying. They have been in her pocket since the blue dawg corporate DNC rigged the process for her. They are counting super-delegates which have not voted and will not vote until the convention. Neither Bernie or the Clintons will have enough delegates to secure the nomination until the contested convention. Obama, like the Clintons is a Manchurian candidate/president. Pres. Eisenhower was to the left of them. Clinton was and is a "Goldwater Girl". Yes, while tricky dicky wasn't better, a vile evil man, he was to the left of Obama. Ahem, being to the left of the current group masquerading as the Democrat Party/DNC is not hard to do.

Until the superdelegates actually vote AT the DNC Convention,

any reports of their numbers are only polls.

They can, and history says they do change their minds as to who best represents the party going forward.

Considering that the codes on the redacted portions of Hillary's email already indicate that she used unsecured communications that included NAMES of agents in the field - she has a problem.

The problem gets worse because most intel officers state she was informed that she was in violation of security procedures, yet she continued doing it - putting the convenience and her ownership of the storage of her private messages ABOVE security of state secrets and the lives of those in the field.... (and she wants to be commander-in-chief?)

BUT the FBI recovered the server and most of what she intended to erase. Are there quid-pro-quo deals involving authorizations by the State Department AFTER large donations to the Clinton Foundation - as is suspected? The FBI has probably got that answer, or are working on completing it.

Once the last primary is over, expect the legal gloves to come off as to the attacks on her character. It is 47 days until the DNC Convention. That is a wealth of time for allegations to be verified and a career to be ended. Plenty of time for Superdelegates to change their opinions as to who best to be the nominee.

There is enough guilt to disqualify her from even applying for an entry level federal job - using the strict rule as to consequences for removing data. It is going to be a highly interesting war of secrets and maybe pardons - between now and the end of July.


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Thanks for that RPCV been racking my brains trying to work out the Superdelegate/Pledged delegates pa-lava. So Bernie isn't out of the race yet. he has to Poll really well though. It makes sense Hillary says she has the win when in fact technically she doesn't. Yes Bernie should keep in the race and it still is a race. It is possible for Bernie to justifiably take it to the Convention floor. The numbers could still go against her. In fact from out of nowhere Bernie has done pretty damn good all said and done.

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Hillary has NOT won the nomination. Lame stream media is lying. They have been in her pocket since the blue dawg corporate DNC rigged the process for her. They are counting super-delegates which have not voted and will not vote until the convention. Neither Bernie or the Clintons will have enough delegates to secure the nomination until the contested convention. Obama, like the Clintons is a Manchurian candidate/president. Pres. Eisenhower was to the left of them. Clinton was and is a "Goldwater Girl". Yes, while tricky dicky wasn't better, a vile evil man, he was to the left of Obama. Ahem, being to the left of the current group masquerading as the Democrat Party/DNC is not hard to do.

Until the superdelegates actually vote AT the DNC Convention,

any reports of their numbers are only polls.

They can, and history says they do change their minds as to who best represents the party going forward.

Considering that the codes on the redacted portions of Hillary's email already indicate that she used unsecured communications that included NAMES of agents in the field - she has a problem.

The problem gets worse because most intel officers state she was informed that she was in violation of security procedures, yet she continued doing it - putting the convenience and her ownership of the storage of her private messages ABOVE security of state secrets and the lives of those in the field.... (and she wants to be commander-in-chief?)

BUT the FBI recovered the server and most of what she intended to erase. Are there quid-pro-quo deals involving authorizations by the State Department AFTER large donations to the Clinton Foundation - as is suspected? The FBI has probably got that answer, or are working on completing it.

Once the last primary is over, expect the legal gloves to come off as to the attacks on her character. It is 47 days until the DNC Convention. That is a wealth of time for allegations to be verified and a career to be ended. Plenty of time for Superdelegates to change their opinions as to who best to be the nominee.

There is enough guilt to disqualify her from even applying for an entry level federal job - using the strict rule as to consequences for removing data. It is going to be a highly interesting war of secrets and maybe pardons - between now and the end of July.


Yep. Convinced it's not news it's usurpation of the CA primary!
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Well she had those superdelegates already in her pocket, she is still dodging the email scandal, the media is prematurely calling her the winner and now Obamas brought in just to make sure.

