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Banana IT Samui sell 70 year old British woman a duff phone then refuse to replace it


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Banana IT Samui sell 70 year old British woman a duff phone then refuse to replace it


KOH SAMUI: -- Banana IT in Koh Samui have ruined the holiday of a 70 year old British woman who was on the island to celebrate her milestone Birthday with her daughter.

During her stay the Mrs Connell decided to buy a new phone, as hers had broken, and went to Banana IT to purchase a 28,875 baht 64Gb Rose Gold iPhone.

However the pensioners delight at her new purchase turned to disappointment when it turned out the phone did not work, but thinking Banana IT (Comseven, a publically listed company) was a reputable company she and her daughter assumed they could return the phone to the shop and get a replacement or refund.

However when they arrived at Banana IT they told by a very rude assistant that the faulty phone could be neither be refunded or replaced and tried to force the now very upset mother to sign a disclaimer.

Disgusted with the service and upset to have invested in a worthless phone Mrs Connell and her daughter approached the tourist police for advice. The tourist police suggested that the matter be dealt with by the Samui Provincial Tourist Court before laughing and joking with the shop assistant, who had laughed in Mrs Connells face, before giving the shop assistant a ride home.

Mrs Connell has been left shaken and upset by her experience with Banana IT. “I came to the island of Koh Samui to enjoy my 70th Birthday with my daughter” she told the Samui Times, “all I wanted to do was buy a new phone for my trip”.


“I was having a wonderful time but now I feel completely violated and having to go to the police over a matter that should have been easily dealt with ‘in store’ was very upsetting, and now I am facing a court case, it’s completely ruined my impressions of Koh Samui.”

The phone, that was purchased less than 48 hours ago, should have been replaced under the 7 days returns policy that Banana IT are blatantly disregarding.

“I can’t believe this has happened” said Mrs Connells daughter, “my Mum came here for her 70th birthday, not to take abuse from nasty shop assistants or be forced to spend time with the tourist police”

She continued “having to face a court case over a phone that should simply have been refunded or replaced is ridiculous, now she is £500 out of pocket and has had a really upsetting experience, I am so cross, it really is a disgrace”.

The Samui Times tried to contact Banana IT but could not reach them by phone, it seems their phones are either also malfunctioning or maybe their customers service by phone is almost as bad as their over the counter skills!

Source: http://www.samuitimes.com/banana-it-samui-sell-70-year-old-british-woman-a-duff-phone-then-refuse-to-replace-it/

-- Samui Times 2016-06-09

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How disgraceful.

Probably a previous return that they try to sell to a 'soft target' or a knockoff that one of the workers tried to sell on the sly.

Still, got me beat why tourists buy this sort of big ticket thing while on holiday.

A hassle if needing after sales a few months later

Due to the international costing policy a genuine Iphone is not much cheaper in Thailand anyway.

Not condoning the fraud, but she should have just bought a 2000 baht holiday phone and tossed it away later.

If i had to buy from here, it would only be from the legit brand name stores in the big malls, not the discount cowboy shysters.

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Many retailers try scams like this on unsuspecting tourists/ farangs.

I bought a camera from a reputable retailer, in the shop it was working fine.

Assistant demonstrated how to use it. Then took it out back to wrap it.

When i got home i went to use the camera ( <deleted> ) not the same camera.

Went back to the shop, ohh you did not buy that here, ohh yes i did look at the receipt.

Stupid buggers refused to change it, you paid we got your money bye bye.

Wrong i just contacted my credit card people and stopped payment.

As previously stated why do tourists spend serious money buying a phone when on holiday?

Lady should have bought a cheapy, then bought an expensive phone when she got home.

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As previously stated why do tourists spend serious money buying a phone when on holiday?

Lady should have bought a cheapy, then bought an expensive phone when she got home.

I don't think that is the point, there are consumer protection laws even here in the back blocks of Asia.

Reading reports like this makes me grateful for the low profile retailers we have here in the Isaan rice paddies.

Over the 15 years I've lived here I have had to return 2 items (a phone and computer key board) on both occasions the items were replaced immediately with apologies and a smile.

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Don't ever buy from that shop. The best way to wipe that insulting smirk off their faces is when everyone--the island community and visitors alike-- makes a concerted effort to bring their baht and business elsewhere.

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As previously stated why do tourists spend serious money buying a phone when on holiday?

Lady should have bought a cheapy, then bought an expensive phone when she got home.

I don't think that is the point, there are consumer protection laws even here in the back blocks of Asia.

Reading reports like this makes me grateful for the low profile retailers we have here in the Isaan rice paddies.

Over the 15 years I've lived here I have had to return 2 items (a phone and computer key board) on both occasions the items were replaced immediately with apologies and a smile.

In fairness, vendors in small farming areas know that 'repeat customers' are their bread and butter and they also know how news travels fast.

The attitudes of these imbeciles in tourist areas is "Mai pen rai, they are only farang and will go home soon anyway"

Its the whole arrogance of just taking as much as they can get and offering contempt in exchange.

The doomsdayers have been predicting the worst for years.

I dont think its here yet but it will come.

As more economies chrash, more debt, more job losses from advanced technologies and a host of other issues, tourists will be in short supply.

Zero interest rates ripping away the income that other groups might have spent on travel wont help either.

Thailand will have the Chinese, but they spend nothing.

Actually im starting to think they are just here to gawk at dodgy farangs in Pattaya. Why else would they go there?

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One of the problems with this country is that many of those who run businesses don't understand how things like this spread on the internet, and when it happens, and they go bust as a result, they just blame it on bad luck and go for a som tam or a beer or go home to sleep.

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Consumer rights suck in the country and consulates should have warnings on this,among other advice most countries fail to give for its travellers.

Edited by kingalfred
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How disgraceful.

Probably a previous return that they try to sell to a 'soft target' or a knockoff that one of the workers tried to sell on the sly.

Still, got me beat why tourists buy this sort of big ticket thing while on holiday.

A hassle if needing after sales a few months later

Due to the international costing policy a genuine Iphone is not much cheaper in Thailand anyway.

Not condoning the fraud, but she should have just bought a 2000 baht holiday phone and tossed it away later.

If i had to buy from here, it would only be from the legit brand name stores in the big malls, not the discount cowboy shysters.

You are probably right on that one!

I bought some RAM for a PC from one of their branches, installed it and it didn't work. Took it back to the shop where they then tested it and agreed it was faulty.

They kindly replaced the faulty RAM with a new stick from stock, but before I had even left the store they put the faulty RAM back in its packaging and put it straight back into the display cabinet with all of the other "NEW" stock.

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i had the same in MBK. luckily not an expensive phone.lady i buy for say phone keeps freezing up and it had a chunk out of it,so obviously someone had returned it to the shop. it was second hand, i took it back to explain, that the phone "freezes" she rang her mate up using it who was in the stall next door, "nothing wrong with the phone" she was having none of it and refused to return my money and was going to call security.

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Banana's warranties are crap, a few years back I bought a high-end Logitech mouse which broke after a couple of weeks. After driving around Pattaya to find their HQ half a year later, I was told "sorry cannot fix" and given an inferior model. Never buying anything from them anymore.

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Expensive items like this should be paid with a credit card rather than cash. That way you will always have the option to simply contact your credit card provider, explain them the situation and have the payment cancelled.

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I think this is an isolated case just at this particular store.

I bought an expensive SSD card from Banana IT last year only to find it would not fit in my computer. I took it back to Banana IT for exchange but they didn't have the correct one so I asked for a refund. At first the clerk didn't want to give me refund but after I spoke nicely to the manager I got a full refund.

Another time I purchased 2x8Gb RAM as a set from Banana IT. One stick stopped working so I took the set back to the store within the 1 year warrantee. The staff gave me a hard time but I persevered and they eventually took both sticks and said they had to send it back to their supplier for checking. After 2 months and many calls and visits to check on the status and eventually getting the phone number of the district manager I got a upgraded RAM set because they didn't have any equivalent replacement.