Crooked politicians is nothing new, just shows the power of the media to convince the gullible and ignorant that such a shocking, morally corrupt person is suitable to be president.

Hitler could get elected in the US if the media and money men were backing him.

Did I miss something or has nothing remarkable happened in the past few hours other then media announcing, one day before critical CA primary, that it's a done deal? Isn't the news here just that a media outlet went first on a limb to declare her? The data they used available to all, they just pre empted CA to announce, like "calling" it on election night.

It's no more then east coast "calling" polls before west coast votes in election night- an effort to appear inevitable and so opposition voters remain home. This is such BS. It's a nonstop river of manipulation and deceit from these insurgents/criminals. The right is always out gunned coz they are morons. Is there no end to stupid in America? This is a grand larceny!

Well, Hillary is the only one running who has actually launched war or aggression so...

Yes- An irresponsible, preemptive strike by the media to influence the primary voting in Clinton's favor because they knew it was a dead heat in Cali. Regardless of whether she ultimately got the nomination, losing Cali would have been quite damaging to an already damaged candidate. Now that the media has cleared her way by further diminishing Sanders claim and Obama has given her the wink and okie-dokie on the legal issues, she is ready to go forward and implode under her own in competency.

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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I wonder what country you are from ?

My guess is the United States of America. Oh, regarding President Obama campaign well for HRC? Jingthing is spot on.

Can you imagine dragging the last GOP President away from his paint-by-the-numbers art afternoons to campaign 'effectively' for Trump? First off, family Bush wouldn't let W do it, and secondly Trump wouldn't want him.

That my friend is the key difference, for in the log run, the Democratic Party and its principles is a united party.

United? No, but in the pockets of Goldman Sachs and big money? Yes!

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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I think he owes it to HRC... she could have been a sore loser 8 years ago, but she was not, she supported him.

Meanwhile in back in reality, they made a deal. They are politicians. She got her Secretary of State job.

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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I think he owes it to HRC... she could have been a sore loser 8 years ago, but she was not, she supported him.

Meanwhile in back in reality, they made a deal. They are politicians. She got her Secretary of State job.

In return for Bubba's endorsement

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What a load of garbagio, it is not over yet, tho that has been the game since almost a year ago, that it's all over, all wrapped up, go home, go back to sleep, Hillary is the dem's candidate before anything has even gotten started.

Excuse me, but have the California primary results come in yet? I don't think so!

In any case Hillary is not electable! Does the Democratic party want any credibility in the future? Do they not want to consider that She will lose to Trump! Do they not want to consider that young voters have resoundingly rejected her nationwide? Many polls show this and that Bernie would stomp Trump!

Never Trump and never Hillary! Bernie for write in candidate! You do have that option, if you are allowed to vote.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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Quite possible the Dem's motive to select the evil witch early could well be because she will be indicted. Dem's need to get Bernie out of the way so they can slip in a "real" democrat like Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden at the convention with less hassle. The democrat party is pretty much run like Thailand's proposed constitution, to ensure the success of the elites choice, the chosen get 700 delegates to correct any "wrong" selection made by the voting public.

Good on Bernie to bring out the BS in the Dem's selection process, he speaks that which should not be spoken.

Unreal how CNN is spinning this story today...the first woman, blah, blah, blah, anything to get the public's interest up for this uppity bimbo. She is boring old news, speaking only on script and she does not sale well outside the black and old lady communities.

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BBC were talking to voters in the street. Asking who'll they vote for in November. Closing comment was something I've said before. It's coming down to who's disliked least. Jon Sopel in another piece had to correct himself. It sounded like he was about to refer to Kilary. He got the kill sound out.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Voting for Hillary is like accepting a cheating liar for a wife.... Who would ever do that ? Best to stay at home or find another...

Green Party, maybe worth another look. Perhaps even Bernie will will run under their banner.... I think he would win !

Substitute ''wife'' for ''husband'' and the answer is Hillary >_> Edited by SABloke
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I voted for Obama twise,

but I am very disappointed in him. He is putting politics before country, he is more interested in the well being of his party than he is of the country

Very disappointed . I would rather see Trump win than vote for Hillary.

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