On a separate occasion I purchased a DLink Router from Banana IT (years ago) that came with a lifetime warrantee. It stopped working after a couple years so I took it back to Banana IT. It took them 2 months to repair but I did get it back.

My advise to the OP is to contact the district manager directly and have a Thai person do this because they don't speak English.

Edited by RBOP
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I bought a lap years ago from pantip, hopped on the plane got home to find all of the free preloaded extras Including the OS were non genuine. lesson learned, never again

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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I think this is an isolated case just at this particular store.

I bought an expensive SSD card from Banana IT last year only to find it would not fit in my computer. I took it back to Banana IT for exchange but they didn't have the correct one so I asked for a refund. At first the clerk didn't want to give me refund but after I spoke nicely to the manager I got a full refund.

Another time I purchased 2x8Gb RAM as a set from Banana IT. One stick stopped working so I took the set back to the store within the 1 year warrantee. The staff gave me a hard time but I persevered and they eventually took both sticks and said they had to send it back to their supplier for checking. After 2 months and many calls and visits to check on the status and eventually getting the phone number of the district manager I got a upgraded RAM set because they didn't have any equivalent replacement.

On a separate occasion I purchased a DLink Router from Banana IT (years ago) that came with a lifetime warrantee. It stopped working after a couple years so I took it back to Banana IT. It took them 2 months to repair but I did get it back.

My advise to the OP is to contact the district manager directly and have a Thai person do this because they don't speak English.

My advise to the OP is to contact the district manager directly and have a Thai person do this because they don't speak English.

The OP does not have the problem, the OP is just reporting the news.

As for the buyer, I doubt that a 70 year old tourist has a Thai Visa account, so not sure how they will read your advice.

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I would say the phone is a copy. I bought the same flour up here in KHON KAEN for 3,900 baht.

Obviously the tourist police are not interested. There must be somewhere to take it to check if copy.

Go to another IPhone registered shop and say you bought it in the bar can they check it out. If they say it is a copy get them to give a document to say so and pay them 200 baht.

I bought a laptop from Bannana IT in KHON KAEN not good.

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Many retailers try scams like this on unsuspecting tourists/ farangs.

I bought a camera from a reputable retailer, in the shop it was working fine.

Assistant demonstrated how to use it. Then took it out back to wrap it.

When i got home i went to use the camera ( <deleted> ) not the same camera.

Went back to the shop, ohh you did not buy that here, ohh yes i did look at the receipt.

Stupid buggers refused to change it, you paid we got your money bye bye.

Wrong i just contacted my credit card people and stopped payment.

As previously stated why do tourists spend serious money buying a phone when on holiday?

Lady should have bought a cheapy, then bought an expensive phone when she got home.

Maybe she wanted to use the camera on her iPhone to take momentos of her big birthday... Don't blame her, blame the sh*t shop

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ditto for BANANA Hua Hin.


After 3 days, my printer no longer worked.

I insisted that the mend and had to send to Bangkok.

One month without the printer.

Ditto for a SAMSUNG camera. 8 days after, down.

They did not want get it fixed than if I paid the repair.

He was under warranty, so I refused and I have not relented.

Finally, a saleswoman told me that there was a repair SAMSUNG in Hua Hin.

I brought the invoice and three days after I got the camera for free.

Never again in BANANA. I go to Tesco or Hom Pro.

They exchange the device, when it's a few days.

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I bought a smart phone for my TGF's birthday in May, Bought it from Banana in Central Festival Pattaya, cost 4990 Bt. It was a brand new phone, sealed up in the box, and the seal was broken right in front of me as they opened the box to register it. I was told if there was any problem with the phone it would be refunded or replaced if returned within 7 days, and after 7 days any problems would be dealt with via the manufacturer's 12-month warranty. Nothing at all wrong with GF's new phone, it works a treat and she's delighted with it.

However, this woman in Samui, it sure sucks that the shop won't honor their 7 day agreement.

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